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VIP Member
. It'd explain the bloating up and down, the raging hormonal outbursts and the black hole all this free money falls into that simply isn't there to be refunded.
Interesting thought but I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. The bloating, outbursts and black hole can all also be explained by ❄ and that's the theory I'm sticking with.


Most of the weight fluctuation is due to angles and photoshop. That's why she looks normal size in person but skinny in her pics. She ana-baits a lot. It drives me mad. The worst period was in 2020 post LJC breakup when she was constantly going on about how skinny she was. In truth, we've never seen her really emaciated. Even in the pic of her first big feature in the Mirror, she says she looked gaunt, but she didn't. She had a typical young mum bod. I don't disbelieve her account of having previously suffered from anorexia, as a recovered ED Frau myself I would never question that. The only reason I mither on her body here is because she deliberately ana-baits, and it's triggering and manipulative, and as a recovered ED person she must KNOW that that's the ultimate no-no in recovery as you are damaging vulnerable people who see / read it.
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I know its boring watch chat poster again, but for the timeline keepers that breitling only came out in March 2022. Its the blue one.
Begging on the Internet when she has a NINE GRAND watch on her wrist. She is a disgusting human being. I'll take an out-and-out Tory over her any day of the week - she has the exact same mentality, but at least they're not pretending to give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

She's a vile piece of manipulative, thieving, malingering shite.
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Jack was going out with Harold when she said she was suing Lee Anderson, she coined it in. No wonder he told her to see a doctor.
She then wrote HH2, coined it in. He must have been so happy to have fucked off by then.
Patreon windfall came due to Nigella providing a shedload of new followers. She coined it in again.

What’s happened to all that money, Jack

Almost 9k on a watch, it’s a year tomorrow since Content arrived, plus countless other spending sprees.

can people seriously not see what’s going on here??
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Recap for me. Jack has still not explained where she managed to get this breitling bo1 in the last 8 months. It's a new model 2022.
The water resistance isn't great for puddles .
Where did it come from? Goldsmiths? A gift? Another 7k gift when you were boiling soap last year . Even mum was amazed at that .
To quote the phone in to five star " why are you so fucking shit ?"


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A complete list of what she said was happening to her as she held on to the "ringfenced" Sue Lee money.
  • Selling her possessions at pawnbroker
  • Considering selling the TV and large fridge freezer
  • Took lightbulbs out to save money
  • Use solar lanterns to light house
  • Stopped getting hair cut
  • Stopped buying shampoo and conditioner
  • Boiled down soap for shower gel
  • Started using basic disinfectant, 27p bleach, 29p washing up liquid, vinegar, or bicarbonate of soda for cleaning
  • Food shop £20/week
Good job she never spent it, must have been tempting!
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Marmalade Atkins

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How I envisage it:

Jack and friends are walking out and have to walk past a piano. She does her one fingered plonk of the “wanna live like common people” line, giggles to her friends and is quietly asked not to mess with the piano. This event then is subject to Jackflation over time.
We had photographic proof she was in The Ivy.


Thing is tho she tweeted in 2020 that her memoir was nearly done and she was about to hand it in?
She didn't get the memoir deal until late last year.



She hasn't written a single word.
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My brother in law once spent over ONE THOUSAND POUNDS on a night out. Then spent all month talking about how poor he was and got his mummy to pay his mortgage because he was so poor and why wasn't everyone sorry for him.

some people want magic bank accounts where they can spend and spend. He is also the only person in the UK who has a job, and when he gets unwell he is the sickest person in history. Sadly these people aren't unique.
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Is there any aspect of her life that isn't on a looping repeat?
This week’s gross and manipulative “If you’re good with taking the money I’ve embezzled under false pretenses food from the MOUTHS OF THE STARVING” also has previous.

Fucking ghoul. Thieving manipulative fucking ghoul.
These poor fuckers had waited over two years for a book by this point, she demanded extra postage from them to send their own copies and was truly obnoxious about it, AND didn’t let them nominate where their own donation copy went.

