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It’s obvious something has happened but I think she has been very classy about it i have to say. She has lots of friends and is close with her family so I’m sure she’s doing fine really. I’m sure she will address it when the time is right because you can’t go from mentioning him on a weekly basis to cutting him out completely it will look odd the longer she leaves it. Nobody’s life is perfect and she could have followers going through the same thing. Noone will think of it as a failure, she will get so much support if she does say something. Perhaps she has been advised not to say anything right now in case if affects her work / pr opportunities (sounds ridiculous in this day and age but high end brands she tends to work with are snobbish and want “wholesome perfect families” to represent their brands). Reading between the lines she sees her sister in laws often so makes me think perhaps he has played away or done something very silly. None of my business but this is tattle and i’m allowed to speculate..
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I'm so shocked, they did seem like such a stable and lovely couple. But as someone said earlier, you just never know what happens behind closed doors. Hope she's doing okay, she does seem like a lovely person. Much more grounded than most influencers.
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He’s proper instagram official with the new girl. He’s freshly divorced with a toddler, he’s not a teenager. It’s just a bit cruel, a picture of her with hearts and everything. He seems a bit insensitive and just yucky.
It feels so immature to me. Who is this content really for? This plus deleting all trace of Liv from his grid feels unnecessary.
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I have a toddler and I'd take getting the train over flight any day! Getting to the airport is such a faff as is flying with a toddler. Trains are easier and you can get up and move about. So she can't really play the for convenience with young child card. The train isn't even that much longer and she doesn't have a busy tight schedule 🙄 really not a great role model because if she does influence some stays at that hotel they might also not consider the train either.
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I’ve been thinking the same as what you’re all saying. Like on the one hand, I think it’s plausible that one of them (Joe) would fall out of love and that the feelings of disconnect or wanting ‘out’ would be exacerbated by a baby and lockdown.

However, the fact that they split so soon after having a baby is more unusual, as most people might try to make it work for a while longer or at least be more absorbed in taking care of the baby before thinking seriously about a real separation. Actually splitting up soon after having a baby (and taking that trip together) to me indicates that he met someone else tbh. The timing is too unusual otherwise.

That said, of course it’s possible that he was just like ‘yeah no I don’t want to spend another minute in this marriage because I just don’t want to’. And yes I think it’s Joe that either met someone else or wanted to separate, I don’t think Liv initiated in any way.
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Cheering Arlo up this morning? What's going on? I am not a fan of cryptic messages. Say it, or don't.
She has a very charmed and privileged life, hard for me to relate. Influencing it's her only source of income (eBay aside), so, I guess she feels like she needs to post, but many of us still need to go to work, after divorce or personal losses.
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He looks like a completely different person to the photo above
I thought that too and came here to compare! I think it could just be a case of film photos being very flattering and in the story posts he had longer blonde hair that really doesn’t suit him. You can see a bit of it in the left of the polaroid… I’m 99% sure she doesn’t have a second new boyf ready for a hard launch within weeks…?

She did have a story up about writing more about love and dating so maybe we will get a bit more info about what went down. I do find it fascinating how many very long term relationships seem to break down quickly after marriage / kids.
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I wonder if maybe there was some hope for a reconciliation but he’s met someone else or as a previous poster has said, things have got nasty as to who gets what financially. She definitely seems to be in the phase of putting her stamp on the house and making it her own space.
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It does feel quick, she only announced the split in mid September on her insta. Obvs would have happened before then but still seems fast!

I don't think what he posted is that cringe though, I was expecting worse when I saw the posts anyway.

She still has old pics of Joe on her insta too, weird if he has deleted all trace of her especially as they have a child together. She's kept some cute family ones of the three of them on hers.
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Instead, we get influencers selling their free gifts for profit on vinted and hinting on stories for more free stuff. (Not aimed at Liv just influencers in general).
She’s one of the worst! She uses her dad’s eBay account to flog all the vast amount of freebies for some extra cash…
  • Wow
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I still have a smidge of hope that her creativity will come back once she's had time to process the last year. I can get why becoming a single parent would knock you out of your groove, especially when your partner was your photographer.
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Oh that's too bad for them. Guess we'll never know. I know a few couples that have been together since they were teenagers. If you're monogamous it's a lot! And there's a lot of weird dynamics that can build up on couples that got together very young, a lot of codependence. I guess we'll never know what happened. Feels like their wedding was just the other day, how long were they married?
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Remember the days on IG when you could see what people you followed were liking! I caught an ex who implied he was single out with that…
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I was noseying through from her latest throwback story and Joe’s instagram is back up again as of this month, and they still follow each other. Even though it’s absolutely none of my business, I’m still curious as to things seemingly fell apart so quickly (as far as strangers on the internet knew)
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Yeah I think that too, a family wedding would be very difficult. She looked fab and seems like she got through the day! strange time for them all.
Yeah I agree she acts like a single mum, and is quite open about it. You can tell the days that arlo is with his dad! So looks like they’re co parenting well!
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Maybe cos she was travelling with Arlo, the longer journey time put her off? Definitely agree with you though, and airports are stressful with kids too.
Yeah I don't have kids and can't even imagine how stressful it is travelling with them!

