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VIP Member
She’s telling the sheep not to read here because she knows if they do they’d have their eyes opened to what she really is. She’s shit scared of this site! ?
Mranwhile, she’s obsessively reading it herself! ???
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Bella Ciao

Active member
Why are her followers always concerned about our families? They do understand that we’re not the ones selling our family’s privacy for some Elemis and Olay moisturizers right? Or I don’t know, every piece of clothing and furniture she has in her house. Hey sheep, we’re the ones worried about their children’s privacy and advocating for them to stop using their children for money. Is that really so hard to comprehend?

Also, find it ironic that they also seem to think that just because we find a few minutes to post on this forum, we must neglect our families - that’s some kind of logic but ok, so what happens to their families while they sit there licking Reb’s arse all day long?

The women & men posting on here have achieved much, much more in their lives than Reb ever has and ever will, we can assure you of that but thanks for your concern I suppose. Now, get back to paying attention to Mrs Meldrum’s ADs and see what else you have to purchase, we wouldn’t want you to miss out on anything.
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I’ve just unsubscribed from her instagram, YouTube and Lees Instagram. She really is up her own arse its unreal! I really used to enjoy her videos but over the past 6 months I’ve just seen a change in her. She has the cheek to say this page is venemous ? she really is deluded and I hope this is the year her sheep start seeing sense!
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VIP Member
I mean can someone, anyone, please go to her and explain how far detached and removed from reality she actually is.

No Spend January
Day 1 she’s planning a new kitchen
Day 2 she spent/exchanged items
Day 3 she’s flashing the free book and boasting about the designer bag
Day 4 girls posted wearing their free ski suits - you know even though Florence doesn’t feel the cold when she’s outside, she’s bundled up for a photo opportunity.
Day 4 continued, the girls are starting ski lessons!
Later in Day 4 she’s planning a holiday with friends, so they can take the cereal box game global and it’s so hard coordinating with them as they will be hoping to get a so so fortunate gifted holiday from Neilson.

Why is she asking where people are going? We all know full well she couldn’t give a shit where Susan Sheep and Jenny Jumponthebandwagon are going this year!

I wonder when she has Florence in school if she will take them both out during term time to suit her holiday schedule. Most of us parents have to work around the school holidays, funny you don’t see that being mentioned as an issue for them correlating a date to go away.

She really is proving herself to be a Grade A arsehole. It would have served her better not to bother advertising she was doing a “no spend”. She clearly has no real money worries, not to the extent some can face this time of year having worked their socks off to provide their families with everything they could for Christmas. She’s a disgrace and a pitiful excuse for this picture perfect mother and role model she likes to claim she is.
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VIP Member
What would she gain from not saying gifted / ad?
There’s been research done that shows sheep don’t respond in the right way when something is labelled AD /GIFTED. The studies done show fewer people watch, and even fewer ‘trust’ and therefore go on to part with their hard earned dolla when what's being peddled when it’s correctly labelled.

It breaks down the idea these floggers are trying to create that they’re just your wee pal sharing great stuff they’ve paid for and used and therefore recommend themselves.

If your real life mate said ‘you should try this it’s fab!’ Then followed it up - once you’d paid for it and find out it’s shite - with ‘oh by the way I’ve been paid to tell you it’s fab and get dolla each time you buy it, I don’t use it at all in fact I’ve just got dolla by selling it on a local selling page’ you’d soon ditch that mate!
So the Selldrums, just like the other YT fraudsters and MLMs our there, want to keep the fact theyre manipulating vulnerable families to get $$$ quiet - hence the reluctance to label legally!
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Well-known member

Bloody hell Reb. YOU CAN HAVE AN OPINION! Just know that not everyone is going to like it or kiss your behind and feel the exact same. And maybe break your no spend January and buy yourself a dictionary. I suggest looking up the word hypocrisy. You might learn something.
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Bonanza babe

Just the premise of setting up a photo shoot of yourself reading a book about feminism is hilarious enough, but she’s not even looking at the book ?
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Active member
The problem here is Mrs Meldrum has blocked and deleted any comment that wasn't gushing about her..She hasn't answered any queries maturely or accepted not everyone would agree with everything. Instead she's pushed away people who would of perhaps disagreed with one post and carried on supporting her and turned them against her. Because she herself hasn't allowed opinion. So she's now getting a taste of her own medicine by having to censor her own opinion.

Another reason it isn't coming across well is because she only EVER criticises things she paid for. She's never ever given an honest critique of anything gifted so she comes across completely dishonest.