Oh, and after them waiting TWO YEARS she gave UK backers TWO WEEKS to tell her where their donation copy should go, or she’d decide where to send it. Colour me cynical but I’m imagining she “donated” far fewer copies than people had paid to donate. She’s FUCKING AWFUL
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I didn't either, but she made massive assumptions about what I had, and despite the fact I had a baby and was on Mat leave, thought it would be okay for me to take out a loan for her. I suppose the point I was making was people like that don't give a shit abojt the reality of the situation for you in any way shape or form and when it's your mother that the world Tells you repeatedly loves you unconditionally etc. it's exceptionally painful.

sorry I'm a bit [fucked/ISPOILER]in the head tonight. My OH was contacted by the council to say my mother has been moved into a home because she has terminal cancer and her health has rapidly declined and that if we want to come and see her we should. I haven't seen her for, well it will be 5 years in October. I know what most people would tell me I should do in the situation but, well I don't know.
This happened to me last year, my mum was a fkr, not seen her for years. She was old and dying in hospital, my gut instinct was not to go, but my OH said, come on, we really should go (which made me 😡 tbh) but he said, be the bigger person (which also made me 😡), but eventually I gave in and went. It was very emotional, she was just this tiny old bag of bones in a bed. She couldn’t hurt me anymore. I’m really glad I went, it was truly cathartic…I went again the next week. She passed the following day. For me it was good for closure, the journey there and back meant I got to speak about it a lot to my OH. Later I could speak to my kids about it to a certain degree and it helped them understand a bit. I really understand how complicated and mind fkng it all is so this isn’t a “oh you should definitely go” this is a dig deep and think about how YOU feel. Good luck with whatever decision you
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Someone can't now turn around after giving for 1+ year and say they want it all back; wouldn't be successful.
Hi Jack 👍

if they follow the correct legal process then it absolutely will be successful. Anyone who has an understanding of elementary contract law knows this.
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Sorry to be super dense, but my experience with alcoholics has only ever been those who have not sought help. So in media where the sponsee calls the sponsor for support & they meet up, talk, etc e.g. lip with Brad in shameless USA, is that not actually how it works? And why, if I'm allowed to ask, does it work better if they are not friends?
Hey, you're not super dense at all for asking these questions. I've never seen Shameless USA, so can't speak to that, but a sponsee can and will call a sponsor for support and to meet to talk. But it will be centred around the framework of the Steps. Members of AA can and do talk and meet each other when they're generally struggling, but the sponsor's role is to guide the sponsee through the Steps. So, for example, someone will approach the person they'd like to sponsor them after a period of time attending AA and ask to be sponsored.

The sponsor will agree, and they'll begin working through the steps, almost certainly starting with Step One, which is We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. For many alcoholics starting in AA, that will seem like an easy one, but a sponsor will ask for more information, written, or in person. It's an exercise, an undertaking, that requires self-reflection and "rigorous honesty at all times. So, the sponsor may ask in what ways had your life become unmanageable? What had been happening that got out of control? What was life like prior to it becoming unmanageable? At this point, your recovery and time in AA is not about sitting in meetings, "sharing" and (theoretically) listening to other members and identifying with their sharing, it's about forensically examining your own life and past behaviours. It's structured, with written materials and guides, along with decades of corporate knowledge and of course peer accepted notions of what's acceptable and what isn't.

Guest has never once indicated what Step she is on, or mentioned how deeply challenging any of the work has been. She's just portrayed AA and sponsors as being like her own private group of empaths to prop her up when she's feeling down, when it is nothing of the sort.

That's a good question about why a sponsor is generally better when it isn't a friend. Friendship could be adversely affected by sponsorship - sponsor/sponsee gives a power dynamic that may be work within a friendship. A friend sponsoring someone may not be as rigorous or challenging as they might otherwise be. Straight men do not generally sponsor straight women and vice versa - it is a position of authority, to a degree, with all of the potential pitfalls that that takes.

