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Well-known member
I disagree with the posters here who see this Cameo thing as a positive step for mAlice. I find the whole thing sketchy at best anyway, and the way she does it is just embarrassing and cringeworthy. Taking $40 off people for two minutes of rambling - what is she high on, or is she 3 sharp ones in already?! - just to fulfill her need for attention and sympathy and to feed her obsession with social media is just wrong. Sheesh, she could at least do some prep, doesn't even know to whom to address her first message without using 30 seconds of that time to just blather, not to mention the lousy delivery. I have never had motion sickness, but I staggered slightly when I stood up after watching it. Any judge to whom she presents this as a believable effort to find work will have a massive coughing fit to cover up his/her laughter.

The message she is presenting here is, woe is me, I have holes in my leggings and can't afford pool maintenance. Why doesn't she just drain the putrid thing? After the pool shot, she even mutters something like "oh, this is somewhat embarrassing, I might have to move". More fishing for sympathy.

Honestly, was there anything Ioan was not organizing, providing for or doing himself alongside being the sole earner? I dread to think what the inside of that nice house looks like.
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Gee I had a wine and watched 2 of them. Clive’s was bad. She purposely showed the manky pool and flung her tits in his face. A married man too. Thought she was against that shit?
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Oh it was! I was friends with mith and saw the tweets. Alice would have lost her mind if Ioan tweeted with some young woman like she did with mith. Talk about an emotional affair and embarrassment in front of the entire world on Twitter.
I think Ioan really started pulling away from Alice just after Mith. That is when his SM stopped also.
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
Alice is always so vocal about it ‘she’s wearing my clothes’ that it feels weird and forced. Kids should have their own identities
This is what bothered me the most last night. Like really irked the fuck out of me. Alice has a habit of posting photos or videos of little E with a hand me down of hers (so says she). The minute someone makes a nice comment towards little E about what she's wearing Alice immediately points out that what she's wearing is actually Alice's.

"It was mine!"

Like she cannot stand to let it slide. She has to claim ownership so the attention goes back to her. Such a Narc move. I find it belittling and as you say, weird and forced. Let the girl own what she's wearing. It's not always about you, Alice.
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VIP Member
Oh god they’re on to us. Divorced and bitter women. Yes, that’s exactly it. All our husbands ran off with younger women and we’re all Twitter addicted lazy mares with bloated bellies and scorched hair. Our PlayStations are broken and pornhub membership is up.
I just don’t understand what gave the game away?
Wait so: we're all witches. And divorced. And virgins. And we also live in our parent's attics, all have playstations, all have wide screen tvs (do they make tvs that aren't any more) and slave in the turd mines for enough shitcoin to pay for the porn we're addicted to. What a life!
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Just a lil tender thought:

When we last saw this photo in the media, it was questioned why Ioan was holding Bianca’s hand in the crook of his arm, and one sweet suggestion was that he was being gentlemanly in a kind of old-fashioned way. And while I find that thought incredibly lovely I also believe, now that we’re informed of Bianca’s illness, that he’s holding her this way because it’s her right hand, which tremors a great deal, and so it’d be quite difficult, perhaps uncomfy, for them to hold hands. Hence him offering his arm.

That was a terribly tiny observation on my part and I don’t mean to shower Ioan in an innocent light, as we don’t actually fully know how their love was created at which point in the divorce timeline…but I just want to say that I see these tokens of sensitivity in him towards Bianca & her needs that I appreciate. They’re soft and thoughtful, in my opinion. I’m just glad he seems to understand what suits her. MS is merciless, she is probably struggling deeply, but I’m glad her heart seems to be in the care of someone who is ready to assist her in whatever way he is able.

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The Twitter silence is to make those Cameos “exclusive”. She wouldn’t get any engagement without the FM’s paying for it.
She calls BW a grifter??
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House of Tea

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Yes, a newbie here. I've been reading these threads, and Alice's twitter, for a few months now. Figured it was time to actually get a log in.
Mostly what I want to say is what a great community this is. I've seen all mAlice and the FMs negative comments about this place, but those come from a place of envy and hatred. All I see when I read here are a bunch of people making observations and supporting each other. The support here for people in the forum is stronger than any I've seen the FMs give one another on twitter. You all often ask after each other, mentioning when someone has been quiet and if they're okay. I just think that's so wonderful. It's not something I often see on twitter amongst the FMs.
I guess this is my introduction post, just to mention how fab I think the supprt is here. Hopefully now I have a log in I'll comment more.
Welcome to the shitter. 💩
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Yeah, what happened to the Cusp of Total War? Where is the weird NZ wolf dude? Tone seems to have taken the floor more over the past week.
He choked on his word salad and his parents had to do the Heimlich maneuver on him.
He has since been banished to the wood shed where there’s no Wi-Fi!
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Just watched them properly. She hasn’t changed, the poor Joyce lady has clearly been reaching out to her, and had to pay for a reply. No fuck that. And a thank you to Clive for arguing the toss on Twitter on her behalf, please let the squirrel in the house so there’s space for you in the fucking bin. Always leaving the breadcrumbs for the FM’s.
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I wonder if there will be a revenge pap walk? Shopping at a thrift store.... another 99c colandar perhaps?
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Mad Betty

