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Chatty Member
I wonder was Arlo a bandaid baby? That never ends well. Or if they had any little cracks then the stress of a baby maybe have been too much.
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I'm not a fan of turkey teeth and actually like the shape/crookedness of them - it's not about that.

They are very yellow and have so many calcium marks. They don't look very normal to me?
I think we get so used to seeing overly bleached white teeth that we start to think they're the norm. Her teeth aren't the whitest but some people's aren't naturally, just like nails. Some people just have a more yellow tinge to them.
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I think it's really sneaky and quite bad form of Liv to do that! She really flies under the radar as far as influencers go, but this shows there's possibly another side to her (as I've always suspected!) I'm still curious as to the reason for the split with Joe too - if there was any drama etc. which I suspect there was as it all seemed a bit out of the blue - but I guess we'll never know.

Nobody even really speculated much on Liv's split whereas on the Niomi Smart thread people are still speculating on why Dreamy Joe dumped her 2.5 years ago!
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Well-known member
Ok surely there is quite a lot more to this considering they are all deleting their Instagram accounts?! If they wanted privacy surely they’d just make the account private not delete the whole thing?
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When Liv announced the split, I did think it was rather sudden after her 'first family holiday' posts a few of months previously. That said to me that this wasn't a gradual growing apart but that something else had happened to cause the split...

I doubt we'll ever know the full story though.
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Active member
It really puts me off influencers when they sell things they got for free unless the money goes to charity. That Liv does it through her dad's account seems like she's trying to hide it so possibly knows it would look bad to some people?
I love that LucyParts and Laura Capon do a massive town hall sale every year for charity, so there’s at least 2 beauty influencers/bloggers that recognise their privilege and do something good.
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Chatty Member
Aw her post- she is lovely and I wish her the best. She has a great support network of family and good friends around her and she will get through this.

I wonder why he would delete his Instagram entirely, it seems a bit extreme? Though I don’t know how often he used it or anything.
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I feel like early summer was her having her 'so what if I'm single, it's fine' phase and now the reality is sinking in for her.
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Reading that article, you would never known she had ever been married. She makes it sound like she found the house with the help of her mum and moved in there alone. She talks about redecorating the front room, which happened soon after they announced their split, if I recall, and she's made it into a much more feminine space. This seems like the obvious space to mention her marriage split - but it seems like she doesn't want to mention it at all and has possibly also asked the journalist to omit any mention. Maybe this is her way of dealing with the split, but it does feel like Joe has been somewhat erased from her life, and makes me think that there's more to their split than simply 'growing apart.'

The above is not meant to be critical of her - it's just an observation. I know she likes to keep things private.
I think it's just a natural part of the grieving process when you lose someone from your life to pretend they don't/didn't exist. Obviously it's harder to do when you're ferrying a child between two parents, but I can get why she wouldn't want to mention him now.
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Well-known member
I feel truely rude and nosey! But wanting to know Liv is ok… she mentions her health as well. I hope liv doesn't read this and if she does I think she needs to know her followers care for her. It’s weird how I find her so human and normal compared to most of the the people I have followed on instagram for many many years.
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But I do think it’s odd that either Liv or Joe blocked one another on insta (before his account was deleted). Liv no longer followed any of Joe's accounts, all traces of her interacting with them had vanished - No likes, comments or tags of her on his instas. If it was a mutual decision and they both were accepting of the fact that their relationship had run its course blocking seems a bit weird.
I co-parent with my ex amicably, but when we spilt I unfollowed on everything and deleted all photos with him/removed mentions.
Even with a child, social media is so invasive so I would guess that seeing Joe’s posts/stories is not helping at this time. Almost 4 years later, I still don’t follow my ex but he watches my stories and it makes me feel like I have to censor my IG. If I knew he would react reasonably, I would block him without a seconds hesitation.

Liv’s situation is a lot more nuanced than mine, a mere pleb on IG. She’s made a living publishing her life online, so to rescind that access now needed to be addressed. I think she’s handled it well and don’t feel comfortable speculating, but wish her the best. I’ve been a single mum since my child was born, it’s definitely hard but better than being unhappy in a relationship.
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She has become stagnant.
I think part of what made Liv such a nice, relatable follow was that she seemed quite honest about open and things going on in her life. She felt authentic and genuine. Now, she keeps Arlo largely out of the picture and she's mostly kept quiet about the split with Joe (and good on her for both of those things) but it does largely mean that her content is now quite samey, boring, and also a bit... hollow?

