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Miss Villanelle

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The video of her and 'Harve'. He's shuffling giving the 🖕and saying fuck and cunt a few times, yet I bet if she puts it as a post there will still be comments like aw Harvey is so cute etc. No he isn't, he's a fully grown man with no manners and a potty mouth thanks to his wonderful mother.
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The nanny must know A LOT....
Why is the nanny protecting her, I guess the question is, who or what is the nanny scared of!?!

Animals are dying, the "mother" doesn't give two shits about the kids.... A poor impressionable young girl is holding the MM together, it's awful and not right.

The Clan and Sink Boy are despicable people. Albert will grow up a Narc as he is SFP's baby, whilst she watches on and allows her niece and nephew to be emotionally abused.

No doubt P now also knows the truth about Blade, but she will also be protected and not speak up for brand PR and damage limitation. I'm not speaking out against P she is 15yr but this decision will be made for her, so in effect enabling KFP's behaviour. It's all about money and PR.

Again this is against P, this will be decided by PA and CP.

As Dc16 has said, she picks young people to work with her because she can manipulate them. A thing narcs do too is
get someone to join in with something illegal, say it's for fun and they're best friends at this stage. It could be shoplifting, drugs, driving a nice car uninsured, a bit of benefit fraud- whatever. They then hold this over the person and say I'm doing you a favour as I would never tell on you.....the message is, we both have to keep quiet about each other's secrets.
I can see her doing things like that.
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Video below for those who can’t view it.

She has a film crew in or it’s a photoshoot going on, looks like we’re back to exploitation of H again
View attachment 2244095
I mean it looks like she thinks she’s sexy dancing but she’s actually got as much rhythm as a plank of wood so it’s just not working out for her. But the swearing and burping in someone face is just grim and really rude, she should be checking him but as she’s the absolute worst she just woohoos.

Side note agree with everyone re the speculation regarding Princess. Whether she has a boyfriend or not is none of our business. She’s a kid at the end of the day and I feel super uncomfortable with the speculation surrounding her. Her and her brother seem like really decent, well rounded young people and I don’t believe they should be dragged into their mother’s ridiculousness with people saying they’re going to end up like her. They have enough going on dealing with the shit she brings with her as their mother as it is without that kind of talk. Just my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also KFP, why is it that no matter what she’s wearing or where she is or what she’s doing she manages to look an absolute state?? Her little bandy legs make me ill. And those norks, Christ man woman get them sorted out!
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Absolutely not, she had just had a new baby, there were witnesses in his village of the aftermath of the argument. If that had been MP, she would of taken great joy in announcing that one to the world.
Nothing but respect to Michelle, most most people would have had the fucker by the throat long ago.......
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Oh dear Anna I sooo love your posts,always have done you have her to a T..I’m so pissed off.when oh when is this cunt being bought down.🙁
Patience Dear Dolly ... she has to fuck up somewhere, giving her back the licence, has just given her more opportunity to do that ..... she loves to show off, is an attention whore ..... look at the photo of her driving, she isn't wearing a seat belt, which proves, her behaviour will NOT change, the ban has taught her nothing, lesson not learnt ... " Patience " ( Its coming ) 🤞
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I can give you some info.
SFP is selling the pictures & stories to RedTops & splitting the money. KFP send pictures to her. Hope SFP is being taxed on this ! CRAWL & Her have not split. We knew this. Seems KFP was most likely the ‘unknown person’ responsible for poor Blades demise. I have more, but I’m going to have to drip feed this through, for obvious reasons. She’s definitely out to crucify poor Kieran. She’s obsessed with him being with Michelle & that he moved on. Seems the same as she was about Peter, but Pete had legal, Claire & good people/family around him to deal with her. Poor, poor Kieran. Seems she’s rarely at home. Poor kids too. She doesn’t give a 💩about them, they’re pawns to use to bury KH.
Oh my Willow it’s way worse than I thought, so we are being played about the ’split’ my vibes weren’t lying to me, and gee we were also right about Blade’s death. Believe SB knows what happened, and unless he spills, the truth will stay hidden. RIP poor Blade, f*ck she’s pure evil 😡

So sad about the little ones, as I’ve said a few times now I’ve had to park my sadness about their welfare and education being failed, and I now believe unless she does something truly horrific I can’t see it changing. She’s using every trick she can and is winning, she’s played the system and won, Sounds so negative and it is, but I can’t see KH beating her, she also has the best legal representation (don’t know how, but she does) Andre had the resources to fight her, KH doesn’t, just don’t think we’re gonna see him win those kids back full-time. I’ve had to begrudgingly accept no one will stop her from ruining their lives, just for her revenge, she’s an empty soulless husk of a human,

