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No Slymon it wasn’t your friend who pointed it was you’re watching too 👋
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So on they day that millions of youngsters marched all around the world to stop climate change, he decided it would be appropriate to post an #ad about him flying to Abu Dhabi to watch cars burn fossil fuels for 3 days and then fly back. With all the flying around they do, I wonder how big their carbon footprint is?
They just can't say no to the freebies and cash.

Many people wouldn't feel comfortable flying first class long haul for a weekend with a company that reportedly forces it's female workers to have abortions or just sacks them. Fod accepts the freebies and cash without a second thought.
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Can I just say that it IS possible to have your life sorted and to be financially well off? I am and so are the majority of our friends and familiy. We all have our own companies or good jobs, we own nice houses and cars, go on multiple vacations or breaks, we can provide our children with all the niceties and still be loving, supportive and well-providing parents. It is not all black and white, it is not 'them against us', there are many shades of grey and just because somone is beter off than others, through normal work, does not mean we are worse parents. The only major difference with the likes of MOD and FOD is that we are not on social media, at all. And our children are not on social media, not through us but also not on their own (mine are 17 and 14 and besides Snapchat they do nothing that lasts).

I find the whole 'nobody has lifes like that' to be unfounded.
I agree it's not black and white and very much agree that it should not be a 'them/us' situation in either direction.

The original point was made to a 23yr old girl who - like me when I was 23 - was under the impression there was a magical point in your life when it all settles into place. This might be true, but all is temporary. I find myself looking at the weeks leading up to xmas with 300 in my bank account and bills to pay, not to mention food and presents for xmas to still buy. I don't know how I'm going to manage this year. Last year however, I was flying high and spending with abandon. Next year will probably (hopefully) be a good year again. The point, I think, is: if I put my life on instagram as these influencers do, the world would see a big house, two cars, two healthy happy kids. I'd take pictures in the (few) tidy corners of my house and be wearing my grenson boots, not my h&m ones. You never know looking in from the outside what people's lives are really like, what hardships there are or what heartbreak. Hopefully we are moving away from this picture perfect presentation on instagram as we all start to see through it. I know I fell for it all when I was pregnant and did all my best shopping during the 3am feed 🙄🙈 now I see things more clearly.

There may be times in life we feel like things are sorted but we never know what's around the corner.

Sorry for the rambling post.
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I follow(ed) MoD. I now can’t unfollow because the page has been deactivated. Could this be a ploy to stop her numbers declining (if nobody can actively ‘unfollow’) until she returns from her most recent hiatus? A way to control her falling numbers?
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non binary coat

