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Ella is faced with two choices from her POV, and no matter if CPS gets involved or not this isnt going to change

-Have no father but a mother that is happy
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Alice. Will. Never. Be. Happy.

Ella can try and try to make her mother happy, but in the end, nothing will be good enough. As Ioan finally realized, Alice is fundamentally a broken person on the inside. Until she fixes herself, she will always end up miserable, and in her misery, she will break everyone around her.
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I feel so sad for a father who has done everything he can to maintain and re-establish a loving and caring relationship with his daughters, despite everything he has been put through. A father who followed his daughters home on foot, after they walked away from visitation, to ensure they arrived safely and then called them when they were no longer in sight to check on them.

We should all be fortunate enough to have someone in our lives who cares so much about us.

I wonder, when Bianca gave him the get out of jail card with her MS if he reciprocated with one for a crazy ex wife?

I've said several times here, and it goes against my being, that the Abuser is beyond redemption, and I stand by that.

I just pray that she will face the appropriate consequences. She can't get away with this.

To those that enabled this, you really need to assess your priorities in life if you think weaponizing a child in this way is appropriate and worthwhile.

I and B must file for a extension of the PRO from now until the Abuser reaches the burning depths of hell.
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Short recap. Alice is a cunt and has told her knight in tin foil a cock and bull story about Bianca assaulting one of the girls. General consensus is said child and friends have started sock accounts on Twitter to post about it. Or it’s Alice.
Ioan has chosen to say goodbye to the fuck for good by seeking bifurcation, bye-fuck-ation if you will. Alice moved to a Beverly Hills apartment straight from Beverly Hill Billies which is far more than $26 a month in rent. She remains an absolute cunt.
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Here is where Loopy & Co get things very wrong btw. A good mother helps children to understand that downsizing is needed in a divorce, she did the opposite: fueled their entitlement. And this clashes with their fathers reasonable but less convenient approach: this way Alice causes friction for no reason.

A good mother also teaches her kids that divorce is normal and so is moving on. Raising up children that are happy for their parents if thry find love. It's called empathy

A good mother also isnt disperanging the father all the time (Ioan isnt doing it either): no matter what these psychos say childrens opinions are strongly formed by these things. They also dont interfere in their time with their father and guilt trip them for spending time with him. They also dont lie abour his financial contribution to make him look bad.

A good mother is also a role model that teaches her kids independence. What message does it send if you are disgracing the father but still expect him to pay for everything? Ioan has basically been set to pay for everything and even if he does his children (remember Ella was refusing to see him ages aho) will treat him like dirt.

A good mother also teaches boundaries: you cant get everything, you dont make the calls in the house, and bad behavior has consequences. by not setting these boundaries Alice sets Ioan who sets boundaries up for failure. remember the whole "fun parent" shit.

A good parent also shields her kids from the public discourse. Alice instead weaponises them on SM and recently by even selling news about them front center. She instead blames her failure on Ioan for making her do it.

Alice is a clear cut alienator (and thus abuser), not only because she intentionally sets to destroy the relationship of the kids and her father. But the issue is further increased by her being an insanely bad parent in general.
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What is all this going to do to Bianca's health? I fear that she will have to throw in the towel, at least temporarily. I'm sure the truth will out but she is going to be so stressed.
Bianca isn't leaving Yo for this crap. Being with him is her happy place, plus the gorgeous Bubba Bear. I expect she looks at the darkness Alice lives in and wishes her well, and probably feels sorry for the sad old drunken bloated cunt xx
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Feather fans

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My musings: whilst I do feel terribly sad for I&B that this happened, especially if it’s not all made but the minor did indeed provoke some altercation, I do not think it came as a shock nor as a major "eye opener" for them. For B, positive as she is, she is also intelligent and as someone who’s been in similar situation I can confirm you see kids who you know have been acting terribly towards their loving caring dad with suspicion. Not blaming them, but always keeping your guard up. And for Yo I do believe the most painful moment was when he cried on the phone to his parents when he decided to divorce. He couldn’t foresee all of these events exactly, but he knew in his heart. Like we are all saying, the kids were conditioned from birth. My now husband, when he left and filed for divorce (we were friends then so he used to share a lot of what was going on + we were being accused of having an affair by the crazy ex (in hindsight we might have never become anything more than friends if not for her - it was one of those "we might as well now" - narc’s own goals, ha!) asked me to help him with shopping for essentials, as his rented place was empty and he was in such stress he couldn't think straight. I remember that afternoon as if yesterday: together with toilet rolls and soap and toothpaste he also got some cereal and beans and treats and said "in case the boys come to stay" and started to cry. I was so sad for him but also so surprised - I never knew of narcs then and did not even imagine what lies ahead for him and couldnt understand why a grown man would be so emotional starting to live separately from the woman that made his life hell. Needless to say, the boys never came. Oldest (17 at the time) attacked him at some point. Youngest as I mentioned started having an ok relationship with him when he turned 18 and started living independently (although lately became strangely aloof, but that’s another story). What I am trying to get to: my husband knew. He was there all his boys life. He knew. Yo knew also. I am sure he is awfully sad now. But I do not believe he is an any shock or surprise. As to him walking away - it is definitely time. He has no choice but to believe that big E does well and truly not want to see him, regardless of reasons. Child or not, every adult I think should be able to say to their child: I love you but I do not like you. And I do believe you when you say you dont want me in your life. Im there if you are in trouble, but for now Im letting you be. It should now be up to big E, when she grows up, to reach out. I doubt she will. Unless for money. As I said Im afraid she will grow up being like her mother, but only time will tell.
Will he be able to salvage things with small E - I really hope so as he has professionals as well as friends and family around him, so fingers crossed. No idea how it might be workable with mother and sister making her life hell for seeing dad, but maybe something can be worked out. I hope awful as latest developments are, they might be a turning point for him to unstick himself from this limbo and move on.
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Compare this to the photos of him with Ella on his shoulders when he was still engaging with Alice. This is open and shut parental alienation.
The judge must surely remove these children from this lunatic. Even if they are not placed with Ioan. They need to be away from this toxic nutcase.
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As a parent I’d be devastated if my child did this to someone else. If I thought it were true I’d have called the police instantly. It speaks volumes there’s nothing but a frivolous TRO attempt and some sock accounts on Twitter. And that sad fuck Lupine. This guy gets off on abuse. Sick sick sick.
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Ally Pally