If you imagine the sponsor is someone who takes the sponsee through an intensive process of self-reflection and self-examination, through close adherence to a rigid set of Steps, and following traditions which are now over 70 years old, and where the sole focus is on the sponsee changing how they live their life to one where there is no space for dishonesty to the self or to others, and which is designed to empower the sponsee to live life without recourse to alcohol. The last two points are why Guest's portrayal of AA and sponsorship are so problematic: she does not appear to me to have changed her attitudes to online deceptions, or chronic attention seeking, and portraying herself as close to relapse or self-harm suggests she's not progressed in recovery at all. The "life beyond my wildest dreams" thirst posts are delusional, and would be seen as such by anyone with any experience in AA. The hinting at self-harm or lapsing would be seen as failures to adequetely deal with "life on life's terms" and would be seen as a regression into addictive ways of thinking.

Guest may wish to portray AA as a soft, gentle collection of lovely people there to support each other, but it really isn't. It's tough, it's hard, it's confronting. Many people don't get on. Certain sections have strong opinions on the recovery process not shared by others, but what binds everyone, and what I have never seen anyone deviate from, is a total commitment to help people remain abstainate. Guest, if she actually does attend AA, and if she actually does any of the work, is so far removed from serene recovery that I wonder if she's managed to even understand what the fellowship is. For many, Step Two (Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity) is very hard to conceptualise, and a belief that the AA group itself is a "power greater than ourselves" can be a "holding belief" as we continue to work our way into accepting alcohol was more powerful than the alcoholic. Now imagine that someone as loud, needy for attention, and so wrapped up in their own drama is part of that group. It is really unsettling. I don't dislike Jack Monroe, but I don't want her in her current condition anywhere near AA meetings. I think she's a clear and present danger to people desperate for recovery, but also suffering from the self-esteem or confidence to make their voice heard in a space dominated by a semi-famous person lost in their own drama.

That was a very long answer! Hope it helped.
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Mr Krabs

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I didn’t know you could report a Patreon if the creator is harassing people off the site:


If someone has the full doxing tweets, please report her. Enough reports and Patreon might actually have to do something. You don’t need to be signed in to do so.
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I went out to touch some grass and it looks like the National Trust have engaged their anti-guest defences. Unclear whether it was a spite orangery specifically, I didn't like to ask.

no entry to the spite orangery.jpg
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I always forget that Content is actually named Laurie because Jack was trying to impress that idiot. It’s next level pathetic that she must have thought it was her way into the rich polyamorous queer cool kids club. Soz Jack, they’ll never let you sit with them.
Laurie is a dreadful name for a dog imo. I've had at least 2 dogs at a time for as long as I've been able to afford that and dogs don't hear things like we do, they don't hear vowel sounds in the same way. So you need a name that doesn't sound like anything else you might say to the dog, ideally has two syllables with vowel sounds that sound different to each other and can be yelled across a field and sound distinctive and can be easily understood by the dog.

When Jack yells Laurie, what the dog probably hears is "MWAUULAAELUURGH".

Which, ok, is arguably how our Jackie always talks. And yes she probably never takes the poor animal out to a field and lets them off the leash. So that was a useless mither. I rest my case.
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Chatty Member
The Turkish barber with non hairy tea makes a reappearance!

Not had it cut my ass! STOP FUCKING LYING! It’s absolutely a new cut compared to QT you insufferable twat.

And while I’m on a rant, if she tries to say that folks stopped donating to her after the tweet was deleted ‘Less than a day later’ while still tweeting out that it was going ahead months later, I will hand in my Tattle badge and take this to Twitter. She follows my other acc which has nearly 20k followers and I get a bit of traction on there from former blue tickers at times. I am fuming if that’s what she’s trying to insinuate. I’m usually all jolly socks and love the banter here but by Christ she’d wear even the happiest person out!


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