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I don't think three days going by before an alarm is suspicious. She was hiking in the mountains and there were spots where there was poor or no reception. Her plan as I understand it was to sleep in a unmanned refuge overnight. I think most people would try to contact their partner and wait a little for the response in this kind of situation.
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Its in the Off Topic section which has 26 pages entitled Real life Crime but not sure what page its on.

Page 6 I think.
Ah brilliant, thank you so much!

Is this the one you mean?
Yes! This was the one I was thinking of! Couldn’t quite remember the title.
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Interesting to see the Daily Mail still have a large piece stating he has been questioned for hours on their website despite Dan denying it. Whatever you say about that paper it knows the law inside out so knows what it’s doing.
Yes I saw that, I thought him, they are definitely making him to be a person of interest in this event which is rightly so considering you always look at the nearest and dearest first, but the way the headline was worded was stressing the point implying something.
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With the weather and snow it can be hard to find bodies. There was another case where a French climber, Gatien Loison, disappeared in 2012 in the same area. They found his body three years later.
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Another great observation from O on WS:

"Dan made one pass of the Port de la Glere location even though Esther said that was her destination."

Dan made a huge show of searching for Esther.

Yet he only went near her resting place once despite her stating in text it was where she was headed.

He spents tons of time "searching" areas she'd never indicated she'd go to.

Hmm exactly 🤔 dodgy. Is this that W Sleuth forum? I should go have a look.
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Yes ... you do need evidence as well..and it’s not fair to condemn anyone just on that basis . but i guess it just makes people like the police watch a little more closely ...
I still have tiny bit of hope that she’s out there somewhere
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Did the police ask for volunteers that were used to climbing the area to advise them on spots of interest? I still find it odd that she was hidden away in a cave that police has previously missed yet he found her.
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Tilly just to give you context, this is what sent me into covert narcissist territory.

He writes in his book (sells on Amazon, June 2020) that they cancelled their wedding 7 years ago because:

“What was supposed to be a chance to rediscover our love of one another did, at times, seem to have transformed into a festering pit of mutual loathing”.


“It was around this time that any last traces of romance slipped away from us. We clung on to the belief that we still loved each other, but beneath all the animosity, it was hard.”

Imagine how she felt?

Imagine your boyfriend wrote about your relationship like this?

For the world to read.

1. It's cruel.
2. Why bother continuing 7 years later?
3. Your boyfriend could say perhaps we realised we weren't equipped to be life partners.
4. A normal boyfriend wouldn't use words like loathing about you. It's almost worse than hate.

* not adding the link to The Times article that I did back on p 3 as it seemed to copy all Tattle posts for days. See p 3 of this thread for the link where his book excerpts were published.

Tilly if I hadn't read what he wrote I may not have observed him in a new way.

I think my jaw dropped a bit when I read it.

These personality disorders are no joke. One could say that they think they are normal and so they do things that shock us but they don't realise it.

The key sign is lack of empathy for others.

Unfortunately - in my opinion based on the revelations in his book and his words - we have here a sweet lady who does her best to please him.

A lady whose self esteem has been so eroded that she puts on a smile to cover heartache and runs off to the mountains to get away when she can.

June 2020 when he published that hateful book must have been crushing for her.
Thanks for that @Johara, I get where you’re coming from, but if he is behind her disappearance/death then he’s just signed his own death warrant.
Let’s hope he hasnt managed to cover all his tracks.
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Great points raised by several commenters.

Does anyone else find it odd the boyfriend has gained so much weight since her death?

Especially since he's been hiking in the area for weeks on and off.
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I agree. In fact I think they have operated like this almost from the start. The way they have released different snippets - that appear random snippets to us - but may have been designed to provoke the perpetrator. I think he definitely knows what he is doing - as far as they are concerned they can take their time and else is in danger.
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Well if there's a good alibi, there's a good alibi. I'd hate to accuse an innocent man. Maybe if we hear him speak more we'll get to know his mannerisms. It's hard to judge when you really don't know the person.
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Yes - if someone decided to harm her - then pushing her off the side of the mountain would be a means of doing this which would not enable anyone to detect how she had fallen, I suppose.

