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Sorry to derail, but I enjoy her old vlogs and sometimes have them on in the background and I watched one the other day where right at the end she does a big wet sounding fart and says "I can't believe I did that on camera". I guess she's always been gross, but the fact that it's literally constant nowadays means I can't see past it... 🙄
"I can't believe I did that on camera... and now I'm going to deliberately edit in to the final footage for all to see... teeheehee! I'm well quirky, me!"
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Vlogmas Day 1 New Couple, New Tree

Weird title for the first vlogmas?

Starting off with a flash back of Helga's old vlogmas clips. Past Helen looked so happy...

Present day and Helga is singing that it's December the first, she can read calenders.

She says she's "well excited" through gritted teeth, while looking miserable as fuck

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Explains what vlogmas is

Says that to kick things off "it would be rude not to" have all the decorations up for vlogmas
It all started yesterday in the loft, here we go with a flash back

"My least favorite job" says past Helga, getting ready to get up into the loft - Fildo must be working or abandoned her

She starts singing how scary it is to go into her loft. It's a repeat of her Halloween in the loft alone.

She's found LOADSA decorations, and now she has to call Fil to ask if he can help her - and suddenly he appears!

"HELLO DARLING!!!" Shouts Helga

Footage of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum passing boxes to each other down a ladder is super fun content.

She's coming down the ladder now, Fildo has to supervise to make sure she doesnt die. First step down and "WOAAAAH IM DEAD!" she screams. "MA BIG ASS COMIN OUTTA HERE!" She says sticking it in Fil's face.

"Thank you very much, sir" She bids to Fil as he scarpers down the stairs back to his COD game

Present day Helga now, and she's been taking her time with putting up the decs, she feels very rushed and under pressure to put up the decorations and the tree all in one go.

Clip to Fil playing COD while she's busy sticking up decorations - Fil don't give no shits about helping Helga out with the festiveness

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She's well chuffed with her decor skillz. Now we're back to past Helen getting the tree....

Complains about how busy it is and she really wanted to go to her usual place with all the dogs and reindeer and elves and a really fun day out but they're not doing that this year, due to "CoRoNa" she snarks in a whiny bitchy voice while pulling this face:

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So they have to make do going to their local garden center. She's woahing at all the trees. Going around every tree going "this is quite nice" and thank fuck we have a tree.

No dog sled for Helga this year, she's got good EGG Fil to carry her tree to the car for her.

Making mulled wine now.... wait isn't this meant to be day 8's content??? She even made a spreadsheet!

Lunch is a Thanksgiving style spread... because she now apparently celebrates Thanksgiving...

Now past Helen is fulled we're on to the tree decorating.... exciting....

Picks up a light "These are red" they shine green "OH NO LOOK FIL!!!! THEY'RE DIFFERENT COLOURS!!!!" She screams, Fil ignores her, she orders him to go get her more shit and then asks him if he likes the lights "yep" he says. Remember when Helga claimed their communication was amazing - he just left her to ramble on about how she hates flashing lights because they make her go:

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"Sometimes the flashing is a bit much, it's like SHUT UP" oh Helen, that doesn't just apply to flashing lights... 😏😏😏

Fil's back "Oooh yay!" Says Helz, "Are they the ones?" ..... Fil ignores her again.

Now he's playing with the lights and he mumbles something about them. Speak up Fil - the audience can't hear your muffling!

Now they're putting up the lights, and they've suddenly turned into 80 year olds the way they act and speak to each other.... this is... weird.

Fil's teaching her how to put the lights up - how long is this fucking portion of video

"I could just keep feeding you like that" - that's probably the funniest thing you've ever said Filwhip - well done.

Now we're jump cutting bit parts of the conversation "It's not PAINFULLLL" moans Helen at Fil...

Fil tells her to pull the tree out of the corner "Ok Fil" she says sadly "are my methods not ok?" No, Helen they obviously aren't.

She passes a bunch of lights "Woahhh" says Fil, Helen freaks out and repeats "sorry sorry sorry" as fast as she can. Helen did bad.

"I totally forgot you are the king of logic" - you sure you want to say that to the person who almost electrocuted himself when you went camping, Helga??

