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Ella will be really disappointed when she goes to court. She'll find out throwing a tantrum, trashing your dads house is not an appropriate response to him having a girlfriend.
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If one of my kids had done that when visiting their Dad they would be driven straight back there to apologise and clean up their mess. No tolerance for brats.

(Yes I understand shes going through stuff and has a loony mother but really? I work with kids who have been through some truly awful things in comparison)


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I don’t get why Ioan introduced them to Bianca when they obviously aren’t in a good place. I get that he’s dating her but it might have been more wise to leave that until much later.
It’s been 2 years and they live together.
I think it is beyond time for Ioan and Bianca to address the 'cheating' narrative, if they are completely innocent. Ella's anger is caused by Bianca being the person to destroy their marriage. If this is not true, they need to very publicly address it, IMO.
Sorry but nobody gives two shits if he cheated. It has been almost 3 years and he was leaving Big Al come hell or high water.
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Just caught up …. 😔

honestly, no words!! I feel so terribly sorry for Ioan and Bianca. When I was reading the petition.. or some of her abusive tweets ( couldn’t read them all!)
I had this weird pain in my stomach… like I swallowed a hot, spiky ball….

can’t even comprehend what B is feeling…

I have my own business and 3 years ago I got my first 1 star review. I knew it will happen at some point, so was trying to prepare myself mentally for when it will happen.
I had a lady which was an hour late, told her that unfortunately I won’t be able to see her that day as I had other appointments lined up. She threw a tantrum, laid on the floor crying, swinging hands, swearing then begging…. then she threatened me and tried to smash a window.
Few days later she wrote 10 paragraph review ( a’la Alice Evans… yeah.. she Aliced me 🙊).
After that I installed a cctv.. but this situation and the review from this psycho affected me for some time.

Imagining B is getting this multiplied by a million every day makes me feel sick 😢
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curious km

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So the therapist was present and a witness, no? That's why Loopy is saying IG will try to "wheel him out."
I pray the therapist or a third party was there in the apartment- that they weren’t fooled into thinking everything was going fine and dandy since mAlice finally moved.
Does everyone remember when Ioan first moved out by himself that Ella was having fits then about staying at his “boring apartment “ pre-Bianca ? He did live solo for a bit. Ella is obviously a teen in a lot of pain but I can’t imagine what I would have done if one of our children behaved that way and threw food at 13!!! I wonder if in addition to the upset over Bianca - she was grumpy about lack of junk food? Gosh I wish she could get to a therapy camp excursion to get some perspective on her mothers supposed love for her.
Honestly I feel for Bianca’s family, this must be so hard for them to see. Much less on top of the MS and fact she has supported IG financially and emotionally - as well as being a domestic violence survivor (Hey DM did you ever think to make note of that in your trash reporting?)- at this point I bet they wish B could just come home. And the socks have been ranting about the grandad- mAluce obviously trying to angle a way to sue B. Legal types, something like that will be seen for what it is and thrown out to save B the stress of additional drama?
It is so disturbing, I am just constantly lifting my jaw of the floor that this 50+ woman is behaving in such a sick and demented fashion. Thanks to those sharing the DM and Instagram. I refuse to click on those to increase their “views.”
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I hate that I guessed correctly that a professional was present. I mean it's good one was, but that it was necessary is heartbreaking. I suspected it was the case as things appeared to be escalating and sadly, I know someone who resorted to the same many years ago when she went through a contentious divorce. Her husband was very much like AE.

Why in the filing against BW does the child state only IG was chasing after her but then in the filing against her father she suddenly remembered there was a psychologist present? One could surmise coaching was at play.

Legal folks, will responses be filed by BW and IG and will they be public? And will any witness statements be included?

Now, IG and BW do have to file responses (or should, just the way Alice did and should have appeared in court). But ... they haven't been served yet and that has to happen before a response is filed. And if they are not served the court will just move the date further down the line until or unless a motion to dismiss is filed. If they take depositions from witnesses, yes, they would be part of their declarations and would be public, but I am guessing the witnesses will appear in court that day to give their testimony. Cross examination is going to be interesting. I would think the kids would be taken into the judge's chambers for testimony and cross because they are minors. But ... who is going to cross examine his witnesses if they have no lawyer? There are rules to be followed which they wouldn't know.

What a mess.
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Nadia Vulvokov

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MOO: the girls seem to be trauma bonded to Alice, so if anything that Alice instructs them to do (such as lure I to the apartment for the leotard) gets thwarted they go into panic mode - crying, panicking and lashing out as they are terrified of their mothers reaction. She's already proven to be cruel / abusive towards them, Big E in particular. The milk on the bed was definitely premeditated tho.
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I, ELLA EVANS, am the Petitioner in this action and have personal knowledge of the following
facts. If called to testify, I could and would declare: BACKGROUND

The Respondent, IOAN GRUFFUDD, is my father. The Respondent and I lived together since I was born until approximately two years ago, when the Respondent moved out of the family home. Approximately three weeks ago, I moved into an apartment with my mother Alice Evans and my sister Elsie Evans Griffith (DOB: 09/13/2013, 9 years old). I currently reside with my mother and my sister.

