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I’ve emerged again from my pit because I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about Ella’s personality, and how she’s an Alice Mini-Me.
I used to be an Ella.
When I was in my early tweens/teens I went to a private school with a lot of wealthy kids. My father had just discovered alcohol and was rapidly working his way up to 3-4 bottles of wine a night. My mother had become hyper-religious in response to all the abuse. I had no-one at all. Being autistic didn’t help. (I’m not at all implying that Ella is autistic - I’m referring to my situation.)
I lied like mad and said I was rich because I wanted people to like me. I wrote someone a horrible anonymous letter. I even stole something from school. I took pound coins from my father’s coat pockets to buy my mother ;and even him, to get him to like me) presents, to stop her pulling away from me.
I can’t believe that I did such things now, but I’m kind to my younger self and realise why I - she - acted that way.
I wanted my mother to protect me from my father, not in essence leave me. I wanted my narcissist alcoholic father to praise and love me - more than that, I wanted him to recognise I was a valid and valuable person in my own right. I wanted an ally, not a mother who was off completing her interrupted (due to my father) education or a father who was endlessly self-pitying and self-victimising.
I blamed my mother because I felt abandoned. I acted out horribly in front of her because she was safe.
I’m not a carbon copy of my narc father and Ella is not a narc copy of Alice.
I pulled away from them both in the end. I didn’t rekindle a relationship with my mother until I was in my twenties. I can be cordial with/to my father but the damage is done, and it’s ineradicable.
Ella is angry. All she’s done - taking $400, hacking, this latest stunt - is actually because she WANTS her father. She needs him. But she needs to keep her dangerous ‘mother’ sweet because, for now, she’s stuck with her. She feels completely abandoned. IG put on his own oxygen mask first. He came back with a live-in girlfriend. Ella’s been dealing with her mother’s’ self-pity and addictions. She knows she’ll never get real love from Alice. She feels IG no longer loves her and has moved on with BW.
She’s a kid. A kid in horrendous pain. I think that if IG steps away now, she’ll go on to a very dark path. She’ll attack someone who neither knows nor cares about her and face the full force of the law. Her ‘mother’ is enabling and contributing to this behaviour, rather than reinforcing early lessons about moral wrongs.
I turned out just fine. My moral centre is absolute. I break no commandment.
Please can we cut Ella some slack?
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Old Soak

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Hey Alice, not sure which page of the thread you’re on now but fuck you when you get here
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The account is gone, before she deleted the account she specifically deleted the tweet that mentions the mails from Ioan's lawyers.

I have saved all tweets bar the last few ones after she woke up at 4am
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Miss Anne Thrope

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Aside from DAM totally outing herself as Alice Evans by saying that she keeps Anne Kiley’s ‘vicious’ emails, the language used in the above deranged string of tweets is 100% Alice. ‘My God’, ‘Sweet Jesus’. ‘dimwit’.

Hi Alice 👋🏼 👋🏼 welcome to the beginning of this thread - your goose is well and truly cooked, btw. Why can’t you just comply with the RO imposed on you? Why can’t you just behave normally? Why are you your own worst enemy?

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I find it funny how Alice is attacking Bianca for her acne. I've also had my struggles with acne, and although my skin is good now, I know it will probably come back at some stage.

The thing is - acne comes and goes, and can be covered up with makeup.

Being a malignant cunt is a lifelong affliction and NOTHING can hide it.
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Quoting @Mgc85
She may be in huge emotional distress which boiled over in front of the parent she knew would cause less harm to her and which resulted in a chaotic incident. I
I work with newborn babies and their parents. Mums will often tell me that I'm "very good" with babies, because if their newborn is crying they'll often settle instantly as soon as I pick them up (with mum's permission!) Very few parents realise that babies stop crying in my presence simply because they're somewhere new, and being held by someone unrecognisable. Keeping silent is mostly a survival ploy, if you're being examined by a possible predator, you keep as quiet as possible and you don't draw attention to yourself. Babies cry loudly when with their parents because they feel safe enough to do so.

Now....imagine Ella's life, stuck in that gilded cage, every single day, with a mentally unstable, vindictive, abusive, and possibly drunk mother. Don't you think that she has to tiptoe around, walking on eggshells, for fear of waking the beast? No wonder she cries and lashes out in Ioan's presence, it's probably the first time that she's felt able to release her emotions in ages. She's confused, overwhelmed and angry, and now her arsehole of a mother wants to drag her through the court system, just to score points in her endless war against her ex.
I feel so bad for that kid, Alice has set her against her father for so long, it's really damaged her. Remember the video where Ioan yelling at the TV football game made her cry? Poor Ella, she never stood a chance with a "mother" like Alice. ☹
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Dropped off the thread for a couple of weeks as I thought it all went quiet, then saw the story in the Mail and came back. An epic Saturday catch up later, and here I am. Still disgusted, still amazed this madness is continuing.