"and it infuriates you when you can't be logical" then living with you must be a DELIGHT.

"These are all things that I'm learning about you Fil" oh god.... that's why this section is so fucking long - she's trying to PROVE her relationship to us. "yar, yar, yeah.... all good"

Now she's constantly asking him for his opinion for the star. Fuck me, just get it done woman.

They pop the tacky baubles up on the tree now, Fil likes the shark one (I'd laugh so much if that's one she got for Maff)

"I had a black tree one year" ah probably when she was in her GOFF phase.

Present day Helga: "And ere we are naow. The house is fully Christmassed" Now she can enjoy the rest of her Sunday evening, eating the left over desserts and mulled wine

"Fil is playing COD. I might have a nap". She looks depressed as FUCK when she said that

"Happy first of Vlogmas everyone" she raises a glass looking miserable

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That was really fucking depressing 🤣🤣🤣

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Confession time: I see Luna's write-ups, scroll without reading to the bottom of them and react so she knows how much we appreciate them, then watch Helen's latest video when I'm doing a night feed, constantly think "I bet Luna has mentioned this!", THEN I go back and read Luna's write-up.

I fucking KNEW the black tree and ERE WE ARE NAOW would be mentioned 😂 so perfectly spelled to convey that bizarre mockney accent.
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Honestly tempted to comment on Helen's latest IG post showing off her hair like 'OMG! It's so cute, do you have to go to a special stylist for that or can I bring a picture to my local hairdresser? 😍'

Like ffs, if you're going all the way to London during a pandemic with little remorse (bc lets face it, that apology was shite), why do it for a style that any local hairdresser could replicate well? Not saying they didn't do a good job but it's not like black hair where it requires a special style of hairdressing by someone trained, it could have been done by someone in Norwich.

Edited: Added last sentence.
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Vlogmas Day 11
Happy Day

Starting off the vlog setting the camera outside on a dog walk and then walking towards it... we need to come up with a name for her doing this lame camera shite she keeps doing.

She's going on about how she loves the ball thrower stick she has for Lola "imagine having an arm this long" I wish she'd throw the ball at the camera and break the damn thing.

2 minutes later and we're home, she's in her utility room while her camera is set up in the other room. She's busy today, got a lotta "braaaaaaand" things to film. First of all she needs to shoot in the downstairs bathroom so she's setting up her other camera. We got camera on camera action her folks.

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"Today is a work day...." she slips up "...w...w....well every day is a work day... but today is a.... heh.... BRANDED work day...." you don't sound at all convincing there, Helga.

"It's action packed"

Cut to later and she's saying she just got a load of content done and sent across "and now I'm sitting here like 'now what?'...."

She hasn't eaten anything yet day bar some chocolate, and as it's half 2 she's debating some lunch.

"I WAS gunna start doing sum wrappin', as today's vlogmas I wanted to focus on wrappin' paperrrrr" she sings "and wrappin' stuff.... however.... because it's not a conventional working day for Filwhip, he's actually going to be back home in half an hour.... so I don't want to go and get all the wrapping stuff and the presents and then have to stop in half an hour"

....or y'know you could take into a room and tell him not to come in, like the spare room or the office... OR.... OR!!!! Tell him to fuck off upstairs while you're 'working' y'know, cos it's your fucking house.

These are the same excuses as to why she couldn't do a proper gift guide, because Fil was coming home - can she not plan out her fucking content properly?? It has to suffer because she has to work around the latest boyfriend - it's pathetic.

She's going to wait until she has a 'full day' to do the wrapping, probably tomorrow.

Cut to the kitchen "the house is a hell hole again" she laughs, as she sticks her head into the fridge

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"I swear to God, it's just constant mess"

Apparently it's because she's had a lot of post this week, now she's telling us how she has to flat pack and recycle all the cardboard boxes. And after lunch she's going to have another clean up. Which I'm sure we'll have to witness... again....Fun.

Close up of her sarnie with everything falling out. After lunch she sat scrolling for half an hour.

Cut to later and she's in her office, setting up her other camera to film a reel

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And because it's in portrait mode she's explaining that she needs to turn the camera portrait to film it. Smarts.

She complains about her dress tripping it up, so we get a great shot of her leggings which she's rolled up underneath

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This vlog is so fun.

