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VIP Member
Knew that bitch had something to do with Blades death. Only thing i want to know is who helped the cunt dump his half dead body by the side of the road. 😞
That cruel vile cunt Stan,I could fucking kill her,Nastiest Cunt ever.😡Probably sinkcunt that dumped poor boy.
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Stan Butler

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i hope he bit her, she will be knocking her kids over next.
I can't see Blade actually going for skank inside Pricey Towers (a vet would know the difference between bludgeoned to fend him off or traffic injuries don't think that's in Blades nature to attack hungry or not). Think what's happened is she's been pissed and of her face either leaving (to go to the salon) and hit him or when she's been returning driving, then she's tried to pick him up but with him being hurt he's snapped at her and caught her arm so she's had to get help moving him from either the nanny or sink boy or both to put him in the car or in the stable until it was dark so she could dump him by the side of the road. I'm sure a professional vet would contact police if he thought Blade had died through mistreatment. So skanks ran him over and had help covering it up from either the nanny or sink boy or both then when the clan found out they stayed in Cornwall not rushed home if it was a targeted attack against skank so they know the truth aswell. Bunch of cunts the whole lot of them.
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I know, I know, another conspiracy theory 🤨 but......she has form for getting off her tits and letting animals out of control doesn't she ( horses at Christmas) ? So I can totally see her being off her tits, hitting Blade whilst driving and then being in a state and demanding help from someone.

The conspiracy theories I hate are the ones which make no sense like, SB is really Jessica Alves in drag, or KP is the head of the mafia in Italy and that's why she gets away with parking fines in Sussex :p
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
Fucking enabling complicit tosser will be moving into the triangle house daddy bought and built for him. Fucking enabling complicit tosser hasn't had a job or sold a car since he met skank. Fucking enabling complicit tosser will still be living at Pricey Towers he's just moving from the attic into the annex. 😎
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Perhaps he requested drop offs at a contact centre as then she doesn't hand over its there on record , not just a he said she said situation. And it'll definitely stop any nastiness from her as it would also be recorded.
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Those brushes stuck to the wall 🤦‍♀️😂 so tacky and cheap just like the designer
She's a bit literal isn't she, 'Princess likes lets stick that on the wall and der brushes '. I like Barbies, so lets stick vem on the
wall too'.

I'm surprised there aren't little bags of white powder stuck all over the bathroom walls 😁
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I wonder if the contact centre is the start of better things. She has been withholding contact and probably still saying they are at risk and KH will kidnap them and harm them blah blah blah. So SS have said OK then he can see them at the contact centre. She is probably pissed off about it so got her friend to take pics for Backgrid to show on her mind that KH is a danger (he's not). She is just playing an age old game of parental alienation.
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I think I find that even more concerning than the driving, if she wrangles her way into P’s life it’s going to be tragic for that poor girl, as you say, it’s really weird DC, not a good development 😔
My first thought is that she will try and drive a wedge between P and her boyf. Possibly by befriending him and being inappropriate and too pally. Then she will tell Princess he's not to be trusted and is like all men etc. etc.
With Junior's girlfriend she went on the attack but she was female.
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Chatty Member
Well how the mighty have fallen. PPV on only fans. What happened to the empowering woman and her choices. When she did her initial press call for OF it was all about how she is in charge, she shows and posts what SHE wants , giving her all the power. We'll PPV is the very opposite of that Katie. You are doing exactly what the customer wants and is paying you for. They are totally in charge of the situation.You are bring paid to do whatever grubby , seedy ,disgusting, degrading act they pay you for . Yep you have hit the depths. Couldn't happen to a better person
☝We all knew this was going to be the outcome. . . Frankly, I'm surprised it took so long. I was thinking how very sad. From the dizzying heights of being known worldwide, commanding huge fees and having artistic control over publications and presentations. Then l remembered Blade and all the other poor creatures that have suffered under her control. Karma, Krusty is coming atcha. And about bloody time
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Brah Day Izit?

VIP Member
Just looking at this post from @clairiecluck

So did I read that right.
Skanky sent and set up pap shots of KH picking Bunty up for visitation??
If I didn't read that wrong, that's bloody disgusting!! And surely no redtops or DM will pick that up as suuuurreeellyy, that's an infringement on KH and Buntys right to.
1. Safe access to contact.
2. Privacy of a minor in a child custody case
3 could that be seen as visitation interference?

Well if they do bite and print pictures and story, I hope she gets torn apart by remaining fans and the general public, aswell as a judge

That does certainly go to show her level of evilness''

I'm wondering if it would be classed as contempt of court as setting the shots up showing Kieran has to collect them ( or just Bunny) from her broadcasts that there has been some sort of court order? Family court judgements and what is said are supposed to be private to protect the kids!
She just can't help herself can she, wants desperately to show the public Kieran doesn't have them full time....even if it harms the kids.
It depends on many things, and sadly I can't see that this would be precluded. It depends on the order the court has made (if, indeed, it has even been before a judge). It could be an arrangement encouraged by children's services, and in her mind, she thinks she can win points by having the pictures published to make her look like mother Theresa as she is the safe parent who they live with full time. Both parents have had children photographed, and they are published without their faces pixilated.

How do you prove that she arranged the pictures?
How do we know that KH was collecting them for the purpose of contact (or as its new preferred name, family time)?

There are too many unknowns. I suspect the judge, if it was brought to their attention, might raise an eyebrow, but from first glance and not seeing the paperwork, I can't see any laws broken. It would have been different if she had disclosed what had happened in the family court or photographed legal documents and put them in the public domain, but sadly here, I think she's ok.

I suspect the papers won't print them though after consulting their legal bods. (Unless they have already been printed and I've not seen them - I've been doing a fair bit of skimming on here lately). I can't see the Redtops writing that KH is collecting B for contact, as that could cross into the realms of disclosing family court matters which they won't publish.
So, in summary, she can have the pictures taken, but I doubt they would be published, and if they were highly unlikely, they would say KH is collecting children for contact.
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First thing i said when it happened Dolly,,,,,,,,,, "i bet skanks ran him over pissed and off her face driving up the driveway of Pricey Towers" same as when Queenie got ran over to many coincidences. Fucking fuming the cunt needs a good punch. 🤬
Console yourself if with the thought Stan, time is running out fast for her, her body will give out on her soon, you cannot abuse it with drink and drugs at her age without something major happening. She will need to be very lucky to make it to fifty.
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Cat Eyez

VIP Member
Story has been updated, no ref to SS, extra photos at a petrol station.
Please tell me you've got the original and sent it to everyone that needs to see!! It's out there....

This needs investigating!! This is disgusting.
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She has a friend who is a social worker
Is there a source for this somewhere? Quite worrying if true!

I heard some news this morning, discussing the young boy that was killed by his parents, known to SS etc..... I'm not bashing SS, much of the discussion was about them being stretched and not getting back to people for weeks.

If she has a friend who sympathises with her and ignores things surely that's not right though.
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I don't know how to save video but as usual she is acting disgustingly and inappropriately with a vulnerable person. Looks like Harvey is being encouraged to swear, call a woman 'his bitch' and burp in her face. He's rapping along giving the finger to the other woman ( carer), then he says 'my bitch' or fat bitch or something in her face. She says 'yeah you too' and does NOT look impressed, she looked pissed off. Skank is laughing.

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Then she's dancing all seductively around him :sick:

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