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Odd. Did she forget on whose behalf she was completing this 🙄 ✔❌️

Anyway, I'm here for the day when the judge orders the Abuser supervised visitation only, with a MH professional present.
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House of Tea

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Ella wanted to get IG to their new apartment on AE’s instructions. A lot of her wailing was because IG thwarted the plan. She was already riled because of that failure. If he did call her a brat, that’s remarkably restrained in the circumstances. Better brat than bitch which is what her mother called her. This whole t report is a pack of nothing. A last ditch attempt for AE to wound. Bianca is steadfast, she ain’t budging. IG is no longer AE’s put upon husband - he is infinitely wiser than a few years ago. I and B have come so far. This isn’t going to break them.
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Children copy what their parents do, not saying that Alice was throwing milk Ioan's way, but she no doubt witnessed Alice being abusive to him and regards it as normal.
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@ButterTart or anyone else, can you upload the file? Just for record sake 😅

As for the PRO: Methinks Elsie had a nervous breakdown because the plan to get Baby Angel to the house failed and Mommy was unhappy about it.

These kids are heavily screwed up, and the funny thing is that they are admitting this themselves.

So it also seems that it was never the plan to stay the night with Bianca then, right? They came earlier than expected.
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since the Respondent has left me and my family

Very troubling sentence btw

For real both filings, especially the second one are a gift for Ioan's team. Crazy crazy stuff
That sentence really stood out to me too - what an “unusual” way for a 13 year old to describe the status of her parents’ break-up 2.5 years in.
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I don’t get why Ioan introduced them to Bianca when they obviously aren’t in a good place. I get that he’s dating her but it might have been more wise to leave that until much later.
It's been 2 years. How long people have to walk on eggshells to pacify others?
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God, you can see the unravelling of her mind. She’s bringing Ioan’s Mother up, Former FM bestie who changed sides. Anyone who has ever slighted her. I’ve never seen (thank the Lord) anyone like her. In the words of Lady Caroline Lamb about Lord Byron - Alice is, Mad, Bad and Dangerous to know!

Also as another fellow Turd has said, I also miss the older threads when she was just doing her Majorie impressions etc… and it was all quite jolly on here. The saga is now very dark and disturbing. It’s quite hard to read without feeling sick to your stomach at times. 😕
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I don’t get why Ioan introduced them to Bianca when they obviously aren’t in a good place. I get that he’s dating her but it might have been more wise to leave that until much later.
How much later? Cause it’s theirs 2 year anniversary this month.
They live together, she can’t be going out for the day every single time there is a visitation.
What if they’ll have kids? Should Bianca be packing a travel bag and go out for hours, so his daughters can come for a visit?
6months-to a maximum 1 year is more than respectable time to introduce a gf, especially a live in gf.
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She doesn't even want to spend one day a week with him. He has a live-in partner who is ill and who has zero relationship with this girl. Believe me, he doesn't want Ella full-time. It would blow up. That would be an untenable situation for all parties. He wants a normal co-parenting relationship, but that isn't going to happen with Alice as his ex-wife. Ella is getting close to the age when she will refuse to see him and it won't be forced anymore.

It shocks me how much she does not seem to love her father, but it is getting harder and harder for me not to come to that conclusion. I get that she has a lot of anger towards her dad and it takes time to work through. I get that having some third party there on their visits observing feels intrusive and is awkward, especially to a teenager already going through a lot hormonally which affects your moods, and it doesn't lend to developing close, bonding moments when he is with Ella. I get why he has the third party, though.

But her behavior towards her father goes so much deeper and further than that. She has become an extension of Alice: the hysteria, the tantrums, the out-of-control anger, the manipulation. It is very clear it was planned that Elsie wouldn't have her leotard with her. That whole paragraph says it all about the manipulation that was going on by Ella and Alice.

"Elsie had forgotten her leotard, so I suggested multiple times that we could go back to our apartment which was a 10-minute drive away, since the dance class was still an hour away. The Respondent refused and drove us to The Grove. The Respondent insisted we get a new leotard. I was overwhelmed by the number of people at The Grove, so I went back into the car. I told him to please leave me in the car and he could go get Elsie a leotard. The Respondent told me that he couldn't leave me alone in the car, so I would have to stay with his psychologist fiiend in the car. I had never met this man before, and he is approximately late 70 to 80 year old. I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack."

Obviously, the plan all along was to get him to drive to her mom's apartment. "The respondent refused." He's your father. He's not your fucking subordinate or hired lackey. He's your father. You aren't the mother of Elsie. Elsie is his child and he was handling the situation with the leotard as the father, just not to your liking (nor Alice's). Plan thwarted.

Ella can't handle The Grove? She wants to stay in the car alone, and because he won't allow that, she has a panic attack? WTF? The histrionics all come from Alice's behavior. Ella is modeling it, sadly. And then little Elsie has a panic attack also? She had one because Ella was creating a scene and drama. It's clear little Elsie has become Ella's pawn in this game, just like Ella became Alice's pawn in her vendetta against Ioan.
Fully agreed. And agree on pawns btw: this is why I think Ella attended those visitations (that mostly ended in walkouts) as well, to keep Elsie in check so that she doesnt develop a bond to her father again. It's all pretty sick.

I'm very curious what the best way moving forward even would be.

Yes, the courts will intervene strongly, the case is too obvious to not do. But Alice will fight hard against it. It will take years and years, and she will keep escalating. And so will Ella at least.

Even if Ioan just gives up and moves to Wales or OZ things would escalate. As Narc Mother and Daughter no longer have a common enemy to bond over and then they would suffer from each others Narc Rage.