Tbf my anger is really with the airlines and government. Trains should be cheaper and a better service and those short haul flights stopped or dramatically reduced. But not the place for that conversation. 😂 It's just disheartening to see, especially when the journey is not exactly essential or for something special - flying to stay in a free hotel for a night or so when she gets to do that so so often in different cities anyway.
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Came here to see if anyone had mentioned Liv and Joe splitting up because I noticed his absence and her lack or rings. I remember at the time she got married if felt like all the influencers around my age were getting engaged, married, pregnant, etc, but I've noticed that a few seemed to split not long after.

I don't know if anyone follows Kim Turkington (Love Cloth – friends with Lizzy Hadfield and Lindsey Holland), but she seems to have stopped wearing her rings and mentioning her husband, too. Not sure if she ever announced anything though. I can't help but think of all the money spent on those gorgeous weddings!
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She actually seemed to be doing really well in early summer, like not even fake IG happy but really having a nice time with friends and herself, but around late summer I noticed a change and even though she’s kept a cheerful tone I could tell she’s been feeling down or something.

I did notice that in her list of things she’s shared she couldn’t even say ‘got married’, not even before having her baby, sheesh.
I am terribly nosy and wonder what happened. Liv seems so lovely.
A baby can certainly make or break a relationship. I hope she is okay.

I looked at her ig and see they had a wedding hashtag (togalvintohold) which Liv is still following. She also follows another one (galvinsjustwannahavefun). Ouch. That would be hard to unfollow.
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Apologies in advance for any questions I might ask that have been discussed in this thread already - I have just stumbled across this thread and have barely skimmed it yet.

I haven’t followed Liv since a few years ago so was unaware she had a divorce and has had a child. When did the divorce and baby happen and we know the reasons they split? Is the baby both of theirs? Is she in a new relationship? Is she still best mates with that woman she used to have a podcast with? I can’t remember her name..

I’m not sure what people’s opinions are on Liv but I’ll share mine along with my experience meeting her and Joe a few years ago..

I used to listen to Olivia’s podcast with her mate whose name I can’t remember. It was one of the first podcasts I started listening to and quite enjoyed the simplicity of it for background noise or whilst I was cleaning. For the most part I liked it however, in almost every episode, I found myself a bit put off by quite judgemental, snobbish comments they would both make about others. It’s almost like they put themselves up on this pedestal and put on a front for supposedly being nice girls who had a safe space for their followers yet were the type to speak down on someone behind their back. Or in their case.. indirectly on their podcast. However, I still kind of enjoyed Olivia as I found her to be pleasant enough to listen to the rest of the time.

Anyways. A few years ago I was at a large event and had got chatting to some of Liv’s friends and creators who were a bit similar to her. Then Liv turned up with Joe and I’m not even sure how to explain it but the two of them sauntered in and appeared to stay away from everybody else including liv’s friends - it’s like they had a real air of superiority to them. Or so they thought of themselves. It was really bizarre. And let me tell you that Joe had the most unsettling and creepy vibe about him which again I’m not sure how to explain but I wasn’t the only one who picked up on it. Since then, any time I’d see his face on her social media it would send a shiver down my spine. There’s something very off about that guy, yuck.

Finally at one point they both decided to interact with all of us (very) briefly and because I had a few drinks in me I complimented Liv and said that I was a fan of her podcast. She looked me up and down and smiled an inauthentic somewhat bitchy smile and turned away from me. I remember feeling so small and embarrassed that I’d even complimented her and told her I was a fan of her podcast when in reality I’d mainly use it for background noise anyway 😂 But yes every since that interaction, I’d stopped listening to that podcast or following her Instagram.

Sadly, a few of the other girls who are friends with or mutual bloggers/youtubers (or at least were well known back in the day) I have heard are much of the same. I was told some really nasty stories about some of them from fellow creators who had also initially looked up to these girls. Very disappointing stuff!
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