I’ve always refrained from discussing the kids as I don’t want to offend, so how can I say this politely… I’ve always thought Ella was a mini Alice. The signs were all there… spoilt, entitled ‘challenging personality’ as someone brilliantly put it. I think she was always going to behave this way, and I don’t think it’s because the situation has caused her trauma. I think it’s because this is just a normal reaction for her when she doesn’t get her own way (thanks to mummy dearest).

My parents divorced when I was 2 and I’ve had a few ‘step-parents’ in my 38 years, one of which was very emotionally abusive. I have never ever behaved badly, acted out etc. ultimately I was brought up to respect my parents so I wouldn’t have dreamt of disobeying them. Ella is kicking off with her dad because she’s not been brought up to respect him as her parent and her elder in my opinion. She’s an extension of Alice, and has been taught that her dad must give her what she wants or else.

It’s really sad, I hope Elsie doesn’t go the same way as she seems to have a very sweet nature, like her dad.

I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but what on earth possessed Ioan to be with Alice in the first place, let alone bring children into the equation?! He’ll be paying the price of his bad decisions for the rest of his life, the poor bastard.

Sorry for the long post, I usually just pop up and say Alice is a fucking cunt once in a while 😅
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Imagine being so pathetic that instead of taking some time to grieve your husband leaving and then picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, showing him that you don't need him, living happily ever after and setting an example to your girls by standing on your own two feet... you waste this much time and this much money doing all this absolute nonsense while the general public laugh at you and pity you.
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I like to think that Ioan has consistently asked his lawyers to take the least harsh option in response to Alice’s behaviour. In my eyes, his strategy was always to keep the children in his life in a way that didn’t antagonise Alice unnecessarily. He has picked his battles, in the hope that he can have the process concluded with minimal confrontation.

I hope he can see now that this approach, whilst admirable, is never going to work with Alice. She will never stop. In fact, she will become increasingly emboldened unless a robust boundary/consequence is put in place.

In my view, Ioan needs to instruct his legal team to hold her to account for every violation, and seek the harshest sanction available. He needs to stop with the nice guy approach or she (and the daughters she has weaponised against him) will make his life a misery. She is figuratively pissing all over the RO…..I don’t get why he’s letting her get away with it.

I think Alice is vile, but to an extent, Ioan is weak. Am I victim blaming? Maybe. But is it just me who kinda wants him to be less bloody nice? Maybe he is limited financially.
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Mad Betty

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No TRO has been granted. The hearings later this month are for a full restraining order. And the bar is pretty high to get those.
They won't be granted. I know enough about the RO process and have enough contacts to know this is being seen for exactly what it is. And once the requests are denied I don't think Alice is prepared for what comes next.

This was such a foolish path to take.

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Maybe the reason both the girls cried all the way there to meet Bianca was because they knew what they had to do there to please their mother. If Ella knew the first time she met her she had to cause this scene and came home without the evidence Alice was expecting her mothers rage might be turned in her. We have no idea exactly how she’s controlling and tormenting those poor kids.
It’s amazing to me how often these girls are described as sobbing, crying, weeping hysterically etc. Merely walking through a security gate at the airport resulted in screaming and crying from all three of them. Being around Alice must be like being in a cult - you’re always exhausted, you’re completely isolated, and everything is treated as a dangerous threat.
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Mad Betty

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Alice has got those poor girls so riled up that it’s causing them emotional distress, I really hope Ella wasn’t having a mental health crisis and now Alice is milking it to get at Ioan. That couldn’t possibly be it, could it, Alice? You fucking monster.
I think It is Alice that forced those girls to go as part of a setup and I suspect it's documented. Everything about this tells me this was a well coordinated attack with multiple players involved. Isn't it obvious?

One can only imagine what the girl did once she arrived. I suspect it is worse than we can imagine.

I have no doubt witnesses were present. IG has been careful to always have them present given the circumstances and threats from the mother. The stakes are too high not to have backup. I am sure a professional and /or other witnesses saw what really happened, no? He has the best lawyer. There's no way she'd co-sign going in without protection.

June 23rd can't come soon enough. Because I think this will end it. And once the TROs aren't granted and it is proven who is behind this, it will be seen as a clear breach of the DVRO and more charges will be filed. That's my prediction.

I hope Alison, child obsessed NZ cretin, and the rest of the despicable enablers are prepared to issue public apologies.

Abuse apologists are the worst of the worst. Shame on every single one of them. You're enabling a mother to harm her child and a woman with MS. Well done.

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Mad Betty

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So Janelle is pulling up old Tweets about IG's parents from an interview they did?

I call that a tell.

Raise you hand if you think this means she's sending his parents threatening emails again.

