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VIP Member
My partner said tonight at bedtime that he heard it was meant to get easier as they got older, I nearly choked on my drink. I was like I don't think it gets easier I think it's just different challenges. The tantrums a year ago were because he couldn't speak and tell us what's wrong, but now he doesn't shut up and tell us word for word his complaints or repeats the same phrase over and over and over and over until we eventually give in and do what he wants 😂😂
Hard relate. I had no idea how convincing toddler pester power could be 😰


Active member
Depends what mood I’m in as to whether I put my husbands clothes away. Sometimes I just want it all done, other times I think I’m not your mother, it’s not all on me to do it.
I suppose if you are putting yours and the 2 children’s washing away what’s one more doing his 🤷🏼‍♀️ but again, it’s not solely her job


Chatty Member
We’ve all surely been there at least once when a toddler/child falls asleep in their clothes and it’s pretty much bedtime anyway. You get them out their clothes, into PJs and brush their teeth, surely?! Even if it wakes them up and causes tears or a nightmare bedtime - stressful, sure, but that’s just how it is sometimes. I just absolutely cannot fathom not changing and brushing their teeth before bed.
I've personally not had that scenario yet as such, but you are right, I would just change them into PJs/sleeping clothes.


Well-known member
Exactly, he’s nearly 4 surely he should be well past the naps by now anyway?! He probably would be if she had an actual routine for him, kids need routine and he’s got none whatsoever.

Halle is constantly left to cry it out, so many videos of hers I’ve seen where she’s just dumped her in bed and left to sort herself out and is crying in the background while Shans rambling on about absolute shite I feel like shouting to see to your bloody child! She’s absolutely awful. It’s like she just totally blocks out the sound of her crying. She’s such a shit show of a mother.

I am horrified that he’s been to nursery all day and then slept in the same clothes he’s been wearing all day that’s absolutely beyond filthy! 🤢 not only can’t she be arsed to get him into bed but the fact she also can’t be arsed to get him into some clean pjs is below the belt.
No way… that is absolutely horrendous!


Chatty Member
I am SO glad I'm not the only one that feels that way 😂

Previous to making my IG private I used to get so many messages from weird men whenever I posted a picture that showed any flesh. It could be something as simple as a crop top or a dress showing a bit of cleavage. If it was in a bikini my inbox would be packed with them :cautious:

I'm literally the opposite of a prude but there is no way in hell I would be posting pictures like that inviting every weirdo and their brother to make inappropriate comments, even if it's for an advert.

The one good thing I have to say about her is that she looks natural and not overly-photoshopped with rolls and tummy showing. A bit refreshing.


New member
First time poster on this thread! Watched Shan for a long time, her hospital bag videos helped me when I was clueless with my first!
I have read threads for a good while and people questioning her husband, I noticed in the Q&A she didn’t have any wedding rings etc on, is this pretty standard?! Xx


VIP Member
My youngest was between 3-3.5 ish when I potty trained her, only ever had 💩 accidents but she has tummy issues. My eldest was the same with no accidents, she was just under 3. He wasn't ready and they can regress when a big event happens like a sibling being born, moving house, new nursery etc.
My little girl has been potty trained for a year. She was dry by day 4 and using a potty. We don’t have a potty anymore and she just uses the toilet now. She has gone through phases of having more accidents! Mainly if she’s playing and ignoring the urge to go to continue playing. If I remind her to use the toilet at nursery before I drop her off, she usually stays dry. Little things like that help her. Accidents due to distraction are quite normal up to about age 5 in my experience as an early years teacher. What isn’t normal is just having accident after accident, long term.
Oh yes my eldest had a couple when she started school! She was so engrossed in what was going on and they didn't have as many reminders to go to the toilet like they did at nursery. She'd never had an accident before starting school though
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VIP Member
I didn't think what she did was outrageous considering she was doing an ad for underwear. I'd say most underwear ads show the person wearing the underwear. She didn't really show them very well though did she. Even though she pulled down her pants I still don't have a very clear idea of how they fit 😂

Shan did a shit job of selling them to me because she's so disingenuous and I don't believe she has ever worn them except to film that ad. She's going to use her own discount code and buy one for every day of the week? Ok Shan. What, did the company only send you ONE pair then?

