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I'm wondering if she's got that early pregnancy bloat, and because it's her second/she's bigger than before it's REALLY noticeable. So she has to find an excuse for it. Rather than covering up like anyone else would, she seems to think the best way is draw attention to it.

Could also explain why she's been a bit quieter on stories lately. She suffered with morning sickness last time so may not feel up to as much.
she's said a few times about feeling under the weather and I wondered if that was hints. they seem a bit off lately in vlogs, can't quite put my finger on it but Carys seems really emotional/like she will cry at times, even when not talking about her body and pretending to love it 😆 but just talking about random things she looks sad, and if I remember when she posted a photo dump of first trimester pics from amber half were her just crying
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Does anyone know what area of Cardiff they live in? Like obviously don’t give the address😂 but I’ve lived in Cardiff all my life and just intrigued as to what area they live in??
theyve said before they live very close to the hospital… if that means anything to you?
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Considering @Pawpaw365 is a VIP member who very kindly creates a lot of the Carys threads and contributes a lot, I think you're slightly off the scent here 😂

I agree she did imply she was playing with the toys in the bath, where Amber was also. Can't imagine she had her back to her playing with the toys by herself on the bathroom floor 🤨 Carys just wants all the attention and sympathy on her is all.

Honestly I'm a very anxious mum but I wouldn't have had a hand constantly on my child at a year old. You have to let them build some confidence and let them sit by themselves, as long as you are near.
My daughter is 2.5 and has been a bit slower with gross motor skills such as climbing up slides, running etc. It's honestly probably because I'm so anxious and have held her back in the past because I don't want her getting hurt. It's hard a parent to find the balance.
Hahah thank you :)
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Chatty Member
Tbf you sound just as judgemental by basically saying you're a twat for dressing a toddler in a dress because they are apparently so pointless.
Someone's saying what you wear defines your gender, but then you're biting back thinking you're making a good point about how clothes don't define gender, but then in the next breath saying a dress is pathetic for a toddler...

Gotcha 😂😂😂
I’m not expecting finding friends or friendlyness here, but sometimes you guys really surpass yourself in trying to read everything in the absolutely worst way possible. Oh well. I simply used our own life as an example to avoid being told off for «trying to control what others comment» - as I in no way want to control what others write - but I do find the old catholic/christian view of genders personally to be totally outdated. But I gotcha, several people on tattle are not really gender-progressive. I will still disagree on this view, no matter how much you try to personally ridicule or attack my persona.
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If they’ve actually paid .. #OnlyLeaveTheHouseIfItsGifted
I’ve taken my now two year old twice to CP
Yes they can’t do as much as older children but it’s still a lovely child friendly place, the swimming pool is amazing and all the play parks etc.
we’ve loved taking our little one there especially as before they start school you’re not tied to half term or summer hols when the prices are eye watering

I did actually find these pouches really handy to use as sauce to add to pasta when my kids were around Ambers age - just a little tip there 😜 although I'm sure that's not why Carys has got them 😂😂
Also I’m fairly sure at CP the restaurants give you free Ella’s kitchen pouches anyway….
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I have this vase and now I want to break it, hers looks like shit, just like the other 216181818 clay vases she has 😩
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I don’t think she has PND I think she’s just lazy and liked the idea of having a child more than actually having one. I’ve had PND with both my babies and it’s never stopped me making an effort to play with my child, care about their development, food etc
I don’t know much about PND so thank you for your opinion. I just can’t make sense of them.
I would love to be in a position they are in and my partner to be home all day to spend time with our girls!!
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I think Carys has undiagnosed ADHD, and calling people with ADHD lazy is so incredibly damaging.

I think she has some serious repressed trauma in her life. I remember her posting this video about something traumatic happening to a family member after she started University and she started becoming obsessed with wanting to be physically strong to protect herself and her family to cope with what happened. It sounds to me like a family member was assaulted in some way (my interpretation).

About 8 mins 35 she discusses this.

Go and get help and therapy Carys. Nothing to be ashamed of. Anxiety is a very common comorbidity of undiagnosed ADHD x

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have also mentioned this in the past and posted a ADHD question test. She fits the bill and has the money to seek a private referral.
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VIP Member
Wait … is this when she was pregnant?? Holy shit 😵not to be rude but she is way bigger than I thought

The way carys was acting when they sang happy birthday just seems so unatural I dunno what it is 🤯but she’s just so odd
This was a couple of days ago.
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There's some definite posing, it's just a lot less OTT than usual
yeah, at first glance it's not as bad I'll agree. would be nice to see an actual candid photo of them for once though, something more natural
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Chatty Member
She makes me feel like a better parent 😂 I was feeling a bit bad about my 2.5YO's breakfast today - porridge with 1/2 TSP Nutella, chia seeds and banana. But now I realise that's miles better nutrionally than just buttered toast 🙃

I got into working out when Carys was... I learnt a lot about nutrion in that time which does help me with finding balanced meals for my toddler. I don't understand how Carys being an ex gym nut can't even get the basic carbs, fat, protein on the plate of a 1 year old.
Try changing the nutella into some other nut mix, preferably one without palm oil (causes high cholesterol + shit for the orangutans). There are a lot of options nowadays. Then it’s really good! No need to feel bad.
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