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I was reading one of the court documents Ioan submitted which contains evidence of Alice's abuse, and I came across this. I am CRYING 🤣

In June 2022 she claims she has never hurt or threatened anyone:

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 00.56.38.png

But in January 2022 she threatened this random dude on Twitter who she got into a fight with:

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 00.55.28.png

"Ner ner ner ner ner, my brother's going to beat you up!" - Alice Evans, aged 54
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Mad Betty

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I hope Alice knows that sending the unpublished criminal court documents to people to post on SM is a clear breach of her DVRO and actionable. And it makes anyone posting them a target.

I think more criminal charges are coming. And this time they'll have teeth. I have no doubt whatsoever.

And it's not illegal to file an RO, but if you're behind it and it is proven the allegations are false? You've now violated your own RO and are potentially open to legal action for defamation.

Hypothetically, what's Alice going to do if it comes out this was all made up? Planned and executed with her direct involvement? What happens when witnesses refute everything the daughter says as they saw what she really did? Will the girl be immediately taken from her and placed in a MH facility to get help? A halfway house? Child protective services? I've heard that can happen. I've heard some horror stories. Because I can see a scenario where an unstable girl threw herself into a door to try and harm her father and his new partner. Anything to get back at them on the mother's behalf. Can't you? Seems to me a young girl might learn to emulate her mother's toxic and dangerous behavior so much it becomes second nature to her. Is the word indoctrination? Or enmeshment?

Didn't Alice do something similar to her own father and his new wife? That's why he cut her off forever, no? I imagine it was horribly abusive and perhaps much like what she's doing now to IG and BW. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.


Things are only going to get worse for Alice. This much is clear. It's a shame she let Marie go. She needed someone to reign her in and stop her from situations like this. Leon certainly tried it seems as well.

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Alice and Tone are low class, vulgar, unemployed and alcohol/hygiene challenged. In the U.K. she’d be living on welfare like he does.

But she thinks they’re high class?

I guess the U.K. accent and Ioan’s cash and connections brought her a higher social standing for a while and it went straight to her head.

Bianca is elegant, eloquent and refined. She’s delicate, petit and pretty with a gorgeous smile, beautiful hair and lovely figure. She and Ioan look perfect together. How bizarre that Alice attacks her looks and class when she’s obviously from a far better family, a wealthier background and is much better looking. Sure Alice was pretty back in the day, we all were. She isn’t pretty now though is she.

It’s projection as always. She’s hung up about and resents her weirdo family, her chav bro and her god-awful appearance.
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It's ridiculous that they dont realize how bad this case appears to be.
- it is documented that Alice threatened him to ruin his life (there was at least one text), constant threats etc. and that she wants him out of the childrens life
- it is documented that the child has tried to blackmail him with CPS before, thefted, hacked, stole, and it is also documented that she is hostile around him, the chaperone will also confirm as much
- it is documented that Alice pushed the narrative of Bianca being a monster without her ever having done or said anything to or about them
- Ioan is using a chaperone for his safety, something his daughter doesnt want, shouldnt it be the other way around?
- Alice has a permanent restraining order, a 13 year old doesnt get the idea to file this alone (and she seems to have confirmed as much), the judge will make the connection that this is a revenge attack from Alice (this is litigation abuse btw, Loopy) and a attempt to deport one party
- The scenario they are describing is literally impossible unless Bianca is like thrice as strong as she is, unless it was an accident
- Where is the logic in all of this? Why would Bianca who patiently waited 1.5 years to meet his kids (which goes way over what is recommended) and whose boyfriend has been very careful all this time, intentionally assault the child at the first chance? Even the worst abuser isnt doing this. You would try to gain the childrens trust first and then normalize a abusive enviroment so that they dont speak out, Alice will know from experience how this works (even if it's in her case probably not physical)
- Loopy himself has confirmed that Ella had a tantrum. People who have a tantrum and who try by others to be calmed down/hindered usually sustain injuries on their own.
- it is documented that the kids walk out at freewill from their father at every opportunity, why the hell would they not do the same when Ioan suggested them to meet Bianca, instead of going there???
- Ioan has adult witnesses in himself, Bianca and probably a chaperone
- the injury seems to be old, at least the one Loopy the Creepy presented
- even Loopy himself says Ioan wasnt physically abusive, his whole "abuse" appears to be trying to divorce Alice and make her independent from him

They really only have somewhat of a case if somebody was filming the "assault" (as Elsie is not a more reliable witness than the others) and it was clearly not an accident. But even then a one-off moment caused by a teenager tantrum with no previous signs of Bianca being abusive is likely not even enough. Would more likely order anger management if anything.

But it's all pretty telling that this is the side of someone who fired her lawyer on the same day.

How fucked up you have to be - regardless even of who you are - to say that young daughters saying in court they hate their father and never want to see him again is a beautiful moment?!?! Even if it was a different situation and father was genuinely abusive, in which way can this situation be seen as a beautiful moment?!?!

Btw "I dont want to ever see him again because he isnt providing me with the life I want" is not a reason to file a RO, especially not when it's a parent.
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