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Well-known member
I noticed that their Youtube channel went from 68 subs to 122 since this happened. I doubt Dan will be updating there, or even filming anything. Nothing will be known or updated until they either come across her, or someone else comes forward with a sighting - and with lockdowns etc, that's pretty unlikely for now.
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The current theory is that a bear or wolf has moved some of the bones. As I mentioned, another hiker's body wasn't found for three years in the same area so it isn't easy to find bodies in this mountain range. Let's hope that the rest of the bones are found fairly soon.
Apparently people in the area says it is not going to be a bear as there are not enough of them and that's not what they do, more likely to be a canine of some description or a vulture.
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I personally think they need to look at the partner. Thought it from day one. The way he words things over on their joint Facebook page is very alarming to say the least. He’s gone quiet all of a sudden.
In what way? Recent things or just the blog in general? I haven't read any of it. Is it worth a look?
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This is a really weird interview by Dan ( there is absolutely no evidence that he mentions that it could be the case that she ran into a hunter. There was a pretty thorough search of the area including sniffer dogs which surely would have picked up the amount of blood that a (accidental or otherwise) shooting would have caused. I just wonder why he can't accept she is likely to have had an accident - is it a case of 'magical thinking' where he figures if she was abducted she may still be coming back?
Just for clarification the actual interview was in the Mirror and all the others are just copying, sometimes giving credit (if that's the right word) to the Mirror and adding their own (made up) bits. I agree, no evidence of hunter involvement and also it's the first time it's been mentioned. You'd think the local police would know the local hunters (in fact they may even be in the hunt) and would have asked if they were up there and did they see/hear anything.
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Yes I agree it feels like a ‘wrong vibe’ for me too. There seem to be many gaps where him being involved makes a lot of sense. I find it suspicious that he doesn’t have a proper alibi when Esther has behaved out of the norm going up the mountain so late. I’m also concerned by the poems and the language he used when he spoke about her in the book, I know someone said when they had a rough patch they felt the same, but to publish it? That’s next level. Public humiliation for her, surely. I find that concerning. And he seems to be very involved in everything, writing stuff on Facebook etc. The one thing I remember from my criminology module many years ago now was that perps of crimes insert themselves into crime investigations in a way that innocent suspects don’t. He felt he knew better to go off looking for her alone, something about that sits badly with me.

I can totally see why others think he’s not involved, she could very easily have fallen off the mountain, been attacked by a stranger, etc. For me though there are just too many holes and too many out of the ordinary facts here, where him being involved in some way would complete the picture. In the back of my head I am still hoping she chose to leave him, he seemed very controlling from the videos posted here, and maybe she knew that was the only way she could escape. But then that still doesn’t explain going up the mountain so late etc. 😞
Thanks! The point about 'perps of crimes insert themselves into crime investigations in a way that innocent suspects don’t' is really interesting. I always find people who find themselves in the position that DC is in, or similar, are extremely vulnerable - often barely able to function at that time and totally reliant on being supported by police / authorities. Vulnerability is the key word for me - everything has been taken out of them - they are weakened, humble in spirit ... it always seems odd if they appear 'strong' or able to 'function properly'.
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Chatty Member
Hope you’re enjoying the degree! I did one a few years ago and really enjoyed it . Well, the majority of it .. I seem to remember some of the statistical research was hard work!!!
I’m just guessing that J is female from things she / he has said!! Are you doing the degree from home?
yes, but i'm only at the beginning which is really quite slow. I'm doing it through Open University as I work part time with 2 kids. Applying things we learn to real life situations like this one are enjoyable. I'm not looking forward to the statistic bit, numbers are not my strong point.

I'm waiting for Johara to pop up with some amazing post, where are you Johara ????
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VIP Member
It’s a strange one isn’t it!
Definitely. I do a lot of walking here in Scotland with my partner and would really love to try some of the trails and hikes in Europe that Esther and Dan have done so I think that’s why i find it extra interesting!
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Active member
Watching Steve Jackson (FBI consultant) analyse statements by Wells at the Interview Room makes me wish he and Chris McDonough were on Esther's case.

I'd give anything to hear them assessing the peculiar behaviour and disturbing elements in this case.

I trust in forensics too and am sure the French "Criminal Investigations Technicians" will do a great job.

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Did Esther leave their house before the lockdown and curfew started?
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Active member
There are too many questions for it to be a simple accident to me
Almost everything that's being accepted as fact is because DC says so. If you discount everything he has said then anything is possible
No vultures & the missing tent unravel the skullduggery.

