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I didn't get a chance to comment on the posts about Princess's supposed birthday parties before that thread closed so going back to it now. What an absolute load of old rubbish the papers come up with, abetted by skanky's 'source' no doubt! I very much doubt Pete is trying to compete with skanky in any way shape or form! He has probably planned a nice age appropriate party for P at their home with her friends, skanky has found out about it and now come out with those outrageous plans of how she will 'beat' Pete in the party stakes! The prom style party sounds very more like P to me, and the Grease style one is clearly what KP wants, not P. P has said before that the pink and bling stuff isn't her style, it's all her mothers. And where exactly would KP get the money for such an affair? Assuming she could even find one at this time of year which is peak fair season. She sounds like she is trying to copy the Kardashians, that's the type of party they throw for their kids.

And to @pollycopping, so sorry to hear your daughter is having a hard time making her business survive, it's awful how all these grubby little wannabe influencers try and hit up people for a freebie these days. I hope things will turn around for her soon.
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Well how the mighty have fallen. PPV on only fans. What happened to the empowering woman and her choices. When she did her initial press call for OF it was all about how she is in charge, she shows and posts what SHE wants , giving her all the power. We'll PPV is the very opposite of that Katie. You are doing exactly what the customer wants and is paying you for. They are totally in charge of the situation.You are bring paid to do whatever grubby , seedy ,disgusting, degrading act they pay you for . Yep you have hit the depths. Couldn't happen to a better person


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The caption 'drove to a social services' too, it will be an approved contact centre at somewhere like a church or community hall which has been approved for contact or handovers between parents. Only she would have given the scum that description of the photo. They wouldn't know what was going on unless she was the one telling them what the place was.
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I had an interesting conversation at the weekend with a friend I’ve not seen for a while. The subject of Skank came up and friend stated that it was MP who walloped KP last year, not Sink Boy. I was a bit surprised but do people actually think it was her? Like, I know there’s bad blood between them (put mildly) but really, it’s a fucking fantasy scenario.🙄🙄🙄
Yeah probably true .. she was in hospital having Apollo at the time, but while in painful labour, got an uber to pop round and wallop the old whore, while she innocently watched tv, then went back to the hospital, legs back in stirrups to finish giving birth :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ` like ya do `
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Oh as if she is 'fearful she will have to have more surgery'! She will be relishing the prospect! She will probably get even bigger butt implants, good excuse as they have to take the others out. Given how many times she has had infections from surgery she is definitely someone who is going to die either on the table or from infection afterwards in the not too distant future. Skanky should pay close attention. Alves often doesn't even give herself a chance to heal from one procedure before having the next one done.

Sadly not these days, especially if it was consensual.
people should not be speculating that Princess is sleeping with anyone this boyfriend seems to be a new thing not all 15 year old just because they have a boyfriend will be sleeping with them(yes some do/some do not)anything shown so far with the boyfriend as been innocent pictures him going to a party at her grandmothers house with her at her mothers/even her mother picking him up yes we might not like how Katie runs her life but do not use that as a excuse to put her child down to her mothers level(Princess as never given any hint to following in her mothers footsteps she seems to follow the rules her dad makes for her she does not dress slutty/makeup i know she does put some pictures on Instagram/Facebook that us older people may find a bit to much make up/to less clothing but so does my 15 year old granddaughter(i am always joking with her mother if she needs money to buy her clothes that fit)it is just todays style does not mean the child will turn out rotten(my granddaughter at age 15 as a plan it is go to college for 2 years(studying plus taking Spanish)then she is going to rep and travel for a few years before settling down and having kids Princess as a stable family with her dad and stepmum i think(hope) she will turn out fine
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What's the selling point of this from her POV? Is it 'look so awful Kieran the devil still has access to see his daughter'? Is that the angle she is going for?
She wants people to know ( or think) Kieran is a danger to his kids. She will know it is awful for him too, she's sticking the boot in.
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Just looking at this post from @clairiecluck

So did I read that right.
Skanky sent and set up pap shots of KH picking Bunty up for visitation??
If I didn't read that wrong, that's bloody disgusting!! And surely no redtops or DM will pick that up as suuuurreeellyy, that's an infringement on KH and Buntys right to.
1. Safe access to contact.
2. Privacy of a minor in a child custody case
3 could that be seen as visitation interference?

Well if they do bite and print pictures and story, I hope she gets torn apart by remaining fans and the general public, aswell as a judge

That does certainly go to show her level of evilness''

I'm wondering if it would be classed as contempt of court as setting the shots up showing Kieran has to collect them ( or just Bunny) from her broadcasts that there has been some sort of court order? Family court judgements and what is said are supposed to be private to protect the kids!
She just can't help herself can she, wants desperately to show the public Kieran doesn't have them full time....even if it harms the kids.
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Why the feck would they make that decision at all?! Then again, we know the Scum's history and the disgusting things they have printed in the past :mad:
They are an absolute disgrace for printing that original article. They should be hauled over hot coals for that, that horrible cow as well. She’s tipped them off, does she think people are stupid? She sells her own flesh and blood down the river. Worth bearing in mind a contact centre works from Kieran’s point of view in some ways as he doesn’t have to have anything to do or even clap eyes on the silly narc.
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Now I’ve had time to think about it, I’m going to treat the contact centre as a positive step for Keiran. Skanky can’t twist the narrative and pretend he can’t be bothered with the kids, or lie that he has said or done harmful stuff to them. He never has to see her face to face. And she can‘t obstruct his access, or not bother to take Bunny, as it’s all being documented. I think we all know only one parent is going to come out of this as calm, reliable and caring, and it should count in his favour with SS.
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New Fred! Well done @life’s a car crash on the winning thread title - it was hard work to find, but well done to:

Pink Squirrel
Brah Day Izit?

for finding the title for me 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Sink Boy is off to Vegas, Skanky is still being quiet apart from her delusions of throwing Prinny a fairground themed Sweet Sixteen. 🙄🙄🙄 Junior turned 18, Skanky thought Prinny’s birthday was Junior’s.

