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House of Tea

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It’s probably very freeing to be away from someone that’s constantly ripping into your appearance and taking the piss out of you on social media at every opportunity, especially when that person is your wife. He’s ageing, like we all do. Good on him for not hiding it anymore
He has become more comfortable in his own skin I think. Shedding AE is like a big bosomed lady taking off her bra at the end of a long day. Oh the relief. (Might just be me!)
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Just a PSA to SCB: Body shaming can encompass taking the piss out of someone for losing hair.
Give me strength… you’d think these people were gracing the covers of Vogue, the way they rip into IG (and BW)
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I always said Gloria would be the first expense to go. Unless Alice pays for her that is. I can not see IG paying for her so Alice can sit on her arse and tweet abuse all day. That time for sorting expenses must be now too.
Edit- Gloria is not an expense she is a very kind person.
It just now hit me about the story AE told about IG going to pick up keys from Gloria. I think the first assumption I had was that she changed the locks to the house like she had threatened in her Twitter.

But now that I think about it he must have gone to collect the key from Gloria as in end of employment action.
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Mad Betty

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Watching Alice in those videos makes me so uncomfortable. She seems a bit manic and edgy. The breast giggle for Clive, her very married Twitter friend, made me wince. It showed her continued lack of boundaries. It all felt awkward, including how she dressed. I find myself confused by all of it. And I wanted to support her. But as @LucySmith pointed out, she used her horrible attacks on IG and BW to gain SM followers and now potential clients. That really bothers me. It seems unfair.

I find it all just awkward. 😔
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You know why I want to work it out to prove Alice is a lying fucking toad. I’m also inclined to believe AD.
Alice is a lying bully no matter if IG had an affair or not. The way she treats people -and not just IG and BW- is despicable.
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I think Bianca has put out relatively little publicly and there are those who think even that is too much, and those who feel she should be free to live her life, including social media posts. There is a lot of tea leaf reading. I saw the screen grab with Ioan in the background and thought he was at a sink getting a glass of water. Others saw him doing work. To some, her laugh is fake (I haven’t listened to the video) but maybe that’s just the way she laughs? The default where she is concerned seems to be ascribing some ill intent to whatever she does until she “proves” otherwise. She’s fame hungry. She’s fake. She lured him/trapped him/is using him, she’s got toxic positivity. I personally haven’t seen enough from her to decide.

Maybe it’s just human nature to ascribe the worst to people. Someone said it looked like Alice hadn’t taken down the Christmas lights; I thought it was just some informal pool lighting but never having seen that part of the house, who knows?

I think it would be in everyone’s best interests if they ALL took their social media private for their friends, family, and existing followers only. And that includes Alice’s Cameos. Make Twitter/IG accounts that are for professional purposes only, and keep the personal stuff private.
I think Bianca should be able to do whatever she damn' well chooses. Those who ascribe malign motives to her can foxtrot Oscar. She owes nothing to anyone, and those who ascribe all these bullshit labels of 'fake', 'insincere', 'husband-stealer' etc - because they're so feeble-minded they take their cues from the Daily Mail and the Scum - can shut up. She's stayed schtum for long enough. She has stayed silent and dignified while a torrent of really disgusting, actionable abuse was hurled at her. She's showing moments of joy in her life. I mean, what's the big fuss? How is her laughter pissing on anyone's chips? Let the woman breathe, for God's sake.
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I still think and hope IG stays silent. We have no right to know and quite honestly having any info out in the public arena will be damaging to the children.

It doesn't matter whether it's an in depth look at the abuse we think he suffered and why he left, or an admission and apology for an affair.

These things are between him, his kids, his therapist and his God if he's a believer. But I feel they should be private and I don't think that means I'm giving him a free pass.
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I think Bianca should be able to do whatever she damn' well chooses. Those who ascribe malign motives to her can foxtrot Oscar. She owes nothing to anyone, and those who ascribe all these bullshit labels of 'fake', 'insincere', 'husband-stealer' etc - because they're so feeble-minded they take their cues from the Daily Mail and the Scum - can shut up. She's stayed schtum for long enough. She has stayed silent and dignified while a torrent of really disgusting, actionable abuse was hurled at her. She's showing moments of joy in her life. I mean, what's the big fuss? How is her laughter pissing on anyone's chips? Let the woman breathe, for God's sake.
I totally agree. She is entitled to say what she wants when she wants. It doesn’t matter what she may or may not have done in the past to offend people. She hasn’t said anything nasty or said it in a harmful way.