He had to do it as above. There's no other way because otherwise birds would have directed the search.

And dogs...

She was bundled up in an insulated tent. Dogs found no trace.
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Nope not you, they are all easily identifiable by only being "Member" and having no profile image. Neither of which you meet.

"delta ops"? Is everyone at LBT Global about 8 years old? Do they think they're in the SAS or something?
Not all. Some like Broccoli & several others have very interesting insights.
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Agent Krycek

Active member
Makes perfect sense and would explain a lot of his behaviour for sure but what about the missing items? How do we explain That?
Well the 'missing items' are only missing as Colegate says they are - we don't know for sure what she was carrying I don't think..
Laura the hiker she travelled with briefly told the police Esther only had a lettuce leaf & some seeds to eat one day. For dinner I think.

Laura shared her dinner with Esther.

Esther had a habit of asking strangers for fruit during her hikes too which they reported very odd.
She also ate a mostly raw food plant based diet, but still worried about over eating
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The things that puzzle me:

1. Her mother said in the statement that she & ED spoke several times a day.

So why did it take 3 days for DC to raise the alarm? Her mother must have been on his back daily.

2. Why did DC initially say it was common for her to be out of contact for a day or two. Then recently states they spoke every day?

3. Why have the search dogs not scented her trail?

I don't think you can have the same watsapp account active on two different numbers. It always asks you to close one, so the old device says 'no longer registered'. At least that's what has always happened for me. I suppose there is a way around it?

Personally I don't think he has anything to do with her disappearance. I'll agree he does come across a bit awkwardly on camera, the long blinking/talking with eyes shut doesn't help but I doubt that's a new thing and I don't think he's particularly sinister.

I'm still not overly concerned about the way he writes in the book. Mainly because when me and my other half went through a rough patch a few years ago, had I written a book, I may have worded things similarly. We loathed each other, there was no love left etc. Yet here we are still married - and happily. Relationships have peaks and troughs.

I don't think them travelling is anything sinister like him deliberately trying to get her away. They made a decision together to try and make themselves happier, after life dealt them a rough deal. She's been very open about being diagnosed with anxiety and depression. GAD can be a stand alone diagnosis without PTSD, however I can see how she may suffer from PTSD given the circumstances that Dan nearly died in.

With regard to the house sitting review, is that the photo of the person underneath the review? If so, it isn't her account surely? Doubt she'd use a fake photo.

I haven't really seen anything that suggests he's anything other than an educated, articulate but slightly anxious man, shoved into a situation he doesn't know how to deal with. I understand why some consider him suspicious but for me, that threshold isn't met.
Read the article.

It tells you how to do it.
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Active member
I actually think there are a few posters on websleuths have been suspicious of DC for quite some time but the rules of that website are very strict about what the moderators term ‘victim blaming’ and at the moment DC is classed as a victim of the tragedy. So posters on there have to be careful what they say, but reading between the lines a few of the posters are thinking along the same lines as many people on this thread.
Except for G....e who states they are "honour-bound to challenge" any naysayers on the internet. (Off WS)

What a load of virtue signalling tosh.

Do they think they're Gladiator? Haha.

Very embarrassing headline for a "superhero" lol.

It's ruining his narrative. He must be fuming.

I thought the only missing item still was the yellow tent. But it seems 18 items are still missing.

Am I reading this wrong? Did The Sun botch the facts?

They say she had about 30 items and they include a list of 18 not found. Wtf.
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VIP Member
In that joint video above I can see almost a pleading look in her eyes. Her smile distracts but she wants and hopes to win his love back.

In my opinion this is the classic crushed, meek codependent with the emotionally void narcissist.

The very first red flag I saw was his Facebook post when he told everyone she'd gone missing.

He wrote about her as "the person who taught me how to feel."

I'm sorry. Nobody teaches us how to feel. We either feel or have no feelings.

Narcs are emotionally vacant ito love.
They feel anger, happiness, desire or lust etc but due to a lack of object constancy they don't feel the love bond. There's no loyalty or bond. People are just useful or not. Pleasing or not.
We can only watch and wait.
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Active member
She had spikes for her shoes which she didn’t use. So yes, it’s very probable she wore worn shoes.

I mean you are reaching a bit by saying you feel like we are being gaslighted 🥴
I feel gaslit because of the schizo news over 48hrs. Does not mean they contrived to do it to us ;)
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