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How is everyone this morning? This thread seems on a nicer track - I was a bit worried about the last one; people's tempers seemed to have frayed, and all of you are so lovely, and I have so much respect for you, that I hated to see various people upset. @CarrierPigeon, are you well today? Have you been able to get on with things? @KatieBee, did you get to see your friend for that evening of board games and sharp ones? @ReturningthePearls, thank you so much for trusting us enough to share the innermost tribulationd you have faced; I admire your courage and your frankness. And @CookieMonsta, my old friend, how goes everything?
Also, has anyone heard from @tilly27? I've been very worried about her. She bears everything with such fortitude and grace. A really admirable woman.
Any sightings, @Mad Betty ? :)
@KikiFromNy, hope you're well today! And @CantieQuine, I hope your haircut is settling in!
So much love to you all - and sorry to anyone whom I haven't mentioned. xxx
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Old Soak

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Hi All! I just want to say, I’m not new but I’m still only in November’s thread (#7-#8) and I started well before Christmas 😂
I’m not sure if I’m even doing this right so bear with me. I don’t think I’ve ever been part of any thread anywhere that I’ve found so engaging and intelligent. Fair and balanced and more than once I’ve had to look up the definition of a word (and I have what I like to think as a decent vocabulary)! I’ve finally made an account because I started from the beginning and have come to really like a bunch of you, @welp @IHateHadargoyle @Bridgeofsighs @ReturningthePearls to name but a few. Like many or even all of you, I’m not sure why I’m so engrossed in this whole saga but I’ll thank AE for directing me here.
And at the risk of sounding like AE, I just thought it was time that you all knew that we are best friends and given that, it was time to introduce myself so it’s not so weird 😂
Reading a nearly a years worth of threads you really start to like and get a feel for the regular posters characters and the fair and humorous assessments of this shit show. Anyway, I’m off back to my single digit threads and I’ll catch up….or not, even though I’m staying up to date 😂
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How is everyone this morning? This thread seems on a nicer track - I was a bit worried about the last one; people's tempers seemed to have frayed, and all of you are so lovely, and I have so much respect for you, that I hated to see various people upset. @CarrierPigeon, are you well today? Have you been able to get on with things? @KatieBee, did you get to see your friend for that evening of board games and sharp ones? @ReturningthePearls, thank you so much for trusting us enough to share the innermost tribulationd you have faced; I admire your courage and your frankness. And @CookieMonsta, my old friend, how goes everything?
Also, has anyone heard from @tilly27? I've been very worried about her. She bears everything with such fortitude and grace. A really admirable woman.
Any sightings, @Mad Betty ? :)
@KikiFromNy, hope you're well today! And @CantieQuine, I hope your haircut is settling in!
So much love to you all - and sorry to anyone whom I haven't mentioned. xxx
Hi guys, to everyone here incl my 💕💜's @Autisteuse @Just William @ReturningthePearls too. I'm real sorry I've not been here in what seems a longish while. I've not been deliberate. I'm finding it real hard to read and reply, still very dizzy and feel squint. It could be what's going on, i.e. Bleeding, infection, renal issues or perhaps it's my eyes. I already wear contacts for seeing tv/driving/distance. But it could be a reading focus issue also. I've seen the dr regarding bleeding. He thinks it really isn't renal connection. So I've today received appointment for a scan inside and out, inside I didn't know was a thing, i.e. Internal ultrasound d. Also today got an appointment in February with another specialist (gyny) and getting further u/s and range of bloods next week. Still v worried but slightly eased after thorough gp and nurse app last week.
Been struggling a bit mentally too, but it will pass, trying to refocus.
Sorry to derail.
What's been happening folks? Still no Twitter return from Alice?
I've just watched those videos, OMG, she seems very manic and don't know if her appearance is sad or deliberate. That swimming pool/hot tub is such a mess, she really doesn't care. Again I'm decided between it being sad or deliberate, because in some ways she shows herself to be very manipulating then also clueless (deliberately??) I don't know.
Hope everyone is ok, or as ok as you can be. Take care everyone.x
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She also had Ella wearing her wig in one photo. And honestly I’m beginning to wonder if mAlice did do the makeup. Most kids can do really well at applying makeup at that age, plus little E doesn’t look happy. Bless her.
Elsie seemed talented as a baby
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House of Tea

