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Leftside up

Well-known member
Deflection is all he knows. My girls my wife my mental health. I cannot remember if MM stayed over. It’s all good at home my lovely wife my lovely girls. MM wants to be left alone and I’m providing him at my expense with a legal team. I don’t have a career a best friend Im so sorry to have lied from Holly down to my fans.

It’s all about Pip. Another PS show!

Why can he not recall details and why provide such a casual mate with a lawyer?
Why speak for suspected victim?
Why hide any relationship if there is nothing to hide?
Where are the details of the actual reason why HW started to look at PS with disdain live on screen?
Why did she want pip out AH in?

Why is the show black and dark to make him look so serious and sad? Downcast face pouty lip.

Should have painted the set red as a warning this man has coercive control written all over him.
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Dotty Merton

VIP Member
All from ladies of a certain age I’ve noticed. There must be something about the menopause that addles the brain, if that happens to me can someone please shoot me? I’d hate to end up like that.
Gym I love you but do fuck off with the menopause stuff, it has not addled my brain at all, but it has sharpened it for bull shit. I thank you to keep the ageism and menopausism to yerself. 😇 😘
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Chatty Member
Whilst it is so very sad about Caroline, it is important to remember that it wasn’t just this one event that lead to her suicide. Having watched the documentary made by her family, it’s clear she’d been having major issues for many years and had attempted suicide before but it was all hidden from her public persona. She was a troubled young woman and her situation was incredibly tragic.
So to even compare it to PS as some papers/stupid social media individuals are doing is ridiculous. He is now, simply, trying to do some damage control in the hopes that he may be thrown some crumbs by someone somewhere.
Yes, all major suicide charities remind us that suicide is complex and rarely triggered by one life event. I’ve said previously on these threads that I don’t believe press intrusion was the main cause of Caroline choosing to take her own life but I’m sure none of us really know why, many elements will have been involved and I saw that documentary too, it’s clear she didn’t have only one or two problems.

Phil invoking CF’s name is utterly disgusting. He really is awful.
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VIP Member
That newspaper review segment was painful viewing.

Gyles fully coming out to bat for This Morning telling us again and again what a wonderful place it is to work (it's giving cult, at this point); Alison weeping and telling us all to use the Bible like a Sat Nav (throw it out the window on the M6 after it warns me of 'speed cameras ahead'?); Dermot looks mighty missed off.

Mental health card being played repeatedly. They're trying to rehabilitate him.
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Well they finally addressed the elephant in the room on TM. Judging from the clip they’ve shown it’s a very poor me, pity me situation. They seem to forget there is a young man in this situation who also needs support. What about him? Phil needs to just accept defeat and go away now. Threatening suicide is a huge narcissistic trait.
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Well-known member
The fact that he had a WhatsApp group called The Event, for when he was about to come out, just shows how important he thinks he is.
And also proves what Eammon said about how well prepared they both were for that interview. Ruth and Eammon were just used.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
I worry more about the poor lad involved in this, not that asshole scofield.

I hope now that he (MM) realises Philth does not give a frig about him and is only concerned with saving Himself so surely its time MM spoke out to refute the bullshit from the predatory creep, not allow him to slag everyone else off when its perfectly clear HE is the guilty party in all this mess :(
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"I did not, I did not", is possibly one of the least natural answers to a question I've ever heard. Liars will say anything except a direct yes or no.
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"Last week, if my daughters hadn't been there, I wouldn't be here," he said. "They've been by my side every moment because they're scared to let me out of their sight."

Eh who is he trying to kid. Trying to make out like he’s suicidal. Harsh of me but the reason you’re still here is because you’re a massive narc.
He’s Emotionally blackmailing the poor girls 😞 by saying he’d probably not be here if it wasn’t for the girls 😡
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Right lets get this straight, Philip who had come out as gay had an affair with a male colleague who was over the age on consent. The newpaper reported the story.

SO WHAT IS THE BIG FUCKING ISSUE? Why has everyone dropped him and the guy he had an affair with got a lawyer?

Make it make sense!
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Active member
I could be wrong and overthinking it but it’s like he’s trying to appeal to MM through this interview to stop him going public. Something an abuser would do. Playing psychological games.
Yup, backpedalling to a form of lovebombing stage. Getting MM's hopes up only to smash them again. I hope the poor lad is surrounded by loving family and friends for this.
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He is apologising to his 'best mate' HW now in the Sun saying she also knew nothing and he lied to her like everyone else. Not going to work, she knew like everyone else did. 1
And not looking good for her supposed return to TM on Monday. Bet she's furious with him for doing these interviews
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I can’t see the attachment but it refers to the person ‘receiving’ but unlike typical bottom stereotype they’re dominating and in control, not passive
I wonder if our hoovers give a secret insight into our sexual proclivities? Mine is a Shark and it lights up the floor when you turn it on in the dark 👀
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