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I honestly applaud every woman who has struggled to raise their child or children by themselves and was abandoned by the father. My point of view isn’t that we should do it all ourselves or put up and shut up but more from a place of how insulting she is to the women who truly never asked to be in nor foresaw the position they are in and thought they had chosen the right guy to have kids with but regardless of REAL betrayal and abandonment put their children at the forefront of everything they do. Lauryn can’t even shut her big fat pan face after shagging a married man and effectively winning the set for life lottery she purposely played. She makes me violently ill and I pity her children because of her and her alone. Any single Mum who blows smoke up her ass needs to realise she’s taking the pure piss out of you and making a mockery of being a single Mum.
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I came across some old pics of Kyle with Roman on insta the other day and it reminded me how young he and Annie were, only 22 and 19 when they had their first baby and by the time Annie was 25 she had three children (if I’m mathing right).

Then you’ve got Lauren having her first at 29 and making all of those demands for money, a nanny, private school etc. And then going on like mother of the year, breastfeeding expert.

And now she’s got the cheek to say she doesn’t want Annie around her kids because she might hurt them or not be nice to them, she doesn’t trust her basically.

Annie has been a mother for 11 years!! Since she was 19. A mother of 3 at 25. And now a mother of 4.

Lauren can’t even deal with 2 at 33.

Make it make sense 😩
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How fucking deluded do you have to be to approach a woman two days after Christmas to tell her you fucked her husband again and your Daughter is his but can all the kids meet up and then call that ‘offering a white flag’ 🤡🤡🤡
There will be no white flag above Annie’s door, because Lauren’s a slag and always will be x 🎶
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I don’t understand how Lauryn thinks it would work. Does she think she would get an invite to the walkers house with the kids? Does she think all 9 of them would all get together and walk around the park eating ice cream laughing together? It’s all very mad.
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To the women who come on here and cry about Kyle choosing not to be a part of the kids lives,

It wasn’t that long ago that women couldn’t get credit without permission of their husband, that rape wasn’t classed as rape if the perpetrator was the husband, sexual harassment and assault was accepted in the workplace, the list is endless.

Although there are inequalities present for women today, there are also opportunities for women to exploit measures put in place to protect them from these kinds of historical issues and in doing so they make it even harder for women in general. Lauryn Goodman has exploited every one going. She’s a convicted benefit cheat and CLEARLY on TWO occasions purposely got pregnant and then went on to milk not only Kyle financially but told lies to garner sympathy which should only be available to mothers who have been left to do it all by themselves from men who are pieces of shit. Furthermore, she continues to embarrass her children and exploit them on social media and in the press for her own gain. She is the kind of woman who oppresses women further because she’s an evil bitch who will exploit anything she can for her own gain.

True women do not sleep with other women’s husbands, conduct vicious social media campaigns encouraging others to bully a woman who is in fact a victim herself, put their kids through what she does or do anything she does. And she also has the nerve to try and speak out about Palestinewhen before now she’s said nothing and is actually a Tory supporter.

Women are afforded no contact for their kids from abusive ex partners yet it’s okay for Lauryn to behave the way she has over the last few years and then people want to say “oh well the courts could allow it”. No chance.

Stop playing into this weak minded poor woman narrative and focus on the fact it is and has been her and her alone who has caused those kids to be in this situation. Yes, it’s a shame for the kids. A shame they have a mother like Lauryn.

Women are amazing. Lauryn just happens to be a female.
Can this be pinned to the top of every thread 👏🏼
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The only reason she wanted all adults to be present when introducing the kids is to torture Annie further. She was probably (in her dreams) imagining Annie seeing the longing looks between Kyle and Pan right under her nose and realising that it’s Pan he’s always wanted 😂😂 She can’t be surprised that Annie “wasn’t keen” on this set up! All I get from the blog is that she really has lost the plot and that she also doesn’t have a single person around who cares for her. That’s the kind of thing you write in temper that you re-read back and cringe and delete it. Or if that doesn’t happen you let a friend/ family read and ask if you’re being mental? Said person then rings the Priory and the men in white coats turn up. I’m not being blasé about mental health (I suffer myself) but I genuinely, genuinely think she is mentally unstable and needs to seek urgent help.
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Lizzy 93

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I think it’s disgusting disowning your own children, he could easily go through court & see his own flesh & blood. Doesn’t have to have anything to do with the nutcase.
Listen it’s not nice, especially being a public figure.
What I can’t get my head around is Lauren having baby number 2 when he did this to baby number 1
Why bring another child into this shit show ?