On Friday, May 26, 2023, I was at the West Hollywood Police Station which is where my parents make custody exchanges. The Respondent drove up with a psychologist friend. I got into his car and he drove to Elsie's school to pick her up. We picked up Elsie, and Elsie had to go to her dance class. Elsie had forgotten her leotard, so I suggested multiple times thatwe could go back to our apartment which was a 10-minute drive away, since the dance classwas still an hour away. The Respondent refused and drove us to The Grove. The Respondent insisted we get a new leotard. I was overwhelmed by the number of people at The Grove, so I went back into the car. I told him to please leave me in the car and he could go get Elsie a leotard. The Respondent told me that he couldn't leave me alone in the car, so I would have to stay with his psychologist fiiend in the car. I had never met this man before, and he is approximately late 70 to 80 year old. I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack.

As background, the Respondent's friend Iris would always be present when my dad picked me up. I repeatedly told the Respondent that I did not want to have Iris present since she made me uncomfortable. But the Respondent would tell me that I'm lying, and that she's a very nice person and that she will always be there. During my panic attack at the parking lot of The Grove, I ended up calling my mother, and I started . I had a full-blown . attack. . attack . and the bawllng. panlc My pamc contlnued,

Respondent came back with Elsie. The Respondent told me to calm down, calm down. The Respondent drove us to Elsie's dance class and we dropped her off. In the parking lot, my dad told me that I could step outside of the car by myself to have a moment. While I was in the parking lot, my sister started having a panic attack in the bathroom of her dance class, and she called my mother. My mother is willing to testify at the hearing on this case. I called my mom, and my mom told me that Elsie was in the bathroom crying, so I went to go check on Elsie. I saw my sister crying. We agreed that she was too panicked to do her dance class and that we should go with the Respondent to his apartment which was the original plan. I had not been to the Respondent's apartment in 2 years, and I've been there twice. We drove to the apartment and went upstairs, including the psychologist friend. I saw that the Respondent's girlfriend was at the apartment. I had known of his girlfriend, but I had never met her before. I called my friends because I felt safer with them on the phone.

I was so mad at my dad because this was an overnight visit, and I had told him in the past that I didn't want to meet his girlfriend who was now his liven girlfiiend. Rather than listen to my wishes, my dad had the court order the overnights while his girlfriend was living with him. I was so upset that I threw milk on his bed, I poured mustard on the floor, and I threw raw oatmeal on him. The Respondent and his girlfriend were calling me "manipulative," "abusive," and "narcissistic." I decided I couldn't be in that apartment anymore. As I was trying to leave through the front door, and before I could even reach the front door, the Respondent's girlfiiend was trying block me from leaving, raising her arms to block me. I was able to make my way around her, and I opened the door. I was able to walk halfway outthe door, but while I was still in the door frame, the Respondent's girlfriend slammed the door on me, causing the door to hit me on the head as well as my arm. My arm got bruised, and I had a small bump on my head. My sister was right behind me when this happened. See Exhibit "A," photographs of my injuries. I tried to run down the stairs since we were on the second floor. The Respondent caught up with me and he was trying to stop me from leaving, and trying to grab me, and I kept dodging him. I kept screaming, "Don't touch me! Don't touch Inc!" I was able to get away, and I ran outside with my sister. We ran for a while and eventually my dad caught up to us. The Respondent told me to come back, and I told him, "Your girlfriend slammed a door on
me!" And the Respondent kept saying, "No she didn't, no she didn't, stop lying."

My sister and I ran faster until we lost him. I called my nanny Gloria Flores, and I asked her to pick me and my sister up. My nanny Gloria coordinated with Elsie's friend's dad would pick us up from our old house which was two blocks away from our current location. While
I was heading to the pickup location, I saw my dad's psychologist friend and my dad trying to catch up with us.

We ran over to the pickup location waiting for our ride, and Elsie's friend's dad arrived in his car, and right behind him in another car was the Respondent and his girlfriend. I got into the fiiend's car, and the friend's dad talked to my dad, and they came to an agreement thatElsie's friend's dad would drop me and Elsie off at my mom's apartment, and my dad would follow behind the car. That's what happened, and that's what ended the incident.

The next day, my mother saw the bruise on my arm and she called the police. The Beverly Hills police arrived and we reported the incident from the day before to the police. The Beverly Hills referred us to the West Hollywood police station since the incident occurred in West Hollywood. See Exhibit "B," police brochure regarding the incident.

Gloria Flores my nanny, and Dennis Hauk who is Elsie's fi'iend's dad have agreed to testify at the hearing for this case.
Recently in the past 2 years since the Respondent has left me and my family, anytime I
mention my feelings or opinions to the Respondent, he calls me a liar and a gaslighter. He calls me a brat, calls me a manipulator, and a narcissist.

