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I just had a thought (it does happen occasionally!) If new tattlers can’t get in, what tea might we be missing?? There could be all sorts of brave new fraus out there ready to spill seeing as Jack is imploding all over the place…send us a sign, wannabes!

@MancBee Darling you have more awesome in your little finger than Jack has ever had in her whole life. I’m so sorry you’re feeling sad. Big canal cuddle ❤❤❤
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Is she was sensible of people and their money she would have made it clear she wasn't proceeding as soon as she knew she wasn't going to.

Instead she strung her following along for months, raking in money left right and centre. A simple 'please don't send any more donations, i am not proceeding with the case' would have sufficed.

As always with Jack and other people's money, she's keen to take it but not so keen to give it back. So yes babes you are a liar and thief and a fraud.

Anyone who had ever been in any kind of genuine poverty would KNOW how important every little penny can be and they wouldn't dangle a court case carrot for as long as you did with zero conscience and zero care.
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It was her skinny baiting that first really got me angry at her, as well as her false appropriation and disgustingly patronising and false idea of what working class is. I mean, as a WC immigrant who now regards thesmelves as MC, I can code switch with the best of 'em but it was glaringly obvious to me that her ways of speaking, tone, etc are very MC. In fact I think my first post here was about WC vs MC ways of speaking and how that gave her away (and I think that people who've only ever been MC would not notice this, which helped her get away with it). Anyways, yes her skinny baiting is so, so damaging. I know that very severe anorexics will sometimes body check on SM when in ED spaces and that's part of the illness, but vast majority of ED sufferers are 'normal' or overweight, yes. That doesn't make their ED any less damaging or life consuming. Bulimia is more immediately dangerous to the body than anorexia for example.But Jack seems to believe that you can only have ED if you're very skinny. And she WANTS to be seen that way. We used to call people like this wannarexics but the point is they're usually people in their teens, whereas Jack at her big age is still pulling this sad fishing victim fragile stance and it genuinely used to make me so, so angry.
as another former ED Frau it was also her skinny-baiting that really got to me at first (until I went down the rabbit hole and learned everything else about her, haha). When I was a teenager I did sometimes do the “these jeans came from the child’s section hehe” performance which makes me cringe inside out now. But it wasn’t because I wanted people to be impressed with how skinny I was, it was a cry for help as I felt so out of control I just wanted somebody to sit me down and ask is everything ok. But that never did happen, because it turns out everyone was busy living their own lives and dealing with their own shit. Eventually that realisation that nobody was coming to save me actually kicked my arse into gear and made me take responsibility to go and get help for myself. As you grow up you realise that nobody is that interested in whether you have an ED, it doesn’t make you a delicate tragic little waif that people want to rescue, and there’s nothing desirable about it. I think Jack never really grew out of being a teenager and she still has that mindset of thinking she’s the centre of the universe and that everyone should be rallying around to care for her, that’s why she constantly lies about her millions of friends bringing her soup and tucking her into bed and kissing her little forehead goodnight, because that’s her ultimate fantasy, and why she constantly leaves unsubtle little clues like claiming she’s wearing children’s clothes, filtering her face so she looks gaunt, having a bandage on etc, because she wants people to fuss over her and go “Omg Jack what’s wrong, I’m taking you to the hospital” But she’s a grown woman in her 30s, not a child. No one is coming to rescue you, Jack! It’s up to you to sort out your own shit.
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Didn’t she bring Content home on the bus or train? Must have been a long journey for a puppy. I think Jack was expecting a ride in Harold’s big car but was left in a crater holding shreds of her heart or summat like that.
The person you've just started seeing, has got your dad to hoover. Snuggled your brother, Fed you Slop.
Then spent 7,4k on a watch and 2k on a dog , Whilst she is saying I'm a poverty campaigner. I'd be off like Usain Bolt
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Chatty Member
I don't think people can get their money back from Jack. If she responded to the CCJ it quite poss would have ruled in her favor. Esp as it was clearly done by someone in bad faith that made their intents clear with posting gleefully about causing her distress. If someone has kept paying on patron then despite not getting sent anything after a few weeks then there's personal responsibility. Someone can't now turn around after giving for 1+ year and say they want it all back; wouldn't be successful. Giving a donation on patron is not covered by rules like distance selling. It's the wild west with kofi, kickstarter, justgiving and patron stuff on the internet.
Lol, sounds like victim-blaming to me. Also sounds like something that lumpy-faced, slop bothering no mates Jack would say to absolve herself of any responsibility as well.

Blaming patrons for her laziness and ineptitude isn't a good look. HTH, pal. Be well.
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Truly amazing that a box dye can give you a fresh out of the salon cut and blow dry.

I bet Jack was terrified not turning up to court the other day. Entire body shaking as she sat in the salon, getting a head massage. She's spooked I tell ya! Definitely not spunking your Patreon and Sue Lee money on yet another attention seeking haircut. No siree.
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Even longer. Remember the two skips on her drive? That was April and October 2020.

And it's why her neighbours call her Two Skips.

I made the second part up but the first part is true.
Oh yeah that's right. She used Twitter to publically humilate LJC for the terrible crime of 'looking pointedly' at the skips too. Shortly before SHE LEFT.

