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That ‘dealing with break ups‘ video is horrific. Proving once again that she has zero self awareness and always has to play the victim. She literally says, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong, there’s nothing wrong with me, it’s the other person’s fault’. Really, Helen, you never did a single thing wrong and everything was Maff’s fault? Really? Are you sure? Your husband leaves within 6 months of the wedding but it’s nothing to do with you and all down to him and his ‘problems’. Sure, Jan :rolleyes: .

And going on about how being in a couple isn’t the be all and end all when she can’t spend half a day on her own without having a panic attack. Once again I ask the question, does she know she talks complete rubbish and just churns out what she thinks people want to hear, or does she have no idea that what she says and what she does are two completely different things most of the time?

Also, if she wants to get a decent night’s sleep she should stop drinking. Alcohol disrupts sleep, if she didn’t drink she’d sleep better.

Well people are commenting about the Lush controversy on her video, but so far she's not bothered to respond. I bet she just ignores it.
She’s totally going to ignore it, I reckon. Or do some arsey reply about how her channel is about fun and she doesn’t involve herself in serious issues/politics etc.

I just went to have a quick look at the comments and the viewing figures and engagement on that video are embarrassingly low. Also this comment jumped out at me. I had to stop myself replying “look at Helen’s videos properly, really watch them, and then consider she is someone who is qualified to give life advice and if you really think she’s had a ‘glow up’.


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Wow I’m amazed at her response. There’s nothing ’oh dear’ about it, they’re living animals with feelings. She should know it’s dangerous for them! She’s had Lola for like 7 years, plenty of time to learn about conditions that can affect her breed 🙄🙄 so selfish it’s unbelievable
My poor mum had a stray cat try and get into her house for a few months, last year. She already has 4 cats and he was a bit of a bitey bastard so she couldn’t let him in, so she made one of those rabbit hutch looking things for cats and would stuff it with hay, blankets and some food when she saw him arrive, but he would always end up sitting by the back door after he had eaten and slept through the night. Eventually, a neighbour saw what he thought was one of her cats and my mum refusing to let it in and phoned the RSPCA. Rightfully so, they came to investigate and asked my mum loads of questions about why she couldn’t let him in and they actually had her on the verge of tears insinuating she wasn’t doing enough! The cat wasn’t even hers and she was going above and beyond what any other person would probably be willing to do and would’ve probably taken him on if her other animals would be safe. Yet people like Helen pay through the nose to have a dog specifically bred for them, to just end up neglecting them! Without sounding callous I would be doing everything I could to keep my animal healthy if it meant saving money on pet bills! The thought of my cats getting hurt because of something I could’ve easily prevented makes me actually sad 😂😞😞😞 and don’t me started on the fucking phantom pregnancies, it’s almost as if she wants to have poorly doggies 😡😡😡😞
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View attachment 331978
View attachment 331981

"Not every opinion needs to be shared... Just the ones I want and agree with should be shared" 🤣
“It’s got out of hand this year” GIRL STOPPPP
I scrolled through the comments to find this and it was the only one giving her any bit of criticism. Here’s an idea Helen: criticism hasn’t randomly gotten out of hand this year, you’ve shown everyone this year that you only care about yourself in the circumstances we’re all facing.
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Does she even shop at Sainsbury's? 🤣 All I've heard her mention is Tesco, Asda, Waitrose and M&S!



Of course she's crying because of the free Chistmas shite, she got food and alcohol 🙄

Has she EVER done a giveaway?
Never off her own back, last 'giveaway' she did was for her sponsored Gumtree video back in 2017 where you could win a shitty cheap lamp she 'upcycled' by spray painting it completely rose gold, it was originally black she said she got second hand from Gumtree, but they probably sent it to her as part of the sponsorship 🙄
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What I don't get is why she's acts like this now? I swear even 1 and a half years ago she wasn't this unbearable. She was always a bit loud and a little bit rough but now she is constantly loud and overbearing and talks in that awful chavy accent. But why she has started acting like this is what I dont understand.
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"Also we all know that mulled wine burns off the booze" - sure, if you let it cook for too long. I think she's doing it wrong then :rolleyes: 😁
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@vickingvicky As a florist I can confirm yours is bloody brilliant! The shape of hers made me want to burn it.

I cannot stand the smug selfie shot, it does not make your lips look bigger, your face thinner, nor sexy or mysterious. It makes you look like you're trying to think of a word you've forgotten and now that's all you can focus on.. staring off into the camera trying to remember that word that you can neither spell or pronounce properly.
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I do think she is depressed. And I feel for her because a lot of people underperform with work if they’re depressed & low functioning. I do think there’s a possibility she’s genuinely working as hard as she can feeling like that. But I would be 10000% more sympathetic if she addressed it and stopped fighting people on it. She is so so defensive and it’s constantly detrimental to her but she doesn’t see it. As much as I hate some things she does I’m not going to pretend that mental illness doesn’t explain a lot of it. She needs to get a grasp on it at some point though.

I think that’s part of why she tries to create this larger than life persona, because I’ve done it too especially as a teenager. If you wear the big loud fur coats and prints and colourful hair heavy makeup in inappropriate places, it feels like people are looking at/judging a character, instead of you.