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Genuinely don’t know what to make of the Cameos. The Clive one, when she is shaking her tits for him, and then shows the manky pool - wtf? The one where she is saying hi to someone she used to know as an email buddy - she just looked dirty, her clothes covered in stuff, what is that about? The best one, the most natural, was when she went down 102 Dalmatian’s memory lane. She is a mess basically. Great that she is doing something, but it just highlights how far she has fallen. Maybe she only has a few clothes she can fit in because she has put on a lot of weight over a short period, so she wears them on repeat. But she, and the back yard and pool, look unkempt, dirty and uncared for. I think she is massively depressed. Things like hygiene and self care can go out the window in depression. How a life full of promise can unravel.
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House of Tea

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Just saw the photo of IG and one of the girls. It's lovely. And that's his genuine smile -- very nice. Not his professional smile but a truly wonderful expression of love and appreciation of his daughter
Yes, it’s a lovely photo. But AE put her own, slightly warped, spin on it. Why mention breasts? She is a small child, why sexualise her. She did it to put him down.
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Just a PSA to SCB: Body shaming can encompass taking the piss out of someone for losing hair.
Give me strength… you’d think these people were gracing the covers of Vogue, the way they rip into IG (and BW)
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I find it so rich that that DM writer accused us on this thread of being the worst kind of venemous trolls. They seem spectacularly lacking in self-awareness - not to mention their inability to conduct the most basic research into the FMs' activities. They also excused Alice's appalling behaviour as a sign of her grief at the demise of her marriage while conventiently overlooking her slander, vitriol and disgusting allegations re: IG's sexual proclivities. The FMs' targeted campaign of vicious personal abuse against BW caused, via her own tacit explanation, such stress that she was unable to walk. Alice has smeared every personal detail of IG's private life over media and social media. And yet we are the 'trolls'?
Yes - some have commented very unfavourably on Alice's personal appearance; largely, I suspect, due to frustration with her narcissistic activities. I tend to pass those posts by, and do not 'like' them, because I don't like personal comments. But her consistent destruction of boundaries, her bizarre recasting of IG and his daughters' relationship using sexualised metaphors, her string of misogynistic epithets against BW, her targeting of young Ella Newton, her attempt to doxx us (and so on, and so on, and so on) is, I believe, infinitely worse. She is like a whirlwind leaving pain and devastation in her wake.
So I ask again: who are the trolls?
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Don't shoot me guys but I kind of feel for her on those cameo videos, she seems manic dishevelled like she hasn't slept in days. She actually looks very unwell I hope she's getting some kind of help.
I agree but until she comes out and apologises and calls off her FM attacks on BW and IG. Gets psychiatric and rehab help she isn’t getting sympathy from me.
And I don’t think for a second she isn’t up to tricks still
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Sorry, been away for almost a whole thread , ( it’s probably been discussed) but what does Salad Clives wife think of AE jiggling her boobs 🤢 at her husband 🤷🏼‍♀️ And using their money to pay for it … if it was my husband he wouldn’t be undergoing a Chopadicktomy imminently
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You are all incredibly insightful and I love reading these threads. My second post, but I’m fascinated by this whole situation. I’ve watched the cameos and I agree with @Mad Betty - they made me feel very uncomfortable.

i think she may be doing coke. Her nose is running clearly in one video and you can see the residue. This would explain the manic behaviour (as usual).

I just don’t know if I trust Alice one iota. Her clothes are filthy, she looks dirty - her hair, her skin, her nails. It’s as if she hasn’t washed in weeks. I don’t know if she is doing this on purpose so as to gain sympathy, or, she’s truly let herself go so badly she doesn’t see what the rest of us can see. The clothes are covered in stains and makeup - she can see this - she’s not stupid. So what’s the aim?

And she’s just posted on Instagram. Her house looks trashed in the background of the photos. Stuff all over the floor, mess everywhere, everything looks like it’s falling apart.

Is this all a very calculated move or she literally sits on her arse all day and applied old makeup onto old makeup and thinks she actually looks good?

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My cleavage is in better nick and I'm eligible for a bus pass! 😁
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Is everyone watching different videos to me? 🤣
It’s like the Blair witch project
It’s awful
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She doesn't actually say it was violence from him that put her in hospital. Maybe she had some sort of mental collapse.
I was thinking stress-related MS flare-up.

