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That filthy scab Alice is still trying to control Ioan through the children. She’s turned them into a basketcase just like herself. Can anyone here give me an idea of how much child support Ioan would have to pay if he gave up on custody? I’m only speculating here and not saying he should although I damn sure wouldn’t blame him.
With those court filings Alice has proven that the alienation is complete, it's actually incredible that she did this because that way she has saved Ioan the trouble to do it, and it's very possible that she wouldnt get any child support even with full custody. There have been less severe cases in the past in California where this was the verdict.
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Feather fans

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Still catching up. Another musing: in between reading frantically and getting yet another hit of morbid fascination, I cant help but get absolutely amazed at times at her inner world: how small, how utterly devoid of any interests, fulfilment, positive emotion, significant relationship, any PURPOSE IN LIFE you have to be that the only thing you are bothered about is the opinion of twitter, DM articles and revenge on ex! She would argue "he took all she had" when he left, but that just proves the point: she had nothing at all apart from being the wife of a D-list actor. She is not even fulfilled by being a mother. She has no need to do anything meaningful in her life. She is just one giant, disgustingly pitiful ugly void, spewing anger and hate. Bleugh 🤢 🤮
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Chatty Member
I remember living with a partner years ago who had 2 children and the oldest one hated me because I stole their dad away from her mum (the truth being he actually left her because she had 2 affairs). She was petulant, aggressive etc all the signs Ella is showing although I didn't have food thrown at me. She would refuse to eat any food I cooked and when her father told her that was the only food on offer and to either eat it or go without, she would walk over to the bin and empty it in there whilst staring me out. She would then go home and her mum would tell everybody that I didn't feed her and sent her home starving.

It got to the stage where she didn't want to come anymore even though her father had court ordered time. We made the hard decision after numerous attempts to resolve to grant her wishes and she was told she no longer had to come. We still saw the youngest boy and would do all the fun things like days out and holidays which the daughter was always extended an initiation to. Initially she refused to come but when she saw she was basically lying in the bed of her and her mum's making FOMO took over and slowly but surely she made steps back towards us and in the end it all got resolved - her mum was still a manipulating twat of a human !
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Sorry if this has been mentioned, I am still catching up. The hearing for the PRO won't happen in my opinion, she must know she's fucked and it won't be granted. But she has what she wants, the headlines and creating the narrative that I&B are abusive. If she goes ahead and loses, they are vindicated to a certain extent.

My feeling is that she will try for a few more headlines, keep trying to destroy his reputation and then pull the plug at the last minute. Obviously BogOff won't have an article for that, but they have done what they set out to do.
Surely a different publication has taken notice of this saga and can write a comprehensive account of what has actually been happening over the past few years? A publication that is actually respectable, like the New Yorker or Vanity Fair?

Because what is happening here is that a man, who happens to be a Hollywood actor, is being held to ransom by his wife: his career and reputation is being ruined; his relationship with his daughters destroyed as she has alienated them so thoroughly; his new girlfriend is being threatened; and he is being drained financially. And the wife is using her tabloid contacts to lie about him, and manipulate public opinion. All because he dared to leave the abusive wife and ask for a divorce.

Nothing, so far, has been able to stop her. Because she doesn't care about the law, or her daughters' wellbeing. She just wants revenge.
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I can, she’s *that* arrogant.
I think it's easy to predict what comes next.

The story will be debunked by the psychologist, or at least partly, or context added that makes this a lot different (although tbh the story is already bad from Ella's perspective). Normally done deal. But Alice/Loopy/her DM friend will make this a big story about how those services help abusers to get away with abuse etc. Basically what Alice has always been doing by trying to deny things she actually did, except now she will drag Ella down the rabbit hole too
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Boring Monday

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And where was this account in her documents about Bianca? Two totally different stories until she gets to the apartment. Where in Ioan’s petition she adds in the detail that Elsie left with her and that they ran to lose him. I wouldn’t let two kids that age run around LA by themselves either, so good on Ioan for jumping into his car to follow them, for their own safety.
Even after all that, even knowing they were going to go back to a milk soaked bed, mustard sprayed everywhere and oats sticking to the floor they both still followed them home to make sure they got back safely.
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Hurt people hurt people, and abused people abuse people. I’d love to know more about the Abuser’s background and upbringing and what effect that had. Or was she always such an evil bitch? It is why those children need therapy so that they can unpick all this and not carry their mother’s abuse into their adult lives and repeat her behaviour.
I’m a victim of a narc sister. She lead a charmed life with the exception of her illness. She was a bright, beautiful much loved child and the “pet” of the family. What happened? Other than being spoiled and not disciplined I can’t say. But I do know that I didn’t like her even as a young child. You would think we would have been close. She wasn’t a good big sister to me at all.
Sometimes I think people are just born “bad.” My other sister and I often speak about this and we have at times compared her to the Bad Seed. And I would bet anything that Alice has always been this way. Sometimes people turn out this way no matter what the parents do.
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I think everyone has covered the ridiculousness of the applications so not going to go into detail just two things - firstly it's telling that in the papers for the RO against Ioan, where asked if she was involved in any other court proceedings with him, she ticked divorce, not custody.

Secondly, we now know a psychologist was present. Are psychologists not mandated reporters in California? If a psychologist had witnessed an assault on a child, they would need to report it. I am sure a judge considering a RO will like to hear from this psychologist.

