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I can appreciate why some would feel police responding to online threats is a waste of time. There is a sense that if it happens online, where's the harm? Why should police get involved? But there are plenty of cases where people have been harassed and threatened to the point of death. So how do you know which cases are serious and which are not? You investigate, even if it's a cursory call or email in response.
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Was his nasty reply “Alice, please use the wizard to communicate only about the girls”?
Dear god in Govan!!
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Sockbro tweeting fairly consistently since 7.47pm on Sunday 3rd
Still tweeting now at 9.40am on Monday 4th

It's just too weird. I am fit and healthy and I couldn't pull an all nighter.
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Maybe Alice is worried that Bianca might attempt to play with her 8 yr old stepdaughter instead of giving her a phone and video games?
Elsie would be so much better off with her dad and Bianca. I just looked at Bee's latest Insta story. As usual, they are out in the fresh air, actually interacting with that sweet dog, just imagine how much fun Elsie would have with them at the beach or on one of the countless nice hiking trails up at Griffith Park or Malibu. Who needs a pool?! LA is so awesome, you can literally go hiking in the morning and head straight to the beach afterward. Take along a cooler with snacks, drinks and a frisbee, pay your $10 parking fee, the rest of the day costs zero $$$, so money is not an issue. And people take their dogs, too, so poor little Emma would get out, too. 🏖 If mAlice were doing any of these things, you can bet it would be online in realtime, including a comment about how much pain she is in, but taking the kids out in the fresh air because she is such a supermom. Or when have we ever seen anything of them outdoors except in January, of all times, at the beach for one day while Ioan was collecting his things?
What went wrong in Alice’s life to make her this way? Are you born or made like this? Your husband leaving your abuse because he can’t take anymore doesn’t make you like this.
Oh, but don't you know HE MADE ME DO IT, HE DROVE ME TO THE BRINK OF MADNESS. That's been her narrative for weeks now when people try to call her out for her behaviour, twisting the DVRO process into a narrative that HE is harassing HER, and people actually swallow it. 🤬
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B's latest stories are beautiful beaches and the gorgeous Bubba bear. Handling this very well.
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Well it seems to me she is making false abuse claims now against Bianca (and Ioan - they are mocking and laughing at her)

Isn't that what Ioan said she promised to do in the statement of sworn evidence he submitted to get the TRO?

No wonder he was advised to stay away from her and have no contact. She's pulling the "I'm being abused card" out of thin air. Imagine what she'd be doing if he had actually had any contact with her !
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Bets on if there will be another drunken rampage Saturday night?

Full disclosure, I’ve Googled tattle life, read all the articles about it being the most toxic place on the internet, I’ve looked at the other threads here (have to agree, most are pretty toxic)…really this has been to question myself, who am I to sit behind an anonymous user name and ridicule someone I’ve never met. There’s still a part of me that thinks me doing this is wrong. What if she kills herself, how will I look at my contributions then? But. But…more of me thinks…like most turds, from what I can gather, we have all had some pretty fucking bad cards thrown at us. A lot of my childhood was pretty shit and I needed a lot of therapy to deal with it. I do have a very dark sense of humour, I’m not ashamed of it, it’s got me through some horrendous times. I am the first one to protect innocents, kids, animals, the vulnerable, I can’t fucking bear another person going through the pain I lived through. Alice though…Alice doesn’t fall into the bracket of an innocent who needs to be protected. Alice is the person innocents and children need to be protected from. She has lost any humanity that entitles her to be protected from my judgement and ridicule.

That’s it. Sorry, no great humour here, I think I just needed to express the thoughts that have been in my head and I’ve needed to make sense of.
There was a case a couple of years ago where a runner was exposed for cheating at marathons. He was a doctor but also a lifelong runner and helped boys at a local high school with training. In at least once instance, he set a (false) world record for his age group. A number of marathons disqualified him and banned him from future races after the stories, with photographic proof showing him cutting the course and on a bike at various points. A few weeks after this came out, he killed himself. The person responsible for his suicide was him. Not the site that realized he’d been cheating. Not the media outlets who picked it up. Not the race directors who banned him. Him and him alone.