I have a theory, well not just a theory cos it's in Jack's own words, that she regularly binge buys stuff then has to 'declutter' (ie sell most of it) when she inevitably runs low on cash.

In fact I personally believe that the legendary sale of all her worldly goods, from her origin story, was just such a guilt sale of the proceeds of her frivolous spending. Because she described selling or having to give up things like her omega seamaster watch, piano, fancy camera gear and various other things that a WC person of limited means would not have accumulated by their early 20s. (And her son's favourite toy of course because she's lovely like that.)

In fact, I may be wrong, but I feel sure that her original 2011/2012 blogpost advertising the sale did in fact infer that it was a decluttering rather than a fire sale born of desperate poverty. She retconned the desperate poverty bit later.
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Crazy lil me, with my edgy tattoos, and speaking truth to power, but also collecting Cotswold sideboards and holding centrist political views.
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Jack had a new hairdo (she did it herself), but due to the fact she had to escape the bungahouse, because fleet streets finest were staring down her ring doorbell, she only managed to grab the one tshirt and whilst her friend is cool with her cooking a chicken for her to scoff on, they SHANT let her use the washing machine. Send stain devilos
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That photo gives me the rage. She looks like an entirely average young woman who is not underweight at all. She just has skinny legs because that’s not where she carries weight.
Her gigantic triple Es don’t seem to have wasted to nothing.
She looks like everyone my age in the 80s/90s who thought they were massively fat at the time.
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While we're talking about #nofilterJack...

View attachment 2252501
This is a particular fave - 'no filter, no tweaking...'

And no earlobe, apparently 🤔
once again price dropping her clothes when they’re “cheap”….a three quid jumper, an Asda teeshirt….I suppose if you’re used to 9 grand watches and the wearing the same clothes as the prime minister then a primark outfit must be a hilarious novelty.
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On the other hand, if she'd popped to Asda and spent £7 on a box of hair dye, nobody would give a shit.

These manipulative little lies are so reminiscent of people I've dealt with in the past and didn't realise at the time they're a big red flag for a much more malignant personality. Because if you have the insecure, pathological need to lie about something nobody cares about, what will you do when it's something everyone cares about?
yeah there's always a back story, not "been feeling a bit shit lately, needed a pick me up, dyed my hair" or even *gasp* dye your hair without putting it on your socials

It has to be "a friend of mine saw I was feeling low and walked 5000 miles to bring me a packet of Nice N Easy. They told me to film myself blowdrying it to see the quiet, wholesome, wonderful joy as the final result was revealed to me, so I could see me the way they do. Then they called me Peaky B because I look like a Peaky Blinder and proclaimed the swamp beans a culinary masterpiece"
In other news, I wonder if the VBI would beg to differ

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pumbilical cord

Chatty Member
She's dreadful. Sometimes I wonder if I think too harshly about her then no. No, I'm right, she's dreadful.

To dismiss hairdressers and barbers and say apart from the undercut she does it all herself is lies. Absolute lies.

That hair is not just the QT hair coloured and straightened. And unless it's a wig, she has not done that herself. Not with her crumbling shoulder that she can't even use a knife and fork with.

Also how often does she straighten her own hair? Not too often. My hair is similar to her natural hair, dark, thick, greying so a little wiry, and I absolutely cannot get it straightened like that without a salon whacking GHDs on it.

She enjoys gaslighting people so much and she controls who can reply to her so she doesn't get the comments calling her out. Just the absolute cretinous crumbs of the followers she's got left.

So yeah, no one feel bad for her. She's awful. On top of her shit parenting (unfair? Maybe, but true), on top of her animal neglect (not an exaggeration, sue me guest, fucking dare you), the lies. The lies just do me in. So triggering. Ack. 😡

ETA: someone give Brad Mondo a Tattle code and get him to mither on this shit, please! 🤣
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You know if you have lots of hair dyes in cupboards you don’t know about, even if they were on sale. You have a spending problem. Buying loads of shit you don’t actually need (especially when you claim to have little money for food) shows you know nothing about poverty again.

Lots of people on Twitter pointing out how did she manage to dye her hair with the most ouchy shoulder in history.
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OK, my AUTISTIC brain loves facts so I continued delving through the early 300s because it was bugging me.

I can't find an exact time when Frauen noticed it was deleted, because I was just doing a very cursory search using keywords in the threads, but it was definitely before or on May 15 (which is where I can see a Frau say that it has been deleted, I'm presuming she went through and did a mass delete, including of all the posts crowing about getting a new house). So seems Jack is telling the truth about 'it' (if this is indeed 'it') being up for about a day. She tweeted this on May 15 (screenie @Veronicaaa , snapping it in quick shot time!)

View attachment 2254531

ETA my example of Frauen saying it was deleted, I am going on this post here by Cack Conroe

OK this refines it down to it was deleted on or before the 14 May
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Lads I've worked out what happened, she spent a shit load. 7k minimum, OH was agasht and said at some point you need to see a Dr.
This is the shop she got the watch , I'll give you the money jack if I'm wrong
Breitling Boutique, Meent 68, 3011 JM Rotterdam, Netherlands
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