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I have seen some men who have got a lot on their plates distract themselves by doing stuff rather than thinking about the stuff on their plates.

I'd imagine when he was at home with Alice he did a lot of 'doing' stuff to distract himself from what she was doing. I bet the place and the pool was immaculate!
It's a lot of work living with a messy disorganised person when you're a clean person who likes things organised - I speak from experience :)
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It would need to be drained, all that tile work scrubbed and repaired. Looks like a huge job at this point.
I wonder if she's letting it go on purpose. Alice is so terrified that Ioan wants to snatch the house and moved Bianca into it (don't for a second believe Bianca would want to live there), I wouldn't put it past her to figure a slimy pool might keep them away.
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Yes, it’s a lovely photo. But AE put her own, slightly warped, spin on it. Why mention breasts? She is a small child, why sexualise her. She did it to put him down.
It's what those people do. To make sense of it, I remember a comment I read online ages ago, i.e., 'The root of all narcissism is envy'. Narcissists are riddled with it: envy of happy families, happy couples, happy individuals, contented people everywhere, envy of anyone who gains approval for anything at all, on and on. Narcs believe everything is about them, should be about them. They want to be everyone in the world at the same time and want to have what anyone else might have. To deal with it and with the feelings of rage/insanity it creates within them, they put others down in order to destroy what little bit of joy might be experienced by anyone within reach. And they try to disguise it quite often behind humour. AE probably believed her 'witty commentary' (about boobs in this instance) would pass the stink-test but people see it as it is: envy of the bond between IG and his daughter and envy of both IG and the daughter as individuals. As to the sexualisation element, narcs as destructive as AE are actually impotent/frigid. They use sex as a tool/weapon - to humiliate, mortify, destroy. Can you imagine what she will do to the girls when she already regards a six or seven year old child as a sexual competitor?
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About the older man thing my partner is 6 years older than me he was 30 when I was diagnosed with my health issue . He likes rock climbing extreme sports winter sports it was an adjustment for him to accept my disability some days are good some days I just want to sit on the sofa and crash out. Things like holidays and physically travelling make me very fatigued so I always take a day after just to chill out.

My point was an older man is more likely wanting a slower pace of life anyway, mine really struggled with it at first . I'm projecting but if we ever split I think id choose an older man or a low energy person 🤣🤣 .

Fingers crossed it's been 5 years since diagnosis and things are all good .
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I’ve seen several family members go through it. What he’s describing just ain’t it. I get that the protocols may be different at his hospital, but kidney transplant is pretty routine these days (thankfully) and the protocol is pretty standard in terms of prepping patients, I would think.

You can eat whatever you want - though just like someone with diabetes, you shouldn’t. Low sodium, protein, potassium, and fluids, among other things. You’d be amazed at how many foods have potassium, just for one. If you ate what you wanted, you just would feel super sick, and the dialysis wouldn’t be as effective. And he would get a pretty good talking to from the dialysis team. I know someone who is on dialysis who eats and drinks as she pleases. It’s terrible for her but she hasn’t stopped. It’s a great way to shorten your lifespan, though.

All of this.

This just makes me angry, his attitude. Getting a donated organ is a privilege. Usually one someone had to die to provide you with and if it’s a living donor, what an unbelievable gift that is. He behaves like sure, crisps, some booze, staying up all night and all day (snort)… whatever. I’m off to talk to my transplant team about compatibility. He could benefit from an attitude transplant.
I totally agree if it’s actually the real Tony tweeting. But I’m just more & more convinced it’s ALL Alice! He would be too sick/tired to spend 18+ hours a day on Twitter! The writing style is so Alice & when it’s not, it’s usually a poor attempt by Alice to disguise her writing style!… It’s too try hard!!

There are also another couple of sock accounts that I’m convinced are Alice. She hasn’t taken a break from SM at all. I think she’s more addicted to SM than she is alcohol or pills! She has some serious issues!! 😏
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Does anyone else here wonder if Alice might have ADHD? For many adults, women in particular, ADHD can manifest itself as massive difficulty getting organized (hence the house contstantly in disarray), inability to focus or total hyperfocus (which in her case is her laser-focus on Bianca and Ioan, and on her own victimhood). I know that only a professional can diagnose, but my best friend discovered she had ADHD in her late 30s and has been educating me about it ever since (no, it's not just a condition that's only found in hyperactive little white boys). And it's highly heritable so if younger E does in fact have ADHD, there's a strong possibility one of her parents has it. And no, even if Alice has ADHD, I don't think that's ANY excuse for the way she behaves.

Could she be doing this to show the judge that she is making an effort to contribute financially to the family expenses?
I have ADHD, and I'm nothing like this. I wish people would stop diagnosing ADHD in others, it's really pissing me off. I'm not talking about you, because you seem to know a bit about it and someone who has it is taking the time to educate you about it which is great. And you haven't diagnosed it. But I see it happening more and more. When I told my friend I had been diagnosed with ADHD, she said 'oh yeah I think I have that too, people are always saying I can never sit still!' Is ADHD the 'disorder of the day'? Or am I just noticing it more now that I have it. I swear I never heard about ADHD until I'd been diagnosed, suddenly everyone thought they had it!

