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zetta buttons

VIP Member
Interesting thought but I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. The bloating, outbursts and black hole can all also be explained by ❄ and that's the theory I'm sticking with.


Most of the weight fluctuation is due to angles and photoshop. That's why she looks normal size in person but skinny in her pics. She ana-baits a lot. It drives me mad. The worst period was in 2020 post LJC breakup when she was constantly going on about how skinny she was. In truth, we've never seen her really emaciated. Even in the pic of her first big feature in the Mirror, she says she looked gaunt, but she didn't. She had a typical young mum bod. I don't disbelieve her account of having previously suffered from anorexia, as a recovered ED Frau myself I would never question that. The only reason I mither on her body here is because she deliberately ana-baits, and it's triggering and manipulative, and as a recovered ED person she must KNOW that that's the ultimate no-no in recovery as you are damaging vulnerable people who see / read it.
Thank you so, so much for saying this.
Although the misconception is the opposite, the majority of people with eating disorders mask them brilliantly. They are within the normal weight range, they hide their disordered behaviours and the internal dialogue that epitomises the disorders is just that, internal.

Like you, I can’t say for certain that she has never suffered from an ED. However, the constant photoshopping to make herself look skinnier (like a different person tbh) and claims that she looks thinner than she actually is, goes against everything that my experience tells me that someone in her position (if she had suffered from an ED) would do.

When you catch up here Jack (which you will do because there’s loads of good advice about bailiffs for you), read this.

Posting pictures like that is dangerous.

Writing triggering posts about having puppy ADHD brain is dangerous.

Talking about the fact that having Autism means you can’t lie is dangerous.

Every time you post on Twitter you are harming someone. Get off Twitter. Please.

(there are more examples but it’s morning and…)
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Chatty Member
I hate attention, so I do 🤷🏻‍♀️

*uploads picture of new hair do to Twitter*
Incidentally, I had a email from my sons father who likes to be florid with his self grandiose delusions last night, and it was like reading a frothing tweet from Jack. A year ago I would have hidden under the covers, in crumbly, painstaking tears because he’s such a prick. Instead, I had a lol and wondered whether he moonlights as guest, such was the DARVO and victim status 😂
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Potatoes O’Houlihan

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Remember how she did the same to the OG Patreon squig? Same modus operandi with the refusal to acknowledge the squig or refund for days and weeks on end. guest [sic] eventually snarkily coughed up but not before a huge power play . This is the same, so CCJ squig is right, she does everything on purpose to make it so awful for the person wanting their money back and as a deterrent to anyone else thinking about doing it. People have already popped up in the past week to say they donated and feel like twats, one definitely asked for a quite considerable refund IIRC but was totally ignored, they don't feel able to pursue it any further.:(
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Jelly Bean

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I'm just pleased she is so chipper after her son having to go and live with someone else due to THREATS. And about the time that was happening she was merrily decluttering and dying her hair. And on constant watch by her friends.
She does now seem remarkably happy now she's not got her son.
(we all know he wasn't there for ages - but her unrestrained glee when this is meant to be a sad and traumatic time is something to behold).
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LJC, George Michael and her Mammy are all enablers of the grift although I like to think they did try and rein it in at some point but gave up.

It’s hard to have a relative who is a fantasist, and I don’t think it’s enabling if the parents are not calling her out. It’s not their responsibility as she’s a fully grown woman and I suspect they would like to maintain a relationship.

The enablers are The Guardian, BBC, Kit de Waal, Nigella, etc. etc.

If Tim Harford had asked me, a sad little Hausfrau about any intel on the VBI, I could have told him that the motley crew of receipt collectors was entirely fictitious and that we’d never see the VBI. A minimum of due diligence should have let Tim and everyone working on the programme to the same conclusion.

If the Guardian had ever bothered to run a nutrition analysis on any of her recipes, they would have stopped publishing her early columns, unless, of course, they are perfectly ok with poor people eating food that doesn’t contain enough calories or nutrition.

If anyone at any book festival had ever bothered to read her books, they would have thought again about giving her a platform. Anyone with a love of language surely can’t support her maverick way with words.

It’s all lazy thinking, lazy booking, lazy reporting and sadly it’s everywhere.
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My hair is almost the same shade as jacks was on QT. I bleached it white blonde myself for years. Before that I have stripped darker colour out in order to go red.

Natural hair that dark would need bleaching first. If it’s dyed that dark, stripping it at home takes HOURS each application and is unlikely to come out even enough in one go to get a decent result when you put new colour on.

So, my questions are - if she’s going to lie and pretend she did it herself, why firstly, would you not Google how to achieve that shade on dark brown hair, and at least claim that’s how you did it?

