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To the women who come on here and cry about Kyle choosing not to be a part of the kids lives,

It wasn’t that long ago that women couldn’t get credit without permission of their husband, that rape wasn’t classed as rape if the perpetrator was the husband, sexual harassment and assault was accepted in the workplace, the list is endless.

Although there are inequalities present for women today, there are also opportunities for women to exploit measures put in place to protect them from these kinds of historical issues and in doing so they make it even harder for women in general. Lauryn Goodman has exploited every one going. She’s a convicted benefit cheat and CLEARLY on TWO occasions purposely got pregnant and then went on to milk not only Kyle financially but told lies to garner sympathy which should only be available to mothers who have been left to do it all by themselves from men who are pieces of shit. Furthermore, she continues to embarrass her children and exploit them on social media and in the press for her own gain. She is the kind of woman who oppresses women further because she’s an evil bitch who will exploit anything she can for her own gain.

True women do not sleep with other women’s husbands, conduct vicious social media campaigns encouraging others to bully a woman who is in fact a victim herself, put their kids through what she does or do anything she does. And she also has the nerve to try and speak out about Palestinewhen before now she’s said nothing and is actually a Tory supporter.

Women are afforded no contact for their kids from abusive ex partners yet it’s okay for Lauryn to behave the way she has over the last few years and then people want to say “oh well the courts could allow it”. No chance.

Stop playing into this weak minded poor woman narrative and focus on the fact it is and has been her and her alone who has caused those kids to be in this situation. Yes, it’s a shame for the kids. A shame they have a mother like Lauryn.

Women are amazing. Lauryn just happens to be a female.
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nothing shocks me now

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To try and put it into perspective. I have two kids, with the oldest I was on the pill and in a casual relationship. I fell pregnant and instantly he said he didn’t want a baby and wouldn’t be part of his life. I decided to do it alone, he wasn’t there for scans or the birth, he never paid a penny for the child and still hasn’t. Do I think he’s a deadbeat dad? No I don’t, I could have decided to have an abortion but I wanted the baby, he has the same choice. I raised the child completely alone. My second child I was married, the baby was planned and we tried for about a year. He came to all scans and was there for the birth. We stayed together for two years and he was very much a hands on dad. When we split he went off the rails and decided he didn’t want to be a dad anymore. Now doesn’t pay anything towards his child or see him. Do I think he’s a deadbeat? Absofuckinglutely.
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Imagine moaning that Annie went back to her husband, yet you went back to a man that NEVER publicly acknowledged your son and then called them mistakes!!🤮
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The worst part is, you know she’s adjusted those socks to show the words and probably has 20+ videos of insta boomerangs trying to get the perfect shot of them.

Lauryn you are warped and sick.
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From my experience in life over the years anyone that repeatedly goes out of their way to comment on how great of a mother they are…. Aren’t.
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A man publicly calls your beloved children a pair of mistakes and you buy them ‘I love daddy’ socks?


They wouldn’t even have his name if it was me
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Chatty Member
That story has been posted for 1 reason and 1 reason only, to show those socks
Why's she need to ask the cutlery question? She already has a child. What age did Kairo start using cutlery Proz?
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I think it’s disgusting disowning your own children, he could easily go through court & see his own flesh & blood. Doesn’t have to have anything to do with the nutcase.
why? He didn’t get a choice. Women can choose whether to become a parent or not. They can abort, then can choose to give the child up. A woman wouldn’t be condemned for choosing to abort a child if she didn’t want to raise the child. Why can’t a man choose not to be a parent? He has provided those children with everything they couldn’t possibly need or want to have the best start in life.
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Why’s she acting like she cares what e-numbers are in a loaf of bread like her body is some temple of health. You had no problem letting someone’s husband bareback you.
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Lizzy 93

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If my husband had two kids with a well known slapper, I would tell him go be with that woman!!!

I ain’t helping raise her dusty youts
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Humphrey Rudge

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Screenshot 2024-05-26 14.32.48.png

The fact she approached Annie and asked for all of the children to be introduced with all of the adults present shows how deluded she is. Not only has she had an affair with her husband but she is now both publicly and privately goading her. The woman is utterly deranged if she thinks Annie could possibly bare to be in the same room as her. She knows this, of course, it's all about causing Annie maximum stress and hurt.
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One thing I’m confused about is Annie offered for Kairo to meet his brothers. I thought no one including Annie knew that Kyle was seeing Kairo? It seems like a bit of a weird thing to offer considering everyone thought Kyle wasn’t seeing him? surely Annie wouldn’t offer when Lauryn just told her Kyle was dad to 2nd baby? I wanna know!🫣
One thing I'm confused about is , why has Lauren addressed this in her blog if no offer was made by Annie. Why has Lauren said that she would need to be present as Annie would be mean to KW1 if no offer was made. The offer was made via Kyle's Solicitor as Annie was fed up of Lauren constantly taking Kyle to court (see court docs, legally blonde pap shots and weekly daily mail stories) over KW1. Lauren wanted Kyle to have a relationship with Kairo and so when Kyle called her bluff via his solicitor, Lauren went batshit crazy because she wanted to be present and didn't want Annie near KW1. She has practically admitted this in her blogs. What Lauren hasn't added to her blog is that she called a heavily pregnant woman on boxing day to break that woman's heart and destroy that woman's family at a time when that woman would have been celebrating the festive season with her children, husband and family. What Miss Goodman has also failed to mention is that she slated that woman's husband off to his wife. She told Annie to be careful of Kyle and that Kyle had used them both. Now if that's not crazy (lock her up and throw away the key) behaviour, I don't know what is.
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Isn't she the one who tried to start a global petition to get his legitimate sones names removed from his football boots cos KW1 wasn't on them?
Whose the one jealous of children Loz?
#allornone remember
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I think it’s disgusting disowning your own children, he could easily go through court & see his own flesh & blood. Doesn’t have to have anything to do with the nutcase.
I don’t. I’ll yeet a fetus or give a child up for adoption if I don’t want it. Why should he be forced to be a part of their lives if he doesn’t want to be? He clearly doesn’t want to be.

This is what happens when women play silly games and think they can trick a man into being a part of their lives or make money off it. They deal with the consequences. She’s dealing with x2 consequences which infer that they’re no consequences, they were choices. Her choices. The end
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VIP Member
I think it’s disgusting disowning your own children, he could easily go through court & see his own flesh & blood. Doesn’t have to have anything to do with the nutcase.
he hasn’t disowned them when he pays for they’re whole life. Home. School.Food. Clothes. Transport. Decent holidays. Etc
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