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Sat right in front of the screens so anyone that looks for their departure gate is met by her baps.
Carys is the type of woman to sit breast feeding in front of the departure board and then be like "omg you guys I was just breast feeding maybs :love: and people kept coming up and standing in front of us and it made me soooo anxious 😟"
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Sorry but Amber is literally being raised by her grandparents. She's with her mum and dad for an hour in the morning and then an hour in the evening before she goes to bed. That is actually mad. They can shout all they want about how Amber loves going but its not fair on the grandparents, and it's not fair on Amber. Mind you, the grandparents probably pay a lot more attention to her, probably not plonking her in front of the TV with a snack board.
They probably think it’s the same as parents putting their children in childcare whilst they go to work. But James is unemployed and Cary’s’ work is taking photos of herself and replying to emails. It’s just absurd 🤯🤯
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She can’t be serious?!? Why on earth would you put a baby anywhere NEAR a weights rack like that with removable parts?! Jesus Christ🤯
She shouldn't have Mabel in the gym at all. It's not a safe place for a baby, especially when she's working out and not watching her 100% of the time. As soon as I'd posted here about it she put up that "explanation" but it's just not good enough. James is there all day, he could have easily have watched the girls so she could get a workout in. Just no excuse for this at all.
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I don’t get this outfit - her boobs are so massive and saggy and she’s pulled those shorts up so high it’s like she doesn’t even have a stomach/waist she’s literally just boobs then gunt
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Everyone has right to be the way they are.. But wow she has chaged so much like you cant almost comprehend its the same person!! Like yes we all change and our body isnt everything. But she just seems so unhappy mentally and physically.
I think her figure is fine, even after childbirth. She just needs to believe in her own bullshit and face up to the fact that she's gone up about 6 dress sizes

I know people disagree but I think it has a lot to do with James. I don't think he makes her feel like a sexy, young, beautiful woman. Having a partner that fancies you a lot makes such a difference. He is like a grandad patting his wife of 60 years on the head. It's so cold and tragic to see
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To be fair, I’d be fed up with her. But nothing stopping him going out and getting an actual job in the real world, would do them both some good.
I don’t know, I didn’t watch the log but didn’t someone say she was too anxious to get food from the buffet?! If so he’s basically a carer to his wife because of her anxiety and subsequently two daughters and dog.
He’s trapped at home if he wants his children, home & interests taken care of well. Unless they employ a nanny, cleaner, dog walker, manager etc to pick up the slack that Carys can’t cope with that he currently takes on, but I don’t think she’d accept that. It would be sad if it wasn’t avoidable by Carys getting treatment - they have resources. It’s just weaponised incompetence.

If my OH could manage to shake their near naked ass for the internet, travel with a mate for photo shoots, “write” a book, be on board, if not the motivator, for a homeware business & fixer-upper but couldn’t work out how to open the Calpol, get food from a buffet, successfully take our child swimming, walk the dog at all (all while my Mum was battling cancer) I’d be pretty naffed off. We see her picking and choosing, he must too.
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Why is every anouncment, every pregnancy and every birthday celebrated in beige?
People need their head checked if they take calming advice from manic Carys.
Just another money grab
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Wow. Talk about selfish. She sounds as if having kids is a burden to her right now and it will get better when they’re older and don’t need her. Why even have children? This post just confirms the babies are just for content.
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I think it's more he's fed up of her, not that her body has changed. his has too. I think he probably hates the front she puts on while probably being quite down about her body and changes IRL. he does everything for her, like mentioned, she couldn't even go to the buffet to get her own food, and part of the vlog also said that she was phoning him up frantic because she couldn't find their apartment a few days in to the holiday. she then said this is what you get when you leave me alone 😐.
I used to think the gym was built because Carys wanted to bounce back after amber. but I'm pretty sure now it was so James was at home all the time as Carys barely used it (remember the i cant figure out the calpol story while he was away at the actual gym). now she frequently says in the vlogs how she will just stand in the kitchen and watch him workout or if he's there with a friend too she will wait and wave at the window?? weirdo 🤣
would defo do them both good for him to get a job, but whether Carys lets him might be a different story. as she says he does all the behind the scenes admin, etc stuff it seems and she probably has no clue how to do all that 🤷‍♀️
It’s so unhealthy and weird. No wonder James is fed up. They’re only in their 20s and he’s probably mentally drained at the thought of having to do this for many decades to come
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Someone has agreed with you, also she’s right, they banged on about it being for postpartum, why not wear some of the clothes, that other users comment that she’s just had a baby makes nonsense after Carys last TikTok about dressing a postpartum body

Even just one of the sweatshirts she “created” with the leggings, but we literally never see the clothes again do we other than the odd “dressy” occasion where she throws a wrap dress on


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I zoomed in on the inside of the journal - and, it's mainly negative......for example 1. What I found stressful this week 2. What was the hardest thing I've done this week 3. What I struggled most with this week 4. Negative thoughts.......JEEZ!!!!! I certainly wouldn't be buying it! It seems to have been written by Carys for Carys!
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so they’ve started leaving mabel with their parents, wonder if that means she’s bottle feeding now?
Of course they have 😂 😂 😂 😂 The laziest pair of parents I've ever seen. Why bother looking your own kids when you've got 4 grandparents who will do it for you?
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is it me or was james really off with carys in the vlog. like when they were in the car on the way to the airport he seemed really annoyed at her for packing useless shit and not packing stuff to entertain the kids for the flight
I thought it was funny, he kinda had a fair point, she said if their luggage was overweight the first thing to go would be Amber’s case with all her stuff to entertain her like crayons and paper etc. and he was just reality checking her that she selfishly would want to keep her hair dryer and fucking steamer (honestly who brings a fucking steamer on holiday) but ditch the stuff that is there to entertain her child.
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Well that’s my exercise done for the day. I sucked my belly in and let it hang back out again afterwards. Loving this new fitness regime!
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The laminated image of a grey book has sent me over the edge hahaha what the actual fuck

Who on earth got her a publisher? It couldn’t have been her talking to them!
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Sorry but I have no sympathy for her. Her husband is at home 24/7, neither have a proper job, you know, one where you leave the house and work and then come home. She doesn’t know she’s fucking born. One of those typical people who do fuck all but claim they’re over run.
Makes mad!!
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