@Puffin_island I am interested to try them for sure... is one pair a day enough or do you need to change them every few hours? do you just stick them straight in the washing or do you have to soak them separately and which brand do you think is best?🙏🏻
My daughter wears 1 in the day and 1 over night. Hers are the basic modibodi ones that are equivalent to 2-3 tampons. She's quite heavy considering she's only started her period within the last year but has never had a leak in these.
At the end of the day I chuck them on a rinse cycle and then when I've got enough for a small wash I'll wash them on their own, no conditioner


Chatty Member
Only “supports” the fellow small mum business because she didn’t have to pay a penny for it. She only ever buys stuff off Amazon, Primark and Temu, never small businesses.
She was asked what she wanted and she picked 2 items for Halle and nothing for George🙃
She does buy from Depop and other second hand places but it's only to save a penny.

And well spotted. Nothing for George!


Chatty Member
I am fully that mum who tells big kids that they need to leave the baby bit 😂 I don't go to soft plays much anymore cause I have found out about literally every playgroup and free/cheap kids activity within a 20 mile radius on every day of the week (why hasn't Shan by now?!?!) so I only resort to soft play nowadays when everything else is unexpectedly cancelled or something. But the baby bit in soft plays is usually rubbish and tiny never mind with bigger kids coming into it and making it unsafe for the babies. I'm just like, hey, you're too big for this bit, you have the entire play area to play in so go and play in it!

im pretty sure Halle still has formula and bits of cows milk in food. I think that's fine, even if it's green. Her main milk is formula.


Chatty Member
She is hybrid isn't she? If so she could use flexitime and make it up on wfh days. Civil service are really good for family friendly hours
Yeah I know she is hybrid I just wasn't sure how much flexibility she had with her working hours. And what if she gets a late meeting in the office etc?

Either way still unfair if she has to do all the drop-offs/pick ups. And I bet she will be looking after both children on her days "off" again.


VIP Member
Have they not gone a way a few weekends in a row now to escape the bathroom being done? Surely they could have put that money towards a professional to have it done in half the time.
Not only that but ash was there so nothing being done to bathroom either!


Well-known member
I was dumbfounded by that too. I mean honestly, just take it off him. Yes he might have kicked off but it would've been less trouble than the whole juice incident that evolved!
I wouldn't describe myself as a gentle parent but it's examples like this that give them a bad name. Clearly her word means nothing either and there are no consequences to negative behaviour. She didn't have to discipline him in front of the party guests but could've dealt with it once they got home!
I can’t bring myself to watch the video, what did he do?


Chatty Member
I'll try and take one for the team when/if my babies have their morning nap 😂
Youre a superstar! we all owe you BIG time 😂
Talks about how difficult it was adjusting to 2 kids, harder than she thought, Halle was a difficult baby and George was just a sleepy baby who just slept all the time, she probably had a bit of postpartum depression, breast feeding was hard especially having to lob a boob out when they were outside and wrapped up in coats and scarves etc. she gradually just stopped doing it but wasn't prepared for all of the feelings that come with stopping breast feeding and the hormonal changes because she only bottle fed George. Halle isn't taking to solids don't you know.

Big ad for Better Help - she is speaking with one of their therapists once a week when the kids are in bed or sometimes their dad will look after them while she sneaks off to do her therapy. It's really helping her!!!! Btw use her code for 10% off.

that's as far as I'm gonna get😂
THANK YOU!! so many things that make me upset off the bat! 'a bit of postpartum depression'!! were those more or less her words? If so what a way to downplay those who actually suffer with depression after giving birth!
Halle being called 'difficult' because she didnt sleep every time she wanted to flog hellofresh is a horrible way of talking about your child!!
It could simply be that being breastfed she needed feeding more often and Shan wasnt satisfying her.

I give the whole therapy thing 2 days. As soon as her free sessions ran out. She's never been one for getting help of any kind let alone advice from someone expert and I cant see this changing her.
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Chatty Member
I watched her latest vlog, she was trying to get him dressed for the day and he was wearing clothes from the day before. She's letting him fall asleep and putting him to bed in his clothes instead of getting him ready properly and putting pjs on. He's probably been at nursery, playing outside and picking up germs, then sleeping in his dirty clothes 😫
that’s close enough to neglect letting him slee an entire night in dirty clothes.

he clearly has sleep issues because he has no routine or structure with bedtime (or in general). Surprises me with how strict she was with him as a newborn


Active member
Does anyone else think Halle looks so uncomfortable in the baby carrier? Her legs are almost backwards! Shan, if you read this please make sure you’re scooping Halle in the carrier so her knees are ABOVE her hips in that M shape.
Dissapointing she tags the brand but they’ve not corrected her. It’s not Halle being hyper mobile it’s just you know using the carrier properly. Try rotating her bum so she’s sitting back into it if that makes sense. Like a scoop!
I agree that Halle in the carrier looks soooo uncomfortable