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Old Soak

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Also imagine getting videos of Alice singing “silly little made up songs”? Good grief
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Because I am 100% for the welfare of the children. If they stay with her they will have mental health problems for the rest of their lives. I think a stable home life far outweighs a comfortable lifestyle. If he can provide both, then great, but their safety should come first.
Tattle doesn’t make these decisions. The courts do. They have far more information than we do and will be employing child specialists to see what the girls can handle. OF COURSE we would all love for Ioan to have 100 percent custody until Alice gets help. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. Ioan just taking the kids and running is called kidnapping in California. He’s asking for reunification - what more do you want? That’s pretty extreme and shows the PA has gotten so much worse than any of us have imagined. You’re certainly not the only one on here fighting for the kids. Everyone on here has the kids’ best interests at heart. We’ve been discussing this for months. But there are legal guidelines that have to be followed, particularly in such an ugly, contentious divorce. I wish it were that simple, but it’s not. We have due process here, so not everyone just gets to lie and tell a random story and get custody. I would say that’s why Ioan’s team has worked so damn hard on the TRO and PRO. That should make you feel a little better?
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All she had to do was apologise today and say she got it wrong.
Narcs can’t ever admit they’re wrong, I’d hate to be like that.
She’s probably pissed out of her head again by now so prepare for more shit!
That’s it in a nutshell. I used to feel very sorry for her and there is still a big part of me which is desperate for her to see sense before she complete destroys herself despite how maddening she is. All she had to do was apologise, accept things had changed and she could have been well on the way to a great new life with a decent chunk of Ioan’s earnings to help. It would have been a few months of turmoil and sadness admittedly, but not two years plus of burning every bridge to the ground. It’s so bloody unnecessary and self-defeating and all because she cannot deal with admitting she was wrong and needs to change.

I came here because I liked how you didn’t toe the line in pretending her behaviour was justified which doesn’t help, you have given her great advice rather than made things worse. If she cannot handle being mocked she needs to change her behaviour; when I was young I acted like an idiot and deserved to be mocked. It only hurts if it’s true. We are actually trying to help by showing her how ridiculous and unnecessary this is. The “oh poor you” brigade are enabling her destruction. I wish she was able to see past her ego and see the truth for a better life but I don’t think it’s possible, which is scary but not our problem.
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Worse is when they say she's written it. I hope it is more like she she's written a screen treatment based on her life, and they hire a pro to actually write the movie script. Otherwise, it will be worse than mediocre.
I sold my first script. Just because it’s her first doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. 🤷‍♀️
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Isn't a troll someone who directly takes issue with someone? Like on their personal social media accounts? I view this forum as just an airing of opinions between people in an open forum. Like we were all down the pub and chatting at the bar. I think this woman is bonkers but I wouldn't go onto her Twitter account and tell her just in the same way as I wouldn't walk up to her in a pub and tell her to her face that I thought she was a fucking lunatic.
Exactly. And again I'll repeat - there is no need for Alice to read here and there is no need for Alice to post rubbish on social media which then leads us to comment upon it. Ditto for SockBro. They could log off and move on but they don't. They feed off the attention because it's all they have left.

In CockBro's case it's even more laughable. 'Defending' his sister. From a few truthful words typed on a website neither of them have to use? Come on. If I asked one of my siblings to 'defend' me, first they'd ask was I being verbally abused or threatened face to face and then if I said it was actually a few faceless keyboard warriors they'd laugh at me, take my phone, delete my accounts, then give it back and tell me to move on. You know - like a grown up?
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the bro is still at it, but in a super non-Alice awkward way.

I honestly think it's him that has been tweeting with almost no interruption from 7 pm until *checks notes* now 11 am. Obviously coordinated with what Alice is doing (both dropped prostitute references).

Every day I wonder how Ioan married into such a crazy family
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OMG threatening each other over slugs?!? 😂🤣😂 I just imagined all peoples from my allotment clashing and pelting each other with slugs, snowball fight style 😂🤣😂
Every time a newbie came along and posted a question about the best way to get rid of slugs, there would be hundreds of comments. The pro-pellets vs anti would get really nasty with each other 🤣
AE has no idea what a 'toxic forum' is like if she thinks this it it.
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Mad Betty

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Brief Recap - AE took a jokey picture and caption from here of BW with smeared makeup and cut out the caption and posted it on her Instagram with this text.