My hyperfocus periods are not at all like becoming obsessed with people. I can spend hours in deep thought without looking up from the page, forgetting to eat, watching day turn to night, and not realising I've been working away on whatever thing for like 5 hours. In contrast to struggling to send an email.

ADHD goes far deeper than the 'familiar' symptoms that we associate with it, especially when you struggle with it your whole life, undiagnosed. Those people, myself included, have likely spent a lifetime being told we're lazy and incompetent, hearing 'why can't you just....'? and that takes a huge toll on someone's mental health. It presents differently in people - for example I have no issues with self care, or being tidy, or being late. I was fired from job after job, or just walked out because I thought the boredom would kill me. I couldn't work out why I 'couldn't do life'. It was a very dark time.

To get diagnosed, I had to have 2 appointments with a psychiatrist, my boss (at the time) was interviewed, my mum was spoken to, and my housemate was spoken to. They filled out questionnaires. I handed over school reports from when I was a child. It was extremely thorough, and that was in part due to the fact that medication for ADHD is stimulants.

I'm sorry Tootler I'm really not getting at you, your post just reminded me of something that has really been bothering me for a while and I've been supressing it. I feel like every other day I hear or read about someone who is convinced they have ADHD based on the fact they're disorganised, or untidy. It's so much more than that.
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Curse my big mouth, you know I talk a lot—pls skip if it’s too much!

Thank you for that knowledge, and for your constant compassion. When I meditate to God I try to scribble little entries in a journal to capture what He says. If I meditate deeply enough, the words start to arrive. And there was this uncomfortable warning that came to me through a sea of remarks this past summer, I had underlined it: “His hands are bare, but he would use them as if they are thorned.” It frightened me that whole day.

He acts dangerously impulsively. He doesn’t think. But he does have enough control to stop himself—the concerning part is WHEN that control reaches his mind. He loves me fiercely, but he has a severe anger problem. He doesn’t believe in medicine nor psychiatry, BARELY my therapy. He refuses to be diagnosed, claiming that no one knows him better than he does, but narcissistic traits are flaming in him.

My psych told me to just stay out of his way, avoid conflict until I can leave in a few years. Just don’t fight him and I won’t get hurt in any way.

He and I have softened to each other again right now, slightly—just for the sake of things not being tense. He runs errands on my behalf or carves out pomegranates for breakfast without my asking. This happens all the time: he’s horrible but then the guilt nearly kills him so he’s kind again. It’s not a fake compassion, he’s just very sorry that he can’t take back his actions. I guess abusers (those with SOME level of empathy) do this?

I grew up with this: his crazy rage and then his offering me big bouquets of flowers or going on a special trip to New York City or cuddling up next to him to watch whatever cartoon series I wanted for the rest of the night. I feel privileged to have a father with this level of generosity…but at the same time it is very, VERY confusing, being harmed and then showered in love, again and again and again. My impressions of love are extremely damaged due to this.

I’m still changing my name, and God willing I’m still going to Wales in the next couple of years.
Also this is an aside but I really need to apologize to you for biting you two threads ago during that wave of disagreements and discomfort and opinions. I implied at one point that I didn’t care about your potential loss of respect for me, and that isn’t true. I care a great deal about how you perceive me, Cookie Monsta—you and everyone here. I’m honest with my kindness, I love seeing people happy, and I don’t want that BPD-driven frustration to make my kindness seem artificial, like some kind of disguise for a mean heart. It’s real, I promise.

It’s something I’m working on, defending my stance with direct and measured words that address the issue at hand WITHOUT employing sarcasm or unkindness in between just to appease my personal nerves.

Yet another Arab proverb: “It’s best not to do that which requires an apology.” I should follow it.

Anyway, do forgive me for hurting you? I value how you think of me in this space, because we all contribute to its safety and it’s so important that you feel safe here. 💚
I think you need to get out of the house asap. Seriously, asap! 🥰

Thank you! And @cookiem0nster and @CantieQuine for responding. I get it now. I'm also remembering that she called him a 'pussy' and Henry Scarf saying he was impotent while Alice did those pathetic 'gigglegiggle' emojis.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at? Looks like a forehead. Maybe my screen isn't high res enough
He sounds like a Celtic man. Scots men will get "verklemp" over the tiniest thing an then be greetin'.. (cryin gently)
But also, she stripped him of everything, no dignity, no peace-just a constant onslaught of hate. And it is hate. She is beyond a terrible person. She is totally f***ked up. I have moments of feeling sorry for her. But, she betrayed him constantly. In every way possible. It sounds like he didn't have a moment of peace for years. Something is absolutely wrong with mAlice.
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There were comments about his plastic surgery, vanity and she joked about orthorexia.
Any time she could humiliate him, she did. The hashtags alone were horrible. She constantly breached his boundaries. When was the flight he refused to sit beside her?
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This is pure laziness. She was always going on about how the kids loved the pool and she can’t even be arsed to maintain it for them? She could have done it herself, I do ours. You don’t have to pay someone if you take some time. And she has time. This is just pathetic. And I don’t understand why she’s so intent on showing off how incompetent she is. That pool is a hazard.