And I agree that her liking Alice's posts was due to her starting liking Ioan and wanting to know more about him. Her stopping does sound like it came from guilt, although there's another option. What if she has heard by then how awful Alice is, how the photos are put up without Ioan's consent etc.?
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I have to agree with Ioan, her house looks squalid and the pool is a filthy swamp.
No wonder he’s keeping his appartment so zen and minimalistic. It must be so nice for him to have that clean and tidy space.
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FWIW, when I was diagnosed with BPD three-ish years ago, I wanted to talk about it. I wanted someone to know. To certain people, I wanted to explain myself and my iffy behaviors towards them. To others, I wanted to just be heard. I wanted some sort of audience to which I could announce that I have this shitty illness and I don’t know what to do about it but saying it out loud feels bizarrely freeing. But I didn’t know how to introduce this matter to those people.

I don’t question Bianca’s decision to talk. I don’t feel suspicious because I personally understand that itching desire to just be honest as well as that creeping ghoul behind my back insisting it would somehow alter my life and people’s opinions of me.

Surely her friends and family knew, so why share it to a wider audience?

As she herself stated, because she wanted to urge people to treat life as it actually is: something that can be swiped away, and something that can be changed in deeply unfavorable ways, so do what you can to enjoy it to the best of your ability.

But why did she share it at this time?

I personally attribute Alice’s rampage as part of her reason. Bianca was cyber-stepped-on for literal months. Her life journey was redesigned by a woman who only knows her from an Instagram account—someone who has, like anyone else, absolutely zero entitlement to decide who she is and what her worth amounts to. She zipped her lips and let a hoard of adult women (whose fingers are hot-glued to their keyboards) harass her in IG DM’s, IG photos, on Twitter, and if they had her address then the outside of Ioan’s flat would be dripping with egg yolk right now. Her intentions with Ioan were marred, her family’s safety online was marred, photos of her face and body were marred, and her self-esteem was probably marred.

I believe Bianca shared about it now because doing so means she can own at least a SINGLE identity of hers that can’t be misshapen by ANYONE. She had no agency since fucking October. She had always wanted to talk about this. Talking about it would free her just a little, as it did me. And it was probably something she could own.

And I also do believe that, to some extent, she did this at this time to partially ease the outrage of others looming over her, to settle the anger that is still smoldering towards her as Ioan’s girlfriend. I do believe that as well.

But I don’t read it as “Don’t be mean to be—I have MS, you know!!” but instead, “I am dealing with shit you will NEVER comprehend and I need to be treated like a human for a bit; and while I'm here, I hope you live well.” And if she did indeed make that video partially to soften the blows against her—who the fuck cares? Whether or not people favor her, the shit she’s dealt with is beyond cruel. If homegirl is suffering from MS flare-ups over this trash then HELL YEAH, let her share it so maybe h8ers can back the fuck off this child, like damn.

As I’ve suggested, I believe there are multiple reasons at play, but as I’ve stated in the past, I try to trust them. Maybe I’m dangerously naïve in my behavior, sure, maybe y’all in here who are suspicious have the right idea and are way sharper in mind than I am. I respect that about you. But I just choose trust. I trust you until you give me a reason not to.
I love the way BW said that the cyber harassment she faced didn't even scratch the surface of what she has had to deal with, with the MS. It's a very gentle way of saying to AE and the FMs to get stuffed. She has bigger issues to think about than their nasty jibes. Classy. Oh and that word Alice hates, dignified.
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Yes, a newbie here. I've been reading these threads, and Alice's twitter, for a few months now. Figured it was time to actually get a log in.
Mostly what I want to say is what a great community this is. I've seen all mAlice and the FMs negative comments about this place, but those come from a place of envy and hatred. All I see when I read here are a bunch of people making observations and supporting each other. The support here for people in the forum is stronger than any I've seen the FMs give one another on twitter. You all often ask after each other, mentioning when someone has been quiet and if they're okay. I just think that's so wonderful. It's not something I often see on twitter amongst the FMs.
I guess this is my introduction post, just to mention how fab I think the supprt is here. Hopefully now I have a log in I'll comment more.
Welcome. Many of us are remarkably articulate :cool:
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My husband courted me o'er 5000 miles via internet. He proved everything with back up references, answered every question. And like you say here, when you are "older" you know what things to directly ask. And to challenge and to talk through. It was a magical time. Met online in March that year. Met in person end of April. Married in August. Its been 20 years now. 🥰.....we were both shy people. Gave us both reality and courage to be direct. He wanted ti marry: he was ready. No ultimatums.
I said to him, "I dinna even know what you smell like!" He said: see this blue corduroy shirt I hae on? He overnighted it to me. It was good. All good. Sometime, you have to try. You have to step out. You don't hae anything to lose.
He overnighted his shirt?? Give that man a round of applause.
I love this 🥰
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