She complains that she can't see a thing on her camera and wishes she had a monitor to view her cankles.

She's got a basket of boots to put on and film... and here we go... we're watching the behind the scenes of her walking backwards and forwards in front of a camera. If there's jumping involved I think I may wee myself from excitement.

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Aww... no jumping. I'm sooooo sad.

Editing is all done now, and BAD KIRBY EGG FIL is missing, she doesn't know where he is. "Where are yoooou?" she ponders ".....erm..... I dunno where Fil is" she repeats. It's ok, he probably has no idea where he is either.

"He said he'd be home at half 3, it's now half 4"

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"I'm not SUPER NEEDY... or like you know 'you're, you're a MINUTE late'..... but like.... mmnnnah.... also.... WHERE ARE YOOOOU???" she whines

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Now she has to go clean the house..... "well not clean... tidy the house. It's DISGUSTING"

Is she checking for Fil down the back of the sofa?

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Oh no, she's just putting all the lights on.

She's tidying the nut crumb area. Putting the Quality Streets back in their tin so she can use her star dish for other things.

"there's a bloody plaster on there!!! GROSS! FILLLLL AND HIS GAMMY FINGER!!!" she says as she gives all the arse shots she can in this portion of the video

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She's bending over with arse to camera while singing Christmas songs. This is content.

"Right let's sort my life out, lets sort this house out!" cut to the back of Fil's greasy hair

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"Fil's 'ome. We can't be bovvered to cook. So we're going in the freezer" get things to cook?

Fil's rummaging around while Bosserz is telling him which foods are a no no because "ideally" they have to be defrosted.

I'm surprised Fil hasn't turned around yet and snapped to her "YOU WANT TO LOOK FOR YOURSELF?" she's so close to him she's practically pushing him in there

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Oh now she's taken charge. Fil suggest frozen doner kebabs, but she "ain't 'aving frozen doner kebabs. Silly KIRBY EGG.

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"Why not?" says EGG


"I bough them ages ago to take to Josh's but..." Trails off Fil while Helga gives him an icy stare

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We're spending a loooooooong time deciding what to eat here folks.

And they've finally decided what to eat "We don't 'ave any garlic bread though..." laughs Helen, hinting at Fil to get some....

"is that FIL go to the shop and get some?"

"noooooooo.... it's fine" says Helen, remembering that the camera is rolling

Cut to Helga flat packing boxes, singing a non Christmas song *shock*

And now cut to the kitchen "although we said we can't be bothered to cook.... we're still cooking" What's the betting she wanted a takeaway but KIRBY EGG said no?

Oh, and it looks like she did make Fil go out to get garlic bread as she has some in hand.

"there's going to be quite a lot of food here isn't there?" Helen... there's ALWAYS a lot of food there darling

Fil mumbles something (even the auto subs can't pick up what he says) and Helga replies "Yeah, whilst YOU have a MCDONALDS!!!"

"ALL RIGHT JELLY BELLY!" Fil yells back, (Kirby EGG and Jelly Belly - what a power couple)

Helen tries to laugh it off "no, that's fine... I can just have it for my lunch tomorrow...... I AM jelly belly... I'm very jelly belly. I want a McDonalds...."

Fil says they can get one Saturday when they go into the city.

Is anyone still reading this? It's super fun isn't it. Type the word Jelly Belly if you're still here.

Helga is getting super excited about going into the city on Saturday "OOOOH!!! YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS IN THE CITY???" Covid, Helen. Covid is in the city.

"BREAD SAUCE!!!!!!" It's all about food with her. "WE CAN GET A LOVELY PASTRY!!!"

She's cracked open some booze, and says that she hopes to beat the crowds on Saturday morning to go Christmas shopping. This is a girl who works from home and can go into town ANY time and day of the week, but sure... pick the absolute busiest day to go in Helga.

She thinks Fil should cook for her more often because he knows what he's doing more than she does

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"Shall we have cheese with it?" asks Jelly Belly

"Yeah, a FUCK LOAD of it!!!!" says Kirby Egg

She explains her plan for tomorrow to Fil, she's going to film a reaaally quick make up look in the morning and then she's going to wrap the Christmas presents all while probably eating mince pies that she's going to buy.

