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Love that we went from "we think he might have additional needs but I'm protecting his privacy" to sharing the details of his health visitor appointment in a matter of weeks.
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Even if George is diagnosed with something it doesn’t mean it will magically be fixed and he will be a calm and quiet little boy, it just means he has a label and she needs to make more of an effort to understand his ways. Which is again going to be a challenge for her.
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I think she proberly should've said all she said in that video to her husband 🙈 she is clearly struggling big time and maybe should see a doctor her self, not try to get G diagnosed with something. My daughter is 5months younger then G and she's a wild one but not once did i think she must have something wrong with her. 🙈 just toddlers & navigating how to deal with them their emotions & your own. It's hard and that's exactly why I'm one and done as I know I couldn't mentally deal with another child, it wouldn't be fair on my daughter,myself. I want to be the happiest version of myself for my child & husband.

& seeing her vlogs makes my mind up even more 😂😂😂 it was when she swore in anger in the car that I was like wow she needs some help.
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Urgh, that last IG story: "I still don't know what I'm doing but they're still alive".

If that's as low as your parenting goals reach maybe motherhood isn't for you.
It made me feel funny as well... hope no one who has lost a baby read that. Just didn't sit nicely with me. Might be a reach but I did not like that post.
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No it's not?? She's just so negative ALL the time!! Yes there are times when things are hard but that's just part and parcel of being a mum. And it doesn't last that long, everything's a phase. I thought she had got H into a good routine? She's just full of shit trying to make these relatable reels but they just make her look like she hates motherhood.... If she would just say that out loud then I think she would get more respect. Also, if she's that hungry why isn't she already eating with the kids? Have a sandwich with G for lunch.... Oh wait sorry she can only eat fully cooked hello fresh meals which are recorded to earn money 🙄🙄🙄 it's your own fault you're hungry Shan! Grab a packet of crisps or crackers FFS


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He has been complaining about these sore legs for a while. She definitely needs to get this checked out. Its ridiculous that he is having to suffer for this long now. Just take him to the doctors, it's really not that difficult.
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She could do plenty to help herself though, shes just too tight. Put the kids in nursery, go back to work, and hire a cleaner. She could also tell her useless husband to man up and actually be a partner
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Am I the only one who disagrees with “the bare minimum is enough” like of COURSE there will be days where you do all those things she mentions in her reel but… for the most part if you’re doing the bare minimum everyday then I think that’s a sign you need help?
Or I can understand it if you’re working long hours but she’s not, there’s no excuse not to be out with kids and cooking for them (again, not saying you can’t have days where you cba)

like I’m not here for normalising being miserable as a mum or in the trenches or complaining about it all the time, it shouldn’t be normal!
💯 !!!
Obviously mamas need to rest. And screens are useful tools. And everyone gers overwhelmed and frustrated and this little buggers will test every nerve.
But being in the trenches every day, disliking motherhood every day... there is something wrong there.
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I wouldn't be surprised if she is way more miserable/moody around George than she lets on. I mean, she is comfortable with posting a video where she spends the first 3 minutes or so, when interacting with George, eyerolling at the camera, implying she doesn't believe he is in pain, is at times quite short with him. Seems easily annoyed by every little thing her son does. Don't get me wrong. I have 2 young kids as well. Both of them close to Shan's kids ages actually and yes, there are times where you are exhausted and frustrated but the way she deals with it by being so utterly negative about anything George does, is quite frankly appalling. He is only a little boy still. I genuinely wouldn't be very surprised if she isn't as much of a "gentle parent" as she makes out to be online.
Exactly! Like I say I'm not a perfect parent and I get very frustrated with my toddler at times but if I had filmed it for whatever reason, watching it back I would be feeling extremely guilty and petty for behaving that way towards my child and there's no way I would then feel comfortable posting it online for the world to see. So yeah I agree, if she's comfortable showing this, what doesn't she show??
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Again making her own life harder than it needs to be. If Halle can go in the carrier at 1pm whilst you make lunch she could have gone in at 8am whilst you made yourself some breakfast.
She's not the brightest spark is she.
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Genuine question.

I've been fortunate that when we had our bathroom done, we had an ensuite so still had somewhere to shower etc. It took our fitters 5 days to rip out and install a new complete bathroom then we left it for 2 days to make sure everything was set.

I know they have a downstairs loo but it's obviously going to take more than a long weekend for one person to gut and fit a bathroom. How is she going to shower herself and bathe the kids and have anywhere for her much needed pamper sessions to treat herself when the kids are asleep?! I mean, she even said that the kitchen took MONTHS longer than planned.