Really good point. Yes, psychologists are mandated reporters in California and obligated to report abuse. So in theory, having a psychologist as a chaperone is protective for both the kids and Ioan and Bianca.
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This will never go to court. Alice has no attorney. Alice is actually a big, fat chicken. Alice doesn't want to go to court and have the bullshit story fall apart like a house of cards. You can sit in your safe home and spin your story. Being questioned about it by Ioan's attorney and the Court is a whole other ballgame.

She got what she wanted. Big headlines for a few days. Bianca painted in a bad light as an abuser (allegedly). More negative headlines about Ioan and his contentious relationship with his daughter. Oh, getting a temporary restraining order would have been icing on the cake. But she still looks at it as a win. Lots of negative headlines with Ioan's and Bianca's name in them. Who cares if it also shows your daughter being an out-of-control brat? No problem if it brings pain upon Ioan and Bianca on the day of the big MS Gala. No problem if it ensures your daughter hates Bianca even more.No problem if your daughter is even more estranged from Ioan. What a mother protecting her daughter as she enters her new high school and teaching her right from wrong. Ella is in all of these headlines as are her actions. She's too young to understand the negative impact upon herself.

Alice, as usual, is on her evil high. She doesn't care about the destruction. That's the goal. It feels so good. In the words of Charlie Sheen, "Winning!" That's how she feels. We all know what happens after her big high, though. The dark, downward spiral as reality hits. And her reality is shit. Is she even looking for a new divorce attorney? So, no, I don't expect this to go forward as far as asking for a PRO and an evidentiary hearing.
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Will Alice be allowed to appear as a chaperone to the kids with the DVRO in place? This is her end goal. To see Ioan and entice him back with her green teeth, toothpasted face, Wurzel Gummidge straw hair covered in weeks worth of dry shampoo while wearing a horse blanket, stinking of rats and squirrels piss and stale wine. Smelly disgusting tramp.
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Old Soak

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Who was 80 (I bet he's 55). Everyone looks old when you're young.
Right? Like she’s trying to make out that the age discrepancy made it wholly inappropriate for her to sit in the car with him for ten minutes. And also like Iris is a pervert too because *discomfort*
She refuses to go into the grove, she refuses to be left with the chaperone because the attempt to get him to the house failed. It’s fucking scary how bad Alice still wants that man in her house
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With those court filings Alice has proven that the alienation is complete, it's actually incredible that she did this because that way she has saved Ioan the trouble to do it, and it's very possible that she wouldnt get any child support even with full custody. There have been less severe cases in the past in California where this was the verdict.
If she believes that the children belong to her and their father shouldn’t even be able to see them, then it’s only fair that she doesn’t receive any child support at all.
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House of Tea

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Alice has spent her life feuding with people, on the internet and in real life. Her own family have nothing to do with her, only her younger brother has anything to do with her, and he has an ulterior motive. She repels people with her behaviour until they have to cut contact with her to protect themselves.

This feud is on another level. Her possession, Ioan, legged it out of her clutches, and despite everything, has slowly and very determinedly, extracted himself from his life. He is valiantly trying to do the best for his kids, but he is absolutely resolute. She cannot bear to be bested by anyone, particularly by people she sees as not being the same level as her. B and I are solid. IG is a different man to the Ioan of a few years back. Even if B wasn’t with him now, he has seen how differen is, how it is meant to be, and Alice can’t stand to lose. It is literally driving her crazy.

There isn’t going to be any great redemption story for AE. She is too far gone.
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I can’t really see Ioan spending all this money, time and effort fighting for custody and therapy just to spend visitations calling her names.
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Chatty Member
It isn’t helpful for children in learning to accept their parents’ new relationships for anyone (including the children and their parents themselves) to focus on whether or not there was “cheating.” That doesn’t directly concern the children’s relationship with their parents and is about the parents’ marriage, which kids often don’t have any real idea about and shouldn’t be dragged into disagreements over.

Lots of marriages stumble their way to conclusion, and there is technical or actual overlap between one official partner and another. It isn’t nice for anyone to feel “betrayed” but no-one should put all their focus and energy in their husband or wife and have their entire sense of self-worth depend on their marriage or another person. Or else you get… well… Alice.

If someone with kids “cheats” on their spouse with a person they then build a new relationship with, but as a parent is otherwise decent and should continue to be in their lives, the “cheated-on” spouse really has to put that to one side where kids are involved and bite their tongue over it all around the kids. By all means privately seethe and complain about it over a glass of wine at a lunch with the girls. But not to the children or on social media or, if you’re even a little famous, in the press.
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But I can’t imagine the first time they meet her he springs an overnight stay with her on them
I don't think this had anything to do with "overnight". Ella lost her mind when she saw that Bianca was there, in the daytime, in the place Ella knew she lived. She got hold of a carton of milk, went into their bedroom and dumped it all over the bed. She grabbed a bottle of mustard and started squeezing it on the floor. Looking around, she found the oatmeal and threw it in her father's face. Can only imagine what she was screaming this whole time, how terrified her little sister must have been and how incredulous her dad was. She may well have done more that she omitted from her statement.

I hate to say it, but this girl really needs to be removed from her home and given residential placement somewhere. As someone said earlier, what's to stop this from escalating into injuring someone - or worse - without intervention?
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So ApocalypseSoon also calls the children, one of whom is a teen, babies. The coincidences just keep piling up!
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