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You are correct, Bunny and KP at the contact centre.
KP and Jett outside the cs charity place.
2 sets of pap pictures in one day.
Taking a step back for a minute and forgetting the child welfare issues, imagine the mindset of 'celebs' who do this - i.e. wake up in the morning, and attend 2 pre-arranged pap shots with their kids trying to innocently look as if they were caught off guard. Worse, some celebs do it on holidays! What a way to live your life and just for coin. Mindset must be very warped.
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Rita Chevrolet

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I suspect & get the feeling, some on here don't think I get the facts right. I only post information I know is correct. I was hesitant when Blade died to actually believe KFP had any involvement in his death, other than her usual irresponsibility by not making sure property secure. I assumed he did get out & got run over on main road, which in itself is terrible. But i was told information that people were correct on here with their assumptions & KFP was responsible & got others involved to cover up the death of beautiful Blade. How it was explained about the cover up, fits into place what really happened. I know 1st hand the family are con artists & scum, but now with the Blake circumstances, I find it sickening that they close ranks & actually aid & abet her disgusting actions. I will think more carefully now, whether I will post any information, until it's going to be substantiated by Redtops or authorities.
I fully believe you Willow. I just hope that someone will go to the police about it because this really cannot continue can it?
No point bothering with the RSPCA; They're about as much use as a chocolate teapot :mad:
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I can't see Blade actually going for skank inside Pricey Towers (a vet would know the difference between bludgeoned to fend him off or traffic injuries don't think that's in Blades nature to attack hungry or not). Think what's happened is she's been pissed and of her face either leaving (to go to the salon) and hit him or when she's been returning driving, then she's tried to pick him up but with him being hurt he's snapped at her and caught her arm so she's had to get help moving him from either the nanny or sink boy or both to put him in the car or in the stable until it was dark so she could dump him by the side of the road. I'm sure a professional vet would contact police if he thought Blade had died through mistreatment. So skanks ran him over and had help covering it up from either the nanny or sink boy or both then when the clan found out they stayed in Cornwall not rushed home if it was a targeted attack against skank so they know the truth aswell. Bunch of cunts the whole lot of them.
You should be a detective Stan, I think you're very near the truth.(y)❤
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My theory about those pictures with Jett is that the nanny drove to collect Katie from CS with Jett in the car. He didn't want to get out of the front seat to let Katie sit there, so she was pulling him out. He's barefoot because he wasn't intending to walk anywhere. Katie greeted him for the benefit of the hired "paps," then Jett got in the back.
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As Dc16 has said, she picks young people to work with her because she can manipulate them. A thing narcs do too is
get someone to join in with something illegal, say it's for fun and they're best friends at this stage. It could be shoplifting, drugs, driving a nice car uninsured, a bit of benefit fraud- whatever. They then hold this over the person and say I'm doing you a favour as I would never tell on you.....the message is, we both have to keep quiet about each other's secrets.
I can see her doing things like that.
She picks 'fans' who feel 'special' & honoured to be working for her, even if paid nothing or a pittance. These people are dogs bodies. A young girl will not have the experience or qualifications to juggle running a large house, looking after kids full or part time, feed & clean the animals. Do we assume this girl is also house keeper & supposedly changing beds, cleaning, running round after the kids, emptying litter trays & feeding dogs & cats, shopping etc etc? Is she doing the school runs? Perhaps madam has also asked her to home tutor Jett too ! Wonder who this young person is, does DC or anyone know? Perhaps KFP has tempted her with saying there will be 'LOTS' of holidays abroad, where she'll be entertaining J & B. Also, if she doesn't live in, who see's to the animals while KFP is away, which is a vast majority of the year? Apparently Jett is very withdrawn & lonely. Hardly surprising, KFP has literally ripped him away from his daddy. He hasn't got any stability with school, seeing his friends, sport etc. I think IF & it is a BIG IF, Kieran did get some custody back it will be a hard battle. KFP has brain washed J & B to believe Michelle is a terrible woman. Mentally I believe those poor kids will need a lot of counselling. KFP is a VERY dangerous & cruel woman.
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Stan Butler

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Now everyone knows why the fucking grifting narcissistic violent bullying freeloading scamming lying drink and drug addict revenge porn child neglecting animal killing skanky cunt was doing IT'S s fucking CS in the charity shop IT was getting cheap furniture and accessories for the ugly narcissistic violent woman beating bullying freeloading scamming lying enabling complicit tossers new house. 😎
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Oooh yes it looks like an interview, thought it was a photoshoot, but think you’re right, maybe an interview for the book, H used for his ‘cute’ factor that her fans and the media love….note, I hate saying it, makes me feel a bit bad saying it, but he ain’t ‘cute….he’s a 21yo man being exploited.
Why feel bad? .... He is not cute in any shape, way or form .... people only say he is, because of his disabilities, being kind .... I don't wish him any harm, but couldn't give a flyin fuck what Harv bear does ... to make it worse ` WE the fucking tax payer ` are paying for his upkeep, a ridiculous amount, that could be used to help ` many ` adults with special needs ... instead its being used on 1 person ...... that really fucks me off BIG TIME .... that others are missing out and his whore of a mother has fully abused this situation to her advantage🤬
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