"This is my husband’s girlfriend trying to take Ty he piss out of me when I had been hit by a rock so large I never thought I’d cone through. And because I can’t see, I sometimes don’t get my make-up right. I know this happens. I didn’t feel you noticed. But now I know so maybe I’m too old to be posting pics like that, eh. Thanks for the warning. I hope you have a great life laughing at people you think are not as cool as you and don’t worry - I am giving up my entire career to make sure our kids grow up balanced, thoughtful, creative, and courageous. Good luck to both of you in. Your endeavors."


My understanding is the TRO has the same teeth as the PRO - the PRO basically copper fastens the TRO. Therefore - at what point will she be arrested? I expect her to carry on like this until there are some real consequences, whether she has a PRO or not. August 2 won't make much difference imo.
Sadly, the TRO does not have the same teeth. I have a PRO against someone here in LA and I know a bit about them. The TRO was quite broad in its language as it was a general form quickly approved on an emergency basis. PROs are very specific and therefore far easier to enforce. August 2 will make all the difference in the world, because I suspect it will include additions like SM and perhaps interviews, articles, etc. Basically, it will have gold capped teeth.
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pretty sure she deleted this

and its pretty damning because this post proves YET AGAIN that she doesnt want him to have custody
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There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest person in the room and the dumbest fuckwit on the planet.
Just my opinion.
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So many people commenting on her new post telling her to apologise to Bianca, she is gonna blow a gasket.
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This is not related to an online group, but I used to live in a very affluent road amongst some of the weirdest and unfriendly neighbours you could imagine...I used to get (posted to me with stamps on!) Strangely written threatening letters - it had to be my neighbours because one referred to 'cleaning my mucky windows' and another to 'sort out my wild over proud conifer' this was also followed by a threat to contact my local council. Never did find out who the writer was, but my suspicions were either of the two strange women who lived next door (both sides). One of them used to spy on me from a top window and was known to be 'unstable'. The other would purposefully turn on her leaf hoover if I put my music on in the garden, thus ruining my enjoyment of Kate Bush. Admittedly, my windows did need a good clean, but in my defense, there were loads of Windows, I couldn't afford a regular cleaner and was on my own working full time. The conifer was very proud and I suppose a bit cocky. But they could have just shouted to me in the garden, rather than go to the lengths of sticking stamp to envelope, the wonky writing and using postman pat. People are strange, the world over. I'm happy to say though, I live in a nice place now with very friendly neighbours, who wave at me and if I'm lucky, fetch my bins in too.
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I reckon Bianca and Ioan are not stressed by her anymore. They have too much going for them, too much to look forward to, it’s water off of a ducks back. One of the major stressors for them was her spouting off and a lot of people believing her crap. However the publication of the TRO evidence has put her permanently on the back foot and a record was put straight. They know that that most people now think she is a bitter loon and that must alleviate a lot of stress.
I like how they aren’t afraid to be photographed looking happy and living their lives now. They don’t flaunt anything, they just don’t hide away either - just as it should be. It shows Alice doesn’t control Ioan anymore. It’s very sad the girls are only getting to see Alice’s warped side of things, but in time they’ll realise their dad left because he couldn’t take any more control and abuse, fought hard to see them but was held back by their mum and is allowed to be happy. I just hope they aren’t completely broken by that point 🙁Ioan needs to go hard now, as it were.
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Mad Betty

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Everyone, nothing will happen until later next week. Lawyers are on holiday and courts are closed on our Independence day here in the US -- July 4th. I suspect there will be quite a bit of action this week given all that's happened.

Also, having a PRO in place here in Los Angeles County does not mean you lose your children. Yes, Ioan would very likely get at least 50/50 custody given Alice's behavior. The girls wellness and reunification with their dad would be the priority. My hope is some form of behavioral modification support/treatment will be put in place. Everyone wins this way, IMO.

These are my thoughts on a day everyone is sharing theirs. ✌🏼
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