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Chatty Member
She whines more than my 2 year old. And my 3 year old. And my 5 year old. And my 7 year old twins. COMBINED.
And before anyone thinks I'm some fertile goddess, I have kids that grew in my body and I have kids that grew in my heart. All 5 of them have have gone through deployments and parental separation. I have kids who lost their parents in a way I can't explain until they're older. Trauma is trauma is trauma. Alice is a puppet. She wouldn't last 5 minutes in room of mil spouses. I don't always fit in but those hardcore bitches would tear her to shreds
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Mad Betty

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He can adapt like millions of adults have to do. Why am I having to defend putting the children's welfare first? It's accepted Ioan had to flee, but not the kids?

You don't. Most of us just don't feel the need to bitch slap a man who is fighting a wild banshee and who is very likely following standard legal protocol put in place for a parent dealing with an abusive spouse who has weaponized his children against him.

My opinion. Cheers. 🕊
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Every time a newbie came along and posted a question about the best way to get rid of slugs, there would be hundreds of comments. The pro-pellets vs anti would get really nasty with each other 🤣
AE has no idea what a 'toxic forum' is like if she thinks this it it.
The most vicious forum I've ever been on was a FB page for a local park.
BBQs were the biggest row until the 'you shouldn't feed bread to the ducks' people joined up.
Someone actually got a letter from the RSPCA and posted screenshot saying you shouldn't so someone actually went to a Swan rescue centre a recorded a message from a rescue person saying you could. People were threatening to assault other people and 'I know where you live' type comments. It went on for ages before all talk of bread and ducks was banned.
It was hilarious.
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I would say it is unlikely but certainly possible that he paid for an escort. He could pull without paying let's face it. More likely, however, is that AE is shit stirring again and trying to create doubt in BW's mind about him. Also, if she is telling the kids this, then it's just more grist for the PA mill.

If it is true, (unlikely given the source) then AE could view his bank statements and she is implying the $1k cost of the hooker showed up there. Otherwise how would she know? He would hardly tell her.
How would Alice know he hired a hooker after he left, anyways?
Did the lady sent him a receipt in the mail, with dinner 150, blowjob 250, vag 300, anal 400, please send cheque within 30 days? C'mon.
Alice doesn't know anything about Ioan. She didn't even seem to know, nor care to know, much before he left her, let alone now.
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Maybe it’s me, but it’s kind of weird we’re using the word of AlcaTone to suggest that Ioan slept with a prostitute.
If Ioan wanted a one night stand for sex, I very much doubt that he'd have to pay for it.
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Alice. I see you. C'mon now. Six children have been born in my family since Ioan started trying to get away from you. It's time. Really.
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I want to point out another thing. Her shit make-up: it's not shit because it's badly applied originally, it's shit because it's clumpy and crusty and smeared and obviously isn't fresh but 3 days old and she never bothered to wash it off. It's not about her poor eyesight, it's about her extremely poor hygiene.
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I can't advocate for leaving those girls in that toxic environment even if the family unit ends up poor. Women have to step up all the time and struggle to make ends meet as the father is nowhere to be seen. Why does Ioan get a pass and get to put his career first?
Get a pass? He’s the only one making money. She was a mediocre actress at best. Now that she not young, in shape, or attractive, AND has pissed off a lot of powerful people in Hollywood, including the show runner of a franchise she could have been on forever, she’s not going to work as an actress again.

What is it you want Ioan to do instead of act? What will bring in more money? How do you think the attorneys are getting paid? How will two separate mortgages/rent be paid? Maybe the only one who has actually worked in the last decade should keep working and maybe Alice should get a damn job like everyone else. At least she’s be contributing for once.
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Bets on if there will be another drunken rampage Saturday night?

Full disclosure, I’ve Googled tattle life, read all the articles about it being the most toxic place on the internet, I’ve looked at the other threads here (have to agree, most are pretty toxic)…really this has been to question myself, who am I to sit behind an anonymous user name and ridicule someone I’ve never met. There’s still a part of me that thinks me doing this is wrong. What if she kills herself, how will I look at my contributions then? But. But…more of me thinks…like most turds, from what I can gather, we have all had some pretty fucking bad cards thrown at us. A lot of my childhood was pretty shit and I needed a lot of therapy to deal with it. I do have a very dark sense of humour, I’m not ashamed of it, it’s got me through some horrendous times. I am the first one to protect innocents, kids, animals, the vulnerable, I can’t fucking bear another person going through the pain I lived through. Alice though…Alice doesn’t fall into the bracket of an innocent who needs to be protected. Alice is the person innocents and children need to be protected from. She has lost any humanity that entitles her to be protected from my judgement and ridicule.

That’s it. Sorry, no great humour here, I think I just needed to express the thoughts that have been in my head and I’ve needed to make sense of.
Excellent post. This is the thing isn't it - the flying monkeys' default response to anyone pointing out Alice's lies is always "it's the Tattle trolls". But if nobody is questioning WHY we are all still here, hundreds of threads later, discussing her then they are beyond stupid. No, we're not being complimentary about her and yes, other threads on here may be vicious, but anyone with half a brain can see that people on this thread aren't mindlessly bullying Alice, instead they are rightly pointing out her lies and calling her out on her abysmal behaviour.

There was a screenshot yesterday I think (or maybe I just read it on her Instagram) where someone clarifying Alice's lies was accused of being evil or heartless. Even when presented with facts about their heroine they skirt around it and re-twist the narrative so instead of digesting the new information and then saying "oh yes actually you're right, she is lying about Bianca and the photo" it becomes "well you can't blame her when she's upset and going through a terrible divorce" as if that justifies her blatant online harassment.