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Ladies and gents this is why he didn't stop posting. He wasn't going to give up this trip and money that had been planned a long time in advance so needed to keep posting to pad out the grid 🤮
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In fairness she hasn’t been ‘seen’ for a good few weeks. I’m sure she’s just done many mundane things like shopping in Sainsbury’s there’s just no creepy photos proving that she’s doing it, because let’s face it. It’s pretty mundane. Yes so she’s in Paris, but she’s not actually posting those photos, her ‘mates’ are so she’s not the one shoving it in our faces (for once). She’s obviously going to carry on with life in one way or another and actually it looks like she’s taking on board not being in our faces about it.
This is hilarious. Head over to rave thread and start a conversation. Not shoving it in our faces, probably because the NMC are investigating her. She could not give a flying fuck what’s said on here. I’m not saying she hasn’t been to Sainsbury’s 😂😂 and wanting creepy photos, I just mean isn’t it funny how the first photo of her is her new mama group, posing for the lols in Instagram photos. And on the contrary, she 100% knew that photo would get out. Of course she did. And her new mamas will be loving the drama and their new roles with The Fallen Saint.
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‘Sometimes I need to do something for me’ is he having an absolute fucking laugh? He is constantly doing/being gifted things just for him oh he is a complete wanker come back MOD all is forgiven
What irks me most about this is that he probably has many followers that dream of doing something like this, but will likely never have the means to do so. Especially claiming something like needing to do this for yourself when for most parents that's probably going to be having a shit in peace and doing a face mask.
Its just so unrealistic and unrelatable.
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Well, if the twins do cut themselves playing with a metal tape measure, we can rest easy knowing that Gimmie is on hand to suggest IV ABs to the attending doctor in A&E.
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It's been a month. Is she supposed to become a recluse? Perhaps live in the attic? Only go out on days she has to catch babies? She didn't scream from the roof tops she was going. She didn't put it in Instagram. She's not rubbed it in anyone's face. Think people need to calm down a little.
I don’t think anyone expects her to hide away or not live her life.
Personally when I have thought of her since all of this blew up I have felt bad for her- that she’s copped it a lot worse than she needed to.
So yes, I guess I thought she was perhaps struggling, has little support etc.
Obviously that’s not the case, which is of course good for her. But I feel a bit silly feeling concerned for her is the point I was making.
I think I need to just get back to my life and not care so much about people I don’t know huh.
Instagram is a strange world. You feel like you get to know complete strangers because they open up to “you” (and thousands of others) and seem real and vulnerable when the reality is you know nothing of them or their lives.
I intend to live a lot more off the gram and a lot more in my real world from now on. I definitely have MOD to thank for that- she helped to take off my naïve and rose coloured glasses for sure...
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I really don't have a problem with her being in Paris. It could be for a variety of reasons, but she's not a mass murderer. She criticised people anonymously, which is what most of us are doing. I do have issues with some things, but really don't think she should be imprisoned at home. As for being recognised, she's not exactly Meghan Markle! I think 99.999999 etc of the world hasn't got a clue who she is.
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Slightly off topic, but now that mods account is back I have gone back and watched some of the Reno clips from her profile. I’ve never bothered before because they don’t half go on and I don’t have that much time on my hands. I watched the kitchen one first. What can I say? Oh. My. God. Those two are idiots. And the cheek of it when Simon says ‘being the money man in the house… Create yourself a budget’
oh Fuck off you wankpuffin. Credit to @GreyWolf for my new favourite insult!!
Soon we will all be able to identify one another in real life by use of the term "wankpuffin". Think @GreyWolf came up with the Tattlers version of a secret handshake!!
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THIS would be a great thread title. Also whoever's came up with "FOD = Fucking Old Drivel". With her now deafening SM silence, we will be calling these the "FOD threads" soon. I am starting to think there will be no "come back", it's gone on too long, it's made mainstream media and not just in the UK. I don't see what she can do now that she won't get utterly slammed for. Simon is just there trying desperately to convince us all that he's only in it for the lol's while fuuuuuummmmming about all the lost #ad fees.

Also- he has waited to encourage everyone until the final day of registration... probably too busy worrying about where all the hair bobbles are!
Just like he all of a sudden became a mental health advocate for men three hours before the end of 'International Mens Day' 🙄
I'm soooo fucking glad all this kerfuffle happened after 'International Talk Like A Pirate Day' cos he'd be instaspamming hilarious videos of himself as some kind of rum guzzling Captain, the tape measure twins scrubbing the deck and Pablo dressed as a parrot on his shoulder.
I'd suggest he walked the plank but he IS the plank
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I think neglect may come into it, it's a really really complicated issue to unpick and we certainly won't be the ones to do it! But unconscious bias and institutional racism are significant factors, when you control for physiological reasons. It's a horribly uncomfortable truth, that our NHS may be racist, but we mustn't shy away from that.

Having said that, Clemmie as an individual does not have the weight of that on her shoulders alone! It's ridiculous where this is going now!
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FoD’s mother’s account is @judithhooper_haydens. So I guess Slymon has a double barrelled name really.
They missed a trick there. As she was Howard. They could’ve been the
Sounds incredible.
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I don't think the twins were supposed to be there, it's just the pr people trying to add an onbrand message.

Didn't fod do a pride post? Yet here he is being paid to promote a Dubai government company despite their appalling LGBT rights. Money before morals.
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Banned from trimming your beard in the bathroom, what you can’t use even one of your several bathrooms 🖕
He’s literally just making her sound like an absolute arsehole partner AGAIN. I do not understand the way he speaks about her. He gushes how amazing she is and then just takes her down with a joke that’s not a joke. And I don’t believe a 3 yr old that doesn’t have the speech ability to ask for a biscuit or understand they mustn’t climb the cupboards would have the vocabulary to say his beard meant kissing him was like kissing sandpaper. I’m not sure my 3 yr old, who is very capable, would ever think that. Her dads face is scratchy.
He just makes everything up.
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