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Chatty Member
Lauren could move on from all this hate. We all agree with her that Kyle is a Liar and cheat but it's no excuse to take it out on Annie, she didn't ask for her husband to cheat and had two bastard kids behind her back. K & A are not interested in Lauren's kids and never will be. Kyle provides EVERYTHING for Lauren's kids, if Lauren had any self respect then she would provide for her kids on her own, earn her own money and support her children independently. You can't slander kairo and Kinara's father and then beg him to be in their lives, its abuse and her kids will hate her for it.
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The blog just proves what we have always known it isn’t about the kids it’s about her. The unwanted’s could have a relationship with their dad and brothers but unless she is getting to attend football games and getting the attention she craves then she won’t allow it.
How totally selfish.
If she knows Kyle as well as she implies surely she knows the children would be safe with him 🙄
Hate her for having the audacity to speak bad on Annie’s character when she is the innocent party.
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Why do YOU need to be involved lauryn? You’re not kyles partner ANNIE is. If you truly wanted your kids to have a relationship with their dad you’d accept that but you’re a little cling on desperate to be included in everything the walkers do. It’s like she’s constantly got to prove that she was also with Kyle at one point and doesn’t want to be forgotten. He used you, then dropped you. Get over it
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Chatty Member
Her doing the baby shower on his birthday was the biggest hint and yet some of us was still on the hill.
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Humphrey Rudge

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''She is such a good girl I honestly can't believe how lucky I got with her. She is a dream and you hardly notice you have her.''

Oh well that's just lovely isn't it... the best thing about her is you don't even notice she's there!
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Annie just needs to keep doing what she’s done for 4 years, ignoring the irrelevant desperate slag! She’s done 4 years of silence and self control I wouldn’t be giving loz the satisfaction of reacting to her shit. Lauryns arguing with herself it’s hilarious 😂
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I’ve just remembered that he was saying Annie’s name when he was shagging her. Yet she thinks it’s Annie that is desperate 😂😂😂😂
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Lizzy 93

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This time last year Lauren was about to give birth
Happyily goading Annie Kilner.

Claiming that Annie said awful, nasty things about KG1
Fast forward and apparently during that calm December phone call, where Annie apologised to her, she also said nasty things about the two sprogs lol

Who gives a fuck Lauren ?
I’m sorry but who gives a fuck
You’re a whore who sleeps with married men
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I detest Lauryn and she hasn’t even shagged my husband. So do thousands of people in DM comments section. She has no friends, her family don’t want to be publicly associated with her, no work colleagues.

She’s an absolute sad act living in a chavvy greenhouse with two unwanted kids and no one that loves her.
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Silly cow thinks her and her children are on par with Annie and their children. They’re not the same, never have been never will be and that’s why Kyle treats them differently.

She’s the reason her children don’t have a father, and will grow up seeing him be one to his other children. She should be ashamed of herself for the damage she’s undoubtably caused them
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Even contact without her involved would not work. Horrible to say but those kids will be tainted eventually, they will be copies of her, they will be sent on visits with an agenda, stories will be sold about what they heard/ whilst visiting.
Annie and the RRRRs will be on eggshells for the rest of their days if that were to happen. Not fair to do to someone after you've already damaged them so much.
Him not having contact is now him setting a boundary and finally protecting his family.
Shame he couldn't set that boundary when Pan was legs akimbo
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Well-known member
I can't believe that whore has the cheek to say anything about Annie and 'not trusting her' to be around the children when Loz is the one with prior convictions 🤡

Quite a bold statement to make without any proof, Prozza.

Screenshot_20240527_135835_Samsung Internet.jpg

Screenshot_20240527_135859_Samsung Internet.jpg

*Edited to add snippets from her blog post*

The words "risk," "bad feelings," "negative" and "not nice" are quite extreme.

Paul Lunt needs to get in here asap.
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Love this from Amie Coady - she’s close friends with Annie too. Never got the obsession Lauryn has with having a girl

I've said before I've got 4 sons....I still get asked now if we will try for a girl! My oldest is 15. We went crackers when we found out we were getting a grand daughter because we could love on her a totally different way!
I was never destined to be a girl mam. I used to get so upset when people said that to me oh you must be gutted you've got all lads & even now it's said a lot & our oldest is 25!
Some women (my mam waited 11yrs for me I'm an only child) dont get the privilege to become a mam & its all they ever want.
Lauren doesn't & wont ever deserve that title. Ive been married 20yrs & my boys will always come before their dad. Money & lifestyle come before her kids.
I would never change my boys for a girl. My mam would call herself Peggy Mitchell my boys she'd say bless her!
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To the women who come on here and cry about Kyle choosing not to be a part of the kids lives,

It wasn’t that long ago that women couldn’t get credit without permission of their husband, that rape wasn’t classed as rape if the perpetrator was the husband, sexual harassment and assault was accepted in the workplace, the list is endless.

Although there are inequalities present for women today, there are also opportunities for women to exploit measures put in place to protect them from these kinds of historical issues and in doing so they make it even harder for women in general. Lauryn Goodman has exploited every one going. She’s a convicted benefit cheat and CLEARLY on TWO occasions purposely got pregnant and then went on to milk not only Kyle financially but told lies to garner sympathy which should only be available to mothers who have been left to do it all by themselves from men who are pieces of shit. Furthermore, she continues to embarrass her children and exploit them on social media and in the press for her own gain. She is the kind of woman who oppresses women further because she’s an evil bitch who will exploit anything she can for her own gain.

True women do not sleep with other women’s husbands, conduct vicious social media campaigns encouraging others to bully a woman who is in fact a victim herself, put their kids through what she does or do anything she does. And she also has the nerve to try and speak out about Palestinewhen before now she’s said nothing and is actually a Tory supporter.

Women are afforded no contact for their kids from abusive ex partners yet it’s okay for Lauryn to behave the way she has over the last few years and then people want to say “oh well the courts could allow it”. No chance.

Stop playing into this weak minded poor woman narrative and focus on the fact it is and has been her and her alone who has caused those kids to be in this situation. Yes, it’s a shame for the kids. A shame they have a mother like Lauryn.

Women are amazing. Lauryn just happens to be a female.

Take a bow Queen! Also do these people realise that she.wanted money to abort her 1st mistake?? Probably not!
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I just don't understand how she can be referred to as a "WAG" she has never been a wife or girlfriend 🤣
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LCG delivering 😂
Which clown is asking for Annie to rescue Kyle's product of an affair?! Fucking morons 🤦🏻‍♀️
Why aye Annie take them in pet why not it's not like they'd be a constant reminder of your husband's adultery! Urgh people knock me sick!!
The others though well said 🤠
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