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Cassy Role

VIP Member
I don’t have anything to add that hasn’t been said really. A bit lost for words.

The only thing I can say is that as a parent of an ND child my heart actually aches for Ronnie that he’s had his diagnosis shoved out there to complete strangers 😢

Do better Hinch.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one else cares what your kids are doing Soph, except you and your family. Most people secretly think other people's kids are horrible little gits. We don't sit with baited breath awaiting Lon and Rens escapades, and turn to jelly over their cuteness. The only kids we find cute are our own. Stop showing them! No one cares!!! Go clean your bog with some flash, it's what you're paid to do!
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Oh shocker. Bingo for whoever said old Fiddle Dee Dee would be on the burner phone sending a message about Lennie and the doll. And how funny as soon as it happened the papers and OK mag had the story already written. My god she’s so predictable and boring as fuck.
Christmas clean? Slophy, most of that is done anyway. It’ll be minging by 25th you muppet
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Chatty Member
Do these “influencers” literally have fuck all else to do? WHO on Earth in the real world is setting their table for dinner a fucking week in advance? Who can spare the space?

Honestly these twats need to just fuck off with their ridiculous Instagram lives. This is not real life!!!!!
Why the fuck also is she hosting Christmas? If you believe her stories, SHE CANT COOK!
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Just to remind everyone she will of got her diagnosis privately I would imagine. And they will diagnose anyone who says the right things and is paying. Not saying she’s not Autistic but just worth remembering.
On another note I’m sick and tired of seeing kids exploited for ‘awareness’. It’s bullshit. It’s to get followers. I have two children with ASD and would never dream of using their diagnosis and behaviours to create content.
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Cassy Role

VIP Member
Banging on about people sharing end of year highlight reels and it’s ok if your biggest achievement is just to have survived in 2023?


She’s usually the worst one for it. Pregnancy reels. Showing off her Tesco tat range reels. New house reels. All of her biggest announcements came at Christmas and new year. Cheeky cow.

I take it that it’s because she doesn’t have one this year but tend bestie SSS will be all over it with everything she’s done.

Oh and still totally teeing up a new kids book isn’t she with the whole Ron and Lon thing. If she pimps out her son’s neurodiversity she is the absolute worst. Got a feeling it’s incoming though 😔
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Coincidence that Sam Thompson has just been totally accepted by the nation with his ADHD, she announces she’s neurodiverse as well? Bet she’s on Lorraine talking about it tomorrow! I would call a bingo when it happens, but I’ll be in work!
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Do you think autism is a shameful secret that should be kept quiet or something?

You should meet my 12yo who doesn’t care who knows she’s autistic, and who understands herself so well and is learning to advocate for herself at school every day. It’s because she understands that autism, for her, is neither a terrible thing nor a superpower. It’s just who she is.

The sooner we start viewing autism in a neutral way and not this hush-hush, private, still deeply stigmatised thing the better.
No i don't and that isn't what I said. I Said it's fine for her to post anything she wants about herself bit it's not OK for her to expose her 4 year olds privacy like this.
Honestly, you lot need to just seriously....Get..A..Life.
Why do you all so obsessively watch and follow her if you hate her so much. It's embarrassing..
Concentrate on your own life 🙄
Piss off
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Fucking autism my arse. Why tf is she telling the world that??? I work in this field and dumb fucks like her getting a diagnosis is taking away from the struggles genuine autistic people have. I know someone who is taking his ex to court as she actually taught her child autistic traits so she could get a diagnosis and extra benefits/ taxi to school etc. I've been around the child, the only trait I've ever seen is a keen intrest in cars/ lorry's/ tractors. I have ADHD and not one person knows I've had a formal diagnosis as I cba being labeled another c**t who has decided to get a diagnosis, i didn't even go to the doctors about that but she brought it up and referred me. I could actually get benefits for it but what's the point when I work and get on ok. Yes I have my struggles but it's just part and parcel of life. That many people are neurodiverse now they will have to come up with something else just so the people who actually need help, get it. She's a grade a twat!!!!!!! And saw comments from 3 people I know personally talking about their "struggles" with their kids. Fuck off
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Think she’s weighed up that if the double autism doesn’t save her sinking “career” she can get double PIP to keep a cashflow?
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I think it’s rotten that she could not be bothered sharing a link to the hospice that Jamie played a charity football match for, yet pays and promotes the Maldon Grinch because it gives HER content. There was nothing stopping her from just linking the hospice. I know Jamie linked it, but his wife just couldn’t be arsed. My grandfather was in a hospice and they absolutely rely on donations. I will never forget the kindness they showed in my grandfathers final days and have always donated every year in his memory.
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Cassy Role

VIP Member
Love it when people pop up on here not realising you can see their old posts on their profile…

Lurking since before Sept 2020 (1st post says lonnnnnnng time lurker) yet telling us that we’re obsessive and should concentrate on our own lives. At least we have discussions and don’t just lurk in the background. That’s a weird obsession isn’t it.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
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or JusRollWithIt

VIP Member
Diagnoses can help the diagnosed. But there is no reason any of us should know this about her and certainly not about Ronnie. If she pretends this is to raise awareness, she is garbage at that aspect of things (Kawasaki for example, wore a hoodie once), and also is raising the wrong kind of awareness, making out autism is about lining up tin cans, getting teary eyed and parentifying her two year old into the role of “protector” ffs. Hinchy, YOU are the parent. And your diagnosis, tend or real, does not make you untouchable for selling out your children’s privacy to the world. She makes me sick, as do those who buy into her narratives.
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