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“Crazy old ladies,” huh. MAlice, I’m over a decade younger than you and no one in my family has ever had to cut me out of their lives or file a restraining order against me, but okay.

I understand that she lives in a frozen state of perpetual adolescence, so it must seem to her that anyone who has a job and uses it to pay their own mortgage or rent is “older” than she is.
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She is seeing dollar signs and is so giddy that she can't help herself gloating on Twitter like some fucking supervillain who reveals their entire plan in advance and then surprise surprise, it doesn't go to plan.
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Who else in the world would come up with ‘Bogan Baby Basher’ other than the deranged cunt that is Malice?!

For a start she’s the only person who refers to her 13 year old as a baby 😣 ….’pls think of my babies!!!’ 😖
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May I just say that my older narc golden child sister threatened to kill me with a butcher knife while “babysitting me” and actually stuck the knife slightly into my throat while letting me know exactly what would happen if she did. My mother had moved out and relocated 300 miles away, unable to cope with her. It was nothing but an act of pure terrorism. When my dad returned home from work and I told him he said ”She didn’t mean it.” And that was that. I was 11 and she was 16.
Long story short I lived with that my entire childhood yet not once did I ever hold it against either parent. I never even put a toe wrong until I moved out at 18. And even then I was only doing normal teen stuff like drinking, etc. My moral compass has always been intact and it still is. I still do feel terribly sorry for anyone that has had to live with Alice or my sister. MOO.
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I’ve emerged again from my pit because I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about Ella’s personality, and how she’s an Alice Mini-Me.
I used to be an Ella.
When I was in my early tweens/teens I went to a private school with a lot of wealthy kids. My father had just discovered alcohol and was rapidly working his way up to 3-4 bottles of wine a night. My mother had become hyper-religious in response to all the abuse. I had no-one at all. Being autistic didn’t help. (I’m not at all implying that Ella is autistic - I’m referring to my situation.)
I lied like mad and said I was rich because I wanted people to like me. I wrote someone a horrible anonymous letter. I even stole something from school. I took pound coins from my father’s coat pockets to buy my mother ;and even him, to get him to like me) presents, to stop her pulling away from me.
I can’t believe that I did such things now, but I’m kind to my younger self and realise why I - she - acted that way.
I wanted my mother to protect me from my father, not in essence leave me. I wanted my narcissist alcoholic father to praise and love me - more than that, I wanted him to recognise I was a valid and valuable person in my own right. I wanted an ally, not a mother who was off completing her interrupted (due to my father) education or a father who was endlessly self-pitying and self-victimising.
I blamed my mother because I felt abandoned. I acted out horribly in front of her because she was safe.
I’m not a carbon copy of my narc father and Ella is not a narc copy of Alice.
I pulled away from them both in the end. I didn’t rekindle a relationship with my mother until I was in my twenties. I can be cordial with/to my father but the damage is done, and it’s ineradicable.
Ella is angry. All she’s done - taking $400, hacking, this latest stunt - is actually because she WANTS her father. She needs him. But she needs to keep her dangerous ‘mother’ sweet because, for now, she’s stuck with her. She feels completely abandoned. IG put on his own oxygen mask first. He came back with a live-in girlfriend. Ella’s been dealing with her mother’s’ self-pity and addictions. She knows she’ll never get real love from Alice. She feels IG no longer loves her and has moved on with BW.
She’s a kid. A kid in horrendous pain. I think that if IG steps away now, she’ll go on to a very dark path. She’ll attack someone who neither knows nor cares about her and face the full force of the law. Her ‘mother’ is enabling and contributing to this behaviour, rather than reinforcing early lessons about moral wrongs.
I turned out just fine. My moral centre is absolute. I break no commandment.
Please can we cut Ella some slack?

Totally this I empathise a lot with Ella thank god my mother abandoned me at 13 instead of trying to do the PA stuff. I behaved awfully to my dad because he was stable and I knew I could take my rage out on him. He had sole custody and I had intensive threapy because I had been subject to emotional and physical abuse. He had a girlfriend but he didn't full on move in with her until a lot later and I had moved out in my late teens. I think he knew I wouldn't cope with another person full time in my space whilst I was processing what happened. I'm fine now many years later successful career and married. Lifes peachy.
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Right my lovely tattlers, bed is beckoning...6am start today killed me
I look forward to reading about Angry Alice having "the best day ever" today in the morning 😉
Night all ☮💗
I'm also going to bed but I have had the best day ever because Unobtrusive Lurker just liked one of my comments!! Hello UL!
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It occurred to me how lazy & trapped in her IMDB days she is. She could be dragging yo and bee in so many more interesting and engaging ways. But instead she's just creating new usernames and posting on Twitter about nothing.