I think he could have set out to get nearer to her even earlier than 21st - if he was getting very agitated.. wouldn't his rage have been building up for a few days or longer
Yet he couldn't be away from Arreau too long as he needed an alibi for the week.

Just got sucked into this rabbit hole.

Really hope for her family there is news, but if its snowing on the mountain it may hamper.
Only thing is, if she has passed - the cold will work to preserve & may help answer some questions.
Ideally she has taken off & will return when she is ready and & strong enough too.

He really seems so controlling & she seems like such a lovely soul!
True! On the cold preserving evidence.

I'm still struggling with why someone as experienced and frequently travelling as her wouldn't be carrying a personal GPS locator beacon with her. They're not expensive or anything new, they're pocket sized and work worldwide, and have batteries that last for years. Many of them have an SOS button to call help to your exact location. Not something I'd expect the numpties that suddenly decide to walk up Ben Nevis one day on a whim and get stranded to have with them, but someone that's hiking in remote places almost every day for months or years and for whom her whole lifestyle is the great outdoors, yes definitely.

For her not to have such a device on her suggests to me that she didn't want to be found either?
Kev do we know for sure she didn't?

Perhaps the perpetrator switched it off as per her phone on flight mode?

After all DC claimed this week she had the best hiking gear etc.
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Just read the Sunday Times article, Dan looks heartbroken as he looks through the phone, he has aged years. Unless Esther has fallen into the lakes, I still believe she has voluntarily disappeared.
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Very chilling isn't it?

On the face of things it all looks like a fall. But let's wait a month and see.

I’m also not wholly convinced that if the police say this then it’s true. Mistakes are made all the time. I imagine where it’s a cross country issue as well they’re probably keen to close the case quickly and might be quicker to say it was an accident if they can ‘get away’ with doing so.
Perhaps? The article wasn't very clear ito translating the prosecutor's words.

I just know the laws in 1st world countries require forensic investigation of odd deaths and they sent an expensive team to De Glere...

Putting ourselves in their shoes:

Why announce the day prior (article on DM) that your Criminal Investigations Technicians will take 1 month to decide the cause...

If you were planning to wrap it up faster?
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Oh have they :( so your thinking .... they have some kind of lead which makes them think that? I really bloody hope that bf didn’t do it.
Trixabellee it's a dismaying fact worldwide that 9 times out of ten the partner has killed the missing person.

Police will be the first to tell you this is true.

The police department have to provide strong reason to their superiors why they think it is a criminal case, in order to get the green light to pursue it as such.

Whether that's a lead or the Captain's intuition & experience being trusted by his superiors, he has to persuade them. Investigations cost $$$$.

Captain Bordinaro persuaded them.

They are in hunting mode.

"Succinct clangers"? Ill be saying no more, this case is desperately sad. Lets not take enjoyment from what has/is happening to this girl.
Clangers as in not just a penny dropping but a pound.

It's your choice.

We only help her by speaking out. None of this is funny or entertaining.

I should not have used a smiley face. I was intending it as encouragement.
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What's the deal with all the new posters in this thread that only ever look and comment/react on this thread, and never any others?

Are they Dan, or employees of LBT Global, getting ready to steer the narrative?
Yes I am Dan trying to make you all think I did it!


The boundaries part? The rest for me is him virtue signalling.

I get red flags if I see someone pushing their partner to "expand their boundaries".

Esther did tell the world he was always "pushing her" to go further than she thought she could manage. (Her Facebook posts)
To me it reads as his truth, the whole thing. Each chapter represents something significant, it can be translated thanks to his obsessively organised mind. But yes that boundaries part is the worst. Also how he hopes she comes back safely, as in not alive but safely for him.
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