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Chatty Member
@Puffin_island Sorry I couldn't find the link to watch the video without giving views and I didnt want to google it in case it led to some virus or something.

Does she even understand the actual meaning on RAW in this context? She is only using it because she thinks it'll give her more views, how pathetic.
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In the new vlog where she’s talking about George in soft play where he had the beanbag and threw it at the table of squash, if she’s asked him several times to stop it and he hasn’t why hasn’t she gone over, taken the beanbag off him and moved him from where he was. No point being gentle if he isn’t listening because that’s not teaching him. The parents must have been more shocked at her parenting not him throwing it 🤯
I was dumbfounded by that too. I mean honestly, just take it off him. Yes he might have kicked off but it would've been less trouble than the whole juice incident that evolved!
I wouldn't describe myself as a gentle parent but it's examples like this that give them a bad name. Clearly her word means nothing either and there are no consequences to negative behaviour. She didn't have to discipline him in front of the party guests but could've dealt with it once they got home!
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Tbh I think the only thing she could say that I'd find believable is 'I'm a crap mum and massive brat who was and still is far too immature and selfish to start and then expand a family so I hate my kids when they inconvenience me so I've dedicated my life to uploading shit content to get praise and validation from strangers so I haven't felt like I've fucked up my life....oh and my useless husband never helps me or pays me any attention'.
If only this whole text could be turned into the next thread's title 😂


Her latest HelloFresh ad is so full of BS - even considerably above what is normal for her.

The 'i'm not gonna lie's have come out again. They actually mean that she is about to lie.

She isn't still a HelloFresh subscriber because it's easier for her. It's becauase of either the discounts or kickbacks or income she receives from HelloFresh. Nothing else.

So then, you ARE lying to us there Shan, aren't you? Plain and clear.


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Chatty Member
How Shan describes George’s behaviour is really concerning, he sounds completely out of control. I really hope he gets the help he needs.
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Yeah I know she is hybrid I just wasn't sure how much flexibility she had with her working hours. And what if she gets a late meeting in the office etc?

Either way still unfair if she has to do all the drop-offs/pick ups. And I bet she will be looking after both children on her days "off" again.
I wasn't too sure if she still was as don't tend to watch her often these days.
I expect so. Ash sounds like my ex, expects you to do all the house stuff, look after the kids etc
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Chatty Member
She gives Halle green milk too. I would give her a pass for G as he is probably drinking water (or squash knowing her) but H should still be having full fat.
Halle isn't even 1 year old yet - why is she giving her cow's milk? Cow's milk can lead to iron deficiency in children under 1 year old as it doesn't have enough of iron nor vitamin E, zinc, and essential fatty acids. The fat in cows milk can also be really hard for little ones to digest. In can even lead to intestinal bleeding in some cases. Halle also needs the fats of full fat milk for brain development and at least the additional vitamins it has over skimmed or semi skimmed.

I repeat what I said earlier, she is dangerous. This is basic NHS guidance - she is unfit to be a mother if she can't even follow those.
I'm pretty sure that fairly recently they said semi skimmed was fine to give babies from the age of 1 but I'd still give full fat.
Where did they say this? I thought the guidance was to only give semi skimmed to children with obesity/weight issues.
How many more times can she possibly make fritters in a vlog?! 🫠

If she really is making £1700 a month ish then that’s a decent wage. Yet it isn’t enough for her. I can’t understand why she isn’t happy with what she has day to day. What is it the next big thing will bring to her that her present life doesn’t? She must be deeply, deeply unhappy.
Fritters and pancakes are all she can make so she'll make them another 5452 times until we are bored to death of them 😆

Is that a recent figure? I'm doubtful she is making that much money via social media (pre or post tax), considering how much she has been been begging for stuff lately, complaining about the cost of groceries and trying to flog HelloFresh at every opportunity. She has been acting as someone who is really struggling money-wise.
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There’s obviously a reason George wakes and screams at her. Do 3 year olds just randomly scream as soon as they wake? Or does he go bounding into her over excited to see his mummy (don’t understand why personally, she clearly is annoyed by him all the time)
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Well-known member
This is another case of Shan diagnosing herself/her kids due to a lack of context and experience.
Takes a few months conceiving - Struggling to conceive/infertility
Hallle can't sit upright soon enough - It must be she and Halle has hypermobility (for reference, real hypermobility is crippling and restrictive. Shan does NOT have it and Halle is too young to be diagnosed by any doctor). Kids with hypermobility have serious struggle meetiing gross motor milestones so I'm confident Halle doesnt have it either.
Halle won't play by herself when Shan wants to do her videos - she must be a 'velcro baby'. If she had any real mum friends instead of the virtual 'village' she claims she has, she would have some real context as to what a true velcro baby is.

