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My 17 year old daughter is autistic. She is very high functioning and is still in school and has a part time job. We really don't tell anyone and it's up to her if she wants anyone to know.
I feel so sorry for Ron because the Internet is forever and what she posts about her kids will come back to haunt her when they are older.
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Is there NOTHING left that those boys have private?

She really would sell her soul, except she doesn’t have one, so she has to sell her children instead.
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And those lit candles in lanterns……. just happened to waddle in, of their own accord, for the autism reveal photo?!?! She’s an absolute disgrace.
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Awww she saved autism for Christmas… of course she did.
messy to get diagnosed when you go private soph!!
I have two children with autism, one was referred at 18months and was only diagnosed when they were 7 due to the massive waiting lists!!
ron yes, he seems on the he spectrum… she is not in my opinion…
Autism is for life not just for Christmas Sofadogbed
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Awww she saved autism for Christmas… of course she did.
messy to get diagnosed when you go private soph!!
I have two children with autism, one was referred at 18months and was only diagnosed when they were 7 due to the massive waiting lists!!
ron yes, he seems on the he spectrum… she is not in my opinion…
not all do - my daughter was referred at 3. Diagnosed 7 months later. On the nhs.

let’s be honest though. She has the money to go private and that’s no bad thing as it reduces the waiting list.

She’s annoying for sure but definitely believe that she is too. She ticks many boxes and it runs in families so it fits.

you can be autistic and a dick.
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Oh god I've just thought...

In the superhero/superpowers bros book (announced on 1/1/24) they bros are going to get in to some tend trouble and Mummaz is going to come along and save them with her big secret..that she has the superpowers too...isn't she? She's going to be the hero of her own kids book which is marketed as brave/educating/advocating.

Makes me sick. Grateful to be blocked right now!
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Stacey: I’m going to sing for my grans birthday at the care home because remember when I came 3rd place on X factor and had a successful singing career

Hinch: look at me sat in my garden with my hens at my pretend farm 🤣

She really is an absolute boring nobody and Stacey pisses all over her every time.
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The only thing that was difficult for her about this reveal was deciding when was the most advantageous time to do it. I’d put money on it being no coincidence that her accounts will be out in the next day or so. This is their last throw of the dice to revive her dwindling account.
That pair of cunts will use her, paid for, diagnosis to excuse every single bit of her disgusting conning behaviour. For her autism will absolutely be her “super-power” to deflect from any criticism about anything she ever does. She’ll think she’s fucking invincible now. Every time she fails to declare an ad, or goes missing for days, because she’s a lazy twat who can’t be bothered to do her “job” or being “obsessed” about any passing fad, or her profligate spending on piles of cheap tat; it will all now be excused as part of her autism and anyone that challenges any aspect of her behaviour will be an “ableist troll”.
No aspect of Ronnie’s development and his diagnosis should ever have been for public consumption and even worse she’ll now feel she has free rein to exploit her children even further, if that’s at all possible and she’ll now proclaim to be an ASD expert and speak for all autistic people and parents of autistic children - guess what Soph you absolutely will never be relatable to, or speak for me or my child..
If I’m being generous she might actually have convinced herself that she’s doing this to raise awareness, but I doubt it, because she’s clearly absolutely loving the attention it’s bringing and she and Inch will most definitely have viewed this reveal as a last-ditch, money-making opportunity on a failing brand.
I don’t think I could despise her more right now 🤬
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My first thread title, I'm fank you, you guys ❤ how did this happen to little old ChickenPie! I can't cope!

Thread 500 really is a work of genius and is what got my attention when I found Tattle by accident. Ronnie red gloves was an eye opener.

Her poor kids, she sounds so pissed off when they talk to her in that filtered story. There is absolutely nothing positive about her, awful mum with an awful personality. And it sounded like her mother was there again when she was showing the doll. It's becoming more and more obvious that her mum is either her carer, employee or both.
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14 bacon rolls

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FFS, trying to arrange an adult autism assessment for myself and if anyone tells me I'm copying her now I may go into orbit. 😭🤬

I'm very glad that Ron has been diagnosed and I hope thay they're getting the support that he needs to thrive rather than survive. Get him off SM NOW. As for Sopha... 😬
This is exactly it. I'm 28 and for the last few years I've become extremely aware that I may be neurodivergent. I can't afford private and I don't feel ready to face the NHS. Partly due to the social anxiety aspect but mainly scared to even begin the process as I know the topic of autism has really become more widespread, particularly due to TikTok with people sharing their life, experiences and traits. First hand. Real people. Not a list of traits on a medical site. Not a bad thing by any means, as it reaches an audience that may not of made the connection before.