If people are offended and cautious because they genuinely believe she got involved with a man who was not uncoupled from the mother of his children that’s ok by me. But her posts don’t advocate that or any other nefarious deeds and activities. Very few people in life are paragons of virtue and if we only listen to the ones who are, we are probably listening to lying hypocrites.
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God! You can imagine Clive there sitting in his pants watching it spilling his salad cream all over the place 😂
😂 For the preservation of my breakfast, I have to picture the scene differently;
Clive and his lovely wife (let’s call her Doreen) sitting side by side on their sofa. Clive, remote in hand, presses play on AE’s cameo (proudly downloaded and stored on every device he owns)
Doreen’s face grows redder and redder, while an initially beaming Clive gets a little more rigid, and his smile becomes a little more fixed as he watches Doreen’s growing incredulity.
Doreen “And THIS is why you raided the Annual Bingo Trip penny jar we’ve been saving so hard for? THIS Clive?! And don’t think I haven’t noticed all the salad cream has disappeared, or that new phone screen thingy photo of yours! Her boobs from this video! You dirty rotter Clive! Do NOT run away from me Mr Skinner, I’ll SKIN you ALIVE …”
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Title suggestion by @Autisteuse

Read up on the wiki by clicking the pink button.

Please pop sensitive or off-topic stuff behind a spoiler.

Remember to suggest titles when we get to 900 posts. Also please vote for them so we don't have to go trailing through pages to find the winner

BW has opened up in IG comments about being abused by her previous partner who she left in january 2020 which is in direct contradiction to Alice's proposed timeline of events. Also we got a paragraph in the Daily Mail, so put your good manners on for the new guests!
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
What would AE be like without Gloria? :eek:

Gloria tells her not to leave the house looking a state apparently.
What does Gloria actually do?

If I remember correctly she’s employed for 5 full days a week and the girls are at school for most of those hours.

The house and outdoor space should be totally spotless on those hours. The house doesn’t look enormous and even if she spent half her paid time cleaning it it would look good.

If I paid for five days of home help a week, I would want ‘magazine shot ready’ standards. I have visions of Gloria turning up in the mornings, taking a pot of coffee and a bottle of wine into Alice’s bedroom and them lolling about all day bitching about men.

For the love of God Gloria, flick a fucking duster round will you love.
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Well, I’ve watched the Clive + Joyce cameo and I agree with those of you that came down on the negative side, sorry, I just can’t. They’re awful.

What I think I find the most offensive thing about them though, she claims to “adore” these people. She makes them think that she is their actual friend. I can’t believe it. Friends don’t pay friends for contact!! She has clearly ignored Joyce for years and this woman has had to pay her to acknowledge her existence again.

These people are vulnerable in their own way and she should be ashamed.

If my friend was going through an acrimonious divorce and was worried about finances, would I help them out? Of course I would! In any way they needed and that I could manage.

Friends don’t let friends pay for a 2 minute video call

And IG was right, the house is a pigsty, I’m not sure whether I believe she's bone-idle or unwell. Maybe both 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Enjoy 🤣🤣🤣

First of all, thank you @Penguin86 for posting this - now, where can my lawyers contact your lawyers for the inevitable court case that will be forthcoming for the trauma of watching them?

Seriously, I don't like to kick someone when they're down, but a good friend or agent would be honest with her and tell her all the things we've noted and say there are all sorts of things wrong about these videos that are unsettling and not likely to generate a lot of repeat business.

1) She looks so unclean. Her cleavage looks like it has either food droppings or cigarette ash or black make up powder scattered on it, on even blackheads - it seriously gives me the heaves.

2) Her clothes look unclean, unkempt and moth eaten. I would have thought she would have made an effort for the people paying for her services, even if it is only for a short $40 video. That's called professionalism and respect for yourself and your clients/fans.