And yes, the money in a holiday away could have just been put towards saving for fitter to do it quickly.
Didn't she comment how good George was when her mum was there and actually playing with him? Surely that would of made her think about turning the tv off and playing games instead
I'm sure every time her mum is there, she comments how well George plays with her. You'd think she'd have put 2 and 2 together by now?! 🙄
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Her asking how your meant to get through the day with George being sick and wanting cuddles and Halle wanting to be with her 24/7, just shove her on the floor or the table like you always do 😂
It really annoys me she calls Halle a velcro baby because my toddler was most definitely a velcro baby and while I know you shouldn't compare babies, Halle is absolutely nothing like my velcro baby. We never used the bassinet on the pram, pretty much all of her day naps were contact naps until she got to around 10 months and went to 50% (I don't want to go into how the nights were 🫠) and the baby bouncer and playmat were show pieces.
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It’s the fact she’s like, filming for instagram as a way to threaten him. Looking over at him while she’s talking to her phone - vile.
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I can't remember exactly but I think it was something like he'd (unsurprisingly) left a mess before leaving to go work away and she'd sent a message and he replied something like "well do you want your kitchen fitting finished?!"
It was something spilled on the floor, maybe coffee?

How many times has she suddenly mentioned these leg pains in literally the last what.. 2/3 days now? Her moaning is just ridiculous

It's literally like ash is just an absent parent at this point, he never gets mentioned at all. However I do wonder if she's doing it purposely so she can continuously comment on how she's 'in the trenches' bla bla along with the other odd phrases she uses. When I talk to family etc about struggling with my son's behaviour it's rarely "I" and usually "we" because my partner experiences and lives with it too, even though he is at work longer hours and probably home less than ash is 😬
You'd honestly think that she's the first person to have two children 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and to make it worse she's always bragging about money etc, she could literally take them anywhere and do what she wants but she doesn't! Don't really know what she expects!
Like why aren't they going away as a family of 4? She apparently had an ✨amazing✨ time when she did the PR trip for haven, so why not do that again? While she's on maternity???
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Crikey I have genuinely never ever heard someone relentlessly complain to this extreme and despise being a parent this badly. She is absolutely desperate for others to swoop in and tell her they all feel the same, or justify the way she way she goes on. She keeps saying ‘we’re all in this together’, no I really don’t think so. Many of us actually enjoy being a parent and understand that you actually have to put in effort. I get it can be hard at times of course, but this is beyond ridiculous now. She needs to realise she is the problem. She should have never had another one, what on earth was she thinking?! George will definitely be no contact with her when he is older, I feel so sorry for him and the fact he will see hundreds of videos of his mother complaining to the extreme about him and acting like she hates him is very disbursing. She’s complained about him since he was tiny, I think she expected to just give birth and not have to do a single thing for him.
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If I had 2 children that had both woke at night and my husband slept through it and it was the weekend, I would actively wake him up and make him go tend to one child while I looked after the other one. He literally just comes across as a sperm donor then has Shan mother him too.

Oh but wait, it's fine for him to be excused because he built the kitchen she so badly designed as he once said in a text she shared......!

If she can't see how useless he is coming across, can't her family or friends see it?! I don't even feel sorry for Shan at this point.
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Chatty Member
She wants him to sit in front of the TV all day, not say a word, never play or make a mess and hopefully get him diagnosed with SEN (like Liv) so she can make more content and exploit him even further. That's her dream.

He is a normal child that like playing but can't get any attention from his mum. That is all.
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Well this is going to be interesting!!!

View attachment 2969303

Shan: it’s so tough being at home with the kids. I have no friends. I don’t have an identity outside of being a mum. I find it all too overstimulating. Also Shan: I don’t want to go back to my office job, just in case I become a famous influencer in the next little while so I’ll stay at home and complain about my life that is basically because I don’t think I should have to graft in an office job or have to commute into the office three times a week because when I moved, I knew it was hours commute away from my workplace.
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I’ve now watched the vlog as I was prepping dinner. My thoughts are:

- stop letting him nap for goodness sake
- the beanbag incident I mean she’s completely to blame for that, she rightly should have been mortified. She needed to give him one warning and then step in and those poor parents having to sit with wet trousers because of the jugs of juice being tipped over. There goes G’s invite to any more parties. They must think she’s a shocking parent! I’d have been fuming
- first and then board has got me fuming too. I’ve used these lots of times over the years through work and it seems as though she’s just printed a load of stuff of Twinkl, a website for teachers, without having any clue as to how to use them properly. With first and then boards, you’re meant to display one just one at a time, so as not to confuse the child. She’s just got a whole day laid out! How on earth is he meant to make any sense of that?! She shouldn’t use these tools unless she’s certain she’s using them properly 😡
- finally, maybe it’s just me but I find it so strange to put tv on and sit in another room and drink a tea whilst my child isn’t there. Sit with them ffs
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