One rule for her about wanting to be able to criticise and slate other peoples work but it's not allowed of hers or she's being trolled. She really needs to grow up it's pathetic she can't answer people maturely and instead deletes and blocks.
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Bonanza babe

She is so clueless. She thinks people who don’t go on holiday are just frittering their money away? We haven’t been on holiday in so long. We budget, We go without. We don’t have anything kindly gifted, yet guess what? No fucking holiday. Can’t she think for one minute that she might be hurting peoples’ feelings? I’m sure we are a family who would love holidays too, but it’s simply not an option
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Active member
Jeez I must really hate myself right now. I’ve just watch part of her vlog where her sister comes home. A huge bug bear of mine is forcing kids to be affectionate if they don’t want to. I do insist on hellos and goodbyes but hugs/kisses etc I absolutely will now force. Shaming your 4 year old for being shy about towards a relative they haven’t seen for over a year infuriates me. And if that was my kid and someone just scooped her up into a hug against her will when she’s in obviously uncomfortable? I would’ve lost my shit!

And then... ‘Are you blubbing?’ Here let me shove this camera in your face quick.

And then I stopped watching to come here and say.... DICK!!!
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Member 177

Thread 1 took a month to get to 50 pages. Since then it's almost a thread a week. To have 1000+ comments a week from a tiny site with "15 or so" people, they are deluded if they think this is the minority speaking out. There may be 20 very vocal voices here but just look at the likes, many comments get up to 30+ on some. Then there are the silent guest lurkers who also read here daily.
If that was my business being slated here, I hope I would address it and regain trust and protect my brand.

It also highlights the Ingham following is mainly under 18 and that's how they are getting away with his behaviours simply because many parents still don't know what he has done.
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VIP Member
And the see how the very slightly critical posts are gone I can hear her now: ‘meld why are they trolling me block delete block delete block delete’
The hypocrisy of deleting anything mildly critical on a post where she's being critical herself! Spoilt brat
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Well-known member
"What hope for their families"

My family is doing very well, thank you. I'd be more concerned about the three Meldrum girls...
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Chatty Member
Well poor S yet again the problem child to whoever said that to be fair S is prob at an age where she's pushing her mum's buttons the prob with that is she been in Rebs eyes pushing buttons for about 4 years now. I'm going to sidè with S on this one as some of the meals I've seen them put in front of the girls I would turn my nose up at.
However what came across to me was the fact that things that work or could work didn't suit Reb, eating earlier really did work but doesn't suit our family as I want another meal at 8pm so feed the girls separately but that won't work cos Reb wants to eat all together, feeding kiddie meals well maybe when they want a takeaway but Reb wants everyone eating the same thing and she doesnt want fish fingers (by the way Reb when I want Salmon me and hubby have it and just make the kids fish fingers or fish cake we all have same sides not really hard to do little changes) all I heard from Reb was me me me.
Nothing wrong with making a meal but feeding the girls at 4.30pm if that works for them you can sit with them and chat but not eat and then have yours later oh but that won't work cos you want to eat at 5pm by the way Reb that's only a difference of 30 mins surely you could eat earlier and just have a snack later they are your children put them first.
To be honest Reb needs to realise she has to forget about herself and think what's best for the girls they do eat a wide variety of foods they really aren't that picky you just need to stop being all about what you want.
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VIP Member
The first positive I can say about Reb is it is nice not to see her kids plastered all over the internet- the last few insta-squares and few stories have been kid free. Hurray! I think that this is a much better, sensible and responsible approach. Keeping those kids safe and giving them some privacy should be Rebs biggest priority.
Unfort most of what she’s replacing it with is the most dreadful shite - but at least it’s only negatively affecting her!
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If I was edgy I would be concerned that her threads are growing far quicker than another family where the dad has been cheating and taking advantage of very young fans!

I get excited everytime i see a thread has jumped several pages in a few hours! Thanks all for the screenshot.
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Iconic Member
On a more serious note there are many different types of eating disorders some are extreme fussy eating.
Eating disorders are not always about looks and weight.

They a huge control thing.

Maybe s feels like her life is not her own and this has manifested in extra fussy eating.
She seems a nervous shy child bit unsure of herself.
The past few years reb has said who she struggled with school but they always going on holiday and her home life is vastly different from her peers

Please don’t go there, she’s a child, this is NORMAL behaviour from a child at stages in their lives, you’re feeding Rebecca’s victim role even implying this or using these words with zero evidence especially with a child so young.
No hate just it’s a dangerous road to start going down.

Just my opinion I just don’t want to fuel her victim fires (in the crypt) with nonsense about S having an eating disorder according to tattle life.
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