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Ninas purse

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Maybe the TRO hasn't even been filed. And it is all fantasy. All designed to get public sympathy...hence the friend reporting g in the Daily Mail and the sock accounts...

Tarnishing his reputation without giving him an opportunity to present a counter argument in court.

If you really had filed a TRO you wouldn't need to send a photo to friends or set up all these sock accounts.

But if you were trying to tarnish a reputation and bully then this starting of a rumour which now can't be disproved is a new trick.
I think it is different when a minor files for a TRO against a parent. If California is anything like the State I live in, it will trigger a number of automatic services. It will automatically require CPS to become involved. There are also other services that has to be put in place. Even if she has her own attorney the court will also appoint a guardian ad litem for her. The guardian operates separately from attorney. The guardian reports to the court. It is a long intricate process when it involves a minor.

I think Alice thought that they would walk in ala Amber Heard and walk out with a TRO like Amber Heard. That's not how it works when a minor files for a TRO against a parent. The guardian ad litem will have to investigate everyone, including Alice. Then CPS will also have to do an investigation. Like I said Alice has opened a can of Whupp Ass on herself with this latest tactic.

And by the way, this just strengthens Ioan case for the Bifurcation. Divorced on July 3rd and CPS in your life for the next few years. Winner winner chicken dinner, Alice is the turkey.
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I think the photo Alice posted with Alison Boshoff to her Instagram on 19 April was actually a warning to Ioan. She knows she can't contact him directly now (no more "Want more" emails like the one she sent to him after her Lorraine appearance), so she did it that way.

She wanted him to feel worried and like she was planning something. I'm not sure if the Ella restraining order plan had been hatched yet, and I still think the magazine cover on 22 April was the trigger, but she has definitely been plotting her revenge for a while, and it was always going to come, magazine cover or not.

If Alice hadn't posted that photo, we might not have known that she and Alison were friends. At least, it would have been much harder to prove. But she just couldn't help herself. She still wants to control him and make him feel fearful of what she's going to do next.
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Ally Pally

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Thank you Loopy for telling us what actually DID happen
So Ioan stayed calm and tried to diffuse Ella's tantrum, c'mon let's be realistic because this is what really happened.
There was only one violent person in that place and neither were Ioan or Bianca.
This is yet another smear campaign and an intimidatory tactic by Alice once again.
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How on earth can she live with herself? All this rage, hate, vitriol must be consuming her existence. It’s exhausting following her. Imagine being her. Yikes!
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You remember how I kept saying when people were like "omg she is so deranged with her socks" and I said: "nah, that's nothing compared to her imdb days". Well, here we go, now I feel nostalgic because this is now exactly like imdb. Back then it was funny though because the whole drama was about websites and fashion choices, what happens now is so grim, especially now that she is pretty much sacrifying Ella's life in her quest to destroy him. And it's a freaking tragedy because it could have been so different if she had just accepted that he left: she would have had some financial stability, happy kids, and perhaps even a decent relationship to him

Latest Loopy

I know its hard to comprehend when you are supporting a abuser like Alice, but perhaps Ioan just wants to tell the truth :eek: . It wouldnt be even against his child because he rightfully would blame Alice for putting her up on it. And yes, Ella is unstable wtf. Which child that has done the things Ella did is stable?

The only one that has financially drained anyone is Alice on Ioan.

It's so crazy, according to them if you divorce someone you shouldnt be allowed to have a good relationship with the kids anymore? Crazy stuff.

"mental harm is worse" - yes, Alice is a master in mental harm
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Does Ella have to stand up in court and give her version of events under cross examination ? Lawyers wouldn't be long tripping her up !
and this is the sad thing, a good parent would not want to have her child standing up in court. Alice is creaming her pants over it.
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I like Dyslexic Janelle better than Grammar Janelle.

Also, most people who refer to the subjunctive only know about it because they studied a foreign language that uses them frequently, like French... and Italian. Hmm.

And also Alice, I know you frequently use other words apart from "FFS", I'm just not saying what they are yet as you are clearly reading here, you bloated boozing bellend.

Grammar Janelle

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 09.20.42.png

Dyslexic Janelle

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 09.23.27.png
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The thing is, with that old rugby-watching clip, little Elsie was in that ‘scene’ too. She didn’t react to her father like that, has never been known to react to him like that (and there isn’t a chance in hell Alice wouldn’t have shared it far and wide if she ever had). If it was ALL down to nurture, how come she isn’t behaving in exactly the same manner? Come to that, how aren’t we all identical to our siblings in all displayed behaviours?

Say there was an old cine clip of the young Alice throwing a tantrum at Prof Evans. How would we view that? What would we be saying about it? Blaming Prof Evans? Alice’s by now long-dead mum? Or would we be recognizing in it her own innate twatiness, a behaviour consistent with how she’s ALWAYS been?

At some point, influence stops and personality begins.

I can wait 5 more years though 😈😂
Even if in five more years we’re all sat on these threads watching an eighteen year old act out, that doesn’t mean that would have inevitably always been the case had said child not been through almost unimaginable mental and emotional trauma during their formative years.

