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Well-known member
Can you believe this time last year MOD was encouraging us peasants to have an “ethical Christmas” (after a whole year of over consumption and product plugs from their family)
Fast forward to this December and MOD is flying to Paris while FOD flies to Abu Dhabi for 3 days of “well deserved me time” to watch the F1....the hypocrisy is making me boil
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FODs brother works for the F1 too I think

The brother FOD posts about how rarely he gets to see now he moved all the way to Thanet

I can see FODs brothers in his trip photos - most recent set of pics on his grid
Yes his stories this morning show his brother at work. I’ll admit, I fell for it, I’ve booked an F1 experience for hubby for Christmas as I had a spare £100000 in my joint account. Like so many of his followers.

This photo of him with his brother is just adorable 🥰🥰 #allthefeels #family
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It's such a fucking storm in a teacup. A couple of bitchy comments that I'm sure everyone makes.

Reminds me of South park and the troll trace stuff that just showed everyone online is a bit of a troll
But I guess most of us don’t make a million off posing around as an NHS midwife and our kids and #couplegoals marriage. It might be a storm in a tea cup if it was you or I, but she courted a media career being a fake bitch.
Some of the people she slagged off were her actual real friends, not the Ramsgate bleach and boot brigade. When your page is a mantra of ‘be kind’ and women supporting women, and you join a gossip site to have a good old bitch and slag people off you show yourself as a complete user.
If you look at her gas and air account, a couple of weeks before this all broke, she did a blog post with Papa Pukka on miscarriage. (This seems to have been taken off the blog) she spoke to Candice about her incredibly traumatic birth. She used people’s very personal and painful life experiences for her own self promotion, and clearly they liked and trusted her, but she was slagging them all off. And whilst I agree that many people might make the odd bitchy comment about others, not your real friends? People who’ve opened up to you.
She’s crossed a line, because rather than just have been caught out as part of the clique being a cow, she used all these people and using her professional position as a midwife built trust and understanding. She’s a trollbag.
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non binary coat

Chatty Member
Anybody that thinks that pic is real needs a lobotomy. He just happens to walk in and get his camera out as they reach the pivotal point of the unwrapped biscuits in the middle of the well organised shelf being at grasping point and they don't even react
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With regards to the Hoopers - they are very obviously both from wealthy families. So they were at an advantage from the get go. He’s in a highly paid day job and they earn a fortune from social media and they get god knows how much free stuff ontop. From a financial and materialistic point of view, yes, they are sorted.
But that’s only ever half the story. Look at what’s gone on. She’s obviously got issues, their marriage doesn’t seem particularly solid, they are both gagging for attention and adoration which is why they are obsessed with Instagram etc

Being in a well paid job or having vast amounts of disposable income is not an indicator of someone having “their shit together”
Agreed. We don't have a lot of money, still rent at the age of 36, have zero savings, second hand car and cheap clothes. We both work hard, my husband's self employed and works 60+ hours a week, I work part time so I can be around for school runs etc as I don't have family help. Any disposable income we have is spent on #makingmemories with the kids as I figure there will come a day when they won't want to be seen dead with us 😂 our marriage is rock solid, we bicker and get irritated sometimes but truly are best friends and we couldn't give a shit about house renos/5* holidays etc. We took the kids to Spain last year and stayed in an air bnb, loved every second. This year we did a week in a caravan in Devon and they declared it better than Spain 🤦‍♀️ my point is, I panic sometimes at the fact that we're approaching 40 and don't have a mortgage or savings and some of our friends are flying high with property and expensive holidays/stuff and sure, social media doesn't help but then I check myself and take a look at what we do have and what we have achieved as a family and I calm the f*** down. I sometimes think the more you 'do' and 'earn' the more you want and think you need which is where I reckon they've gone wrong. It becomes an obsession, an online 'keeping up with the Joneses' and they're obviously not the only ones as this forum has shown me 😂
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I always find it quite rude when senior people (assume he’s a senior consultant?) at a company don’t show for a Christmas party. I think it’s really important to show your face and make an effort to talk to more junior staff especially, say thanks, chit chat and maybe buy some drinks etc. He’s so immature he thinks the only reason to go is to get smashed and is clearly resentful he isn’t going. Or he’s the talk of the office due to his wife’s behaviour and can’t face it so has ‘forgotten’. Either way he’s made it about himself.
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What an absolute wank stain. Saying none ood this is an ad and then producing lots of freebies! I hope he gets reported to the asa. And the dancing, wearing gimmies clothes, the face pulling... Poor poor gimmie. Imagine having to live with THAT.
Not that hard to see why MoD cracked, FoD genuinely is a Class A Twat!!
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Since properly actively joining because of the MoD saga I will defend this place to the hilt. I really do love it and I’ve had some very big belly laughs because of it over a shitty fortnight.

so here’s to Tattle x
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Chatty Member
I might be on my own here, but didn't anyone else play with their dads/grandads tape measure? My brothers and I were only talking about this the other day. Ok FOD is a doofus on so many levels. But kids are kids. They need to explore and learn. Obviously not on Instagram. But this isn't doing any harm. I'm sure they've been in worse situations (because of FOD or just because they are kids). Perhaps we should remember we've all had to learn one way or another and stick to moaning about his terrible terrible video content??

