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Nothing being out of bounds. Even climbing in through exes windows 😂
I think she deliberately left the gates open and let him out of whichever stable or shed he was living in knowing how close she is to that busy road. Hence the someone killed my dog narrative.
If I remember correctly didn't poor Blade actually get hit by a car and the driver took him to the vet ?
Whatever the truth is, Blade was still let down by the whole fucking grifting Price family, the protection dog company, that Pob faced twat Sinkboy. Only shown some compassion by the fabulous Krusties, the people that took him to the vet and the veterinary surgery staff.
The whole story is full of holes:

1. Blade was hit by a car, this we know.

2. Someone took him to the vet but I don't think it was ever identified as 'The Driver'. I'm sure I read somewhere someone 'found him'.

3. If a car hit a dog that size at speed (sorry) I would imagine there would be significant damage to the vehicle. Insurance claim. Skanky would be responsible as it was her dog roaming free, but no mention, hence the murder fable as there was no other car.

4. Blade was murdered fable. Were the assassins waiting outside MM hoping to get lucky and Blade by some miracle just happened to escaped at that very tIme? Bollocks.

5. Police would be involved if 4 were true. No mention.

The whole event is like knitted fog. I believe the only people telling the truth are the vets and Price knows way more about what happened than she'd like us to believe.
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I can give you some info.
SFP is selling the pictures & stories to RedTops & splitting the money. KFP send pictures to her. Hope SFP is being taxed on this ! CRAWL & Her have not split. We knew this. Seems KFP was most likely the ‘unknown person’ responsible for poor Blades demise. I have more, but I’m going to have to drip feed this through, for obvious reasons. She’s definitely out to crucify poor Kieran. She’s obsessed with him being with Michelle & that he moved on. Seems the same as she was about Peter, but Pete had legal, Claire & good people/family around him to deal with her. Poor, poor Kieran. Seems she’s rarely at home. Poor kids too. She doesn’t give a 💩about them, they’re pawns to use to bury KH.
As you say Willow, hope SFP has been declaring it all. HMRC will be aware by now 😉
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Not sure why people would think they haven't really split or he isn't in Vegas. She uses people, she doesn't need a driver anymore, that's the end of his usefulness. Why would she bother using any energy to string him along now? She will be using her 'charms' on nu eggs.
SB's dad is always posting stuff about awful narcissistic women and abusive relationships too, Sb is now with him. I think this egg has finally
moved out of Skank's egg pan.
He seems to be one of those people really impressed by America. Everything is big there, the buildings, the food, the drinks they say. The cars are bigger, everything is shiny, you're allowed to have a gun. Wow how impressive! Whooohoo! maybe him and Skank are really are made for each other after all.
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She's a psychopath, totally oblivious to the suffering of a pet she posed with and pretended to love for 'likes' :oops: I can also see her getting nasty with an animal that annoys her and interrupts her 'me' time.
I‘ve always thought she skirted around the edge of psychopathy, but bloody hell I now think like you she is actually a full blown one, her attitude and probable involvement with regard to whatever happened to Blade is chilling….but hey two vulnerable children are safe under her ‘care’.

Might add this, makes SB as bad as her, he KNOWS what happened that night to Blade, he is complicit. He’s always given me bad vibes from the start, something is so off with him, when he returns to her after they decide ‘the split’ game is done, knowing how Blade died, well says everything about him. These are two very nasty individuals.
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How the fuck are they allowed to get away with mentioning "supervised contact" that's a serious breach of BUNNYS' privacy never mind anyone else' courts are PRIVATE for a very good protect the INNOCENT CHILDREN!! I am furious about this!!
I was just going to say-that’s awfully personal and private SPECIFIC information for the paper to have. Without KP telling them. Which she must have done.
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FFS I thought those photos of Bunny outside the door was a contact centre. That’s what the Sun article said, no the f*cking charity shop.
Was it the contact centre or not?
You are correct, Bunny and KP at the contact centre.
KP and Jett outside the cs charity place.
2 sets of pap pictures in one day.
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i have read somewhere before that if Peter had to drop the kids off he used to just pull up in the drive and let the kids out he would not even talk to her once she approached the car to talk to him and he drove off(think it was in one of her books i have read a couple just to see if they match up and it is amazing how things change not even from book to book but from chapter to chapter)
And when she saw Junior & Princess they were collected & dropped off at Claire's house. Peter wouldn't have her anywhere near his homes. Usually AFP or SFP had to collect & drop them off anyway, as KFP was never around. Drop them back to the housekeeper Lucy, much of the time.
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There's a Leeds

