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Thinking about that, she’s also “come out” as a victim of theft an awful lot. I know I am missing some here too, this is just off the top of my head as I thought of it.

2016: A feckless foul mouthed young mother “scrunge” allegedly steals her wallet and later her card is used fraudulently. Luckily she can go to the bank for the £2,200 she needs to pay rent on a new place. Phew! Now, how does she call social services?

2018: My former agent has stolen £30,000-£50,000 of my royalties money (rattle rattle)

2019: Thieves have stolen £5,000 from my accounts in an online scam! (rattle rattle)

2020: In a somewhat different tale of woe from the one I clearly forgot i wrote in 2018, my former agent stole my royalties from me! (rattle rattle)

2021? (It’s all becoming a blur tbh): BURGLARS have stolen thousands of pounds worth of stuff including bikes, garden and camping equipment and grandad’s old pans from my OUTBUILDINGS (on two separate occasions) and I am NOT INSURED because of THE POVERTY. (rattle rattle x 2)

also a blur time wise (lockdown?!) thieves stole the TV she bought her son off the doorstep (rattle rattle)
I can't tell you just how much this is like my narc mother. The amount of times we've been told her bank account had been got at my scammers, or someone has stolen this or that from her - money, jewellery, you name it it's happened to her. The reality was always that she had some bill to pay, didn't see why HER money should be used for that, so would make something up so that other, kind hearted people would give her money which she could then use for said bill.

I remember once being told she urgently needed dental treatment to the tune of 5k and she didn't have that money so could I transfer the money to her. At same time she told my brother same story, but this time it was 7k or so. She depended on us not communicating with each other. I rang the dentist and asked what the actual cost was and they told me it was free.

She just wanted cash to fritter away on herself at our expense. When I was younger I didn't understand the situation (largely because I think she used my father for that purpose until he died) and I felt guilty and sorry for her (as well as being scared of her) and stupidly gave her money. I remember taking out an overdraft so I could buy her a £400 coat when I was a student. In hindsight it was stupid of me but this is what that kind of person will do. They don't care one jot about the effect on you they just want your cash so they don't have to spend theirs.

sorry that turned into a bit of a merail.
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Lucky Escape

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Lads I've worked out what happened, she spent a shit load. 7k minimum, OH was agasht and said at some point you need to see a Dr.
This is the shop she got the watch , I'll give you the money jack if I'm wrong
Breitling Boutique, Meent 68, 3011 JM Rotterdam, Netherlands

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-52-34.png
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Lol sorry to go off topic when we’ve a Jack defender in our midst but has anyone seen that Joe Lycett and other nominees are pulling out of Big Linda’s sham awards due to the sponsorship by fossil fuel corps?


Anyway here’s Linda’s extremely measured, not at all unhinged response:

Link to her rebuttal here:

Nice use of DIVA.pdf to post a screed which addresses none of the substantive issues, points fingers at any and all who dared criticise, invokes working-classness to justify dodgy funders, and hangs out the dirty laundry of her divorce. You can see why she and Jack get on.
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Right I'm full on mithering about this now

Imagine, you come home from a long day at work, and find your friend who is crashing on your sofa, who the other day splattered red hair dye run off all over your tiles and guest linens, has concocted black beans in peppery green water with a side of fish oil pâté, and you can't even have at the chicken she used two hours of leccy cooking because that's just for gnawing at out the fridge
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Lucky Escape

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Guest has just replied to a tweet on the hellsite. I'm tired/busy but I don't think her reply helps her case? I think she's acknowledging her tweet about donating the Sue Lee money wasn't up very long? Apologies if totally misinterpreted it...
Bloody hell. She's going to say she donated only the amount she received on her Paypal for that "less than a day period", rather than everything she received during the (10 month?) period during which she claimed to still be taking legal action.

We saw from the Patreon figures that there was a bounce on the day of the initial beg, and also another that was almost as large a week or so later when the Guardian ran a story about the case. So the same thing almost certainly happened with her Paypal tip jar (with lesser bounces subsequently around ongoing media coverage & her various tweets).