BUT due to this, I was worried to seek a diagnosis because I'm scared of professionals or anyone thinking I'm trying to 'follow a trend' so to speak. Her revealing she has autism as just made me feel... really upset. And angry. I don't believe she is autistic but I can't make sense of my feelings or anger towards this. It's like she's made it for harder for people who may be struggling because of the reason I've just stated? I'm making no sense but ugh.

I hope someone understands 😅
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Seeing all the comments like "autism is something to celebrate"and "autism rocks" really angers me. My daughter would love not to have panic attacks that are debilitating and getting overwhelmed and overstimulated in social situations. We don't celebrate it, we deal with it and help her deal with it. It's hard.
I wouldn't trade my daughter for the world, but I don't think it rocks and she doesn't either
Yes i frequently celebrate my child being so overwhelmed and not in control of their emotions that they lash out and hurt themselves, others and destroy everything they can.

It's not draining and really trying both mentally and physically. It totally rocks.

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No Sophie Hinchcliffe - I do not think your boy has been requesting a photo. It’s YOU that wants the photo for your content. Lonnie is too young to understand what you do with your photos and videos of him and Ron after they’ve been taken. You abuse their privacy but you hate anyone abusing yours and regularly hide your face or hide behind filters in
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No coincidence that we’ve had random people in here asking about this? Obviously the press have been prepped or her management are trying to get quotes ready from the haters 🙄.
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I am truly fucking dreading all the autism content that will be coming from her now. Any criticism towards Hinch will also now be met with "you can't say that to me, I have aUtIsM" or "iTs NoT mY fAuLT, I hAvE aUtIsM" like it's a get out of jail free card.

She'll now be the autism spokesperson for all the hunz when in reality, she knows NOTHING.

I speak on behalf of myself and my children when I say, she doesn't represent us. We don't claim her. She can go an eat shit.
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What the hell are those napkins? They look like dirty old rags. How the hell is anyone still following this woman? She’s as dull as her shit napkins
Jimbobs cum rags 🤢 reminds me of Fiddles perfumed hanky that Sophie keeps for comfort, the one she wrapped around Jimbobs balls & keeps in a box, if you nose you nose
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It won’t be the two of you together for ever because as soon as Ron is old enough to realise you sold out his medical information to literally anyone who could ever google him, girlfriends, bullies, employers etc etc he is gonna be in therapy and no contact with you as soon as he can
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The way I raaaaaaced here after her latest post. Her engagement is finally crap enough that she’s had to pull out the big guns and address the additional needs of Ronnie.
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The black leggings/white socks combo is such a teenager outfit, I'm so embarrassed for her. The 3 mile long fake, bleached hair looks horrible, the fake tan, fake nails, fake face is so dated. She clearly spends a lot of time with babysitter Abi and thinks validation from a teen means she must look banging.

Also think Inch is a dirty little worm and she knows he's checking out girls a third of his age so she tries to be like them to get his attention/keep him.

The fact that we've never heard/seen Inch compliment her saying she looks "beautiful/glamorous/incredible/lovely" it's always "THAT'S MA WIFE" / "aye yer well fit" and a slap on the ass (or some weird seedy joke about grabbing her tits or getting a blowy etc) :sick: fucking vile, the pair of them.

I've never seen someone so utterly fucking obsessed with themselves, so much so that their own kids are suffering
.. You couldn't pay me to have her life, shallow and empty and fake.
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Imagine selling your child’s soul to the public☹imagine your child as an adult knowing there parents and grandmother orchestrated this whole charred of a life to boost your marketing fathers ego. WOW. She couldn’t make the big time alone , he tried his best and couldn’t so pedal out the children who have no say. Speechless. I’d rather be skint than sell my child’s privacy to the internet.
It’s all been planned out perfectly.

Drop hints about Ron being autistic.

Sheep are too thick to make the connection so drop even bigger hints ie lining tins up etc

Stay off insta for 2 days so the big reveal gets the most engagement possible

When the huns are waiting for the Ron’s autistic reveal BAM Im autistic as well 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Yeah top parenting from Jamie & Sophie Hinchliffe 😡👏🏼
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