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I’ve now watched the vlog as I was prepping dinner. My thoughts are:

- stop letting him nap for goodness sake
- the beanbag incident I mean she’s completely to blame for that, she rightly should have been mortified. She needed to give him one warning and then step in and those poor parents having to sit with wet trousers because of the jugs of juice being tipped over. There goes G’s invite to any more parties. They must think she’s a shocking parent! I’d have been fuming
- first and then board has got me fuming too. I’ve used these lots of times over the years through work and it seems as though she’s just printed a load of stuff of Twinkl, a website for teachers, without having any clue as to how to use them properly. With first and then boards, you’re meant to display one just one at a time, so as not to confuse the child. She’s just got a whole day laid out! How on earth is he meant to make any sense of that?! She shouldn’t use these tools unless she’s certain she’s using them properly 😡
- finally, maybe it’s just me but I find it so strange to put tv on and sit in another room and drink a tea whilst my child isn’t there. Sit with them ffs
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If she had those kids in a routine she could clean to her hearts content whilst they are napping or in bed.
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Has anyone noticed in that video about being the 'default' parent how she mentions Ash hasn't seen G all week? It makes sense but why the heck did he leave the army only to take a job where he is away just as much? if she pushed him to leave, why did she accept this new set up?

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Potty training doesnt take that long and that accidents arent normal. It's only anecdotal but I know many children who have been potty trained successfully without all the issues Shan is having. This isn't down to poor G's readiness, he is over 3, he is more than ready. Its fully Shan's parental skills - or lack thereof.

She pretended she suffered from infertility because it took them 5 months to get pregnant just to get sympathy and likes and now she is pretending she might have had some postpartum depression, when she doesnt even frekking know what that actually means, just to flog unnecessary private therapy.

A (probably American) 'therapist' probably isnt the right person to diagnose you with 'a little bit of PPD'. Its pretty serious diagnosis you get from a psychiatrist.

She is a bad excuse for a human.
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But with so much spare income, couldnt she just use it to pay for nurseries?
While I completely agree that the cost of childcare is ridiculous, she probably begrudges having to pay for it at all (don't we all but we know it's not so just deal with it) But yes she could easily have put her "extra" maternity pay towards that. However I sense she probably had to do it as their finances were probably still split 50/50 while she's been on mat leave. Which is ridiculous to me.
Part of me wouldn't be surprised if she had to pay more towards the gas and electricity bills because she's been at home all day while on mat leave. 🥴
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Halle has gone from not taking to weaning to having French toast in the space of a week 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
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So I'm not medically trained but there's this really handy website that gives pretty reliable advice for health called which Shan either doesn't know exists or probably thinks she obviously knows better than a website made for navigating health concerns.

So on there it says growing pains is usually most apparent during evenings and night and goes away by the morning. It also suggests to see your GP if they are having pain in the mornings......

If it turns out there isn't an underlying medical issue, I think he probably just wants some cuddles and attention in the morning so uses that as a way to try get attention because it's quite clear Shan is prioritising any attention to H and always carrying her.

I also love the fact H broke her vlogging camera. Wonder which savings pot the replacement will come out of 😂
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Only “supports” the fellow small mum business because she didn’t have to pay a penny for it. She only ever buys stuff off Amazon, Primark and Temu, never small businesses.
She was asked what she wanted and she picked 2 items for Halle and nothing for George🙃
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She talks about it being a danger nap but maybe he just needs to go to bed?

She probably leaves him at nursery until the last minute which would be what… 6pm? He’s probably just shattered Shan love and needs a bedtime as soon as you get home. Pretty normal for kids I think!
Banging on about him not needing a nap but needing to still nap and it’s just not the case. The boy is nearly four and he’s needed to drop his nap for about a year. The boy doesn’t need a nap, he needs a solid routine.
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Makes me sad when I see G slumped over napping at 4pm. The nap drop is difficult and you need to be all over it to ensure the kid is getting good quality sleep. No wonder G is hyper, he isn't SEN he is just constantly running on adrenaline from not getting good quality sleep.
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If Halle can roll why is she leaving her in the middle of the bed while she gets ready and isn't watching her!? The nappy changing etc in complete silence was so strange to watch.
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She could quite easily sort some of her sleep deprivation out by not pissing around wasting time setting up camera shots and editing vlogs (haven't watched it but I can guess she repeats herself a lot) when she could use that time to nap/relax. Perhaps she could prep meals so they just need reheating when it's time to eat if she's getting snappy at Halle when she's obviously hungry but not got her food ready.

I was waiting to see how long it would be until she mentions George maybe being "additional needs" when he's more than likely just being too needy for her to want to deal with.
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I find there split of the bills and money strange. I remember her saying before she had saved you some money to help cover her half of things as well as full paid maternity leave for some months. I'm due this year and will only get statutory pay and my partner will be paying for the extra bills etc I can't afford because we're in it together as a team. I find it a bit weird.
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She is so embarrassing it’s painful. Does she honestly think it’s a revelation getting out into the garden with the kids?! Does she really not understand that the majority of mums do this on a daily basis 😂 I’m dying at the fact she honestly thinks she’s giving advice out about the most basic of things. You can’t half tell she doesn’t leave that house, because the one time she’s ventured outside into the garden she hasn’t stopped banging on about it. She’s the only person who needs a great deal of advice, the audacity of her trying to dish it out is astonishing.
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They way she speaks to George is just awful. Her attitude and mindset to parenting is just all wrong.
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Calling Halle a Velcro baby is so so laughable 🤪 she’s been sleep trained and shoved in her swing since day dot
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I think initially you’d think oh maybe they’ve run around too much today or maybe it’s a one off thing and give them calpol. You would not just hear him cry or moan for months on end and do absolutely nothing about it. I would fear the worst before assuming it’s continuous growing pains. Surely he isn’t growing that much!!
Most parents wouldn’t be able to cope with their child in pain crying every night. I would break my heart if it was my son.
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Chatty Member
She fixates and obsesses so much about the housework. It's boring as shit to hear her nonstop word vomit about it on her vlogs. I mean, I kind of get it because sometimes when I am stressed /overwhelmed with life in general then the housework seems like one thing I could potentially control (if I had the time) and my mind can tell me that if only the house was spotless everything would be okay. Obviously that's not true. Just Letting it go is a lot easier!

What on earth were they thinking having Ash do the bathroom himself at this moment in time. If they are literally only just getting by day to day, sleep deprived and burnt out then it is NOT the time to be doing reno work that is non essential?!? Ash is basically out of action in terms of day to day life and running of the family, when he does very little as is. Shan clearly resents the hell out of him and can't even hide it.What a toxic environment for those kids to grow up in.
Ash seems like the type of "trad"guy who would think it was only fair for the woman who is on maternity leave to do EVERYTHING in the house/concerning the kids
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100% what I also think.

If you had to describe the theme of all her social media platforms in one phrase it would be:

'Woe is me'
The way she bangs on about 'being in the trenches of motherhood' 24/7 literally just makes it seem like motherhood is horrific. Why opt to have more kids if that's how you feel? It's like she thinks that everyone feels/thinks the same and we REALLY don't! Those feelings happen but only a moment/day then it's over.
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She's such a sadfisher. She claims she almost got kicked out of softplay this weekend but it basically seems G was playing in the under 3s area and they got asked to take him out. There's a reason why places do that, and it's Shan's eyes it's because the place were obviously judging her, not because it's nice for the younger ones to have a somewhere to play without the big kids being boisterous around them. 🙄
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