She could be making videos that are mocking yo, she could be doing TikToks, she could be making memes making fun of him, but no she's got weird Twitter snark from an old playbook.
Yea I’m actually feeling quite hard done by, I was looking forward to her circus this evening. We’re all here waiting for her to get plastered and tweet shit, that’s all, it’s not a lot to ask. It’s been ages since she was jammed under a nightstand or staggering legless around the garden: She’s really dropped the ball in terms of content. No wonder she’s lost so many followers. It’s all Bianca this, Bianca that, Bianca the other./ she has nothing going on apart from her fixation with Bianca. We don’t need her for that. Everyone is following Bianca anyway. We know what she’s doing.
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I think it's truly a time for Bianca and Ioan to hold Alice legally accountable for everything she is doing. There's no point for any caution anymore to somehow protect the kids, Alice just belongs in prison or within a padded room.
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What I btw find funny is that they (es Loopy) say that Ioan claimed that Alice threatened him with fake abuse claims so that he can pre-empt those so that he actually can abuse them.

But...Alice said under oath just recently that he was the perfect husband. Why would he suddenly now start to hetch a grand plan to abuse his kids? And why would he hire chaperones?

leaving aside that it seems like there is no violence claim against him even. Just Loopy's definition that it's abusive if you dont provide your ex and kids with a luxury life.

Logic is really not their strong point. It's also for them also far more likely that somebody that patiently waited and has a careful af boyfriend at first meeting assaults a child and its not a simple accident because as they themselves admit the child freaked out. A child that has a history of questionable behavior against her father, and a mother seeking for revenge.

It’s always been a bit contentious, Loopy declaring Ioan as an abuser and defiler whilst his vindictive ex says he was a great husband.

Loopy’s raison d’aitre is for women to be abused and ‘defiled’. He’s a horrible little misogynist with white knight fantasies.

He’s an incel and his views on women and victims are disturbing.
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For a giggle, I literally just asked for a letter requesting what the poor old Prius rat was really due. Ioan can’t just run away from his responsibilities like this… temporary guardianship with the mimsy‘s comes at a financial cost.


God, maybe she could actually represent herself! 🫣🫣🫣🤭🤭🤭

*where was this when I was struggling at Uni?!?!
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I am truly gobsmacked by this all. MAlice has truly outdone herself this time. I do think this is the watershed moment where we will see Yo come out fighting.
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Chatty Member
So if Ella gets a RO implemented there will be a huge chorus of 'see, this proves Ioan was an abusing piece of shit because the law says he is' from people like Loopy but the one given to Alice was a mistake and she didn't deserve it - have I got that correct ?
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She really is a moron of the highest order. She's left a paper trail of her plans on social media for years now.

Check out the red highlighted part. Oh I'm pretty sure Ioan knew what you were going to try and pull, Alice.

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 01.05.20.png


Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 01.18.34.png
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Mad Betty

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If yo & bianca abused Ella and it's real, why hasn't Alice filed for emergency 100 percent custody for both children?

Wouldn't that be the typical response?
IMO, because it didn't happen and she knows that. Because going even further with this ruse would open her up legally to actions that would likely include the children being put in foster care until this is investigated.

Did she ever submit her financials? Do we know? I think there is far more to this story. I sense a coordinated campaign to deflect against what's really happening that she's trying to ignore because she's terrified of the truth coming out. She only fires lawyers it seems when she's about to be held accountable. Like right before the RO hearings.


I couldn't live in such an endless state of self-inflicted chaos.

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Everything Alice has done since the split, and continues to do, shows why Ioan was right to leave her crazy abusive ass.

Everyone can see it but her.

I've never even met her or interacted with her, but even I'm fucking sick of her. I can't even imagine having to live with her and having been in a relationship with her for 20 years.
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Mad Betty

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The Kiley tweet, I will upload a imgur with the rest when I'm home
View attachment 2216478
In other words, she sends Anne emails so vicious Anne keeps them for the record.

She loves to use the proverbial "we" when speaking as she loves to triangulate and can't stand on her own. And she historically blames others for the very things she herself has done.

No doubt who this is. Also the Janelle account. Only she would have access to that legal information regarding the criminal charges.

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