Wouldn't surprise me if she moved out of influencing and into something else.
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Well-known member
I’ve always really liked Liv and her content, I’ve followed her on Insta for what feels like years and years now. And I have to say, as genuinely sad as I was to see that her and Joe were over, I think the split has made her even more likeable. I don’t know why, but her content and just how she is coming across feels so much more real now, like she’s really being herself in a way. I think she will do fine without Joe, if anything, I think he might have been holding her back from doing so much stuff. Even just seeing how she is making their house all her own now is not only relatable, but I am genuinely happy for her. She is still so young with so much ahead of her! She is already a good example of how life can carry on after a very long-term relationship. I imagine being together from such a young age and then splitting up must have been really scary for her. It’s really lovely to see that she’s finally able to just do things her way, this is probably the first time in her adult life where she’s had to really think about what she wants. Whatever happened between them, I think she’s coming across better than ever!

I agree !! She also seems to have a genuinely lovely network of friends and family around her too, been loving her outfits especially lately 😊
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To me, she's not posting those stories because she wants to share all the details with her followers. She has really never shared all that much with her followers. Liv has always been pretty private (especially compared to some influencers I follow). I think those stories were just for him - to let him know he'd let Arlo down and the kid was upset over it. She called him out pretty publicly IMO (as we're all coming to the same conclusion here and most others will too). As a bonus she gets a ton of engagement from her followers. Whatever her reasons may be for doing this, I do feel for her. It can't be easy to see him with someone else. I'm a bit surprised she's still following him at this point - or at least she was last time I checked.
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If all this talk of a separation is true, then I have to say I completely missed it. I just had a look through Liv's IG and still didn't pick up on it. I guess I don't follow Liv all that closely even though I have known of her/read her blog for years. If they have split, then I feel it might have been a sudden split rather than a more gradual thing. They went on holiday to the US a few months back where Liv seemed happy and spoke of their 'first family holiday' etc. There was certainly no sign that anything was amiss on that holiday, but then I noticed from looking through her IG just now that it was soon after that she stopped wearing her wedding ring. It seems strange to split up just after a (seemingly happy) family holiday.I wonder what went down? I expect we'll never know. Maybe I'm wrong and it was a gradual thing - it is difficult to tell just from IG.
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Well-known member
She has huge charisma and I mostly enjoy her content but like a few others on this thread I find the ‘I’m so relatable, I’m just like you defrosting my freezer or fixing my dishwasher’ crap quite grating. Clearly she is a successful influencer and leads an exciting, fun and often pretty lavish lifestyle as a result. She is also lucky to have childcare (whether that’s the money to pay for it or grandparents willing to do it) to allow her to go to Paris, Spain etc every weekend…
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She actually seemed to be doing really well in early summer, like not even fake IG happy but really having a nice time with friends and herself, but around late summer I noticed a change and even though she’s kept a cheerful tone I could tell she’s been feeling down or something.

I did notice that in her list of things she’s shared she couldn’t even say ‘got married’, not even before having her baby, sheesh.
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VIP Member
As someone who has had kids, and all the stress and strains that puts on a marriage in the early days, I would’ve definitely sought counselling and “stayed together for the kids” a little longer than 18m if it was something work-through-able. Which is what makes me think it was something unforgivable/a failed bandaid baby.
I'd say the same - I know a couple who have been through something similar. Were together for years, then got married and had a baby in quick succession. Then it was lockdown for the best part of a year and they completely lived in each others pockets while dealing with a newborn.

It put some strain on their relationship but she said that she was hesitant to make a decision in the midst of such an unusual event. She had to see what their lives would be like when things went back to 'normal'. Things seem to be on the up for them again now.

Obviously we don't know the cause of this split, I guess it must have been something irreconcilable for them to make this decision, with A being so young. They both seem level-headed and not particularly rash people.
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