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I've just been reading the comments sections elsewhere and every single one has said that it's the mother who's behind the TRO request. Toxic and poisonous were the most words used to describe her.
Your reputation precedes you Alice 💅
They all 👀you
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He should sue Alison Boshoff personally at this point, go all in and sue her. She’s actively assisting in the harassment.
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I don’t think Ioan would ever stop trying to reach out to Ella. But for his own and Bianca’s safety he has to limit contact until they can be de-Aliced. This is the first time that child has met Bianca and this happens. No, for all involved especially the child, this has to stop. Making spurious and false allegations is wrong. This will follow her forever. All of the adults involved should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it to get to this.
I’m seriously disturbed by how gleeful Lupenis is posting pics of an alleged abuse victims injuries. Sicko.
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This goes beyond parental alienation. Alice has been manipulating these girls for years and parentifying them, telling them details of her life which she shouldn't have. As divulged by Alice, the girls know all about Alice's poor relationship with her father and stepmother, and other bad/sad incidents in her life. They probably feel highly protective of her and worried about her and now see Ioan leaving as a complete betrayal.

Parentification also happened to me, and in some ways it made me wise beyond my years, but in other ways completely screwed me up and gave me a very negative outlook on life. I feel so bad for the girls, and I don't blame them for any acting out they might do now. That's solely on Alice. Thirteen is a horrendous time for any girl anyway, let alone being stuck with a mother like Alice, being in the midst of a highly contentious and public divorce, and having to move house and school.

All I can say is that it will get better, but Ella really needs to concentrate on getting a good education so she can make something of her life, and not waste the next few years being stuck at home not receiving an education (because no way is Alice going to home school her effectively); engaging in trolling on social media; and being part of her mother's manipulative games against Ioan and Bianca. This is easier said than done. I just hope there's other adults in her life who are able to have access to her and who can guide her, if Ioan is prevented from doing so.
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that's the thing tho: she probably doesnt know that hacking, thefting, blackmailing and false abuse accusations are wrong. Remember that she is Alice's pet project.

You are obviously right in general and I too give her no pass anymore (because at the end of the day even the most manipulated person must have a limit where they say "stop, im not doing this"), but I too have a problem to criminalize her. The problem is though when she is a few years older the law wont care about her upbringing.
She is VERY internet savvy. I don’t buy for a second that she doesn’t know that what she did to Ioan’s instagram account was wrong. Or stealing money from him. Ioan was a presence in the kid’s life for most of it and I find it hard to believe he wouldn’t have tried to instill some positive values in her. I mean … not stealing from others is pretty basic. You’re taught that in kindergarten - don’t take other’s things without permission. It’s such basic stuff that if she hasn’t even learned that is wrong … she’s a hopeless case.
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Chatty Member
Ella is lost to him. He will need to let go. Alice will see it as a win, but she's too alienated and parentified. She has chosen her side and that needs to be respected.
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Oh god, so it's gone from "slamming the girl's head in the door" to "shoving her down a flight of stairs" 🙄

I do feel desperately sorry for Ella, being used as a pawn in her mother's batshit plan to bring down her father, she is literally living in a war zone, and she's had to pick a side. For her own safety, she's chosen her mother, but I daresay that deep down, she knows who is the abusive parent. And she will regret this, especially when she's being questioned by child protection or police officers, it's not so easy to keep up with the exaggeration, the embellished version of your story, or the outright untruths when you know that every word is being recorded.
If Alice is prepared to let her daughter go through all of that, just because she's pissed off that her husband has a hot girlfriend, then she really is a piece of shit.
Her daughters will realise that, sooner or later. Everyone else has wised up to Alice, including her whole family (apart from iTone, who's only playing nice because he's being paid) and the vast majority of her friends, not including the anorexic druggie, Lady V, and her DM journalist "friend", Alison (who we can safely assume doesn't write stories about Alice for free). She has no-one else, apart from a few randoms on Twatter and her old mate Loopy. Even her lawyer has done a runner ffs.
What a mess...she really is something else, isn't she?
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I don’t think they should hide away, but that twat Alison Fuckoff should know there are two young girls bearing the brunt of that evil cunts rage, and seeing pictures of Ioan and Bianca happy, only escalates that rage. With this latest RO bullshit, she’s gone lower than ever before and if pushed she will get that much worse; it’s not good for the girls or Ioan and Bianca right now. It IS clickbait and no doubt she wants to push Alice to new lows, as she’s then bound to get the exclusive on it.
tbh they likely set it up themselves (tho given how huge this news was perhaps not), the DM just bought them from the pic agency.

It's smart to show that Alice's latest ploy wont split them up. And it's also signalling the other party that they know that they are innocent.
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