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Chatty Member
Why are they taking a 2 month old baby to turkey?
Not that turkey isn't lovely and amazing but it's so unecessary!
The baby is so tiny to go on the plane.
They dont work so it's not like they can't wait to go away
why did they have kids? for content i suspect
they dont seem to understand that the babies grow up!
Also it's their job to look after them not the grandparents 2 of which are overworked GPs!
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Oh my god, Carys actually took advice from her parents instead of asking strangers on the internet???? 😳
As scary as the falling down the stairs with a baby in your arms is (been there..), I can’t help but think she will drag this whole thing out, making it another excuse why she’s not exercising etc
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She’s becoming insufferable with this “mum life”, “this is the reality now!” and “I can’t do anything how I used to anymore 🥺🥺🥺” narrative. It’s almost like she didn’t realise kids change your entire life 🤣
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I will never ever understand parents that take photos of "poo explosions" and then also publish them to their social media. Nobody wants to see that, and I can't imagine ever scrolling through my camera roll and going "Awww what a nice memory" when looking at a photo of someone/something covered in shit. I've got pets, nobody wants to see a photo of my dog covered in it's own poo (even though that never happens), or my cat refusing to cover their business in the litter tray, so why do people think it's okay for babies?

Photos of your baby's bowel movements are never cute.
Not just that but it's swimming costumes, bath time, running around in just a nappy. Talking about their health/doctors appointments. Then it moves onto the kids puberty. Nothing is private for kids on social media. These kids don't get a choice and they should. Imagine when you get older and your parents posted everything and I mean everything for 100k+ strangers to see. Or let's change it to, imagine you did this out in the real world with a mega phone, and your child in tow. Taking them around the town/city where not only known pedos are but also random strangers and tell them every detail about your child.
Posting about your kids all the damn time is disgusting and these people know about it and just ignore it which is the worst part!
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Brooke Davis

VIP Member
On the website it has a banner saying ‘temporarily closed, reopening in April 2023’ so I guess they forgot they wrote that on there given it’s the middle of May 🤦🏻‍♀️
Why couldn’t James pack orders? WHAT DOES HE DO ALL DAY?!
They weren’t even sending next day, it was just next delivery as soon as we get our arse to the warehouse.. or is she so moddycoddled that James couldn’t leave her for like one day a week to work🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
She can’t be serious?!? Why on earth would you put a baby anywhere NEAR a weights rack like that with removable parts?! Jesus Christ🤯
Her explanation makes NO sense - those bars are long. Even if the perspective is weird, they could still fall on her if they fell unlucky and tipped over their long side onto her. Also , that swaddle makes me feel sick. I used to swaddle my kid, but seeing it like this from the outside just makes my heart hurt.
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She just can’t keep up with the absolute nonsense she spouts. ‘It’s all about removing the emotion about the clothes’ and then goes on to say ‘I have these shorts I love that I feel fab in’… saying you love them and feel fab in them are both experiencing emotions. The clue is in the word ‘feel’.
She makes up such absolute drivel ‘advice’
When I see a big block of words from Carys I feel like I've lost the ability to read and understand the English language - then I remember it's her that can't string a sentence together.

She talks like this so often, the language she uses is like she's therapised herself into trying to like her body. "This doesn't fit me and it's okay to size up" "Okay this dress doesn't fit me but I have these shorts that do" Wow, revolutionary, wear clothes that fit.

Honestly I think she needs to seek help about her body image issues and insecurities in general, I truly believe she's not well.
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I’m at an airport for the first time in 4 years, no way in hell she has anxiety. I’m dodging people left/right, the toilets were a mess, it’s hot, stinky, claustrophobic onboard. This with two kids?! You can not tell me you have anxiety.
Carys only has anxiety when it involves her doing something she doesn’t want to take responsibility for, like looking after her kids
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I mean I can't be the only one that thinks this just looks absolutely ridiculous, with the shorts pulled up under her boobs 🤷‍♀️😂😂

also she really has lost her arse lately hasn't she 😂 can tell it's all in the angles and pulling clothes so far up her crack now
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Sorry but I have no sympathy for her. Her husband is at home 24/7, neither have a proper job, you know, one where you leave the house and work and then come home. She doesn’t know she’s fucking born. One of those typical people who do fuck all but claim they’re over run.
Makes mad!!
Husband whose home all day, parents to send her toddler to constantly, a very chill baby (she claims). She is so out of touch with reality and doesn't realize how lucky she has it. So many moms are doing it all on their own.
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Wtf is she wearing
What in the flippity dippity is this garb?!
The absolute state of her is no longer funny. It's freaking tragic. This lazy heifer has a gym on her property and still manages to look like this. Plus she wears all the wrong shapes and styles for her body type.
Woman, unfrick yourself and do something about your appearance.... It's like she's gone through a bad burnout episode and gave up. The giving up is the sad part. She can be an absolute babe. But no, she insists she's happy...looking like this. Then complains and lies about her size.
Suuuure, love. You seem practically beaming with joy and gratitude.
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With regards to them taking everything but the kitchen sink cot on holiday, I remember Practical 🤨🤔🙄 James asked the hotel to send pictures of the cot for Amber before they went away. I found this bloody strange and weird. Guess this hotel told him to fuck himself, so he says "wyite cawiss we need to take our own cot, baby mabel needs to go to sleep pwoperwee when on our holidays. " Like the boring cunt he is.

Useless pair of absolute fucktards, think everything needs to be governed, yet do fuck all to 0lan their content, other than copy and paste same ole' shit on the daily. Sooooooo fucking boring.

Oh and her outfits ALL suck!
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Chatty Member
The question will be something like how is sex post birth or how do you find time to have sex with two babies at home? And the answer will be a load of waffle about how there is no pressure to have sex and our bodies are amazing and we need to take them to recover blahhhh blah blaqqqqhhhh
Surprised she hasn't penciled it into her planner (just after lunch ofc, James doesn't do mornings or nights x)
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Surely for content she’d be better to make outfits out of her ITS collections 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ like duhhh surely that makes more sense! “Watch me style my own collection day in day out” would be more on brand, no? Unless she doesn’t actually rate her ITS collections 😱 surely that would never be true though 🙄🙄
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Well-known member
She can’t be serious?!? Why on earth would you put a baby anywhere NEAR a weights rack like that with removable parts?! Jesus Christ🤯
why is she writing “lols” at the end about people messaging her (obviously read it on here) sorry people were concerned about YOUR baby getting hurt! 🤬 She doesn’t even read her messages anyway 🙄
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Chatty Member
They haven't mentioned it in months. I guess the Christmas collection didn't sell, so they gave up.
On the website it has a banner saying ‘temporarily closed, reopening in April 2023’ so I guess they forgot they wrote that on there given it’s the middle of May 🤦🏻‍♀️
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