"I might also drink prosecco all day long while being all festive. You'll come home from revision and I'll be on the floor" she takes a swig of her beer

Fil moans about the low fat cheese (I think that's what he's mumbling about, as usual the CC can't pick up a word from him)

"Im SORRY! It's the, it's the dieter brainwashed into, in me to buy all the lighter things. I'm just trying to get out of that mindset alright!" She shows the camera the lighter cheese that Fil is unhappy with. "That's what diet culture does to you. Brainwashes you. I'm not 'appy, I'm not pleased about it"

More food talk, she's asking Fil to buy the Christmas cheeses on Saturday.

Dinner is served

"Do you know wot?" says Helga,
"Double cheese?" Fil replies,
"Double cheese"
"You say that sooo much 'you know wot'" mimics Fil
"My mum would always reply with 'cold potatoes aren't hot'"
"That's what I say to you!"
"Yeah but she... I can't help it... I'm sorry that I say that" Says Miss Unapologetic-unless-you're-a-man
"Don't apologize for saying it"
"Okay.... I just can't 'elp it"

They talk to each other soooooo oddly.

Cut to later and she's stroking the dogs and watching TV

That's all.

Kirby Egg and Jelly Belly's adventures are fun.
I lost it at ‘cut to the back of Fil’s greasy hair’ and couldn’t stop laughing as I read the rest of the summary 😂😂 Pushing him the freezer 😂😂 EGG. 😂

Amazing as always Luna 👏
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Argh she’s a grown arse woman, how long can she play the “genuinely ignorant” card?!? Surely people in her life, like Kirby Egg would’ve questioned her about her need to travel? On another note, I don’t watch her vlogs much because, well, cringe 😬 but when I watched the one of her and Fil cooking she seemed like she was on something like a benzodiazepine, as well as drinking...
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For Boxing Day lunch they're having:
A smoked brisket
6 portions of pork sausages
A nut roast
Mac and Cheese
BBQ corn

.....sounds like a fuck ton of food for just her and Fil... 🤔🤔🤔
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I think a few people have pointed out how poorly she portrays her lover boys in every video, and now I can’t stop noticing it. She makes Fil look like a dickhead for his one word responses by leaving it in. Well yeah if he’s gaming he’s concentrating, that’s his hobby. If I’m gaming or drawing or reading I’m going to give one word answers too. I’d look like a shit girlfriend too if my boyfriend posted videos of me like that. Why on earth does she leave it in???
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“Sorry if the video wasn’t like londony festivy I just wanted to go in and out but I really like my hair” oh fuck off you ignorant cunt

Ps Sorry for using the c word but wowzer her ignorant attitude just got to me ds
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For someone who did their gift guidde and said they got their items in October it's very odd they have to go into the city on a Saturday this close to Christmas , it clearly isnt required. It also annoys me that they are visiting Phil's family and her own family over Christmas, my family is all staying put and gifts are getting shipped.
Who doesn't know someone who has been impacted by covid? My sister's coworker died. My other sisters friends fiance died. She is stupid and selfish
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Chatty Member
Okay...2 mins into her newest vlog and I want to SCREAM at her and shake some sense into her!!!!

Even though London has just been announced as moving up to tier 3 as of midnight tonight...she's STILL GOING TO GO AND GET HER HAIRCUT
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It's even more annoying as she actually has FRIENDS in Norwich who are hairdressers!!!!!

Anything for a freebie
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My boyfriend has addiction issues.
Apart from her constant shouting, I unfollowed Helen because of her attitude towards drinking, or how she makes it such a part of her content.
It's sad to watch and even sadder that she doesn't see anything wrong with it.

Soon she'll be having a glass before bed because she can't sleep without it.

Seriously Helen, start changing your relationship with alcohol because it's harder than you think to get out.
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I've seen a few blogs this week (not just Helen) with people going to London to shop or for ’a nice day out’. Ffs it makes me so angry!
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The worst thing about her saying she's a 14 is that she makes young women (myself a few years ago) think they're bigger than they are.

I wear a 12/14 and when i used to follow quirkerz, the feeling that she was the same size as me made me so dysmorphic.
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