Got to the point now where our only hope of her being stopped is if the drugs or surgery come for her. To me, she’s using heavily, there’s a good chance that is the way it ends, she’s 45, that life comes for you hard at her age.
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I suspect & get the feeling, some on here don't think I get the facts right. I only post information I know is correct. I was hesitant when Blade died to actually believe KFP had any involvement in his death, other than her usual irresponsibility by not making sure property secure. I assumed he did get out & got run over on main road, which in itself is terrible. But i was told information that people were correct on here with their assumptions & KFP was responsible & got others involved to cover up the death of beautiful Blade. How it was explained about the cover up, fits into place what really happened. I know 1st hand the family are con artists & scum, but now with the Blade circumstances, I find it sickening that they close ranks & actually aid & abet her disgusting actions. I will think more carefully now, whether I will post any information, until it's going to be substantiated by Redtops or authorities.
Awww...... I believe you Willow so please don't withhold anything you KNOW. We need you ✍ Everyones' imagination is working overtime at the mo, even speculating on P and her friend. Must be the heat eh?
And here I am speculating that KP may have rolled Blade onto a bath towel and dragged him onto the lay-by to be found. Feel ill thinking about all this but one thing's for certain, that family clan should rot in hell for covering this awful tragedy up.
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the article has already been updated, photo's from a different day in a blue outfit & the one with Bunny & the wording under has now disappeared, it had already changed to different wording on that photo a few mins ago, but now removed completely. Someone at The Scum fucked up have they?!!
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Why feel bad? .... He is not cute in any shape, way or form .... people only say he is, because of his disabilities, being kind .... I don't wish him any harm, but couldn't give a flyin fuck what Harv bear does ... to make it worse ` WE the fucking tax payer ` are paying for his upkeep, a ridiculous amount, that could be used to help ` many ` adults with special needs ... instead its being used on 1 person ...... that really fucks me off BIG TIME .... that others are missing out and his whore of a mother has fully abused this situation to her advantage🤬
I agree with you.

He's not cute, not a kid, he's a grown young man with disabilities. He has also displayed some worrying violent and aggressive tendencies. Personally I think he's a ticking timebomb.

On those videos he demonstrates no respect for his 'carer', calling her a bitch and shouting 'fucking cunt' throughout while Skanky cackles.

It's not funny, it's not cute I'd be mortified if that were my son. Yet her brain dead 'fans' are on her Instergram saying how cute he is!

How different his life could have been with a devoted, loving dedicated mother trying to ensure he has the best life ever.
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KP did go and get her hair done at LAstudio and nails the day after Blade died, the pictures were in the press the following day.
Just something puzzling me, he was taken to the ooo vet, didn’t they say about 11pm and they were looking for the owner for hours, not sure at this point, as I don’t think it’s been publicised if Blade was still alive at this point, I take it he wasn’t. It possibly would have been very dark by then, so if just laying in the verge, would have been hard to spot, but if hit by someone they would have known about it. IF KP had done something to Blade, even accidentally, why would she tell other people? If she did tell anyone, surely just her enabling family and they would know if this info got out there how angry people would be due to her appalling history with looking after animals and so soon after the last one died. Sorry, but something with this is not adding up. Are these friends of KP who know what happened and passed this info on? Then again KP might really not care and has told people that 🤷🏻‍♀️ I believe by this time SB was off the scene. If Katie didn’t feed the animals, she did always try to make sure someone did.
I’m not defending her by the way😬, but I’ve seen so many theories on here in the last few days 🤣 and yes it’s a gossip site, but if those people are 100% sure of the information they have in their possession about Blade then it’s their moral and legal duty to report it and only them, no one else should report on here-say without (96 pages of black and white) proof.

I think the P videos at the MM were done the same day they had pizza and when the pictures of her boyfriend was in the car, both wearing same blue tops.
I think the heat is getting to everyone - I’m lost for words at some of the conspiracies 😂
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This is just my opinion, from what you’ve just mentioned. Maybe poor Blade did bite her trying to get attention for food as he was so hungry & she did something to him. After he died, apparently she went to get hair done & was off her face. We don’t know if she was driving unfortunately, not that it makes a difference💩
She's a psychopath, totally oblivious to the suffering of a pet she posed with and pretended to love for 'likes' :oops: I can also see her getting nasty with an animal that annoys her and interrupts her 'me' time.
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How is it allowed to drive FGS!
I give it a month before it's breaking the law again!
How does it afford the insurance yet is bankrupt?
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This looks questionable too
View attachment 2241529
The photos can look faked by the use of the filters, they often make the figures stand out and play havoc with the background, this is why they look slightly odd. They are real, he’s just filtered his face, he looks nothing like that. They are there, the ‘boys’ are actually in Vegas, but I can see why people question it. Gee I hate filters, right load of fake toss.
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