So call us trolls all you like, Alice and your awful supporters in your rose or booze-tinted spectacles. The real reason you dislike us is that we're the only ones holding Alice and her lousy behaviour to account. We deal in facts and have the receipts. We've said time and time again, the easiest way to stop being talked about is to grow the hell up and stop posting childish, defamatory nonsense online. It's that simple. But you just can't do it, can you Alice, because the truth is you can't bear not to be talked about. And so the circle goes round again...
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It shocks me the things “her brother” posts on Twitter. Defending your sister would be posting positive stories about her, maybe disputing with a few people in a logical manner, reporting completely off base accounts that harass and then just blocking them. But this so called brother account actively harasses and doxes people as well as posts the most disgusting things about I & B. Someone should be the bigger person… and if your sister is truly the victim in this situation you would not be actively and aggressively posting the crap he does. It’s not helping the situation at all. A rational person wouldn’t take to Twitter for defense, validation, support…any of this. If he is going to publicly defend her on Twitter the least he could do is try to seem logical, kind, honest and worried. He instead seems full of rage, uncontrolled, manipulative, dangerous and completely unconcerned about what is really going on in real life. He hardly ever mentions the girls. And he is so, so sick. Nobody I know dealing with an illness would spend that much time on Twitter,, dealing with the stress of defending someone against just a few people. Geez, he acts like there are 1000’s of people harassing them daily. There maybe 1 or 2 that post comments and HE tracks THEM down. I mean, get a life. I just can’t believe he thinks he is being honorable to his sister when he is an aggressor and starting most the crap he bitches about. Maybe that account is Alice, if not it’s obvious that the Evans family has some deep issues and they are not because of this divorce.
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There's 4 weeks to go before the next court appearance. IMO there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that she will turn up.
A. No way she is going to let Yo see her in her current state (am not sympathising in any way shape or form but it must physically hurt if she sees pics of them together because he looks soo happy and B always looks incredible)
B. She hasn't got a fucking leg to stand on so what's the bloody point anyway.
C. She will self sabotage (what me and my friend do and joke about, when you know you've got something really important the next day you stay up too late and get fucked up the night before)
D. Sticks fingers in ears and pretend it's not happening.

And the really scary thing is we are still 4 weeks out. What the fuck is actually going to happen when she realises she's actually done. This is it. This is the day. And she's done such a monumental job of fucking it up every step of the way. Well done you stupid stupid woman. She has ruined the rest of her life. I would like to say she deserves it but can't bring myself to as I always believe that you can change things.

Edit, missed an apostrophe and I can't have that.
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I'm not going to apologise for heading over to her insta and calling her out on her lies on her page, what she's doing I find massively triggering as to a degree i had someone well two people do similar to me, and the fact people are excusing her bullying because she was supposedly cheated on .. well that's fine then .. no it's not. mAlice is just showing her true colours possibly stuff that only Yo and people close to them have ever seen.

My ex was a professional victim and so is my partners ex, and let me tell you when two narcs get together it's not pretty. In sock bro mAlice has enablement and validation to carry on her behaviour.

In the early days exactly as someone said her friends should have been around her to take her phone and say that's not the way. Instead all she's done is make a massive fool of herself.

Yesterday I was so so angry, no apology no anything, dirty delete and carry on like nothing has happened.

I do hope Yo and B are at the stage where they laugh but sometimes it's incredibly hard to when u feel your life is being given a false narrative and you want so badly to scream it isn't true but know that you will just play into their hands by reacting.

Rant over.
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Just put tv on … I thought she’d got a part in friends 😳View attachment 1388097
Well this is just ABUSIVE. How DARE the makers of Friends take the mick out of Alice and her inability to apply makeup 20 years after it was filmed? Don't they know that she is HEARTBROKEN and also that she CAN'T SEE VERY WELL and she hoped that nobody had noticed? You'd think that TV producers and writers would be kinder instead of BULLYING a poor woman pining for her HUSBAND.
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There’s been some disturbing coincidences that lead me to believe that one of the FMs engaged in massive abuse online is actually a pre-teen. Alice taught whoever it is well. It may be E, it may be a friend, or a combination thereof. Alice completed the job she set out to do, which was manipulate at least one of her kids (and I suspect both) into wanting to do anything possible to harm their father because he “hurt” their mother. There is no acknowledgement of her wrongdoing anywhere for anything. She’s the victim. I’m disheartened to see how far she’s gone with PA (even though we suspected it). I hope there can be some genuine healing at some point.
I have been at the recipient of parental alienation, it's not something I can talk about to any detail as the consequences are as bad as you can imagine. Us turds really have gone through the mill which is maybe why we have this camaraderie that Alice has ignited. I left a bad relationship almost a decade ago now, and my ex and father to children didn't 'wish me dead but hoped horrible things would happen to me' his exact words. I then became financially destitute for a while, suffered heartbreak in relationships, bad jobs and I also lost my parents. I guess his wish came true. But at the end, dear turds, I always think - at least I'm not with you. And I keep on, everyday. He dam wasaged the relationships with my children, some more than others, it is an evil thing to do. To put your hatred of your ex in front of what's best for your children is such a selfish thing to do. The outcome is no happiness, for anybody. The children are torn - the ex lives in a bitter world and the other parent is cast aside. Sorry to lower the mood tonight, I think I might need to get away from Alice also for a while.
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Dear Alice "I'm not a feminist" Evans, kindly take your performative activism and...well, you get my drift. This whole thing is such an obvious ploy to distract from yesterday's post.
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Tattle turds assemble ! These are mental as fck times we need to be on our fckin game ❤🍸🍸

Wherever you are in these mad times … chink the fck chink and love to all of you and yours 💩❤💋
🍸🍸 and join me for a line in toilets 🙌🏼❤🍸🕊✌🏼👯🕺🏼💃💄💋
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