Long story short - Shan needs more friends 🤣
And less time on social media 🤣
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Oh my goodness I've just watched the car seat video. She is really lost. I'm all for being gentle where possible but not when a child is unbuckling themselves while the car is moving. She tries to bribe him with sugar - this makes it seem like it's a negotiation and he'll get a treat whenever he does it. Then says we'll stop for 5 minutes and have a cuddle - now he knows he can get 5 minutes of cuddles whenever he fancies if he unbuckles himself.

I've been incredibly fortunate that my 4 year old only ever unbuckles himself once we're parked and the engine is off (we've explained why this is critical and he understands) but if he did this and being stern didn't work I'd show him videos of car seat safety tests and what happens to unrestrained passengers in accidents. She loves to play the victim and make out that she's tried everything and he can't be stopped, but this is basic safety and it's her job to figure something out even if it's hard.
My eldest unbuckled herself while we were on the motorway!! 😳 luckily I was right by an exit so came straight offand buckled her back in and told her it was dangerous
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I can't remember exactly but I think it was something like he'd (unsurprisingly) left a mess before leaving to go work away and she'd sent a message and he replied something like "well do you want your kitchen fitting finished?!"
I believe he said build your own fucking kitchen 😄 what a charmer!
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I don’t necessarily hate soft plays as my son enjoys them and I do go occasionally on a term time week day on my days off (unless it’s a weekend then I definitely do hate them) but twice a week seems very excessive when she only had 3 days off anyway. To me there is far better places to go where you can all enjoy it as a family like what’s already been mentioned here. It’s just the only thing she can come up with where she can sit on her arse with her head in her phone ignoring her child. It’s the reason she’s enrolled him in swimming aswell, she can just send him in and not have to get involved.
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Chatty Member
Eh?! I think something has been lost in translation here.
Kids having every single toy they own out tips me over the edge for sure but I have coping mechanisms like a few out a few in I don't whinge on the gram, taking photos when I could easily pick them up if it's bothering me so much.
G is at an age where he can start to pack his own toys away.
But toys aren't housework imo. Housework has to be done. Picking up toys as you go would be individual to that person.
That's what I was trying to say, that you are probably a better balanced person than Shan.
Being house proud is great! I kinda wish I was a bit more 🤣

And you're spot on about the toys! My eldest is 2 and we play or sing a tidy up song after he finishes playing and put it all back. We've been doing that since she was 1 year old or younger so it can be done with a 4 year old!
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Do you think that Shan never gets invited to places? Like I’ve been Ellie Polly post that she’s at a joy of clean event with Emily norris and that Liv who pretends she has mental problems. Both low level compared to Emily but still invited. I do wonder if Shan gets invited; it doesn’t seem so 👀 I wonder if it bothers her seeing as though it seems Liv is fairly new on the YouTube scene and Shan has been (trying) for years
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This is so misleading. The 9 month old help is from September this year and then April 2025. She is either erroneously suggesting is all from 2024 or she doesnt have a clue.


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I watched some of her latest vlog and it is just such tragic viewing. Again she just repeats herself over and over, almost as though she wasn't happy with the recording so recorded the same conversation again but then forgot and left both versions in. She's useless. Also... she puts Halle down for a nap and then is filming her and George in another room and Halle is just crying her eyes out in the background. Like, sure, sometimes one of my babies is crying while I am dealing with the other one and there's not much I can do about it - I don't like it but there you go- but I am not FILMING it and putting it out there.
I noticed this too! That wasn’t just baby noises and the odd whinge, it was a proper cry it out for ages 😞. There’s no reason for it either. It was 8:30 in the morning, if she doesn’t fancy the nap, don’t make her nap just because an algorithm on an app tells you to.

Off topic but it grinds my gears that G is referred to as a toddler. He isn’t a toddler, he’s a pre schooler.

Anyone else notice on the vlog about the constant screen time. The kids were up at 4:50 and although she didn’t say it, I guarantee the tv went on there (no screen time judgement for that to be fair). He then was just scrolling on her phone before they went upstairs and then once upstairs, she popped the tv on for him. The number of screens the boy is exposed to is insane.

Also, the mention of the banana being good for sleep. Tell us you read here without telling us!
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