But she's simply going to steal that money for herself.

She's not just a fraudster, she's a thief.
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Brian Butterfield

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I don't think people can get their money back from Jack. If she responded to the CCJ it quite poss would have ruled in her favor. Esp as it was clearly done by someone in bad faith that made their intents clear with posting gleefully about causing her distress. If someone has kept paying on patron then despite not getting sent anything after a few weeks then there's personal responsibility. Someone can't now turn around after giving for 1+ year and say they want it all back; wouldn't be successful. Giving a donation on patron is not covered by rules like distance selling. It's the wild west with kofi, kickstarter, justgiving and patron stuff on the internet.
Hi guest 👋
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That photo of Jack where she implies her head is lollipop like and her legs are buckling under the weight of her body because they’re so thin: she’s literally changing the narrative. Our eyes don’t lie but she’s simply telling people what to see.
There will be some people who looked at that photo, seen an unremarkable young woman dressed like a middle aged frump and then felt guilty when they seen the caption, because they thought she looked normal. On second look, they’ll convince themselves she was right and they were wrong. Like many other behaviour traits she has, it’s chilling.
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Sorry if this point has been made but legally, surely she’s screwed? First because of all the talk of the case for over a bloody year and second because it never happened-regardless of pro bono? It’s fraud-what’s to stop anyone else doing this: threaten to sue someone highly unpopular among your demographic, say you’ll ‘donate’ the money if not needed then delete and trouser all the dosh after that point?
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Lucky Escape

VIP Member
More evidence of people donating & passing around her PayPal details after her initial beg was removed:

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-12-39.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-14-59.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-20-55.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-18-41.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-25-08.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-25-54.png

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-27-43.png

And this is the only one that I could find which suggested that she pocket some of the cash:

Screenshot from 2023-06-20 21-28-59.png
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Maybe the one episode spin off show for the bungabailiffs will be called "won't pay we'll take your hair dyes away"

Also I just thought of "Jack Monroe - The Wizard of Pov" and it's terrible but I'm genuinely laughing out loud at myself. At least somebody is.
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Chatty Member
Thread title courtesy of a squig and nominated by glubby.

Recap: Binfire. Jack says she has had to leave the bungamansion for her safety, but she’s cooking slop and dying her hair. She’s locked down her Twitter again. The lights might be on or they might be off. Nobody knows.

Wiki is the pink button up there.
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A squig has called her a lying craphound 😭😂. I can't find the tweet now, I dropped my phone as I was laughing 😂.
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Whatever your thoughts are on CCJ Squig, good faith, bad faith, no faith, he is bang on the buck here. This is it:

View attachment 2253850
He's bang on with this and I absolutely didn't think of the wider implications of his actions until now. Of course Jack has to resist paying him, whilst simultaneously insisting that she's trying to pay him. Because if she just pays him, hundreds of other people might want paying too. It's totally in her interests to make it all as difficult as possible whilst also making it as unpleasant for CCJ Squig as possible. So that others will take note.

In that sense, the CCJ is more like a test case.
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Her hair colour on QT was too dark to achieve that bright red with a home dye. You'd have to bleach it 1st to lighten it enough to take or have previous colour stripped if it was artificially dark. She's spent hundreds at a salon. She can't stop spending in an effort to make her shitty life feel better. This has long been her MO. Buying things as a bulwark against feeling shit cos her life is based on lies and pretence.
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Jelly Bean

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Feels more 'me' than she has done in ages. When allegedly her son has had to leave the family home and live apart from her under traumatic circumstances.
That must be nice for him to know.

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I suppose it's not impossible that she grabbed the two boxes of dye before she left home. Cos that's what one does when you live out of a suitcase under duress.

But then that means she dyed her hair red in a friend's bathroom. I had hair that colour out of a box as a younger Frau, and rinsing that out is like the shower scene in Psycho, and that would be incredibly rude house guest behaviour IMO. But this is the house guest who sticks her paws in and uses her mates' spenny skin products so WFK

Also why does she need two boxes of it with short hair, I had hair past my shoulders and was fine with the one

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