I’m struggling very much with what I think you may be suggesting so I’m gonna leave it there.

once again, Ella is a literal child being put through hell, grieving one parent who she’s been conditioned to see as the enemy, and learning as she goes how to behave to survive at home with a frightening excuse for a mother such as Alice.

Also, you can have multiple children raised within the same home all experience a very different upbringing depending on their individual relationship both ways with each parent and outside adults, what happened in the years between each new child being added, how the addition of a new child changes the adults in their life, dynamic factors such as income or housing fluctuating over years. That doesn’t automatically mean differences are down to nature.

I don’t much care whether Ella’s behaviour is the product of nature or nurture tbh, she is where she is and she’s been terribly let down and emotionally abused. Isolated from school or any escape from the house. I suspect she’s doing whatever she has to to survive right now. My heart breaks for her and I’m not going to write her off as irretrievably bad to her core based on anything. She is a child.
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Mad Betty

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I agree, this is going to be her undoing. Instead of just letting Ella file the RO's, she was so full of glee and so short on impulse control she scattered the story and photos *BEFORE IT WAS IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM*. Therefore the ONLY people who could have disseminated the information were her and Ella. Alice has a direct link with Alison Boshoff, who ran the story with details that were not available in the legal system, and a direct link to Loopy, who released the photos and a detailed (if varying) account of what happened. This is the definition of harassment by proxy. Imagine how the judge would have viewed Ioan if he had 'leaked' all his TRO information to the media and onto SM BEFORE the documentation was legally submitted? She is just incapable of standing back and looking at things objectively and she is all about immediate gratification.
And this is exactly who I would then hold accountable legally:

1. Alison
2. NZ man
3. Anyone on Twitter who disseminated information that was not yet public and will undoubtedly turn out to be false.

These people need to be held accountable for their abuse by proxy, defamation, etc.

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I think in his business beautiful actresses being difficult on set is the norm. And Alice would have always explained it away as being someone else's fault. It seems like she was a beautiful, glamorous, exciting, sophisticated woman, very different from his world and experience and I think like many narc victims he believed her love bombing and made a lot of excuses and sacrifices for her. When he finally started to see through her, it was too late - they were two kids in and I wonder if he'd lived with the abuse for so long by then that he thought it was the norm. Remember him telling the story of their engagement and he thinks it's a funny, charming story and everyone else is like Dude WTF??? Run!
Yeah, I've said this before, but right from the beginning of their relationship Alice was always in emotional distress. He first met her shortly after her mum died (maybe the day after? I think Alice auditioned for Dalmations the day after she died anyway). Then the excitement/stress of cheating on Olivier. Then estrangement from her dad. Then general family drama, job drama, moving countries...I've been in relationships before where you're just waiting for 'normal' to return. Because they'll be lovely when there's no drama in their lives! They're just stressed! And then you realise - this is them. And they cause 99% of the drama in the first place.
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Thread title suggestion for the future, when it’s been proven Alice has lied:

I’m Alice Evans, I’m a piece of shit, I like to make up stories that my daughter was hit
If this suggestion wins, I'd like to amend it because I forgot Tattle doesn't like swear words in titles.

The amended title would be:

I'm Alice Evans, I'm a piece of trash, I like to make up stories that my daughter was bashed
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I see Tony deleted the tweet with the police report in which he shared Ioan's email address with the world.
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I can see why Big Al does not have time for a job and needs a housekeeper.

She wakes up hungover, fights with someone on Twitter. She then has to read everything here so she knows what to delete.

Then back to Twitter to slag Tattle off.

I guess she then has to check Reddit and other forums like MN to check there are no new threads about her.

Back to Twitter for another spat and then a look at Bianca’s instagram.

Must be bloody exhausting but then again, she has amazing stamina for a woman with so many chronic illnesses.
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Just because I woke up bitchy and Hi Alice!

Everyone sing - "weee are never never getting back together..."
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Alice has made this him against us from day one. "He's leaving us"

And then him and her against us.

And then him her and everyone online (who is also her) against us.

It was never an "us"

It was only ever her.

This is why this child thinks she's waging a war. Because she thinks it's a war against "us" that she's fighting.

The child is fighting everyone because she thinks she is the one under attack.
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Danica Catrick

Chatty Member
The first thing that doesn't ring true to me is that Ella was crying in the car all the way to the apartment. After everything he's been through to see his daughters, I just can't see Ioan forcing her to go through with meeting Bianca at that time. Whilst I'm sure he'd like to move things along, he's been extremely mindful of the E's feelings. I'm not convinced he'd suddenly change this.

Something I really struggled with is the knowledge my parents hated each other more than they loved me. For a long time I believed I was unlovable, and this led me to put up with shitty behaviour from friends and partners. I fear there will be a lot of pain in the girls' future ☹.

I also couldn't agree more with @Autisteuse's comments on what it's like being a child of narc parents.
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