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I’ve watched enough True Crime interviews and straight away PHILLITH proved he’s lying straight through his grooming teeth.
Notice the slow blinks, almost closing of the eyes and then a wide stare.
Liars will do this to re focus and stay “in character”, he has no remorse, is in deep denial he did anything wrong and in true narcissistic style portraying the ultimate victim!
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Wow. What a load of utter tripe he's talking. He reckons the reason it all came to a head now is that the "lie got bigger and bigger". How? Surely it's a yes or no answer to whether you had a relationship with a young person - how does that "get bigger"? He feels the need to state he's had support "from a very prominent public figure". Big wow. Does that mean their support is more valid than that of a random person on the street? As for the supposed "homophobia" - how it would just be "nudge nudge, wink wink" if it were a heterosexual relationship - no, Phil. The issue is that you groomed a child, not that you're gay. Get a clue.

Also, he needs to make his mind up. "It's relentless. How much do they think one man can take. Do they want me to die?" and "I don't look at it anymore. I've deleted my social media. I don't read the news stories" - these two things don't go together. If you're not looking, how can it be getting to you and about to push you over the edge?

Lies. So many lies.
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I've got an idea why doesn't he sod off to portugal seems he can't walk the streets here in england anymore. He can take his loving wife and his 2 adult daughters, who don't seem to know what is going on and when they do find out, don't think daddy has done anything wrong. One big happy family off you fuck to portugal!
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“I lied" everyone but "I am not a groomer"
"It was a consensual relationship" that was not a relationship as it was just "shagging a mate" but "I saw the photos and realised how bad it looks”.

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House of Tea

VIP Member
He is portraying himself as a victim and some people are lapping it up, including some on here.

This is a man who has consistently lied, and yet we are now expected to believe everything he says now. At the time of his coming out, he said in the last few years I have realised I am gay. The last few years he referenced were the period that covered his grooming relationship with MM. So, we are expected to believe that this old man’s forays into living his true life was with a boy he had known as a young child, and who had engineered things to have him around. He said that in case news about the relationship was going to come out, which It started to because it was weeks after MM declared his love publicly.

He is still married to protect the family fortune. Before all this he was a rich, famous, powerful man, out of the closet. I can imagine why a few opportunists would want to be in a serious relationship/marriage with him. Staying married to Steph is a shield so that others don’t get ideas about their permanence in his life. It suits him and Steph well.

There are others out there who has stuff to tell. He is trying to deflect everything by using other people’s inner torments (Caroline Flack) and using homophobia accusations. He used the 1st June, the start of Pride month, to do his interviews because he wanted to link in with that and deflect attention, people are being mean because I am gay. He also thinks that this will now prevent the likes of Wooten etc to stop the “attacks”. Well played Phillip. Hopefully, if there are others with tales to tell, they won’t be put off coming forward

He isn’t the victim. The victim here is MM, who was groomed no matter how PS spins it, and who was discarded when he became manly and wanting a serious relationship. His life is in tatters. He won’t speak out now, he is still being manipulated by PS.

It’s clear that he still thinks he has a chance of controlling the narrative, it’s working in some cases, people are starting to come out in support. He will hope to resume some type of tv career (his safe space 🙄), and he won’t leave the limelight quietly.
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Well-known member
Honestly, sick making. If I were his ‘young lover’, I’d be utterly broken by this. It’s not Phil who needs to be on suicide watch, IMO. What an utter tosser.
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I am worried he could end his life if the papers dont stop. Yes what he done is very wrong, dont thing hes a nice man at all. But he didnt do anything illegal and im worried this is going to be a repeat of what happened to Caroline Flack. Wish the papers would just drop it now
He's a public figure whose wealth and profile exist because of the good will of the public, who he has lied to. He is now experiencing the natural consequences of his actions.

If he'd wanted a different story told about his behaviour, he should have acted with integrity. This is what happens when you live a lie and make enemies - eventually the house of cards comes toppling down and when it does, the lows will be as low as the highs were high.

I've been suicidal and I'm really fucking tired of hearing suicide used as an excuse for shitty people throw themselves a pity party and wriggle out of difficult situations they've manufactured themselves. He's the author of his own misfortune. Fuck around and find out, as the kids might say.
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Tilly Kister

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What's he going to do with his days?
Gargle posh gin & sleaze onto little boys if what he's been doing with his days for the past 40 years is anything to go by.
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If I was Caroline Flack's family I'd be deeply pissed off that this rotten man was trying to hide his wrong-doings behind her memory.

Where were Philip and the rest of the This Morning vultures when she was at her lowest ebb? Did he use his significant platform and obvious clout within ITV to endorse her publicly? Was she given an opportunity to tell her side of the story just days after the original story broke?

It's ghoulish to invoke her name to try and hide from criticism.
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Just getting to the end of the interview. How fucking dare he insinuate that if MM had been a young girl it would all have been OK. Philth you dirty slag, grooming young kids IS NEVER OK right? Doesn't matter if they are guys or girls or whether you are homo or heterosexual. It's the same ans nothing to do with homophobia. Pervert.
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Chatty Member
Still doesn't explain why the Parliamentary committee would get involved over a perfectly legal and consensual affair. They're not fucking Relate.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
If PS was so caring about MM, his vulnerabilities and issues, why did he have him slung off set and out of the green room at the NTAs. He just wanted “his mate” gone when MM became a man, and who declared his love for PS. He became an issue for PS then. What is his obsession with youth - trying to pretend he isn’t like the average 60 year old, he is down with the kids. He is down with the male kids because he wants something from them.
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Chatty Member
Just reading the letters between the parliamentary committee and McCall’s response. We’ve heard the same words from Itv previously but the reference to finding nothing beyond hearsay and rumour is quite telling. What evidence did they expect to find? Phil at it with MM in his dressing room? The wording is not a categoric denial that they found anything, it’s a weaselly attempt to downplay that people confirmed that something was going on.

Given the seriousness of these allegations, rumours, call them what you will, that was surely enough to take action. And indeed MM was moved to LW and paid off. So I suspect they were pretty clear on what was going on but the only person they cared about protecting was Phil, not the ‘troubled young man’. They’ve admitted as much and it’s disgusting.

And while we’re at it, Holly should tell her PR that using the phrase ‘super relaxed‘ about being questioned isn’t appropriate given we’re talking about grooming, not whether M&S gave her the wrong dress to wear.
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