As someone who has followed this for a very long time, she wouldn’t stop criticising him even up until July 2022 yet by October she was pregnant again

How he proved himself as a father in that small amount of time is mind boggling.

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Even if everything Loz said in the blog was true we'd still prefer Annie because she:
1. Doesn't sleep with other peoples husbands
2. Is humble and classy
3. Prioritises her childrens schooling over being a poisonous whore
4. Puts sunscreen on her kids

How she can slate Annie for taking Kyle back when all it took was an unproved apology for her to drop her kecks again for him is beyond me. At least first time round Annie got a hugely expensive diamond ring and beautiful proposal from him. Can only imagine what she's had since Christmas

Hey Loz - You know the £10k Cartier Love bracelet you wanted Kyle to buy you from Kairo? Annie has probably got the £60k one without a sniff of blackmail required 🤪🤪
Here's some free advice for you:
Oi Pan, find your own man
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They bloody well can erase Lauryn's children if they think that's in the best interests of the 4 they have at home given the absolute psychopathic behaviour of the mother of those 2 children who have been "erased".
Not everyone will agree about that and I do find it sad for K&K but with their mother that's all they can expect.
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I think they’re gonna gather as much evidence as they can to try get her sent to prison or some kind of lifelong super restraining order, hence why right now they’re just letting her dig away at that hole. People have been sent down for less than she’s done, she’s stalked Annie for 4 years and the walkers will have SO much evidence. All we know is what we see imagine what stuff she’s done that we haven’t
She crossed the legal threshold for harassment 75 threads ago if you ask me
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Can we all just never during this loving inimate relationship kyle got his cock out and was groping and dry humping someone in a pub and BV called annie a doormat then proz joined in and started on annie too also the day b4 he was paped kissing annie?
She was pregnant wi Knose sooooo wasnt he cheating on proz too?
Also when they were paped together holding hands after a win also while he was at a wedding with annie when the kid was born?
But u didnt know they were together?
But in ur interview after it came out it said u didnt want to split them up?
Kyle didnt want her posting when she was preg but all over insta is her pregnant belly all the pap shots and that poor fucking horse 😭
Didnt want anyone to know she was kyles
But posts the girl with im a lion sticker
Posts placecard with 2x walker kid on
The lies she tells when the truth is all there to seen is insane
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Said she found out she was pregnant at a kidney scan at 21 WEEKS in Nov 2019…. LIES

Court confirmed she misled the general public and actually found out she was pregnant in AUGUST 2019. Could have been as early as 6 WEEKS …. Yet this woman said she was infertile 🤥

This kidney scan narrative was aired as part of a tv show (Victoria Derbyshire) for all to see and Goodman herself has since admitted in court it was LIES!

Little Miss …If you want to hear the TRUTH from the horses mouth buy my blog!!!! Bitch wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked her square in her pan 🍳 face!! 🤣🤣🤣
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Don't tag me, there's a support forum!
All, thanks for the reports. Ignore this influencer doxxing - you just give it the oxygen they crave and it encourages it. Don't post your profile pic or any identifying information and report if anyone does as that's the only way to give away your identity.

Report if anyone talks about this topic as we don't want to have to lock this thread, but will have no choice if people continue to ignore these posts we make (purely for the safety of everyone).
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button moon

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She,found out so early and if that baby was a boy she would of had an early termination.but it was a girl,and she thought she had hit the jack pot .
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Is that Kinaras way of wishing her daddy she hasnt met a happy birthday? Through a 50p pair of ‘i love daddy’ socks? Get a grip😂😂😂 how can you slate him one minute but let them wear that the next. Pathetic!!!
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