I did mention this morning, she called the paps, but told SS they followed her, they believe HER. What else can you do when they yet again believe her lies. She is so convincing, that you even to start believing your own sanity, I actually think she would pass a lie detector test as she believes her own lies so much.
It’s why I’ve sadly given up on SS ever doing anything regarding the little ones, they are lost now, she has poisoned them, destroyed their education, but whoever is in charge of her case has let them down badly. It’s weird because through my work I occasionally have to make references to SS and have to say, although heavily overworked, they’ve pretty much been wonderful, really diligent, there no way with what we are seeing with Skank that the people I’ve encountered wouldn’t have acted, they see through lies from parents. They only have to do some basic research to see she’s a liar, just don’t get how she fools them….is it really someone pulling strings for her, it’s just so odd,
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Stan Butler

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Just needed to be posted,,, maybe someone can post it online next to the ugly fat little cunts filtered to fuckety fuck pictures. 🤣
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FFS had a nice evening drinking my wine in the garden and pop back on to see J is with Wayne Lineker, this day is getting worse and worse for following the f*cked up 💩 that is Skank’s life 🤦🏽‍♀️

Lineker is a wrong’un, he’s rotten, I know stories about him through two friends, I ain’t repeating them here, just trust me, he ain’t a decent person, dodgy as. There’s enough in the public domain to confirm this. Peter said he was worried, he has every right to be if his son is hanging around this individual, might be a one-off but for f*cks sake, with signs of Skank worming her way into influencing P’s life earlier, this ain’t good. One thing I will say Claire from Can will know about Lineker’s reputation, if she has a representative out there with J for that gig, she should be on the phone tonight seeing that photo. Bloody hell state of play here 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Princess seems to be spending more and more time with Skanky since she has a boyfriend. Wouldn't surprise me if she is letting him sleep there with princess knowing it would piss Pete off. She is probably encouraging them to sleep together so Princess gets pregnant and Skank will want to look after the baby as she cannot have her own. She is such a sick twisted cunt, its the kind of thing she would do
I think this is probably true. We’ve all been that age with our first serious boyfriend. Where would you go, your dads house with all the rules and the door left open or your Skanky mother’s where you can do what you want I would imagine. It’s not a hard choice for hormonal teens. I think Pete might be seriously worrying about this.
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she actually looks like a to put it nicely A STREET WALKER NOT A MODEL OF 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE
She looks like one of those sad older women who prop up the bar all night flirting outrageously with all the young men, then goes home alone because they were only taking the piss.
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I suspect & get the feeling, some on here don't think I get the facts right. I only post information I know is correct. I was hesitant when Blade died to actually believe KFP had any involvement in his death, other than her usual irresponsibility by not making sure property secure. I assumed he did get out & got run over on main road, which in itself is terrible. But i was told information that people were correct on here with their assumptions & KFP was responsible & got others involved to cover up the death of beautiful Blade. How it was explained about the cover up, fits into place what really happened. I know 1st hand the family are con artists & scum, but now with the Blade circumstances, I find it sickening that they close ranks & actually aid & abet her disgusting actions. I will think more carefully now, whether I will post any information, until it's going to be substantiated by Redtops or authorities.
Noooo Willow don’t stop with the updates, like others are saying i believe you, we are clinging onto posts from our people with knowledge, as Skank is using all her powers of deflection, conning and grifting to knock everyone back at the mo….and sadly winning. Your info is info we desperately need, plus you said you will reveal more if and when you can, keep the faith with us 🙏🏾😁

We are a pretty agreeable bunch as a rule on here, but difference of opinion does happen I’m inclined to just roll on by if I see a post I don’t agree with or what I think is just a plain 💩 take 😁

As @Anna666 just said earlier, I also wasn’t liking the P stuff yesterday but people are entitled to their opinions, I just moved on by, won’t get drawn in and not gonna criticise, just chose to not get involved, it happens, but only occasionally on the KP threads.

I spent a few days on the Scholfield threads recently, oh my we think we have conspiracy theories here lately, we got nothing on that thread…’BAT💩CRAZY’ some of the stuff on there 🤦🏽‍♀️😁 I made one comment disagreeing, got my head bitten off, made me laugh, it was so funny and ridiculous. Just skulked off to the Holly thread to see if I’d cause trouble there, thought better of it 😁

So do stay Willow, we need you, it’s a hard-knock life being a Krustie at mo, we need your invaluable contribution ❤x
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Prunecess has posted a video on IG with her boyfriend doing her make up, of course the skank is there showing off screech singing and, gyrating like a stripper in the background ... constantly looking at this young guy, cant keep her piss hole eyes off him, trying to get his attention ... got a feeling he wont be a boyfriend for much longer ... she is such a nasty cretin 😖😖

Sorry have no idea how to post from IG
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