I think she’d like to make exciting content but she doesn’t know how to do that. I think that’s why she clings to being a YouTube vet in her mind, she’s trying to put a spin on the fact that she’s not keeping up with the influencer game.
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I can't cope with the complete morons in the comments saying "oh its okay Helen, it's dead confusing". She clearly doesn't bother watching the news or keeping up with current affairs. It's clear the impact Tier 3 has on a community/area.

Also why would she possibly think she could travel to a Tier 3 area as someone from a Tier 2?! Did the thought not cross her mind that she could pick something up and take it back?

I just can't deal with her being patted on the back for being an ignorant arsewipe and putting people at risk.
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He's going up the stairs wrapping the tinsel around the banister whilst talking to himself, because Helga has clipped that fucking microphone on him and told him to walk and talk Helga style.
This really cracked me up. Needed a chuckle. Thanks 😊.
The way she said “Phil, what’s your favourite thing about Christmas?” Whilst filming him doing the tinsel felt sooo awkward. It reminded me of when I used to work in childcare and I’d have to be like “ohhh William what are you painting a picture of!?” To get a quote for my observation diary 😂😂 it’s so forced and feels so scripted it makes me cringe. Just let the man do his tinsel in peace, woman.😫
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Chatty Member
I work with Excel daily for my job, using complex formulas for sheets and sheets of data for 100+ staff and 1000+ of our branches across the UK. I don’t know how she’s sitting there raving about those spreadsheets. They’re just lists? I would understand her hyping it up if she had created something where she typed in the date and it pulled through her shopping list automatically and totalled the price for each product or something but it’s just a LIST with a bunch of merge cells. She’s an absolute idiot. She always over hypes herself, like her ‘teaching’ job and how AMAZING she is at wreath making. Making a whole video on her crappy spreadsheets? NOBODY CARES. You’re a washed up influencer who makes crap, cringe worthy content.
I thought this too. I love Excel and learning how to use it properly changed my life (not even joking!). It's brilliant, yet she may as well just use a pen and paper based on what she's shown.

I feel like I'm being hard on her today, but seriously... For God's sake.
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So TW: calories here, please skip by if you're upset/trigger by calorie/diet talk.

Just added this all up, an being generous assuming she did a reasonable amount of butter on her toast, she's got no sugar in her teas and coffees, she did a 10g portion of perrinaise and she made the Gusto stew to be 1 portion as per their website, she was at 2123 calories for the day. Which would sound average, but she's a 5'3 woman who's pretty inactive (I don't care how much bootcamp she claims to do).

I'm a 5'2 woman and my TDEE is 1600. So that means Helen's probably around 1700-1800 calories TDEE. So if this is an average day she's already 300-400 calories above what she needs. 3500 calories = 1lb of fat. So if she eats like this every day, that means 2.5lbs gain every month. And we all know she normally drinks a hell of a lot more. And she loves a mini Magnum and a B&J tub. So this probably isn't an accurate representation of her diet.

I'm not trying to say food = bad, but I'm just trying to convey how even her "normal" eating is still too much for her without solid exercise. Her advent calendars, kit kat and celebrations were 400 calories alone.
Well put! She said in her latest vlog that she's been "brainwashed" by diet culture to always buy the lower fat versions of food (as Fil complained about her low fat cheese) but if she wants to lose weight she has to count her calories and swap out for the lower calorie options (or just cut the junk out completely). It's not diet culture that has brainwashed, it's her (yet again) not bothering to do her own research and wondering why half a block of low fat cheese isn't making her thinner. She constantly sends Fil out to buy her a bunch of fatty foods, Fil actually made a joke in the recent vlog about her wanting garlic bread as a code for him to go out and get some, she said no it wasn't but later in the vlog she magically had some!

She needs to stop thinking she needs to treat herself all the time, and to celebrate everything with food or alcohol. She has such an unhealthy relationship with both, especially when she says she will eat what she wants for the whole of December because it's Chistmas... Girl, no... Don't influence people to binge on fatty foods for a whole month.

You just know after her Xmas month of treats and spoiling herself with food and drink, she'll still be her size 14 (sometimes a size 10) delusional self, it's just worrying.

She's said that she likes the way she is and isn't looking to change, but I call bullshit. If that's the case then why does she desperately keep doing sports she absolutely hates, such as running? If you just want to do exercise to get endorphins and feel good, then there's sooo many other sports and activities you can do, why pick something you absolutely hate?
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Oh Helga, our little covid spreader. Back at it again.


Yes, they are. Can you tell if they are outside when they are eating with Andy and Grace?

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 7.33.37 pm.png

I love how she thinks she knows better than someone who has a family fucking restaurant 🙄🙄🙄
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Do people really buy this BS? I don’t know why companies bother, surely they can’t be making much revenue from these ads unless her audience are THAT dumb 😂 ‘Look! Helen posted a picture with Tropicana now I need to go buy some.’ 😂 I love Tropicana but I’ll be picking up Innocent Smoothies next time I’m in the supermarket 😂 Yes I am THAT petty, lmao! Wonder how much she got paid to do that. I’d love to know. Then again.. I think it would make me a little bit infuriated.
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This is single-handedly the most hideous dress I have ever seen
Holy fucking shit, I just spat my chai tea out everywhere 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That's fucking Hilarious

OH she's WELL quirky. Promoting a £280 karaoke machine 🙄

Omg she had to screech to her OWN song 🤣🤣🤣

I can't wait to see her taking that thing out busking 😏
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Distraction technique #2, post loads of selfies and lap up the vapid comments from people who don't watch your videos



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