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What if Ronnie doesn’t want anyone to know he is autistic when he’s older? It’s wrong on every level for her to share such personal information on a public platform.
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Are we down another chicken? Were there not Pam, Peggy and Pat (2 of which she eventually confirmed RIP), then oven ready, then the fucking ‘Spice Girls’- which I presume there were 5 of? So there should still be 7? I can only see 6 at the most?
No the chicken timeline is thus:

OG 3 - Peg, Pam, Pat.
Pam pops off to see Paul O'Grady and she's down to 2.
Pringle arrives so back up to 3.
Pat mysteriously disappears. Back to 2.
4 more arrive but are never named because a)she doesn't look after them and would never remember and b) it makes it easier to see which ones disappear mysteriously.

So she should have 6 chickens.

It's like a fucking SATS maths problem.
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Give it an hour and she'll do a story with crocodile tears.

She's just looking for the best filter at the min x
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Does she even check what lies she writes?

If they were "snuggled on the sofa", they certainly weren't snuggled together, poor Len was out in another postcode:

And then, there was "a very special knock at the door". Now I don't know about anyone else, but if my friends kids were watching a film and the door went, they either wouldn't budge and they'd expect someone else to answer, or they'd be right up at the door trying to see who was there, not lined up on the stairs like a scaled-down version of the Family Von-Trapp:

Those poor kids can't just enjoy and be in the moment with anything, it all has to be rehearsed, staged and filtered to fuck.
She sucks the joy out of every inch of their lives. Cunt.
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Honestly, I'm just pissed. I'm pissed off that this woman can do all these things, exploit her kids, bully Ronnie on her stories, and yes BULLYING.. emotionally neglect him , put him in danger , and nothing happens. Yet loads of other influencers are getting cancelled left right and centre. Why is she any different?
She's gonna use her pretend diagnosis to get away with murder.
She should be losing her Instagram page for the countless LIES she's told, thread 500 anyone.
Yet this is actually probably going to do the opposite. She's gonna get so much press for it, interviews in the new year, a ɓook. For what!?

I can't be fucking arsed watching it happen. I pray to god she doesn't create a third child.
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Chatty Member
4.7 million followers? She must have accounts messaging her ALL the time then (😏) and she just happens to have had time to read and find THIS one….??!!
Yeah right.
More fakery, just to give her something to do with her account.
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No wonder she’s been copying Christine McGuinness.

It’s horrible to think that Ron thought he was just posing for a picture with his mum and she’s using him like this. Grim.
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Chatty Member
So the golden child now so far:
- doesn’t want Christmas presents, just more tins for Ron
- defends Ron against the trolls
- speaks for him
- doesn’t care about the elf in the morning, would rather show everyone his swimming certificate

Oh and he’s apparently only 2 years old.

FFS how thick are her fans?!

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VIP Member
Honestly, you lot need to just seriously....Get..A..Life.
Why do you all so obsessively watch and follow her if you hate her so much. It's embarrassing..
Concentrate on your own life 🙄
Iya fiddles!

welcome back to the thread hun!

Just before you leave with your shitty tail between your legs,

Here's Soph Eye fucking the camera then Fake crying over Ronald.

You know who else does that?

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Sorry if im repeating anything but is this why she had her little ‘at home photoshoot’ ?

Getting ready for all the interviews and press coverage.

The only thing I have to say on this is Poor Ronni e. He’s been mama’s little cashcow since the day he was conceived and now it’s gonna get even worse for him 🙁
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I fucking legged it here. Fuck off zoph. She’s blatantly claiming to be autistic as a new business venture. Cleaning and farming (lol) are a flop, let’s pretend to be autistic with my son! Tbf he may be autistic or she’s just edited the narrative, I’m not sure. However I feel fairly certain the only tic she is is narcissistic 🫠
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I wonder if she’s trying to get a Tv deal for her autism journey.

She’d be copying Christine McGuinness, she had a show about her autism journey and her 3 children
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Ugh she gets worse by the day. As soon as the doll story went up I knew it would be followed by a “troll” message, so desperate for attention it’s pathetic.
I always stay away from the pregnancy speculation with this cunt, as you all know we lost our youngest child and the way she treats her children makes me sick, as does the way she invites pregnancy speculation, but my senses are tingling and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s going somewhere with that doll.
She’s sick in the head, has nothing, so it would sicken me to my core if she had another, but it would not surprise me.
I’ll stand by what I’ve said a million times…she doesn’t deserve children.
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Chatty Member
I don’t believe for a second that lonnie and rennie don’t already have a doll in the room of doom playroom, that entire story was created by EMU or whatever the fuck her agency is called! They delivered the doll, pram etc to the crem, she acted out the story about Ron wanted a doll, then someone from the agency sent that message pretending to be a troll. No-one from her family is intelligent enough to use or understand virtue signalling and use it in that context, she then has a rant filtered to fuckery, hair placed just so then hey presto; column inches because someone from the agency phoned the Daily fail. All that at the expense of her child, I have actually run out of words for how fucking disgusting her and her useless prick of a husband are.
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So she's jumped on the autism bandwagon. I don't buy it, Ronnie yes but her no. It's really disgusting how these "influencers " use autism like its a fucking trend 😡 she has been drip feeding this for ages with the constant mentioning of the tins etc. Give it a year or two and she'll be saying Lennie is transgender and the doll saga will all suddenly make sense 🥴
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Hinch saying she’s autistic is like my Mum telling people that she’s “got cancer” when she’s got a basal cell carcinoma, it is technically true but the statement is deliberately vague enough to elicit more sympathy than they would otherwise expect to get.
Hinch went all through school, had friends, had romantic relationships, held down jobs, got married and had kids without realising that anything was wrong so her autism clearly doesn’t affect her day to day life to a serious extent. If she hadn’t had Ronnie or if Ronnie hadn’t had any issues she would never have actively sought a diagnosis for herself but “I’m on the high functioning end of the autistic spectrum” is not going to get as many likes and sympathy as “I’m autistic”.
As for continuing to plaster Ronnie and the most personal details about his life all over the internet to millions of strangers without his consent, I have no words! 😤
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She's got such a fucked up view of Autism. Making Ronnie look so incapable of anything that he needs his 2 year old toddler brother to look after him 🙄.

How utterly patronising and humiliating for that boy.
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Can anyone else remember when she suddenly started having ticks and doing weird stuff like the noises?

I think it was after Christines documentary but not sure.

We near enough all said then that it was like she was pretending to be autistic.

@HinchesSousChef can you remember or am I talking shite 😂
Yes. Definitely. She shifted aspects of her personality. And she did all those cryptic posts that I wish I could trawl back to find. I’m guessing this was around the time of the book meet and greet or am I wrong? And we all knew immediately that both her and Ronnie had received a diagnosis.

Whilst I’m here. I’ve never know anyone ever in my whole life “reveal” their child’s medical diagnosis online like that. Ever.
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Wize Owl

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She forgot about the main content that she posts…. ADs 🙄

Also, she’s being snarky about others “Fancy, posh looking content with shit hot transitions” because she’s shite at them and too lazy to do them 🤭

And….. her content isn’t crazy, she is. Her content is boring, packed full of lies, filters and scripted scenes 🎬
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