3) She's supposed to be a professional actress/actor - she should know something about camera angles and lighting, and not be constantly moving around so that her audience ends up with motion sickness.

4) How does she not have some modicum of embarrassment showing off that clatty pool and hot tub? I mean, the hot tub looks like it's starting to grow new life forms 🤦‍♀️.

She exhausts me, and as has been previously noted, she gets little sympathy from me because I am unsure if this is all part of a game plan to generate more sympathy as the "poor, bereft, depressed, helpless and chronically ill middle aged wife cruelly dumped".

Whether this is a game plan or not, these cameos are awful to watch.

If she had a good wash, put on some clean clothes, sat down and made a decent cameo video then she might get a bit more sympathy and support and maybe more orders.
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A few more thinkings out loud, I also think there's a difference between someone who is environment conscious and wears clothing even though it's not pristine anymore and someone who for MH reasons just can't.

There's a part of me that applauds AE and IG for not being too fashion conscious at home and clearly passing that on to the girls. I don't see anything wrong with wearing something a bit baggy or holey especially around the house. I think particularly if children are made to change clothes every time they get a speck of dirt on them you might as well install a revolving door on the washing machine :ROFLMAO:
There's a limit though, as unclear as I am in myself about where that limit is 🤔

I'm also really on the fence as to whether it's calculated on AE's part for sympathy, some sort of delusion that she thinks she looks amazing even though she's looking really quite dishevelled, is it that she's drinking/using her medications excessively, or if she is really struggling with MH and just is unable to take care of herself etc. I just honestly don't know.

I am also in the habit of wearing things until they have so many holes in them they could give Sunday Mass in the Pope's stead because of my MH :ROFLMAO: I do try and wear clothes that are clean and not full of holes when I'm doing something professional or have an appointment etc, my Father basically instilled in me an inability to go to work or an official appointment without brushing myself up.

This has ended up working against me in the past though. I once was refused mental health help because was told I didn't present as someone who struggled with depression because I had specifically showered that morning, brushed my teeth and hair, wore clean pressed clothes and had managed to not cry very much during my appointment🤦‍♀️ Went home and 😭 😭 😭 😭 because at the time I was struggling quite badly and really needed the help. I didn't bother trying to get a second opinion, I just felt like I was somehow a fraud which obviously made things worse and I ended up signed off work for a few months until I got some antidepressants that took the edge off.

I think there is a point where it becomes bad parenting - if your house is so bad that there's no clean clothes, bugs, dirt, and their friends are talking about it, that's unfair. Same with disorganisation - if they never have a costume when needed or always late for school or not picked up on time, it's not ok to let it get that far.
Yes I kind of didn't want to say because I am not actually a parent and sadly never will be, and I sometimes worry I am being seen as overly judgemental by parents 😬 But I think in the position that Alice is in, as a privileged woman who can afford help it's not acceptable to have children living in that state for long periods of time.

It is actually a health and safety risk in my opinion and also can imagine everyone getting mildly ill frequently. If she's not careful she could be looking at neglect allegations on top of the very clear case of parental alienation.

I totally agree with you that when it comes to having children it really isn't ok to let it get that far at all (y)
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Imagine continuously making accounts on here because you can’t stay away and desperately crave the interaction and attention. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if something is beneath you and full of sad poor old women, you wouldn’t do this? Never mind, in 12 hours you can post gifs of old ladies falling down the stairs again 🥳 Give yer head a wobble Marce
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So who is the lady in white and @Mad Betty is it you? :p I'm calling her Julia.

I'll never get over how the DM can write a 10.000.000 words article about two people walking a dog. With brilliant journalism like the Julia fail and dad puns like "Despite the rainy weather, it appeared nothing could dampen the couple's spirits".
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Forgive me if I am wrong, but I have a distant memory of some twitter shots on here of Alice saying at the time that she fell in love with/or was in love with MITH that’s why she was so upset.
Oh it was! I was friends with mith and saw the tweets. Alice would have lost her mind if Ioan tweeted with some young woman like she did with mith. Talk about an emotional affair and embarrassment in front of the entire world on Twitter.
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