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VIP Member
Alison crying over Philip Schofield. Get in the fucking bin.
No mention whatsoever of MM and his mental health 😡

Allison has a son, so if the same thing happened to him would she be crying over the older bloke.

I think TM should have carried on ignoring it because that was an absolute piss take
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Tilly Kister

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View attachment 2211878

He’s really using homophobia as his shield. I’ve actually wondered if there would have been more outrage if it had been a young girl.
If it had been a 61 yaer old male celeb with an 18 year old girl he'd been grooming - sorry "mentoring" - since she was 10 he'd not have time to grab his vape before the press & public lit out after him with torches & pitchforks.
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More red flags in that BBC interview than a Communist Party rally

No acknowledgement of an imbalance of power
When asked point blank what was wrong with the relationship, he can't of anything, and eventually says "I kissed a friend" - way to miss the point Phil
Manipulative - suicide baiting, comparing himself to Caroline Flack, dragging his daughters into it
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Chilli pepper 19

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He's fucking scum saying he's suicidal. I'm dealing with the fact my dad's got weeks leg to live after 2 weeks ago being told his cancer was treatable. That's hell. Being groomed by a predator is hell. He's just pissed he's got found out. I hope the press go hard on him so he does feel suicidal
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Strawberry Tart

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I agree with this. Why would they still be mates when P got M moved to LW, then ignored him at the nta awards
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been in touch with MM trying to say let’s be friends again etc etc. trying to get him onside in an effort to save his sorry arse. I just hope M is strong enough to see through him and get his own story out.
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Chatty Member
Utterly vile to hint at suicide.
Of course, Caroline shouldn’t have hit her boyfriend, but what Phil did is, I agree worse. The imbalance of power and the sneakiness of it all. Also, to be blunt, Caroline isn’t here anymore and yet Phil is; so we can see who was hit harder by their own actions. That isn’t to say I wish anything bad on Phil, simply that for all his suggestion of going through a bad time etc he’s well enough to give TV interviews which Caroline evidently was not.
Whilst it is so very sad about Caroline, it is important to remember that it wasn’t just this one event that lead to her suicide. Having watched the documentary made by her family, it’s clear she’d been having major issues for many years and had attempted suicide before but it was all hidden from her public persona. She was a troubled young woman and her situation was incredibly tragic.
So to even compare it to PS as some papers/stupid social media individuals are doing is ridiculous. He is now, simply, trying to do some damage control in the hopes that he may be thrown some crumbs by someone somewhere.
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Anyone else sitting back, watching it all unfold and can't believe this is all actually happening?
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This whole threatening suicide thing is making me sick. Get off sm then Philip and you won’t see anything. You’ve the money for a top therapist if you were genuinely mentally I’ll not running for a bbc interview. You have a voice. MM doesn’t here. What about his mental health?????
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Why would you feel suicidal if what you did was “legal”? He knows for a fact he’s a ped0 and that’s that
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There has to be surely
MM cant go on not giving his side
I really think he will be coming out with his story at the weekend, because:

1) The DM are getting more bold in publishing photos and videos of MM and Philth (albeit with MM blurred out), which makes me think he is definitely speaking to them

2) Phil's two interviews just reek of trying to get his story out first to help with damage control and control the narrative. He didn't even stop and think to think how the interviews would be perceived, or to have his answers looked over by some consultants/PR people
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I’m despairing at him dragging CF’s name into this… as if he couldn’t sink any lower.
Absolutely disgusting.
The person’s mental/emotional health I’m concerned about is MM’s and MM’s only.
Absolute knobjocky. I’m fuming, it’s bad enough deluded middle aged women on FB dropping CF’s name in comments defending him, but him to jump on the bandwagon is a whole new level of despicable.
Get this cunt off my TV.
I’m fuming.

Forgive me but Schofield would never do what CF did, because the smug tosser loves himself too much for that. Outrageous for him to mention her name.

“If you question my behaviour, I might take my own life!”, that’s the implication. What a piece of work.
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It shocks me that after Rochdale and that programme, Three Girls i think it was called people still don't grasp the concept of grooming. I think watching that started my brain ticking over to be honest. People are quick enough to make noise with the likes of Saville after the fact, yet here we are with it staring us in the face and people don't see it.
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He’s neatly painted Holly into a corner. We know her “I didn’t know” was not plausible and she may have walked it back some point and said a bit of what she did know. Which may have left him in the shit. So him “confirming” she didn’t know kinda leaves her unable to say anything. So if the whole house of cards comes down, Holly can’t avoid going down with it.

Holly, if you want any viewer cred ever again, you need to start saying what you DID know, pronto.
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