I find it remarkable tbh that Ioan still bothers. The things we read about Ella...having contact to her must feel like having contact with Alice. He must think he may as well have stayed married to her. His love for his kids is immense, and sadly it will be too late when they will realize this (either someone dies from further escalation or because he will have moved on entirely)
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Unregulated Loon

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Actually abused children have supervised visits with their parent all the time. Wrongly in my opinion, this isn’t the case here. There are way more red flags from Ella here than Ioan.
This is Alice’s doing, she has set that kid off on purpose to get at her ex husband. Does anyone actually think these children are being abused? The aggressor here is Alice.
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Old Soak

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Even if he did call her a liar, manipulator or brat…where’s the lie.
And I could see it said in a sentence instead of name calling. “Ella, when you try to get me near the house when you know there’s an order in place, it’s manipulation and I’m not having it.” “Ella that’s not true and you know it.” “You are almost 14 years old, this is very bratty behaviour.”
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Nobody but especially a child should have to spend time with people they don't want to.

A child should never have to meet someone their parent is dating if they don't want to.

The child's preferences should come first.

I don't know what has gone on in this case obviously but to people saying Ella is being unreasonable in not wanting to meet Bianca I think that is her absolute right to decide.
It's not her right at all.

The general rule of thumb accepted among therapists and judges alike are about 6 months of dating and a intention of a long term commitment. Its been 2 years now. They know of her for 20 months and thats how long they live together.

Children just cannot decide who their parent choose to live with. What is she going to do when Alice gets a boyfriend she doesnt like? Foster care?

I agree that this process should happen slowly and carefully, which is what he evidently did so far (which is why Ella's story is doubtful), we dont know how "surprising" Bianca was to them at all. One of Alice's friends had claimed they actually knew she would be there. In any case the idea that the children should even have a choice in the general idea of their parents dating life is nuts. That's how they later become like Alice because they know that they get their way with bad behavior.

I suspect there will be another donation to an MS charity in due course based on that article - not exactly accurate even based on the court filings is it?
I find it funny how careful the sun is to state that its all allegedly, while the DM doesnt at all amd deleted 200 Anti-Alice comments lmao.
Yeah where exactly was Elsie in all of this as she's the only sole witness for Ella and I don't think she will lie 🤥
its very easy to gaslight small kids
I think the overnighter was pre-arranged and possibly set out by the visitation guidelines and with the agreement of therapist etc

I also think that prior to it happening, Ella has said she will refuse to come if B is there, fast forward to the Friday handover and she has asked IG if B will be at the apartment and he has said yes, as I told you she would. All the car wailing commences, he tries to talk them round and eventually the set off to go to the apartment. Deciding she has no other option but to comply she goes in and creates merry hell until it escalates to her walking out with maximum drama.

the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with this one
yeah its possibly like a chaperone in december: she knew she was going to be there and made threats to not come if she is there

I think its also foolish to believe that they wouldnt ask on the drive there

And the fat bitch has been crowing about this incident for almost a week. She’s seriously disturbed - she thinks this behaviour from her child is a good thing.

I doubt the milk, mustard and oatmeal were all out so the girl was almost certainly rampaging around opening the fridge / cupboards etc and creating utter chaos, hardly surprising she sustained an injury.
I mean she threw the milk on his bed. which means her assault went into at least two rooms. This seems like a proper meltdown alone from the things she admits
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I’ve also always thought it was so weird Alice was always talking about the girls having panic attacks and crying and shaking and vomiting and etc. I was like, “These are such weird lies and exaggerations; even though I know it’s not true, she should be embarrassed at implying she’s raised kids who have no resiliency whatsoever since it would show what a crap parent she is.”

Lo and behold, they weren’t lies. She really did raise them to be paranoid, anxious, trembling, panicking, etc., all because she thinks it makes her look like more of a downtrodden victim.
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The knickers in question. I’d like to say we never imagined she was this horrible, but we kind of did. (MAlice that is, not his mother)
Haha I won’t tag but I thought it was Sally Gotson


This is even more amazing than I remembered. Hahahaha. I recalled Gill was on side and while I’m sure she doesn’t love certain things, it seemed she was great with the fans. I remember them being red, can you confirm? 😂😂
Sorry Sally lol 🥰
She also had that weird almost naked photo of him in the shower signed for me. A prude she is not.
They’re white with black spots and a red puppy


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Bianca survived her MS diagnosis and leaving her husband just be thrown into this hell joke of abuse. I hope Alice goes to hell and burns. The end
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House of Tea

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Absolutely, and if Ella had a normal mother and wasn’t being abused and manipulated she would probably have just met Bianca with no issue and loved her in time. How anyone could’ve thought meeting her at the moment would’ve gone well, with how manipulated and angry the girl is, is anyone’s guess. Surely I and B didn’t assume that Ella would be totally cool about it?
From the TRO papers, because of the girls histrionics with the leotard and dancing classes, the meltdown in the restrooms, Elsie’s dance class was cut short and IG took them to the apartment, not expecting B to be there, and B was not expecting them at that point. That’s what it reads as.
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Mad Betty

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I hate that I guessed correctly that a professional was present. I mean it's good one was, but that it was necessary is heartbreaking. I suspected it was the case as things appeared to be escalating and sadly, I know someone who resorted to the same many years ago when she went through a painfully contentious divorce and custody battle. Her husband was very much like AE.

Why in the filing against BW does the child state only IG was chasing after her but then in the filing against her father she suddenly remembered there was a psychologist present? One could surmise coaching was at play.

Legal folks, will responses be filed by BW and IG and will they be public? And will any witness statements be included?

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I don’t think about it often but in my wider family there was a murder / suicide over a divorce.

I was young and it happened on the other side of the world (and I had loving parents who protected us from too much detail) but in the last few days it has played on my mind.

I do hope Ioan and his legal team do not underestimate how disturbing this is.
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