Please don't lynch me!!😂😂
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This might be the process that MOD is living through and fair enough. So I reckon she'll be back, but could be in any shape of form, could be 6 months could be a year, could be less!

On another note, I know there's a 'rave about section' but can we not always tell people to go there every time some one does say anything in favour of MOD or in disagreement to the negative comments. Occasionally, someone might say something to disagree and that's fine isn't it, doesn't mean they love MOD just means they see that one thing in a different light and it's not always them trying to shut it down. Obviously, if the same people go on a crusade to defend every negative comment and start arguments with everyone that's different, but just one or favourable comments made can be constructive, and I feel they shouldn't be told to go to the race section just because of that. That is all.. As you were 😘


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non binary coat

Chatty Member
Oh god please let's not have someone posting every other hour that her account is back 😂 😂😂 read the thread before posting
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Chatty Member
Howling at how many ‘bucket list moments’ FOD has had this year;
- Luxury snowboarding trip
- Festival after Mod’s glasto trip
- going to Japan to watch the World Cup
- going to watch F1

All sans family

I think he’s going to have to stop trotting out the ‘rare me time trip away’ narrative soon, he’s managed one a quarter.
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Can’t stand either of these two but two parents away for the weekend together or apart isn’t a big deal. I’ve looked after my grandchildren when their parents have gone away separately because their trips just happened to coincide. The kids were absolutely fine and had a ball just as MOD and FOD’s 4 will no doubt be having with their grandparents. What I do detest is the way he is just so blatant about yet more freebies coming his way 🤢😡 He is becoming more smugger (if that’s a word 🤣) by the day. She has deleted her account, we can always pray for a miracle and hope that FOD does the same
Lets be honest, the children probably had a better time with doting, present grandparents than these 2 buffoons spending the weekend working out how much of the reno there is left that they will have to pay for and trying to keep hold of a freebie Christmas holiday. No doubt while he eyes her over his phone thinking
‘gif? Class A twat? Hmm I’ll show you. I’ve had a vasectomy and buy tampons 😡
and she stares at her phone thinking
‘I just want to pop on Tattle and moan about Simon, fuck me he’s so annoying’
At least the grandparents would just go for a walk without filming them or put them to bed without launching them off the top of the house on to the trampoline just for the lols.
They probably all could do with a breather.
But sadly, the chance of Simon closing down his account is about as likely as him turning down the trip to Abu Dhabi and asking for a donation to the homeless or asking gousto to support a food bank.
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This is gone beyond parody now. So Clemmie is being blamed for all non-white maternal deaths now, wtf?!
Agree. There are several reasons why black mothers have a higher mortality rate, such as higher preponderance to pre-eclampsia and lower take up of pre-natal care, so to imply it's down to negligence by (presumably white) midwives seems quite a stretch. All my children were (safely) delivered by black midwives, fwiw.
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It's been a month. Is she supposed to become a recluse? Perhaps live in the attic? Only go out on days she has to catch babies? She didn't scream from the roof tops she was going. She didn't put it in Instagram. She's not rubbed it in anyone's face. Think people need to calm down a little.
I’m a bit of a sucker. I’ll admit I until recently harboured hopes of her actually being the lovely midwife I thought she was, who just got a bit big for her boots when instafame went to her head. However her handling of this is awful.
What I would have loved is a hint of her living normal life, with her girls. Being spotted shopping in Sainsbury’s, just being normal. A weekend with her girls. Not just yet more of her fucking POSING with yet more Mamas on time away, fannying around fucking France. She’s just always being so cool and so part of something, it’s fucking tragic. She’s literally just carrying on exactly the same.
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And the Insta-blaggers I get contacted by - cut & paste messages, eg below;

Hello I hope you’re well,

My names xxx and I am looking to collaborate with some businesses.
I run my daughters brand rep page xxx on Instagram, our followers are mainly other parent/mum accounts and I think the products your business have would be perfectly suited to my followers!

We already promote for lots of amazing small businesses and have reviewed other products in the past and are now seeking more to help businesses grow and gain more of a following.
Is this something you would be interested in?
I look forward to hearing from you


- Some of these messages are from people with less than 2000 followers. I mean WTF?!! I really see it as attempted theft. What possible value do they think they can add to a small brand, struggling to get started??
God it feels good to vent! 😂
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