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I doubt Alice will ever have the opportunity to eyeball her ex husband ever again, beyond the 2 Aug. If I were him I would put an ocean between them. Australia perhaps. Somewhere new. Fresh. Unsullied. With plenty of access, if not full access to the girls.
I actually think they would be better off in Wales now as anywhere else they are likely to be tormented about their mother’s behaviour the last few years. In Wales they would be seen as Ioan’s children; a local boy done good. They would also have a support network of grandparents, auntie, uncle etc.

I really hope that the IG post of Bianca is the final nail in her coffin. I hope Bee is okay and hasn’t had a barrage of abuse
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I feel like by now nothing Tone says should surprise me. He uses the word whore to describe women (whether in the business or not, that's not okay). He uses homophobic slurs. Refers to transgender men and women as "it". Now he's threatening bodily harm/death.
It's like: can you get any grosser? Can you possibly say anything else now that could make me think even less of you?
I'm glad it's been reported. I don't think any threats should be ignored. What the police do with it is up to them. But imagine not reporting something that led to something horrific happening? I'd like to know I at least did something and didn't turn a blind eye. Even if we don't think someone is a real threat.
Those siblings need a real wake up call.
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Her royal Cuntess has retired for this evening with three sharp ones, her collage of people she loves (herself mainly) watching 102 Dalmatians on a perpetual loop.
Night tattlers x
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it’s worth noting then, for anyone who may be reading,that the original article was published without this context and that it portrayed a very damaging image of Bianca.

the addition of the extra paragraphs shows recognition of the fact that the original article was flawed, misleading and injurious to Bianca’s reputation. However the original article was in place for several hours and likely viewed by thousands.
View attachment 1386722View attachment 1386723
Good for the DM for amending the article, but it's a bit too little, too late. That's nearly twelve hours of very hurtful misinformation shared - wonder if other media outlets have added amendments?

I've seen lots of hateful comments directed at Bianca, Ioan, and towards them as a couple, from people who blindly believe everything they read. Bianca already admitted she suffered a bad MS flare due to stress, a few months ago (iirc).
View attachment 1386721
I hope I did the right thing, it definitely shouldn’t have been published like that at all but I thought clearing things up for any future readers would limit the damage, though there definitely has been damage. ☹
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Imagine orchestrating this into Mail Online and your GFM doesn’t increase. The utter shame and humiliation.
Imagine waking up this morning and realising.
Your house is going.
Your soon to be ex has a fantastic relationship with a beautiful woman.
You WILL lose your girls.
You're flat broke.
You are totally unemployable.
You've lost your looks.
You are an addict.
You have no friends.
I feel sad typing this to be honest. If it wasn't for the fact that this was all completely avoidable and that she has created this maelstrom all by herself I would actually feel sorry for her. Well I do actually because she has backed herself into a corner and if it was me I would be feeling absolutely desolate right now.

She's a shit show of a human being but she is still a human being and I just don't see how there is any way out of this for her and that is worrying.

Edit: I stuck the last para on to ease my own feelings.
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All guesswork, of course, but maybe Ioan has went softly on Alice because he knows how venomously/self-destructively she responds and knows about her dependencies, to put it kindly. And he was hoping she'd put on her big girl pants, eventually the penny would drop, and she'd sort her shit out.

She's still the mother of his children - he was in love with her, once, and it's very hard to walk away and hear about someone you once loved lashing out at people and not looking after themselves. All because you dared to walk a different path to theirs.

This is probably why consequences (eg, TRO) have taken so long (and/or maybe lawyers wanting to make coin spinning it all out). I am quite compassionate and have flashes of feeling sorry for complete arseholes at times. Most of the time I've regretted it.

But Alice has crossed a line now. Release the proverbial hounds at this hellbitch, Ioan. Even if she did make a mistake about Bianca's years-old Instagram post, some comments about Bianca were absolutely rotten. I even saw someone on the DM suggesting Bianca didn't have MS, or it wasn't as bad as she made out (who is this fucking rude internet nobody - diagnosing another person they don't know?). WHY AREN'T YOU SAYING SORRY, ALICE?
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Not sure if you've seen these? Apologies if I've repeated (I had a quick scroll back and couldn't see). Hour the fuck does she know the pics were taken in January 20? Bonkers View attachment 1390710View attachment 1390712View attachment 1390713
Okie fuckin dokey soooooooooo
she thinks she’s gonna get pissed AGAIN
Post a libellous post AGAIN
And then blame it all on us ?! AGAIN

wa wa waaaaaa

ya useless cunt get a job ! Maybe try learning how to make tiny violins then you can give them out everywhere you go 🙄
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RECAP: Since Alice had been quiet for a few days, Tattlers amused themselves by creating and sharing GRUFFUDD!!! memes.

All hell broke loose Friday night/Saturday morning when Alice got a hold of one of the memes and had a meltdown. See post here:

Alice woke up and deleted the Instagram post, but it was too late. The Daily Mail picked up the story with a distorted headline. ETA link to the Daily Mail story:

We now return you to our story—
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Sockbro is, as we say around these parts, all mouth and trousers. If anyone actually knocked on his door and asked him to come outside for a manly fight, he'd probably wet himself and cry about how he has a debillating condition. Either that or he'd send his lovely wife (who he met at Alice's wedding) to fight his battles for him

Bristol Massive? Bristol pussies more like! 🤣🤣🤣😺😺😺
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Mad Betty

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Another nice piece of evidence against Alice for the PRO. Everything she does now has consequences. She seems determined to not only harm Ioan and Bianca, but harm herself and the girls as well. Has she ever given an ounce of thought to how her behavior is harming her children? Because it is. So much.

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I do think it's interesting that the top 5 comments on the DM article are all saying that the photo is two years and that Alice appears to need urgent help
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So her tweets have been hinting at Ioan being a sinister character and refutes that he wants custody and that he’s given up on the girls.

If he was truly hiding a sordid secret wouldn’t she have published this ages ago in one of her other rants? If she does so now, then surely it only indicates her decent into madness, rather than any actual concerns that what she has said are true about IG?

Also didn’t some recent legal documentation confirm he was still going for 50/50 custody?

That woman can’t lie straight in bed! How could anyone ever trust her to tel the truth
yeah the TRO clearly stated that he wants custody. And Alice just admitted recently he wants reunification

if custody was settled the paperwork would be filed, especially if you claim to not receive child support.

I repeat again she will use the CP stuff on him, as she says herself she "doesnt want to" because it would bring her in trouble too, but there will be a point where she wont care about that.

Funny how she does exactly what she threatened in the TRO
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She’s to be out of that house by August, has a PRO hearing August 2nd and she’s still going at it?
She is beyond help and redemption.
She truly is the reason I awake in the morning…
I live for the self-own.

All of her behaviour and this begging online for money from those less fortunate is so Ioan speaks to her.
Honey, that man will never walk the road you’re on ever again.
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My God, just caught up. I’ve decided that us Turds need a little present after reading all that utter bat💩

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