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Chatty Member
No one should feel sorry for her on the basis of being a solo mum. She is far from it and and insult to real single mothers.

She is a 'solo mum' who is not working at the moment and has one child in nursery, at the very least part time, and family nearby to help her sometimes (like her mum when she went to Haven).

Real single mums work, many full time, and have to support two children with that one salary. Shan has two incomes (main job plus social media) plus Ash's which is how she can afford some me time, and a good lifestyle which real single mums don't get.

If one of the children cries at night she has the option of telling her useless husband to get up for once so she can get some sleep. And maybe 1 time out of 10 he might do. Single mothers don't have that choice.

Her whole 'woe is me' persona because her husband wont help her enough is really tiresome.
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I cannot bear this “I’m proud of you” trend. It literally makes me want to vomit in my mouth. It’s literally impossible to feel proud of complete strangers on the internet, especially when it’s based on drivel.

Also, I know I said it recently, but when is she going to stop calling G a toddler? He’s a little boy now at nearly 4. She shouldn’t be proud of herself if she can only muster an “ounce” of patience with her son. Do better, it was your choice to have another child. Stop blaming him for normal child behaviour. 15 minutes of play does not warrant 1 hour of screen time.
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She was rightly asked to move from the baby bit (as she absolutely should, there was nothing I hated more than bigger kids running feral who shouldn’t be in there knocking into/knocking over my son) and she translates that to almost being kicked out and judged for her parenting?! 😂 why let him in there in the first place? If I was another parent with a smaller child there and George was being a little shit and being dangerous I’d have no issues in telling him off myself since his useless mother refuses to and ignores it.
big feral kids in the baby area is the bane of my fucking life. actually put me off going to soft plays
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So Halle broke her camera that was on a tripod Shan left in the same room as Halle. She should have been more worried about Halle grabbing the tripod and the camera smacking her in the head
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Possibly a random thing to nitpick at but I’m going to, because I find her phrasing odd.

Mother’s Day post on insta, “Even if they don’t always show it, you really do mean the entire world to your littlies.” I just think this emphasises her absolute narcissism. Why would her children need to “show it”? They’re 3 and 0! She’s in charge of showing affection, not expecting it the other way around!
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I love our little collection of toys we have from various days out. Yes they can be expensive, our most recent one is a plush Stegosaurus that set me back £22 from Cardiff Museum 🫠 but my little boy loves picking out his own toy (within reason obviously) and he remembers where everything is from, he talks about the places we've been when he plays with them and asks to go again or asks me to bring up the photos from the day on my phone, it's lovely
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why on earth would anyone sane think that people would enjoy watching an entire vlog of someone being exasperated and impatient with their child for absolutely no reason. Poor george. He just needs some love and attention and not even telling her that he's in pain gets him any. She mentioned the growing pains as though it's the first time she's ever mentioned it - this has been going on for months, right? If my child was telling me repeatedly for months and months that they were in pain and waking up screaming with it, I would not leave the doctors office until they referred us to a specialist.

I nearly choked on my coffee when she was talking about how she doesn't do enough with the kids, take them out to groups and activities etc because she's always just cleaning and then in the next breath said she had a new plan to clean/organise a different part of the house each day. What?!? I thought she was going to say how she has a plan to go to a different play group every day and stop fixating on the cleaning but nope. Shan, get out and go places with your kids in the daytime and set a timer for 30mins after they're in bed and bash out whatever cleaning you can get done in that time. Make Ash participate too. I promise you'll feel better.