VIP Member
We've had a good amount of rain in recent days here in LA. I think IG's hair is slicked back in the photos because it's wet. That would emphasize a receding hairline. I personally think he looks in his skin. I find it refreshing.
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VIP Member
Oh god they’re on to us. Divorced and bitter women. Yes, that’s exactly it. All our husbands ran off with younger women and we’re all Twitter addicted lazy mares with bloated bellies and scorched hair. Our PlayStations are broken and pornhub membership is up.
I just don’t understand what gave the game away?
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Hang on sorry, Daily Mail you are just pissed off that this site exists cos it means less revenue from the hits on your articles. You write the same fucking stuff! And you have open comments where everyone wades in with mean comments!

I wrote the line they quoted in that DM article. No you are right DM, we don’t get paid for it. But you do. My actual job is not writing about people’s silky tresses or trawling their IG accounts.

sometimes I am just astounded at what lengths of hypocrisy money drives people and organisations to. The double think is just simple plain gaslighting.
I also don’t see how Tattle is any different from tons of other sites …. Reddit, DeuxMoi, Celebitchy, Lipstick Alley, Datalounge, yes the Daily Fail and their swampy comments, even and especially Twitter.
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re: Gloria - there was a twitter post before Xmas where she and the kids paid a emotional farewell to her. maybe it was for xmas break, or she is away for treatment or indeed not working for them any longer
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Chatty Member
Another post from Alice ostensibly about her girls but really about her, she’s addicted to the dopamine of people asking her if she’s ok, telling her the girls look like her/ are strong like their Mum. Feeding off any sympathy posts. Emotional vampire. She can’t stay away, getting more frequent on insta now.
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This was posted 34 minutes ago. Apparently it was the world’s fastest and best kidney transplant ever… and that’s Harry and Meghan ”he’s” talking about. Because this is a subject he’s previously shown tremendous interest in. Not.

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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
if you follow BW you can see any post she liked of Alice, it starts in november 2018 (that's when she probably became an extra on Harrow) and stops in may 2019 (during that time Alice was visiting Ioan in London btw)

Ioan was in 2019 in Oz until early march, but she continued liking Alice's pics till may. to make this theory work she and Ioan would need to already be in contact

If we want to construct a theory out of the liking angle I think till may 2019 she was just proud to be on the same show as a international star and a bit of a fan of his, thus also following his wife, all very innocent. Then her marriage started breaking down and she felt bad for liking pictures of the wife of somebody she has a crush on, now that she is about to become single. I definitely dont think that the affair was there yet (neither does Alice fwiw)
With the evidence/theories you've provided over the last couple of months Welp and also with what Bianca has recently posted, I can't see them only getting together after he told Alice he wanted a divorce.

Ioan has made a pretty big commitment to a woman that has very serious health problems and who is going to need some really serious care as her health continues to decline. I really don't believe that is something that you undertake lightly. You have to really 'know' the person behind the illness to love that person and see beyond the illness to make that kind of commitment. She has moved to another country to be with him, she had left family and friends behind and will be on her own for long periods of time when he has to take up offers of work. That isn't some overnight love story, this has taken some serious, long hard 'get to know you' kind of work.

I won't differentiate between an emotional affair and a physical affair here because both are equally destructive to the person who has been deceived. So whether they started physically shagging before or after Ioan told Alice is not the issue. It's about the time it must have taken to build that really strong connection and commitment because they both know longer term what that is going to entail.

In some respects it could be viewed in more black and white terms if you knew your husband was just having a bit of light relief pumping away at a wanna be actress a few times a week. Viewing it as a physical, getting rid of some pent up hormones kind of thing . But knowing that he had taken the time to slowly fall in love with and make a longer term commitment to a seriously ill woman behind your back would feel like the wind had been knocked out of your sails.

I feel a bit towards Bianca like I do towards Alice now. I felt sorry for Alice in that Cameo video but also hold firm in my belief that she really has acted in some shitty ways. With Bianca, I feel pity for her having MS, other ailments and her bleak future but I also think that if they did take the time to build this relationship behind Alice's back then that's a really shitty thing to do. You don't go grabbing 'your best life' at the expense of anothers. If this is how this 'postive' stuff works then it seems to be more about focus on self and what's in it for me rather than being a decent human being being decent to other human beings.
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