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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Please correct me if I’m wrong fellow tattle Turds, AE thanked and retweeted a really horrendous comment about IG & BW (I won’t even paraphrase it, it was disgusting) a few days later a Twitter user claiming to be a lawyer pulled her up on it. She of course and true to form denied all knowledge of it. The lawyer warned her that lying about retweeting it and liking the tweet was awful, the FM’s attempted to dox the lawyer, misspelled her name and all hell broke loose. The mistake made it look like she wasn’t a practicing lawyer and one that had been suspended from practicing. AE gleefully retweeted the information and even after the mistake was pointed out to her continued to lose it.
She then posted the other awful tweet about BW, MS and having babies.

All in all, Alice was a cunt to a lawyer, made to look like one then doubled down with something even worse than the first comment.
The cunts cunt if you will.
Oh, yes! The lawyer said she defamed her and was filing a suit against her. This was on Twitter. Alice went too far, as usual. She posted screenshots of another lawyer's legal info with state bar screenshots saying she was not currently able to practice law in California. She was so vicious! And she had the wrong lawyer. And then she kept going with more screenshots and then that Ruth minion did the same thing. All because the lawyer tried to give Alice sage advice that she hated. Then it was all about revenge.

I hope she went after her. And Alice needs to lose her blue check on Twitter. She's violated the Twitter rules repeatedly and set a $500 bounty on several people here for private info. and has doxxed others. That meets the criteria to lose your blue check. Let it be so.
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I think there's a difference between having a house that is lived in untidy disorganisation and a house being unclean/ dirty.

I say this from a standpoint of someone who really struggles with self care and keeping on top of things around the house because of MH.

Me and Alice pointing at each other RN:
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Just do Only Fans and be done with Alice for god sake.
She is still playing the victim I see. Clean the goddamn pool yourself. She’ll be whining to the girls “Look Daddy is picking up the Bogan’s dog poo while we can’t even go for a swim…”
Everything she does is deliberate. The manky clothes, unkempt look and the clatty pool. Even the mention of the rat in the Prius.
Didn’t she sell out to the DM and Lorraine recently so has something to spend on these things. Use your Cameo money Alice, it’s just as I thought, desperate.
I often think if the roles were reversed and we were seeing a male prep behaving like Alice is all hell would break loose.
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Kindness is Free

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IG is a doer isn’t he. In a lot of the videos AE posted he was doing a task of some description why she was dicking around. Here he is on this latest one, albeit just the legs, doing something whilst she is goofing around.
He can do me if he's at a loose end
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Also huge side-note that I am in awe of IG and BW’s seemingly super-minimalistic apartment like I could NEVER achieve that in a million lifetimes no matter how hard I tried.

If anyone in here goes the minimalistic route for their living spaces then I applaud you SO hard because I just have too much shit. I got like 40 vintage dolls, roughly 346 books last I checked, a small embroidered bench and my lil piano is in the corner of the room.😭😭😭 I’ve spent LITERAL YEARS gathering and hoarding this shit I ain’t never gonna give it up. 😩

If y’all suddenly stop hearing from me it’s because the weight of all this shit in my bedroom caused the floorboards to collapse and I died in the rubble.

Hats off to the minimalist magicians. 🎩
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You are all incredibly insightful and I love reading these threads. My second post, but I’m fascinated by this whole situation. I’ve watched the cameos and I agree with @Mad Betty - they made me feel very uncomfortable.

i think she may be doing coke. Her nose is running clearly in one video and you can see the residue. This would explain the manic behaviour (as usual).

I just don’t know if I trust Alice one iota. Her clothes are filthy, she looks dirty - her hair, her skin, her nails. It’s as if she hasn’t washed in weeks. I don’t know if she is doing this on purpose so as to gain sympathy, or, she’s truly let herself go so badly she doesn’t see what the rest of us can see. The clothes are covered in stains and makeup - she can see this - she’s not stupid. So what’s the aim?

And she’s just posted on Instagram. Her house looks trashed in the background of the photos. Stuff all over the floor, mess everywhere, everything looks like it’s falling apart.

Is this all a very calculated move or she literally sits on her arse all day and applied old makeup onto old makeup and thinks she actually looks good?

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I'm not saying she does that intentionally, but it's interesting how BW manages - despite never showing his face - to somehow have Ioan as a cameo (no pun intended) in many many of her posts: there was the video with him laughing in the background (+shadow) when they picked up her dog, the shadow pic from Nice, the video where he was immitating the dog's walk, (possibly the video with the sunset in the dog park and the voice in the background, but many here thought it wasnt him), now this

you definitely get the feeling that she wants to show him off, but is smart enough after the disaster with Alice completely ignoring his privacy not to go for it fully. It will be interesting to see what dynamic sets in once they are a more established couple.
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Ally Pally

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I feel for Ioan if he is seeing that, knowing that his kids are living in amongst that mess.
I just find it heartbreaking she is so wrapped up in herself and her hurt feelings she is willing to punish her children and deny them their Fathers love. I hope the book is thrown at her for the PA. And someone should tell her that living in a shit pit reflects on her not Ioan.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
re: Gloria - there was a twitter post before Xmas where she and the kids paid a emotional farewell to her. maybe it was for xmas break, or she is away for treatment or indeed not working for them any longer
I have thought long and hard about Gloria and whether IG should continue to pay to employ her. I don't believe he should.

Alice has stated repeatedly that Gloria said she'd write something against IG to support her. She regularly mentioned that Gloria was essentially against IG, made snide remarks about him after phone calls, shared everything he said to her with Alice, etc.

Either Alice has lied and thrown Gloria under the bus, or it is time for Gloria to move on due to conflict of interest and unhealthy enmeshment. Once boundaries are crossed and one parent is being potentially ganged up on by the other with the nanny, it is time to dissolve the employment. And even if Alice could herself afford to pay Gloria? I believe it would still present an ongoing conflict if Alice is essentially weaponizing her against IG.

I think Gloria is a lovely woman and adored by the girls. I know she's had cancer and may still have health issues. I hope only the best things for her. I just see the problems at hand and for many reasons don't see Gloria continuing on as the Gruffudd/Evans nanny.
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VIP Member
What lawyer? Will someone please fill in?
Please correct me if I’m wrong fellow tattle Turds, AE thanked and retweeted a really horrendous comment about IG & BW (I won’t even paraphrase it, it was disgusting) a few days later a Twitter user claiming to be a lawyer pulled her up on it. She of course and true to form denied all knowledge of it. The lawyer warned her that lying about retweeting it and liking the tweet was awful, the FM’s attempted to dox the lawyer, misspelled her name and all hell broke loose. The mistake made it look like she wasn’t a practicing lawyer and one that had been suspended from practicing. AE gleefully retweeted the information and even after the mistake was pointed out to her continued to lose it.
She then posted the other awful tweet about BW, MS and having babies.

All in all, Alice was a cunt to a lawyer, made to look like one then doubled down with something even worse than the first comment.
The cunts cunt if you will.
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Bianca gained quite a few followers on IG after DM published her long video on MS. So it would make sense for her to speak more about her condition there, as the new followers might be fellow sufferers or people with family or friends affected by MS. They can discuss their struggles freely there. I see nothing wrong with that.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Oh it was! I was friends with mith and saw the tweets. Alice would have lost her mind if Ioan tweeted with some young woman like she did with mith. Talk about an emotional affair and embarrassment in front of the entire world on Twitter.
I saw a few old ones recently. She did that shit with a husband in tow? Man, she humiliated IG for years, didn't she? I bet he has not one single regret about finally setting himself free from that marriage.
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