Yes, it will go for less than it would if it was in good shape. Would not be surprised if there is still a mortgage, so even fewer $ in the end. And that's a nice neighborhood. It would be pricy to buy a new house in that area.
They have a large mortgage.
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I know she’s not an easy person but there’s somebody for everyone. Alice is grubby, lives by a swamp and has rats and squirrels running about.

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Mad Betty

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I think there would have been a lot more drama from AE if he fired Gloria. She would really go to town on him.

"A war survivor from El Salvador, POC woman with cancer and kids has just been fired by the hub so his mistress can buy more clothes and make up." Etc.

Glo will be let go at some point. I think IG is paying for her because he is worried about the kids in the care of AE.
They're running out of money and Gloria is likely a financial drain right now. Without Gloria, IG will have a better chance of seeing his girls for multiple reasons. The biggest in my mind is that Alice will want a break from actually having to care for them, something I suspect falls on Gloria's shoulders. And Alice won't have a co-conspirator filling the girls heads with negativity about their father. Alice said that Gloria's husband left her for another woman. They've bonded over it. I said it earlier up thread, I believe it's time for Gloria to move on. Let Alice freak out. She needs the kick in the pants. Until she's actually working and making actual money she can take care of two children who are in school 5 days a week. Big girl panty time.

Went to bed with Alice fatigue and damn if I didn't wake up with it. Her pity me Cameo videos got my hackles up. Sorry! 😂
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The notorious relationship reveal photo was in October. His hairline is completely different, the hair much fuller. I think he has taken his wig off. Maybe Alice wasn’t the only one in the Evans house with a hairpiece. Maybe he is done with artifice and just feels confident to be himself without someone pointing out his nose, or moobs.
[View attachment 1000661
He doesn't wear a full toupee. As DM's photo showed, he has plenty of hair, but it is more receded at the temples on top. All of these actors over a certain age are wearing some type of added hair system for movies, except for guys like George Clooney blessed with amazing hair. I could tell Ioan did, as I think Alice mentioned it anyway. Brad Pitt even adds something to his hair in a lot of movies in his later years now. Paul Rudd I realized was wearing something when I was watching his Hot Wings interview on YouTube the other night. From the side, the whole back of his hair was too amazing, the way it was styled, and that's when I realized, no way. That's not real. I found a photo of him where it showed him with a receded hairline at the temples and hair much thinner.

Ioan obviously had just recently cut his hair, as it is much shorter on the sides than he usually wears it. But for 48, he still has a nice head of hair compared to many guys. And in his next project, he will probably have his fake hair added in, just like other actors do for the role. Ben Affleck always does it.

He just needs to put on a little weight. I know stress causes weight loss, but he just needs to focus and put on a good 10, 15 pounds.
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Ioan cut a casual figure in a black zipped-up jacket and tracksuit bottoms as he enjoyed the outing with Julia.
before moaning about gossip forums perhaps the DM could get the most basics things in their reports right

(or am I missing some obvious joke here?)
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To the bawbagwithmilk

You know what's sadder than moaning about your divorce? Random bitter women who have never met you CHAMPIONING your reaction to said divorce.
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I've got depression and when it is really bad you can tell by my dinning room table first. It's the first to pile up. When I'm good it's perfect. And then the laundry piles up, I get behind on everything. Then I'm overwhelmed by all that I'm behind on and just get more depressed. When I'm good everything is beautiful. But there are tipping points in life. It can be a divorce, a death, a family member with an addiction, a job loss, a terrible illness.

Alice is depressed. Her house looks fine to me. Little E looks adorable. When I looked back on one of my 1970's elementary class pics I had on white keds sneakers and a dress. One of my sneakers had a hole in it. We weren't poor. I said, "Mom, why did you send me to school like that?!" She said I let you dress yourself. LOL. She let me be kid. It was the Free to Me and you days. In the end, she was an amazing mother. Clothes don't matter. Something on the floor doesn't matter. The pool is an extra and the first thing I'd let go if my husband left me.

Why am I sharing this? Because I'd be Alice in her clothes and hair and makeup. I think I look okay. My house would be hers. I think it looks okay. And my pool would probably look worse. I'd cover it and pretend it was fine lol.

I just feel a little sad now. So this is for all the other people out there who are mess I guess. I send you a hug.
I imagine you didn’t/don’t have full time domestic help, money for therapists, or living like only 1% of Americans live either.
Alice had that. And regardless of what makes a good parent”which clothes and money don’t” these kids are neglected in the worst way. Because they are deprived of their mother being present.
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Gee I had a wine and watched 2 of them. Clive’s was bad. She purposely showed the manky pool and flung her tits in his face. A married man too. Thought she was against that shit?
BIB Only when it's not her doing it of course. One rule for the Queen mAlice another for her loyal plebeian subjects everyone else on the planet :rolleyes:

ETA: I wonder what the puritan FMs think of her letting SCB virtually motorboat her? 🤔 Maybe they're cool with it too coz it is Alice doing it after all or coz she's been through so much you know? :ROFLMAO: No hypocrites to see here, no siree! ;)
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