If Alice chooses that option for herself (which I very much doubt) the responsibility would be on her 100%.
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View attachment 1386432

Just scrolling through malices Instagram and came across this little gem. Literally the only truths in this are
1. "They're clearly besotted with each other"
2. "Mail online, you were wrong. You lied.
Wait, does she really think the ‘hot guys’ asking her out in her Instagram DMs are REAL??? AAHAAAHAAHAAAAA!!!! Let me guess Alice, they’re all surgeons, right?
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Up rage tweeting until 5am ...the long covid, fibromyalgia, RA and Lyme disease is clearly making her very tired. No wonder she can't work.
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So she's now admitted that the 2 Aug is only about the TRO and not the divorce. Not what she said on her GFM page. Do her useful idiots not see this ?
And also against the GFM rules to raise money for this.
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Never posted before but I’ve followed since the beginning. I can’t believe the latest shenanigans, I knew there was going to be an escalation but half hoped there wouldn’t be. Just wanted to say hi, I love all the regular posters and will fade back into the background 😂
Lol xx
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Honestly, I have one extended CFS nap and an afternoon of work and then I come back to all hell breaking loose!

Good to see Alice admitting she reads here at least. Hello Alice! I hope you know that you basically told the world that you have the makeup skills of a 7-year-old. Which honestly is insulting for the 7-year-old because at least she tried.
Maybe Alice is worried that Bianca might attempt to play with her 8 yr old stepdaughter instead of giving her a phone and video games?
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Feather fans

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So at the time of these posts my frustrations were this.
Posters coming along saying what’s CPS doing where are the police - why is no one intervening - this womens crazy - those poor kids.
Quite rightly and all correct.
Then I’d say but what’s IG doing ?
Cue a slue of IG can’t do anything iAE stops him seeing the kids what can he do? Can he drag them out the house kicking and screaming? Rinse and repeat but quite aggressively at times and repeated over and over whilst ridiculing me and any other poor poster who asked the same question.

My opinion then and the reason I pushed back was based around the narrative that IG was not seeing his children.
My argument always was that there are things you can do if your ex stops you seeing your children, and those links I posted demonstrated the actions you can take-to ensure you can secure access to your children. Not immediate custody- but safe visitation- no one should be without visiting their children for 18months. Certainly not someone like IG with money and access to lawyers. Even with covid. There is no way he wouldn’t get visitation if he requested it.
I think it’s a reasonable question to ask while acknowledging you don’t have all the information.
I hope Im not coming as aggressive as I have no intention to be, and yes we all discussed it many times, and I dont dispute the links you posted and dont argue it’s possible to secure safe visitation RIGHTS but it only works if resident parent refuses you access to children. It does not work with PA when you kids think that and act as if they hate you. You visitation right is not helping if the child refuses to see you.
I also have a recent example from one of my friends experience: his narc ex left him and accused of horrible things, there was even court hearing were luckily she was proven to be lying (they often are not that bright in their manipulations are they) so they have joined custody of a child. Lately the ex started keeping child from school to spite my friend. School headmaster called him (not mother as by now the school realise she is unstable) re the problem and, despite my friend explaining he has no influence over what she does when child in her care, said: you are a parent and therefore it is your legal responsibility to ensure child attends school at all times. Friend contacted lawyers to see if in circumstances custody arrangements can be changed to more time with him. Yes, was the response, but we need support from school. We need evidence to prove mother is doing it. Oh no - said headmaster when asked for official support - we can not possibly get involved in private matters…. Dead end isnt it? Im sure a lot of them "things you can legally do to ensure" are very similar - look very good and reasonable on paper, dont work at all in reality.
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The Peter Siwan and Gill going up the hill was posted by sock bro at 1.49am UK time. That's how it comes up when I view it and I am in the uk

The screen grab photo (a photo from HK s account with a picture of the up the hill tweet by sockbro) posted by sockbro shows the local time of the screengrab as being 9.30pm on 3 july yet the 'up the hill' tweet that was photographed was posted by HK at 2.30am 4 July UK time.

It comes up as that on my phone in the UK. It would only come up at 9.30pm if it was photographed in the US
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I’m really tryna figure out how these people can be fuckin morons yet somehow escaped the looming talons of natural selection. It’s like Darwinism gave them a fuckin freebie??? 🗑 🚮
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“Yes, Ioan will come back”. That’s all she wants.View attachment 1386411
That is exactly what she is waiting for. She honestly thinks by doing everything she is, he will just think the fight isn’t worth it and go back. When in fact it’s probably making him realise he completely did the right thing by leaving her.

Now she’s removed the post (too late) and posted one with a very sensitive topic to try and play it all down.

She is a very dangerous women, I wouldn’t put anything past her at all.
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