Does she think that hair professionals along with even non professionals that have a good DIYers understanding of hair colouring don’t know that you cannot achieve this from a box dye on hair that dark?

Does she actually not know herself that you simply cannot do this with a box dye on dark hair, because she’s always gone to hair salons?

As she has blatantly gone to a hair salon, where her hair has been stripped and/or bleached and then coloured, Why does she think hairdressers do that? Does it not cross her mind that if there were products available in shops that do it in a single application, there would be professional products that do it in a single application?

Also, let’s pretend hair was already light enough for a box due to turn it red. She doesn’t need two bottles and if she put two bottles onto hair that short it would be running off her hair and down her face and back.


Not the liberal and obvious use of a smoothing tool at all either. Honestly no words for this level of arse kissing.
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I've been browsing old threads. I think newer fraus need an introduction to Burglar Bill and Where's Guest.

From Thread 231 in 2021.
Things really havent changed much.






Find The Cunt




Bonus pic courtesy of @TheDragonWithAFlagon called Nevermore. I think Shan't would be a good title.
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
I met a lady from Norwich outskirts who worked part time in the breeders who sold her content. Content’s mum is called buttercup and she paid either £2100 or £3100 (can’t remember but it was £X100).

I’ve just doxxed Content’s mum 🍉🤦‍♂️
It was £2100. I found the listing and posted it in an earlier thread.
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Well-known member
Frommm Paris to Berlin, this woman's grifting is a sin...
Frommm Southend to Dordrecht, this woman’s lies are quite suspect

I know she does this every time but it will forever boggle my mind that she can tell an elaborate lie such as “on police advice I’ve been staying with a friend and haven’t been home for some time” then forget all about it in her bluster to show off her new hairdo. She’s such a fucking child she just can’t help herself. Also besides the point but what is her obsession with claiming she found things under the stairs or hidden away in a drawer? Thought she was all packed up and ready to move almost a year ago, but now she’s still busy decluttering and finding little treats for herself even after her family have been split up and forced to leave the bungamansion on the run from evil harassers. Make it make sense.
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She threatened to sue the Daily Mail and Jamie Oliver. Perhaps she got her foul begging bowl out for those.
Oh my god I had literally forgotten but yes when she went on her tirade over That Man she did actually insinuate that she had people 'on the inside' at C4 watching closely to see if Jamie nicked any of her recipe ideas and that he was quaking in his boots at the thought of her crack team of paralegals and lawyers swooping in

Because yeah Jamie Oliver, the man who revolutionised the UK's approach to cooking, making it fun, accessible and based on fresh mediterranean style dishes, is obviously desperate to make a chilli with grated corned beef and kicks himself (in the shins) daily for not thinking of it first
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Lucky Escape

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View attachment 2253694


ETA that was when she reminded us that she has a 100% win rate
View attachment 2253704
So 275 days of threatening people with a "very clear cut case" according to her lawyer - who she now admits that she hadn't actually instructed.

And rattling her tip jar on the back of those threats throughout. Without ringfencing it, despite her claims to have done so.

And now she's simply going to steal the money received during 274 of those 275 days.

She's a thief.
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
This is someone who's got so much stuff that they've been decluttering for about 2 years now.
Even longer. Remember the two skips on her drive? That was April and October 2020.

And it's why her neighbours call her Two Skips.

I made the second part up but the first part is true.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think there’s any coming back from this. This might be the end of her. Usually by this point Twitter has calmed and she comes back after doing all the good she does and the cycle starts again.

This feels different.

All of her own handy work of course.
I absolutely agree. She's fucked.

There's plenty of new voices piping up, CCJ squig is doing a sterling job (sorry but he is, is forensic receipts thread is Italian chef's kiss coming hot on the heels of guest saying she's got receipts but the dog ate them) every new tweets shows her up as a lying twat, you can hear the penny dropping every time she tweets.

Manifesting a tell-all from SB's poor stepmum please or Greenbelt dropping her. **squeezes eyes shut/crosses fingers and wishes hard**
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Revisiting the chaos in retrospect, it's clear she got all Billy Big Balls and got sucked into the chaos and went off on it, and then for the next year couldn't quite admit that she'd got carried away (because that would be losing face) so just kept up the lie. Like those men that lose their jobs and keep putting a suit on and leave the house in the morning to go and sit in the pub for 8 hours cos they can't bear to tell their missus
Just like Teemill in fact, where she got mixed up with turnover vs profit and crowed about having raised ten grand in a day, then had to donate a bunch of her own money to cover up for her mistake rather than admit it (this is my hard-held theory, slightly backed up by some lukewarm tea I have from another source)
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I’ve just written to the guardian readers editor asking them to issue a correction to this article as she never did sue Lee.
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