The Respondent has threatened to call the police on me anytime I misbehave during his visitation time in the past 2 years.

I am afraid of the Respondent for my personal safety, and respectfully ask the Court to issue a Restraining Order for five years.
I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this day
05[3l I 1023
(date), at
(city), California.
Sorry, I might be stupid but what’s her excuse for asking for a RO? Also, as we predicted, I had a mental health professional as a witness.
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And the fat bitch has been crowing about this incident for almost a week. She’s seriously disturbed - she thinks this behaviour from her child is a good thing.

I doubt the milk, mustard and oatmeal were all out so the girl was almost certainly rampaging around opening the fridge / cupboards etc and creating utter chaos, hardly surprising she sustained an injury.
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Ally Pally

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Respondent told me that he couldn't leave me alone in the car, so I would have to stay with his psychologist fiiend in the car. I had never met this man before, and he is approximately late 70 to 80 year old. I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack.
I'm in no doubt things were set in motion then because no way does Alice want any child psychologist making notes for the court.
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Chatty Member
2 things particularly stand out to me..

1. Marie no longer being Alice’s lawyer so soon after the initial bits of this. I feel like either Alice told Marie she was lying, and Marie as an officer of the Court, can’t lie to the Court; so she had to resign as such. Or, she told Alice in no uncertain terms not to go through with this and that it would harm her custody chances even further, so Alice fired her. Either way, it doesn’t look good for Malice.

2. Loopy saying Ella was trying to film but Ioan made it impossible or whatever…more than anything else that screams set up. Who gets their phone out to film themselves when they are that upset / angry.
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I don't THINK I have said anything negative about the children before but...

"I was overwhelmed by the number of people at The Grove, so I went back into the car. I told him to please leave me in the car and he could go get Elsie a leotard. The Respondent told me that he couldn't leave me alone in the car, so I would have to stay with his psychologist fiiend in the car. I had never met this man before, and he is approximately late 70 to 80 year old. I texted my mother because I started to have a panic attack."

BIB - This is from the child that mAlice has posted film clips of dancing around and posing at a busy bowling party and turning handstands outside of a shop (possibly in a Mall), I thought at the time that the child was so outgoing and full of confidence...I thought it was charming.

So either the childs personality has undergone a huge change...or there are some untruths in the statements...

I wonder which?
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Here's the restraining order against Bianca. I've deleted the images of poor Ella's body bc I am tech adjacent for work, and know to keep your teen's body off the internet at all costs when it comes to interacting with any part of the criminal justice system. Jeez, Alice, you are a monster.

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I wonder if she thinks she’s being clever and playing with us - I just look because I can’t really believe she is so unhinged.

It is an unhealthy morbid fascination but I simply cannot understand how crazy she is and how little dignity she has. She doesn’t care that she looks deranged.
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Jesus Christ. Always lurking here. Have seen the photo of the ‘assault’ marks. What even is that supposed bruise?! If alice is actually comfortable posting that as supposed assault wounds then she really has lost it. It looks like a block of colour which has a perfect line and looks like a shadow. Why is it in black and white as well?!

HOW after this long is alice not over this?!How can anyone still be so filled with vengeance and spite? It’s literally unbelievable!

how sad that exchanges have to be done at a police station. For gods sake it’s so tragic.
Growing up with a narc parent (actual covert narc) who lied about who mine and my sister’s dad was (separate dads) and then did extreme PA (they were both paid off or taken to court with lies about their conduct) we have never met our dads. When you only have your mothers word to rely on it’s very hard to question anything. Ioan left and it’s been very easy for her to change the narrative unchallenged.
At 14 I would have never known to challenge my mum because it was all I’d known. I feel extremely sad for those girls. This will damage them for life as it has done me. I have no contact with my mother now who is an absolute loon to this day who still manages to place herself the victim in every scenario.
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I hate to say this but these kids will end up in reunification camps, which I'm not a fan of usually, but this is a very rare case where the alienation has nothing to do with an abusive father (they arent accusing him of anything even), but all to do with a warped worldview, imposed by their bitter mother.
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Maybe just maybe Ioan shouldn’t have moved in with Bianca if there wasn’t a way he could meet his daughters on his own. The children obviously aren’t happy with Bianca being around then, regardless of how they came to this belief.
For you 6-12 months is a respectable time but it’s just an arbitrary timeframe you’ve come up with. It’s painfully obvious that the daughters have been damaged by their parent’s separation, especially the eldest.
What would be an okay time frame? Should Ioan put his life entirely on hold because Alice can't control her rage and spite?, she uses her children as weapons against their father. I'm not trying to argue with you, I just think that Alice will never let him have peace, will never let it go and what? he should wait until Elsie is 18 - the kids are adults before resuming his life. Will they accept it then? I don't think so. He may as well of stayed with Alice at that rate. I get what you are saying that the children are paramount and should be his top consideration. But we're not dealing with reasonable people here. Not that this is the childrens fault. One way or another she was going to try ruin him, and him getting a girlfriend imo is not the issue here.
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