Why are her kids always in a different room to her? She's obsessed with distracting them so she can escape and sit down talking to a camera having a cup of tea in another room. Even the video of them at budget centre parks or wherever they were; she said Halle was inside chilling on her play mat or bouncer or something so that meant she could escape and go outside talking to a camera for a good 10 mins... why? If Halle is just chilling out why couldn't she be doing her vlog in there with her so that at least Halle has some company. There's obviously times when I'm in another room to my kids briefly because I need to make a drink or get something or whatever but I'm not constantly trying to distract them so I can leave them for prolonged periods of time. They're young, like hers! Anything I need to do I can do around them, and ideally get them involved with as much as possible so they are included and uh, learn valuable life skills!
I honestly think Shan is a perfect example of why social media/influencer culture can be really harmful & toxic. when she first started out she actually seemed like a loving parent, had time for her child and seemed to genuinely want to be a good mum to George. She seemed to know how to look after a child. As the years have passed, chasing followers, the superficialness and shallowness of it all, everything being about content...I mean, she is practically brain dead at this point. She went from someone who was a loving parent to someone who just simply DOESNT parent, someone who hasn't a clue how to connect with her kids. She needs to deactivate all of her accounts and focus on being there for her children. Influencer life is not for her. She's shit at it and in her repeated attempts at trying to flog a dead horse she's actually neglecting her children
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They’ve had a nice family day out and she’s STILL moaning about George. You can’t really let a 3 year old in a gift shop and expect them to want a sticker book over a toy really
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I find it interesting that's she's replied to a comment on her yt video saying that she has taken G to the doctor's etc, yet in her video, she says 'growing pains or whatever it is' 🤔 to me that sounds like she's not convinced that it's growing pains/is assuming. She doesn't have an ounce of care for that child does she. The way she goes on while he's saying he's in pain etc. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not a perfect parent and I get annoyed etc but I couldn't imagine posting it to the world!! I'm t makes you wonder what else goes on...
It’s so uncomfortable to watch! Sure it might be that he sees Halle being carried and is jealous but if my kid was crying saying they can’t walk idk if filming it for the internet and rolling my eyes at the camera would be my first fucking move?
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She said in her recent budgeting video that she has always earnt more than Ash but now he's left the army he earns significantly more than she does but they still keep everything 50/50 🤷‍♀️
Unreasonable when it’s off the back of having a partner at home. If you’ve got children the only way you can be totally flexible taking on work and take lucrative jobs that might mean setting off at 5am, not getting home until 8pm, picking up weekend work etc is if someone is sorting the kids. So all the money he earns is “his” but her unpaid labour he relies on to go and earn that wage is none of his business 🙄
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Chatty Member
Maybe she realised that him working away wasn't the only reason he never dealt with the kids and its also down to the fact he is a massive, bone idle brat. I know her parenting abilities are....let's go with 'questionable' 🤣 but it's clear that even now he's home and even when he was home when he worked away he was always about him and left her to always do the parenting.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I got 'prick' vibes when she said in a vlog he took the coffee back to work with him when he was in the army leaving her with none even though that meant she'd have to have all the extra faff of going to the shop with a baby when he could've just got some himself. Maybe it makes me petty, but it still annoys me years later!
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I actually can't believe that she's not had it seen to, however... Would this really be the first time she's mentioning it of it had been going on that long 🤔 all the sleep issues and 'solutions' she's promoted and said have worked etc not once has she mentioned of him saying he had any pain. It is neglectful you're right, poor kid, so she's got Halle at private appointments the second she can't sit at a certain age (very prematurity that she worried about this in my opinion) however George is awake every night for half his life complaining of pains in legs etc and she's not attempted to get any advice or help??????????
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Realitively new here...what do her and her partner do that she's able to save £500 in a month? Me and my oh both have decent jobs, mortgage, share a car and have a child but wouldn't be able to save £500 a month if I tried (and I'm v savvy with money)
The difference is you probably don't mind spending some money to take your child out to places and buying them (and yourself) decent healthy food. You probably have friends or family you go out with for a coffee, if you see a cute item of clothing for your child you probably buy it, you actually buy toys for your child!!! G only ever gets toys for his birthday or Christmas. Also, you probably don't spend every moment of your life being so clinical trying to find a way to make some pennies or save them from all the savings pots you have. She's only does what she does because she has no friends to brag to and even though she obviously doing quite "well" financially, she's still miserable that it's not enough and will probably never be happy with how much money she has.
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Chatty Member
Honestly Shan’s vlogs are just so depressing. I’m currently pregnant with my second baby and I am terrified because of what I see. Halle’s incorrect position in the carrier… she used to do the same with George, how she hasn’t learned? Also am I the only one who thinks their current house is such a downgrade from their previous house? What was the reason for purchasing this house? The kitchen and tiny living room is confusing
Shan is not a good example of a mum of two. Or any kind of mum 😂 I have a 5 month old and a 17 month old and I am with them both pretty much 24/7 and I love my life. some days are intense, sure, but on the whole I have a lot of joy every single day! I'm not just "out there trying to survive" or "in the trenches" or whatever other phrases she likes to churn out. She is just a misery guts.

I can't even remember her old house now but agree the house they're currently in is nothing special. It's got absolutely zero personality. I think she knows this and is gutted it is not more instagrammable
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I have to agree with Cosmic, that Ash doesn’t seem completely absent.

Admittedly, I don’t watch every single video so I don’t know fully the ‘picture’ that Shan paints.

However… she chose to marry and have children with a man in the military (that’s not to discredit how hard it is for military families, a lot of my family were). Many vlogs/posts when he would come home from the weekend Ash would be cooking tea for them, or playing with George or asleep on the sofa with George so he clearly spends time with the children.

Shan used to regularly post about their weekends trips out or short breaks. I think the thing now is that since he’s left the military and they’ve been in that house, she’s had a list as long as her arm of all the things she wanted done in the house. And who has done it all? Ash!

My other half is pretty domesticated, does a lot of the cooking and is great with our child. We want stuff doing in the house that he would ordinarily do and we’ve agreed (after me being pretty adamant 😂) that we will pay someone so it doesn’t impact on family time and the ability for us both to parent and have a break occasionally.

If you’re going to ask for a whole new kitchen, stud wall in the living room, new bathroom and Christ knows what else, where your other half is primary contractor, I think as a parent you’ve got accept the fact that you’re going to be picking up the slack for a bit.

Also there’s still been several recent clips where Shan has gone shopping alone or she’s said Ash has taken George somewhere.

Not saying this guy is perfect by any stretch but I think Shan probably needs to put her little violin back in its case to be honest.
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I wish she wouldn't leave Halle by herself in her high chair while she is eating. Choking happens so quickly and with the way she kept waffling to the camera while in a different part of the house, she wouldn't even have known until she walked back in the kitchen. I'm sorry but what a silly twat she is.
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